Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Slovenske regije v številkah - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije


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Obalno-kraška statistična regija<br />

Ogledalo <strong>regije</strong><br />

{ifra, ime ob~ine / code & name of municipality<br />

019 Diva~a<br />

035 Hrpelje - Kozina<br />

040 Izola/Isola<br />

049 Komen<br />

050 Koper/Capodistria<br />

090 Piran/Pirano<br />

111 Se`ana<br />

Obmorska regija s submediteranskim podnebjem je edina regija z izhodom na morje. Naravne<br />

danosti ji omogo~ajo razvoj turizma, prometa in gojenje posebnih kultur v kmetijstvu. Okoli tri<br />

~etrtine bruto dodane vrednosti v regiji ustvarijo storitvene dejavnosti. Leta 2007 so skoraj petino<br />

bruto dodane vrednosti v regiji ustvarile dejavnosti prometne panoge; med temi so prispevale<br />

najve~ji del pristani{ka dejavnost in z njo povezane dejavnosti Luke Koper. Tudi dele‘, ki ga k<br />

celotni bruto dodani vrednosti v regiji prispevata gostinstvo ter obmorski in zdravili{ki turizem, je<br />

v primerjavi z dele‘em, ki ga te dejavnosti ustvarijo v drugih regijah, tukaj najve~ji. Obalno-kra{ka<br />

regija je leta 2008 ustvarila ~etrtino vseh turisti~nih preno~itev v dr‘avi (skoraj polovico teh<br />

preno~itev so prispevali slovenski turisti; med tujimi turisti so prevladovali Italijani, Avstrijci in<br />

Nemci). Kmetijska gospodarstva v tej regiji spadajo po povpre~ni povr{ini kmetijskih zemlji{~ v<br />

uporabi in tudi po povpre~nem {tevilu glav velike ‘ivine na kmetijsko gospodarstvo med manj{a<br />

v dr‘avi. Okoli 40 % tukaj{njih kmetijskih gospodarstev se je v letu 2007 ukvarjalo z gojenjem<br />

trajnih nasadov, najpomembnej{o kmetijsko panogo v regiji. Vloga kmetijstva se po podatkih o<br />

rabi kmetijskih povr{in v regiji pove~uje, saj se je njihov obseg v obdobju 2003–2007 pove~al za<br />

skoraj 50 %. Tudi gradbena dejavnost je v regiji {e vedno intenzivna (v letu 2008 je bilo na 1.000<br />

prebivalcev dokon~anih ve~ kot 7 stanovanj, ve~inoma novogradenj).<br />

The coastal region with the submediterranean climate is the only one with an exit to the sea.<br />

Natural features enable the development of tourism, transport and special agricultural crops.<br />

Around three quarters of gross value added are created by services. In 2007 almost a fifth of<br />

gross value added was created by transport, activities in the Port of Koper representing the<br />

highest share. The shares of hotels and restaurants and of coastal and spa tourism in the total<br />

gross value added are higher than in other regions. The Obalno-kraška region recorded a quarter<br />

of all tourist overnights in the country in 2008; almost a half by domestic tourists. As regards<br />

foreign tourists, Italians, Austrians and Germans predominate. Agricultural holdings in this region<br />

were among the smallest in Slovenia both in terms of utilised agricultural area and in terms<br />

of the number of livestock units. Almost a half of agricultural holdings grow permanent crops,<br />

which are the most important ones within utilised agricultural area compared to other regions<br />

in Slovenia. According to the changes in the use of agricultural area from 2003 to 2007 the role<br />

of agriculture is improving since the agricultural area increased by almost 50%. In 2008 the<br />

most intensive construction of dwellings took place in this region with more than 7 dwellings<br />

per 1,000 population, mainly new constructions.<br />

Povr{ina, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008 1.044<br />

Area, km 2 , 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo prebivalcev, 31. 12. 2008 108.778<br />

Population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

Gostota prebivalstva, 31. 12. 2008 104,2<br />

Density of population, 31. 12. 2008<br />

[tevilo `ivorojenih, 2008 1.111<br />

Number of live births, 2008<br />

[tevilo umrlih, 2008 908<br />

Number of deaths, 2008<br />

Naravni prirast, 2008 203<br />

Natural increase, 2008<br />

[tevilo u~encev, 2008/2009 1) 7.223<br />

Number of pupils, 2008/2009 1)<br />

[tevilo dijakov, 2008/2009 1) 3.965<br />

Number of upper secondary school pupils, 2008/2009 1)<br />

[tevilo {tudentov, 2008/2009 2) 5.499<br />

Number of tertiary students, 2008/2009 2)<br />

[tevilo diplomantov, 2008 2) 800<br />

Number of tertiary graduates, 2008 2)<br />

[tevilo delovno aktivnih prebivalcev, 2008 47.459<br />

Number of persons in employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo zaposlenih oseb, 2008 42.367<br />

Number of persons in paid employment, 2008<br />

[tevilo samozaposlenih oseb, 2008 5.092<br />

Number of self-employed persons, 2008<br />

[tevilo registriranih brezposelnih oseb, 2008 2.642<br />

Number of registered unemployed persons, 2008<br />

Povpre~na mese~na bruto pla~a po regiji prebivali{~a, skupaj, 2008 1.468<br />

Average monthly gross earning by statistical region of residence, total, 2008<br />

za mo{ke 1.526<br />

for men<br />

za `enske 1.394<br />

for women<br />

[tevilo podjetij, 2008 10.557<br />

Number of enterprises, 2008<br />

Prihodek podjetij, mio. EUR, 2008 5.576<br />

Turnover of enterprises, mio EUR, 2008<br />


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