Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije


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Zasavska statistična regija<br />

Ogledalo <strong>regije</strong><br />

{ifra, ime ob~ine / code & name of municipality<br />

034 Hrastnik<br />

129 Trbovlje<br />

142 Zagorje ob Savi<br />

Regija Posavskega hribovja je po povr{ini (264 km 2 ) in {tevilu prebivalcev najmanj{a slovenska regija,<br />

hkrati pa je druga najgosteje naseljena regija v dr‘avi. Naravnogeografske danosti ustvarjajo razmere<br />

za njeno tradicionalno usmerjenost v industrijo; tretjino bruto dodane vrednosti tako {e vedno<br />

ustvarijo dejavnosti, ki se po SKD uvr{~ajo v podro~ji dejavnosti rudarstvo in predelovalna dejavnost.<br />

Ker te dejavnosti mo~no obremenjujejo okolje, namenja ta regija velik del sredstev za investicije v<br />

varstvo okolja; v letu 2007 jih je namenila za ta namen najve~ med vsemi regijami. V letu 2008 je<br />

izstopala kot edina regija z ni‘jim naravnim prirastom glede na predhodno leto; negativni naravni<br />

prirast je spremljalo priseljevanje, zato se {tevilo prebivalcev ni bistveno spremenilo. Sklenitev<br />

zakonskih zvez na 1.000 prebivalcev je bilo tu v letu 2008 najmanj; mladoporo~enci pa so bili tu<br />

mlaj{i kot v drugih regijah. Po stopnji registrirane brezposelnosti je bila ta regija v letu 2008 med<br />

prvimi tremi regijami v dr‘avi. Brezposelnost je bila tu skoraj dvakrat ve~ja kot v regiji z najni‘jo<br />

brezposelnostjo. Znaten dele‘ prebivalcev se je zaradi pomanjkanja delovnih mest vozil na delo v<br />

druge <strong>regije</strong>. Po podatkih o stanovanjih razpolaga zasavska regija z najmanj{imi stanovanji, in sicer<br />

tako po povr{ini kot po {tevilu sob. Po {tevilu dokon~anih stanovanj na 1.000 prebivalcev je v letu<br />

2008 zaostajala za preostalimi regijami, saj v tem letu ni bilo v celoti dokon~ano niti eno stanovanje.<br />

The region of the Posavje hills is the smallest region in the country (264 km 2 ) and has the lowest<br />

number of population. At the same time it ranks second in terms of population density. The<br />

natural and geographic features of this region create conditions for industrial activities and a third<br />

of gross value added is still created by mining, quarrying and manufacturing. As these activities<br />

have a strong impact on the environment, in 2007 Zasavska invested the most of gross fixed<br />

capital formation for environmental protection compared to other regions. In 2008, Zasavska was<br />

the only region with lower natural increase in comparison to the previous year. Since the natural<br />

decrease was accompanied by immigration, the number of population did not change a lot. The<br />

mean age of couples at marriage and the number of marriages per 1,000 population was in<br />

Zasavska the lowest in 2008. In the same year the registered unemployment rate was still among<br />

the three highest in the country; in 2008 it was almost twice as high as in the region with the<br />

lowest rate. Because of the lack of jobs a large share of the population commuted to work in other<br />

regions. According to data on dwellings, Zasavska has the smallest dwellings both in terms of size<br />

and the number of rooms. According to the number of completed dwellings per 1,000 population,<br />

in 2008 Zasavska was the last among regions as not even one dwelling was completed.<br />

Povr{ina, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008 264<br />

Area, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo prebivalcev, 31. 12. 2008 44.750<br />

Population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Gostota prebivalstva, 31. 12. 2008 169,5<br />

Density of population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo `ivorojenih, 2008 428<br />

Number of live births, 2008<br />

[tevilo umrlih, 2008 465<br />

Number of deaths, 2008<br />

Naravni prirast, 2008 -37<br />

Natural increase, 2008<br />

[tevilo u~encev, 2008/2009 1) 3.225<br />

Number of pupils, 2008/2009 1)<br />

[tevilo dijakov, 2008/2009 1) 1.854<br />

Number of upper secondary school pupils, 2008/2009 1)<br />

[tevilo {tudentov, 2008/2009 2) 2.330<br />

Number of tertiary students, 2008/2009 2)<br />

[tevilo diplomantov, 2008 2) 358<br />

Number of tertiary graduates, 2008 2)<br />

[tevilo delovno aktivnih prebivalcev, 2008 13.490<br />

Number of persons in employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo zaposlenih oseb, 2008 12.264<br />

Number of persons in paid employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo samozaposlenih oseb, 2008 1.226<br />

Number of self-employed persons, 2008<br />

[tevilo registriranih brezposelnih oseb, 2008 1.682<br />

Number of registered unemployed persons, 2008<br />

Povpre~na mese~na bruto pla~a po regiji prebivali{~a, skupaj, 2008 1.341<br />

Average monthly gross earning by statistical region of residence, total, 2008<br />

za mo{ke 1.412<br />

for men<br />

za `enske 1.253<br />

for women<br />

[tevilo podjetij, 2008 2.312<br />

Number of enterprises, 2008<br />

Prihodek podjetij, mio. EUR, 2008 927<br />

Turnover of enterprises, mio EUR, 2008<br />


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