Pruduk Domestik Regional Bruto Provinsi Papua Barat Menurut Lapangan Usaha 2012-2016

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Tabel 1.2. Produk <strong>Domestik</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Bruto</strong> <strong>Provinsi</strong> <strong>Papua</strong> <strong>Barat</strong> Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2010 <strong>Menurut</strong> <strong>Lapangan</strong> <strong>Usaha</strong> (juta rupiah), <strong>2012</strong>─<strong>2016</strong><br />

Table 1.2. Gross <strong>Regional</strong> Domestic Product of West <strong>Papua</strong> Province at 2010 Constant Market Prices by Industry (million rupiahs), <strong>2012</strong>─<strong>2016</strong><br />

<strong>Lapangan</strong> <strong>Usaha</strong>/Industry <strong>2012</strong> 2013 2014<br />

2015* <strong>2016</strong>**<br />

(1)<br />

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)<br />

D Pengadaan Listrik dan Gas/Electricity and Gas<br />

16.573,7 18.102,7 19.303,7 18.359,3 19.190,2<br />

1 Ketenagalistrikan/Electricity 16.519,1 18.041,5 19.236,5 18.288,5 18.854,6<br />

2 Pengadaan Gas dan Produksi Es/Manufacture of Gas and Production of Ice 54,7 61,2 67,2 70,8 335,6<br />

E<br />

Pengadaan Air, Pengelolaan Sampah, Limbah dan Daur Ulang/Water<br />

supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities<br />

50.652,8 53.091,4 55.823,0 58.807,3 60.757,4<br />

F Konstruksi/Construction<br />

4.202.109,3 4.855.875,1 5.460.654,5 5.991.887,3 6.577.587,7<br />

G<br />

Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; Reparasi Mobil dan Sepeda<br />

Motor/Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and<br />

2.459.549,6 2.645.803,8 2.859.267,6 3.055.413,7 3.332.259,9<br />

1 Perdagangan Mobil, Sepeda Motor dan Reparasinya/Wholesale and Retail<br />

Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles<br />

441.465,1 478.580,0 519.402,9 531.978,1 569.981,5<br />

2 Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Bukan Mobil dan Sepeda Motor/Wholesale<br />

Trade and Retail Trade Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles<br />

2.018.084,5 2.167.223,8 2.339.864,7 2.523.435,6 2.762.278,3<br />

H Transportasi dan Pergudangan/Transportation and Storage<br />

893.260,8 1.007.828,8 1.136.343,1 1.232.582,8 1.330.984,0<br />

1 Angkutan Rel/Railways Transport 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0<br />

2 Angkutan Darat/Land Transport 405.523,8 430.394,6 482.656,4 522.981,0 564.228,6<br />

3 Angkutan Laut/Sea Transport 177.375,7 228.051,3 259.572,6 280.110,5 298.251,4<br />

4 Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan/River, Lake, and Ferry 22.195,9 23.119,6 22.095,8 23.570,6 25.260,2<br />

5 Angkutan Udara/Air Transport 213.827,5 243.514,6 278.694,3 304.588,5 333.179,6<br />

6 Pergudangan dan Jasa Penunjang Angkutan; Pos dan Kurir/Warehousing<br />

and Support Services for Transportation, Postal and Courier<br />

74.337,7 82.748,6 93.323,9 101.332,3 110.064,2<br />

I Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Makan Minum/Accommodation and Food<br />

224.814,1 235.201,8 248.402,4 265.192,7 285.537,6<br />

1 Penyediaan Akomodasi/Accommodation 67.815,2 69.891,0 72.875,3 77.742,8 83.485,0<br />

2 Penyediaan Makan Minum/Food and Beverage Service Activities 156.998,9 165.310,9 175.527,1 187.449,8 202.052,6<br />

J Informasi dan Komunikasi/Information and Communication<br />

684.755,6 748.721,1 833.684,2 896.731,2 984.342,5<br />

K Jasa Keuangan dan Asuransi/Financial and Insurance Activities<br />

500.247,3 618.616,4 678.123,6 743.893,1 762.300,1<br />

1 Jasa Perantara Keuangan/Financial Intermediary Services 468.986,9 585.469,2 642.797,8 706.732,0 722.538,3<br />

2 Asuransi dan Dana Pensiun/Insurance and Pension Fund 12.235,0 12.747,1 13.368,1 14.047,5 15.060,7<br />

3 Jasa Keuangan Lainnya/Other Financial Services 18.053,0 19.379,9 20.884,3 21.994,9 23.506,2<br />

4 Jasa Penunjang Keuangan/Financial Supporting Service 972,5 1.020,2 1.073,4 1.118,7 1.194,9<br />

L Real Estat/Real Estate Activities<br />

455.977,6 483.156,2 526.622,3 566.612,6 614.291,1<br />

M, Jasa Perusahaan/Business Activities<br />

44.517,0 47.928,7 51.671,9 55.372,8 58.393,4<br />

O<br />

Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib/Public<br />

Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security<br />

3.381.416,4 3.701.236,3 4.006.013,1 4.340.166,9 4.699.404,4<br />

http://papuabarat.bps.go.id<br />

P Jasa Pendidikan/Education<br />

979.855,9 1.080.815,9 1.189.210,2 1.275.742,7 1.354.649,6<br />

Q Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial/Human Health and Social Work<br />

342.825,3 345.645,9 365.566,0 388.688,6 413.868,4<br />

R, Jasa lainnya/Other Services Activities<br />

109.762,3 119.902,4 128.103,7 136.254,3 146.303,8<br />

Produk <strong>Domestik</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Bruto</strong>/Gross <strong>Regional</strong> Domestic Product<br />

44.423.335,1 47.694.235,0 50.259.908,0 52.346.485,9 54.711.282,2<br />

* Angka sementara/Preliminary Figures<br />

** Angka sangat sementara/Very Preliminary Figures<br />


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