3624 Kb - Gwerddon

3624 Kb - Gwerddon

3624 Kb - Gwerddon


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AbstractsGwawr Ifan, ‘ “One Cry Four Voices”: The influence of choral singingon health and welfare in Wales’Since the Nineteenth Century, choral singing has played a prominent part in Welshculture and society. In the latter part of the Twentieth Century, there were increasingdemands to consider the influences of quality of life and well-being on health. As a result,there is a growing field of research that considers the role of the community arts, andchoral singing in particular, as social capital, and the way in which they can influencepersonal and social health and well-being. Due to this growing recognition, this articlewill consider research that examines the relationship between amateur choir-singing inWales – as both a musical and social event – and general health and well-being.Dr Myfanwy Davies, ‘Choice and the citizen? Health decisions andtheir implications for developing a Welsh citizenship’Health services offer a privileged space to define the proper relationship of the citizenand the modern state. Individuals have been expected to make choices in health carein Wales and England since the 1980s. A new vaccine against some types of cervicalcancer was recently introduced for girls. Parents are expected to consent on behalfof their daughters. This paper reports the results of the largest qualitative study in thisarea world-wide. It depicts attitudes to health care choice and discusses parents’experiences of consenting or not. Parents’ decisional strategies in the face of uncertaintyare analysed. Consequences of the study relate to the individuals’ relationship with theWelsh National Health Service (NHS) and to developing a concept of Welsh citizenship.Dr Huw Morgan, ‘The sun's corona: A study of the structure of thesun's atmosphere’The knowledge we have about the sun’s corona is based on observations made fromafar. It is impossible, therefore, to speculate about the three-dimensional structure of thecorona directly. This article outlines the history of the study of the structure of the corona,and describes new techniques which for the first time enable us to know the structureof the corona in detail. A description is given of the change in the structure over thelife cycle of the sun, together with new information about the connection between themagnetic field and coronal density and new results concerning the rotation rates of thecorona. The results show that knowledge about the corona can be greatly increased byapplying new tomography techniques, enabling and stimulating further studies of thecorona in years to come.<strong>Gwerddon</strong> • Rhif 10/11 Gorffennaf 201212

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