A979-I1-1b-03-jpeg.pdf - Historical Papers

A979-I1-1b-03-jpeg.pdf - Historical Papers

A979-I1-1b-03-jpeg.pdf - Historical Papers


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of the sentences of life-long icnns<br />

M o re A n nexations. . -<br />

of imprisonment to three and two<br />

years, and that in a muni ter of , Ikjranitf okl «a„u to l«. anncird to<br />

otses tlie prisoners I* released. the O.U.C., and so bce.uik* tin- Capitol<br />

Only a few original sentences were of that Territory. Tlie Ea*t*;niProconfirmed.<br />

“ Reuter”<br />

vmce also desires u> n-vrr connection<br />

If the Kingoonldextend his clemency<br />

to his Dutch shbjocts there is no reason<br />

why Hi* Majesty shonld riot in the<br />

same manner be merciful to his Native<br />

subjects, the political prisoners now<br />

undergoing vanons terms of imprisonment<br />

with hard labour.<br />

There is the man Le Fleur of C.riqualand<br />

East who was a ringleader in<br />

wliai the “ Cape Times V would call n<br />

>eries of riote. He was sentence 1 to<br />

14 years with.bard labonr. (1 renter<br />

things -have happened Riuce the trial of<br />

lie Fleur and nrst class rebels have<br />

l»een sentenced to short periods of imprisonment,<br />

without hard labour, and<br />

we were very pleased to note that the<br />

So u t h Afbfoan S p k t t a t o h was endeavouring<br />

to get the Government to re-<br />

1ase this man and that oir conten p>niry<br />

was hopeful of being successful.<br />

Secondly there are tlie nnfortuuate<br />

misguided men of Langeberg, who five<br />

years ago were sentenced to various terms<br />

uf imprisonment, on ehargcs of<br />

High Treason. There is not the<br />

least doubt that they have felt their<br />

iMjsitions. They have lost all they had<br />

in this world ; their catlc and lands are<br />

confiscated and their families are indentured<br />

and tlie King's clemency<br />

extended to them w >uld never be<br />

misplaced.<br />

Thirdly there are the foolish misgnided<br />

followers of Abraham Matnlm.<br />

These men uevei intended to rebel<br />

against the British Government nor did<br />

they ever barm any white man. It was<br />

indy a long standing family squabble<br />

lietween them and ourselves which<br />

made up a c»bs of treason.. They took<br />

advantage, it is true, of the state of<br />

the country and their ignorance blinded<br />

them to the fact tliat so doing would be<br />

t raitorous in the eyes of the law. There<br />

is the further fact tliat they being<br />

politically!Progressives ^nd not:Bondsmen,<br />

no counsel was sent to represent<br />

them as was the case with the Dutch<br />

rebels. If such a contingency had<br />

taken plaoe, oounsel would’have brought<br />

to the notice of the Court in ex ten nation,<br />

tlie fact that the prisoners were under<br />

the legal jurisdiction of tlie Barolong Paramount<br />

Chief, and that the Paramount<br />

Chief acting in concert with the Military<br />

Authorities had already dealt with them<br />

according to Native Law. These and<br />

other circumstances would have lieen<br />

considered by tlie Court in mitigation<br />

of sentence, and the long terms of<br />

imprisonment with hard labour would<br />

not, we think, have been pronounced<br />

against them. -It is . too much to ex-<br />

|)cct a prisoner to undergo a form of<br />

puniBhmeut in a Lower Court, carrying<br />

with it the confiscation of all property<br />

and then be arraigned a g a in for tlie<br />

tame offence in a Higher Court of the<br />

same divisiou which exercises jurisdiction<br />

over the lower tribunal. They<br />

speut 18 mouths in the local gaol a-<br />

waiting trial and have already served<br />

1:5 months of their terms. Should<br />

tlie Government feel pleased to remit<br />

the remainder of their sentences it<br />

would act as a very healthy stimulus to<br />

the trust the Native Taces, iu this part<br />

of the country, have for the Government.<br />

liastly there is the case of Joel, tlie<br />

llasuto chicftaiu who wap sentenced to 12<br />

months besides a fine of £2,000 fCr<br />

aiding the Boers. The fact is tliat this<br />

man had some iutimate friends<br />

rC!iraong8t the Boers, and his ignorauCe<br />

the extent to which such intimacy<br />

may be carried on when the States are<br />

uiHler arras, caused him to overstep<br />

his limit. Our people claim His Majesty’s<br />

clemency on his behalf on the<br />

^rength of tlie loyalty of the Basuto<br />

nation as a whole aud the fact that the<br />

f‘»ur instances here euumernted represent<br />

the whole of Black South Africa's<br />

Calendar of political offenders<br />

for many years, is iu itself a sign that<br />

we millions of His Majesty’s black<br />

objects are a peaceable law-abiding<br />

■!***; and if Mr. Chamberlain could<br />

intercede with the Cape and Basutoland<br />

Authorities on behalf of these<br />

