L’incontournable Magazine N°44

L’incontournable Magazine - Travel and culture Bilingual Free magazine available in France, Belgium and International Transportation Networks (Thalys, Eurostar, Rhonexpress...) www.lincontournable-magazine.fr

L’incontournable Magazine - Travel and culture
Bilingual Free magazine available in France, Belgium and International Transportation Networks (Thalys, Eurostar, Rhonexpress...) www.lincontournable-magazine.fr


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Le Val de Loire

Nature, culture et patrimoine

L'Eurovéloroute des fleuves qui relie la mer Noire

à l'Atlantique, l'itinéraire le long du fleuve royal fait

600 km et ne présente aucune difficulté particulière.

C'est le plus grand site français classé au patrimoine

mondial de l'UNESCO et il recèle des sites exceptionnels,

des ilots de la Loire en passant par les plaines

inondables ou de vastes forêts alluviales. Castors,

cormorans et hirondelles de mer y ont élu domicile,

vous pourrez également contempler les plus beaux

châteaux et vous arrêter pour visiter les villages de

caractères et les vignobles.

Nature, culture & national heritage

The EuroVélo river route connects the Black Sea to

the Atlantic. The part of this cycling route that follows

the Royal River is 600 km long and presents no particular

difficulty. It is the largest French area that is classified

as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and abounds

in little-known but exceptional sites, such as the islets

of the Loire, and onward through flood plains or vast

alluvial forests. Beavers, cormorants and sea swallows

have made their home there. You can also gaze

at the most beautiful châteaux and stop off at villages

of real character and visit the vineyards.


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