merenje i obrada intenziteta radio-talasa u srednje ... - Telfor 2008

merenje i obrada intenziteta radio-talasa u srednje ... - Telfor 2008

merenje i obrada intenziteta radio-talasa u srednje ... - Telfor 2008


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[2] L. Gregorač and J. Budin, “Calculation of the efficiency of an MRtransmitting aerial and of the average soil conducivity in itsimmediate vicinity,” EBU Review—Technical, June, 1976, Vol.157.[3] M. Maširević, “Elektromagnetska polja <strong>radio</strong>-difuzije u godini1961.,” Godišnji izveštaj, Institut “Mihailo Pupin”, Beograd,1961.[4] O. Wibling “Terrain Analysis with Radio Link Calculations for aMap Presentation Program,” Uppsala Master’s Thesis, UppsalaUniversity, Uppsala, pp. 1-65, December 1998.[5] T. Gavrilov, “Proučavanje prostiranja elektromagnetskih <strong>talasa</strong>,utvrñivanje električnih parametara zemlje i izrada odgovarajućihkarata,” Fond Geomagnetskog Instituta, Beograd, 1976.Abstract – The propagation of the <strong>radio</strong>-wave mainlydepends on the electrical characteristics along thepropagation path. On the basis of the measurements of theelectromagnetic field strenght of <strong>radio</strong> MF band, theelectrical parameter, as is the electrical conductivity, wasdetermined (in the further text conductivity -σ), along withcharacteristic propagation paths in the Northern Serbiaregion. Programs which were adapted in GeomagneticInstitute and recommended by CCIR, were applied in thedetermination of the conductivity. For the conductivitydetermination, the measurements of electromagnetic fieldstrenght of <strong>radio</strong> stations were used. Results of two fieldcampaigns, in the years 1961 and 1991, along propagationpaths, were used. Analysis of the results for mentionedfield campaigns, point out that the erlier rezults from 1961can be used as well as from the year 1991, in theevaluation of the electrical characteristics and that database from 1951 till 1961 are useful for evaluation of theconductivity.THE MEASUREMENTS AND PROCESSING OF MFBAND RADIO-WAVES FIELD STRENGHMarija ðorñević, Milan Ponjavić i Nenad Smiljanić495

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