Biomasa este un termen generic care cuprinde o ... - ICECHIM

Biomasa este un termen generic care cuprinde o ... - ICECHIM

Biomasa este un termen generic care cuprinde o ... - ICECHIM


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106. PROFESSIONAL FORMATION OF YOUNG TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS INBIOTECHNOLOGY FIELD:ROMANIAN LEONARDO DA VINCI PILOT PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTSAna Aurelia Chirvase*, Luiza Maria Jecu*, Mihai Dan Caramihai*** Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie şi Petrochimie, Bucureşti,Splaiul Independenţei 202, Sector 6, 060021** Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucureşti, Splaiul Independenţei 313, Sector 6, 060042The Human Resources Training Centre from POLITEHNICA University co-ordinatedthe project designed to enhance the employability of yo<strong>un</strong>g people in the labour market byusing the European competencies in vocational guidance oriented towards this research,technological, and industrial sector.The specific aims of the project were: Development of an identification methodology used for monitoring the biosciencecompanies labour demands and evaluation of the trend characteristics in the field; Elaboration of reference work instruments: Word Glossary for the Bioscience Field; Thecompetencies characterisation in the bioeconomic field; Guide for demanded jobs; Curricula and training modules: Productive Systems in the Bioscience Field; EcologicalAgriculture; Biochemical Technologies; Agricultural Waste Materials Recovery;Information Technology in the Bioscience Field; Comprehensive Internet; ProjectManagement of Environment and Sustainable Development; Integration of DisadvantagedPeople in the Labour Market. Creation of a virtual European Office in Careers Consulting (www.cpru.pub.ro/leonardo)applied to the needs of the labour market in conj<strong>un</strong>ction with the European valuableexpertise.The established partnership corresponded to the European dimension and themultiplayer character required by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. They were from diverseinstitutional contexts: Universities from Romania (POLITEHNICA University and Universityof Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine), United Kingdom (Greenwich University),Germany (Hohenheim University) and Slovakia (Technical University from Bratislava),National Institute of R&D in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Romanian Society ofBioengineering and Biotechnology, University Fo<strong>un</strong>dation CERA and a SME (PluriConsultants), specialised in human resources.

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