2016 Festival booklet / Буклет фестиваля

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Public art

July 23 — August 7



Tonoptic art–group


Fab Lab Polytech, Polytechnic University’s garden,

29 Politehnicheskaya st., building 12,

metro station “Politehnicheskaya”

Audio and light installation by Tonoptik art–group is located in

Polytechnic University’s garden. Sound component of installation

consists of complex and volumetric experimental composition,

generated by more than thirty sound sources. They are

located at different points in space as if it the park was filled

by the unknown technogenic insects swarm. At night, visitors

can see the visual component of the installation: every sound

is accompanied by a corresponding light pulse, which visually

emphasizes the sense of rhythm.

Tonoptik project is a collaboration of media artists Yuri Tolstoguzov

and Alexander Inkov. At the beginning of their careers

team members were engaged in electronic music experiments

and their performances were accompanied by generative video

which responds to sound. In 2013–2014 they made a number

of multimedia music performances at the Erarta Museum of

contemporary art, in the frameworks of the project "The Superposition".

In late 2014, the artists announced the creation of a

new project Tonoptik, and in 2015 they showed their work at

the International Festival "Open Look" at the New Stage of the

Alexandrinsky theater and at the multimedia festival "Cross–

Art". In 2016 the team was nominated for Sergey Kuryokhin

Contemporary Art Award


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