Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije


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Spodnjeposavska statistična regija<br />

Ogledalo <strong>regije</strong><br />

{ifra, ime ob~ine / code & name of municipality<br />

009 Bre`ice<br />

197 Kostanjevica na Krki<br />

054 Kr{ko<br />

110 Sevnica<br />

Zelo dobra prometna dostopnost, rodovitni dolini Save in<br />

Krke, gri~evnat svet vinogradov ter obilo vodnega bogastva<br />

ustvarjajo podobo druge najmanj{e slovenske <strong>regije</strong>.<br />

Poznana je po ~ate{ki termalni rivieri in edini jedrski<br />

elektrarni v dr‘avi. Dejavnost oskrba z elektriko in predelovalne dejavnosti so v letu 2007 v regiji<br />

ustvarile nekoliko vi{ji dele‘ bruto dodane vrednosti kot storitvene dejavnosti. Ta regija je {e<br />

posebej priljubljena pri doma~ih turistih; v letu 2008 so ti ustvarili okoli 62 % turisti~nih preno~itev<br />

v regiji. Hotelski in podobni objekti so bili v tej regiji tedaj v poletni in zimski sezoni bolj zasedeni<br />

kot v ve~ini drugih regij. Predstavljali so le slabo tretjino od vseh preno~itvenih zmogljivosti v<br />

regiji. Tu je gospodarsko pomembno tudi kmetijstvo, saj ustvari okrog 5 % bruto dodane vrednosti,<br />

v podjetni{tvu pa so pomembni obrtni obrati. Rodnost se je v letu 2008 pove~ala na 10 ‘ivorojenih<br />

na 1.000 prebivalcev. Matere v tej regiji so bile v povpre~ju najmlaj{e v dr‘avi: mlaj{ih od 25 let<br />

jih je bilo za petino, starej{ih od 34 let pa za dobro desetino. Stopnja umrljivosti se je v tem<br />

obdobju nekoliko zmanj{ala, {e vedno pa je bila med najvi{jimi v dr‘avi. Med najvi{jimi je bila tudi<br />

t. i. prezgodnja umrljivost (pri mo{kih in pri ‘enskah). Najpogostej{i vzrok za smrt so bile bolezni<br />

obto~il (48,6 %), manj pogost vzrok pa bolezni dihal in prebavil. Nadpovpre~no pogosti so bili<br />

tukaj tudi primeri smrti zaradi po{kodb.<br />

Very good traffic accessibility, fertile river valleys of Sava and Krka, the hilly areas of vineyards<br />

and the abundance of water are the characteristics of the second smallest region in Slovenia.<br />

The only nuclear power plant in the country and the thermal riviera at the ^ate‘ health resort<br />

are its main features. In 2007 the industry sector again created a slightly higher share of gross<br />

value added than services. Spodnjeposavska is a popular destination for domestic tourists since<br />

in 2008 they generated 62% of all overnight stays in the region. Hotels and similar tourist<br />

establishments were very well occupied both in the summer and winter seasons of 2008. However,<br />

they represented only a third of accommodation facilities in the region. Agriculture is also<br />

important here since it contributes around 5% of gross value added; in the business sector craft<br />

enterprises hold an important position. As regards the fertility rate it rose to 10 live births per<br />

1,000 population in 2008. According to the mean age of mother at birth, women here were the<br />

youngest. A fifth of them were younger than 25 years and around a tenth were older than 34<br />

years. The mortality rate in 2008 reduced a little, but was still among the highest in the country<br />

and so was premature mortality for both men and women. The most common causes of death<br />

were diseases of the circulatory system (48.6%), while less common were diseases of the respiratory<br />

and digestive systems. Frequency of deaths due to accidents also exceeded the average.<br />

Povr{ina, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008 885<br />

Area, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo prebivalcev, 31. 12. 2008 69.900<br />

Population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Gostota prebivalstva, 31. 12. 2008 79,0<br />

Density of population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo `ivorojenih, 2008 691<br />

Number of live births, 2008<br />

[tevilo umrlih, 2008 736<br />

Number of deaths, 2008<br />

Naravni prirast, 2008 -45<br />

Natural increase, 2008<br />

[tevilo u~encev, 2008/2009 1) 5.636<br />

Number of pupils, 2008/2009 1)<br />

[tevilo dijakov, 2008/2009 1) 3.043<br />

Number of upper secondary school pupils, 2008/2009 1)<br />

[tevilo {tudentov, 2008/2009 2) 3.963<br />

Number of tertiary students, 2008/2009 2)<br />

[tevilo diplomantov, 2008 2) 573<br />

Number of tertiary graduates, 2008 2)<br />

[tevilo delovno aktivnih prebivalcev, 2008 25.156<br />

Number of persons in employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo zaposlenih oseb, 2008 21.189<br />

Number of persons in paid employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo samozaposlenih oseb, 2008 3.967<br />

Number of self-employed persons, 2008<br />

[tevilo registriranih brezposelnih oseb, 2008 2.514<br />

Number of registered unemployed persons, 2008<br />

Povpre~na mese~na bruto pla~a po regiji prebivali{~a, skupaj, 2008 1.321<br />

Average monthly gross earning by statistical region of residence, total, 2008<br />

za mo{ke 1.368<br />

for men<br />

za `enske 1.256<br />

for women<br />

[tevilo podjetij, 2008 4.519<br />

Number of enterprises, 2008<br />

Prihodek podjetij, mio. EUR, 2008 2.049<br />

Turnover of enterprises, mio EUR, 2008<br />


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