InterCity Magazin 2008/tavasz

InterCity Magazin 2008/tavasz

InterCity Magazin 2008/tavasz


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<strong>InterCity</strong> <strong>Magazin</strong>ENGLISH CORNERENGLISH CORNER<strong>InterCity</strong> <strong>Magazin</strong>ENGLISH PAGESENGLISH PAGESNew ticket offices Budapest and PécsA brand new 150 m 2 ticket office hasbeen opened in the centre of Budapest.The ticket office (next to Erzsébet Square)is easily reachable by public transport,which means that buying traintickets will be easy to fit into our dailyroutine. As well as selling national andinternational tickets, we organize groupjourneys, charter and special train servicesand provide information on pricesand destinations. Moreover, if you areplanning your European summer getaway,it is worth visiting our office becauseyou can immediately be informedabout the latest offers of MÁV-START,and you can buy an InterRail travel passor a Rail Plus card (covering internationalrail lines) both providing freedomand remarkably tempting discounts toget you on a train abroad. In our newticket office, service runs smoothly dueto our modern customer call system, andtickets can be paid for using cash, bankcard and holiday cheques as well.Budapest V. ker., József Attila utca 16.Opening hours: Weekdays 9am - 6pmTravelling is always fun. It is nice to be lostto the world watching the ever-changinglandscape; to daydream while listeningto music on the way to our beloved ones;to be lost in the papers sipping a nice cupof hot coffee; to go on a trip with friendsand family. Travelling is fun and it is worthdoing it with a START Club Card. The useof START Club Card introduced by MÁV-START (Hungarian Railroads) enablesyou to travel half price in Hungary withoutany limit even through the whole year ifyou wish.Following the new Budapest ticket office,a brand new university ticket office isto be opened at the main entrance of theUniversity of Pécs. Thus, purchasing railwaytickets in Pécs has become much easier,because the list of existing ticket offices(one in the city centre and the otherSTART CLUB Card welcomes youIt is worth acquiring this discount card assoon as possible. After filling out the claimform on www.mav-start.hu and uploadinga photo you can almost take the discountfor granted. The only thing left is to handin the form to any ticket office or indicatedrailway station cash desk, and you can immediatelybuy the “discount” entitling youto half-price railway journeys. The blueplastic card enables you to make a claimon RailPlus reductions when you travel abroad.From this point it is only up to yourwishes where to travel with your STARTat the railway station) has broadened.Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.Opening hours: Monday to Thursday10am - 4pm, Fridays 10am - 3pmSee you at the new MÁV-START ticketoffices!Club Card. And the money saved up duringyour journeys can pay for further journeysin the forthcoming month. Because travellingis fun!For further information you are kindly advisedto call MÁVDIREKT at +36-1-371-9449 as the price for passengers under 26is even more favourable.Prices for the Card:For half a year under 26 years of age: 14 900HUF; over 26 years of age: 19 900 HUFFor a year under 26 years of age: 24 900HUF; over 26 years of age: 34 900 HUFThe beauty of the universe consistsnot only of unity in varietybut also of variety in unity.Umberto EcoThe secret of genius is to carrythe spirit of childhoodinto maturity.Thomas HuxleyTwo psychiatrists are talking:- I am treating a really serious schizophrenicpatient.- And? Any chance of curing him?- Have you gone nuts? They both pay for thetreatment!The new caretaker at the museum reportsto the manager after his first day:- Sir, I hope you will be really satisfied withmy work. I managed to sell a Chagall and aRembrandt today.The old Scottish couple are spending aquiet evening at home. The wife suddenlysays:- John, why don’t you ever take me to thecinema?- But Darling, I have taken you to the cinema.- Yes, you are right but nowadays they havetalking films.The mother is asking her daughter at therestaurant of a holiday resort:- Darling, your face is red with rage. What’shappened?- Nothing, Mom, it’s just that that youngman over there is pissing me off.- But he is sitting there quietly, reading hisnewspaper. He is not even looking at you.- See? That’s why I am angry with him!Two Scotsman are talking:-Why do you explain to your son every daythat the Earth is turning around?When you are in the right you canafford to keep your temper, andwhen you are in the wrong, youcannot afford to lose it.Mahatma GandhiIf we let things terrify us, life willnot be worth livingSeneca- I don’t want him to borrow money fromme for the carousel.The policeman is patrolling the street atnight. He sees a drunk scratching the sideof a lamp post. He walks up to him:- Good evening, Sir. What are you doinghere?- Bastards! They locked me out. I cannotget in.- But they must be at home as they left thelights on.The policeman stops a car and checks thelights.- Lights, fine. Break light, fine. Indicatorfine, not fine, fine, not fine.The rabbi of Chicago is a passionate golfer.The weather has been foggy all week andhe couldn’t practice at all. It gets sunny onSaturday but he cannot play golf this day becauseof the religious interdiction. In spiteof that, he makes a bolt for the golf-course,thinking nobody would see him. But his fatheris watching him from heavens and isrunning to the Lord:- My son is breaking the Sabbath.- Just watch, I am going to punish him forthis – says the Lord.The rabbi swings his iron, hits the ball andgets it straight into a hole 250 meters fromhim.- Do you call this punishment?- Well... What a shot and there is no one hecould tell about it – says the Lord laughing.Self-discovery is the longest journey,the most fearful exploration,the most edifying encounter.Sándor MáraiIn the end, it’s not the years inyour life that count. It’s the life inyour years.Abraham Lincoln64 <strong>InterCity</strong> <strong>Magazin</strong>spring <strong>2008</strong> <strong>2008</strong> spring<strong>InterCity</strong> <strong>Magazin</strong> 65

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