•“ea liis visit would deepen the love of<br />

,lUr l**>ple, for the flag which waves<br />

imllions of subjects and thousands<br />

** tongues.<br />

with tlie West, and have a Bond-ltfls<br />

liMle parliament of her own. In diat<br />

event East I»mlon, King Willtamfttown,<br />

(irahaiustown. Port Elixahech<br />

and probably Fitenhage, will each<br />

cJaim tlie seat of Government, which<br />

may result in the curly sus|tension of<br />

tlieir future const it uti hi. It ispmpoeed<br />

to lay the matter l«fore tbc Colonial<br />

Secretary. I/.\vi L muvtc luw no<br />

objection to the pr«>)Kisal previ.led Un-<br />

Native Territories remain umlcr Cape<br />

Town.<br />

^ou Foolish Native who signed a<br />

petition in favour of Annexation to<br />

tlie Transvaal!<br />

But is it all genuine! Can it l«<br />

true, and is it at all likely ? The freuueney<br />

of these casts is sshocking<br />

tliat one cannot help suspecting the<br />

ncwsjwjier rejoins as representing nothing<br />

lait a Ruodtsian humbug, ostensi­<br />

Hear here. Hear h e r e ! *,<br />

You are not directed to any particular<br />

District, nor are you supposed to<br />

bly manufac ured to iuccum* the mind<br />

of tlie British Public against the<br />

interview any panimlar individual.<br />

Natives. »<br />

You may on ms the Transvaal<br />

To say tliat tlie jnmrv win* try tlu*e<br />

b»rd_T<br />

anywhere lietween Fourteen Streams<br />

otses, are fair-minded, w«mld lie telling<br />

and the Linqiopo, and tlie first, Native<br />

a deliberate lie. Ami in one caw, at<br />

you meet mi the other side will tell you<br />

how stupid yon were to affix your mark<br />

to that •locument : -and he will give<br />

you sufficient reasons why you slxadd<br />

instead sign a |*etition agaittsl A iiu w x h -<br />

tion.<br />

Offensive to e a rs Polite.<br />

A Eurojtean reailer resents onr verbatim<br />

reproduce ion of Dr. Owen's<br />

irickly suggestion, on tlie grounds that<br />

f•is lady friends (hitherto accustomed<br />

to wliolesome parliamentary literature,<br />

in the columns of our “ (iaxette ”)<br />

** frowned and others nearly swooned ’*<br />

at the idea. But by far the gentlest<br />

way of doing it would be for tlie susceptible<br />

ladies to direct their solemn<br />

protests to the extreme source, whenoe<br />

the vulgar suggestion originated. Our<br />

object iu reproducing the same was not<br />

necessarily to shock tlie fair ladies, but<br />

merely to enlighten the {xiblie, here<br />

and in England, on tfte contemn of an<br />

accredited sheepskin.<br />

C. 0 . H . Bell E sq., C .M .G ,<br />

The (•.('. and R.M. of Uitenhage,<br />

(«>f Mafeking during the Siege)<br />

[>aid ns a brief visit, during the<br />

week, arriving here on Satun ay. He<br />

has lieen a inemU-r of tho Communion<br />

for tlie disfranchisement of aecond<br />

class rebels, and on this duty he siient<br />

the last two months in Griquaiaiid<br />

aud Kumman. He addressed a large<br />

assembly of Iiarohmgs in a lengthy,<br />

interesting speeoh, on Sunday afternoon,<br />

iu Montsioa*'a'*, whither he<br />

drove with the Resident Magistrate<br />

Mr. E. G. Green suid the Acting<br />

District Surgeon I>r. Hayes. There<br />

was going to lie a remilar display of<br />

oratorical abilities : but the dust-storm<br />

set iu and tlie assemblage had to shake<br />

hands and race for shelter. After<br />

seeing his many friends, Mr. Ik-11 left<br />

on Tuesday evening for Cape Town,<br />

whence he proceeds, to Cradock, Bed-<br />

fonl and Fort Ikaufort the same<br />

business, returning to his stotiou in<br />

about 3 mouths’ time.<br />

Rhodesian<br />

A Pretoria lady was recently assailed<br />

bv her native servant. A terrible<br />

struggle took piacc. and the lady .i»<br />

not experted to live. The doctor<br />

would not allow a deposition to be<br />

tafevn. The miscreant has been arrested.<br />

This, is one of the results ot<br />

the equality rot in the Transvaa!.<br />

• Kntm tiii.% the “ RIkkImU Hera] i’b "<br />

way of reasoning. ,,UK would infer tliat<br />

“ tiiu euiulitj rut" is napm ibk for tlie<br />

painful frequency with «rljkrh the*ois»<br />

ire rciKirtt-d in Kbodeaa. ItiitUiis,a«<br />

even' tuqirejndictxl South Afnaui if<br />

aware, is tlie veriest nonsense, for in no<br />

civil Heed country are human-beiugs<br />

more unequal than they are in Rhodesia*.<br />

Peace Preservation.<br />

The.ChieHk** of mosita writes>that<br />

since tlie enforcement of the Peacj<br />

PreservaLiou Act, wild dugs come a«I<br />

dUTTV • ’« • / p J0 t» I* ” 1* ,r T<br />

knuds anJ «■ iJ>«0 - uiiJtr ^<br />

very noecs of tbe owner*." This vermin<br />

prevkaislv shied the habitatious of uien,<br />

as then they were fired npou. Having<br />

now discovered Uiat st«ck-owiiets are<br />

diwrme*!, they play havoc with thvir<br />


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