Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije


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Kohezijska regija Vzhodna Slovenija<br />

Ogledalo <strong>regije</strong><br />

[ifra, ime statisti~ne <strong>regije</strong> / Code & name of statistical region<br />

01 Pomurska<br />

02 Podravska<br />

03 Koroška<br />

04 Savinjska<br />

05 Zasavska<br />

06 Spodnjeposavska<br />

07 Jugovzhodna Slovenija<br />

10 Notranjsko-kraška<br />

Vzhodna Slovenija obsega okrog 12.000 km 2 . Njena lega<br />

na sti~i{~u Alp, Panonske ni‘ine ter Dinarskega gorovja se<br />

odra‘a v veliki pokrajinski raznolikosti <strong>regije</strong>; severozahodni<br />

alpski del se proti vzhodu ni‘a v vinorodna gri~evja na robu Panonske ni‘ine, proti jugu pa v<br />

kra{ko Dinarsko gorstvo. Zaradi redko poseljenih obmejnih obmo~ij in ve~jih gozdnatih predelov<br />

je gostota poseljenosti tukaj ni‘ja od povpre~ne v dr‘avi. V gospodarskem pogledu velja ta regija<br />

za manj razvito. Zaznamuje jo kmetijska dejavnost, saj se tukaj nahaja ve~ kot 70 % kmetijskih<br />

gospodarstev in ve~ji del kmetijskih zemlji{~. Kljub temu pa kmetijstvo malo prispeva k bruto<br />

dodani vrednosti (BDV). Veliko ve~ prispeva industrijska dejavnost (okrog 40 %), in sicer zdru‘uje<br />

tradicionalne in moderne panoge (rudarstvo, tekstilna, avtomobilska, farmacevtska ter<br />

elektrotehni~na dejavnost). Zaposleni v tej regiji ustvarijo ni‘ji bruto doma~i proizvod in imajo<br />

ni‘je pla~e kot zaposleni v Zahodni Sloveniji, dele‘ brezposelnih med aktivnimi prebivalci pa je v<br />

tej regiji ve~ji. Ta regija ima pomembno vlogo pri energetski oskrbi dr‘ave, saj se na njenem<br />

ozemlju poleg edine jedrske elektrarne nahaja ve~ina energetske infrastrukture. K njeni<br />

prepoznavnosti prispevajo tudi bogata naravna dedi{~ina kra{kega podzemlja, termalni izviri,<br />

tradicionalni pustni obi~aji z znanim pustnim likom kurentom ter najstarej{i doma~i obrti –<br />

suhorobarstvo in lon~arstvo.<br />

Vzhodna Slovenija covers around 12,000 km 2 . Located at the meeting point of the Alps, the<br />

Pannonian Basin and the Dinaric Mountains it reveals diverse landscapes as its north-west Alpine<br />

ridge descends into the wine-growing hills at the edge of the Pannonian Plain in the east<br />

and lowers into the karstified Dinaric Mountains towards the south. The population density is<br />

due to sparsely populated border areas and some large uninhabited areas covered with forests<br />

below the national average. In terms of economy, the region presents a less developed part of<br />

Slovenia. More than 70% of Slovene farms located within it and a high share of arable land<br />

show the importance of agriculture, although a low share of the gross value added (GVA) is<br />

derived from it. The industrial sector comprises traditional and modern industrial branches (mining,<br />

textile, car, pharmaceutical, electronics and electrical appliances), contributing around 40%<br />

to the GVA. Gross domestic product and earnings of persons employed are in this region lower<br />

than in Zahodna Slovenija, while the unemployment rate is higher. With most of the power<br />

plant infrastructure, including the only nuclear power plant in Slovenia, the region is the country’s<br />

energy supplier. The region is not known only for its natural heritage such as the underground<br />

Karst world and thermal springs, but also for its traditional Shrovetide festivities with Kurent as<br />

the most famous figure and traditional handcrafts as woodenware and pottery.<br />

Povr{ina, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008 12.212<br />

Area, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo prebivalcev, 31. 12. 2008 1.081.307<br />

Population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Gostota prebivalstva, 31. 12. 2008 88,5<br />

Density of population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Prebivalci, stari 0–14 let, %, 31. 12. 2008 13,8<br />

Population aged 0–14, %, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Prebivalci, stari 65 let ali ve~, %, 31. 12. 2008 16,4<br />

Population aged 65 or over, %, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Indeks staranja, 2008 119,3<br />

Ageing index, 2008<br />

Povpre~na starost prebivalcev, 31. 12. 2008 41,4<br />

Mean age of population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo `ivorojenih, 2008 10.943<br />

Number of live births, 2008<br />

[tevilo umrlih, 2008 10.527<br />

Number of deaths, 2008<br />

Naravni prirast na 1.000 prebivalcev, 2008 0,4<br />

Natural increase per 1,000 population, 2008<br />

Skupni prirast na 1.000 prebivalcev, 2008 3,9<br />

Total increase per 1,000 population, 2008<br />

Letna stopnja rasti, ‰, 2008 5,5<br />

Annual population growth rate, ‰, 2008<br />

[tevilo u~encev, 2008/09 1) 85.944<br />

Number of pupils, 2008/09 1)<br />

[tevilo dijakov, 2008/09 1) 47.179<br />

Number of upper secondary school pupils, 2008/09 1)<br />

[tevilo {tudentov, 2008/09 1) 58.097<br />

Number of tertiary students, 2008/09 1)<br />

Prebivalci, stari med 25–64 let, z najve~ osnovno{olsko izobrazbo, %, 2008 20,4<br />

Population aged 25–64 with elementary education or less, %, 2008<br />

Prebivalci, stari med 25–64 let, s srednje{olsko izobrazbo, %, 2008 61,2<br />

Population aged 25–64 with upper secondary education, %, 2008<br />

Prebivalci, stari med 25–64 let, z vi{jo ali visoko izobrazbo, %, 2008 18,4<br />

Population aged 25–64 with tertiary education, %, 2008<br />

[tevilo delovno aktivnih prebivalcev, 2008 426.052<br />

Number of persons in employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo zaposlenih oseb, 2008 374.591<br />

Number of persons in paid employment, 2008<br />


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