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Chemistry, Matter, and Life<br />

2<br />


Elements<br />

• Define matter, element, and atom.<br />

• Use chemical symbols to identify elements.<br />

Structure of Atoms<br />

• Illustrate the structure of an atom with a simple<br />

diagram showing the protons, neutrons, and electrons.<br />

• Distinguish between the atomic number and<br />

mass number of an element.<br />

• Describe the electron arrangement that makes an<br />

atom most stable.<br />

Isotopes<br />

• Distinguish between isotopes and other atoms.<br />

• Describe a radioactive isotope.<br />

Chemical Bonds<br />

• Describe the difference between ionic bonds,<br />

covalent bonds, and hydrogen bonds.<br />

Chemical Reactions<br />

• Describe and write chemical equations for four<br />

types of chemical reactions and identify the<br />

reactants and products in each.<br />

• Discuss five factors that influence the rate of<br />

chemical reactions.<br />

Mixtures, Solutions, and Suspensions<br />

• Distinguish between mixtures, solutions, and<br />

suspensions.<br />

Electrolytes, Acids, Bases, and Buffers<br />

• Differentiate between acids and bases and<br />

discuss how they relate to pH and buffers.<br />

Organic Compounds<br />

• Describe the five major groups of organic<br />

compounds that are important to the human<br />

body.<br />

Compounds and Molecules<br />

• Describe the relationship between atoms,<br />

molecules, and compounds and interpret<br />

molecular formulas for compounds.<br />


Acid (AS-id) Substance that ionizes in water<br />

to release hydrogen ions; a proton donor; a<br />

substance with a pH less than 7.0<br />

Atom (AT-tum) Smallest unit of a chemical element<br />

that retains the properties of that element<br />

Base (BASE)Substance that ionizes in water to<br />

release hydroxyl (OH − ) ions or other ions that<br />

combine with hydrogen ions; a proton acceptor; a<br />

substance with a pH greater than 7.0; alkaline<br />

Buffer (BUFF-fur) Substance that prevents, or<br />

reduces, changes in pH when either an acid or a<br />

base is added<br />

Carbohydrate (kar-boh-HYE-drayt) Organic<br />

compound that contains carbon, hydrogen, and<br />

oxygen with the hydrogen and oxygen present in<br />

a 2:1 ratio; sugar, starch, cellulose<br />

Compound (KAHM-pownd) Substance formed<br />

from two or more elements joined by chemical<br />

bonds in a definite, or fixed, ratio; smallest unit of<br />

a compound is a molecule<br />

Covalent bond (koe-VAY-lent BOND) Chemical<br />

bond formed by two atoms sharing one or more<br />

pairs of electrons<br />

Element (EL-eh-ment) Simplest form of matter that<br />

cannot be broken down by ordinary chemical<br />

means<br />

Inorganic Compound (in-or-GAN-ik KAHMpownd)<br />

Chemical components that do not<br />

contain both carbon and hydrogen.<br />

Ionic bond (eye-ON-ik BOND) Chemical bond<br />

that is formed when one or more electrons are<br />

transferred from one atom to another<br />

Isotope (EYE-so-tohp) Atoms of a given element<br />

that have different numbers of neutrons and<br />

consequently different atomic weights<br />

Lipid (LIP-id) Class of organic compounds that<br />

includes oils, fats, and related substances<br />

Molecule (MAHL-eh-kyool) Particle composed of<br />

two or more atoms that are chemically bound<br />

together; smallest unit of a compound<br />

Organic Compound (or-GAN-ik KAHM-pownd)<br />

Chemical components that contain carbon and<br />

hydrogen atoms covalently bonded together.<br />

Protein (PRO-teen) Organic compound that<br />

contains nitrogen and consists of chains of amino<br />

acids linked together by peptide bonds<br />

Radioactive isotope (ray-dee-oh-ACK-tiv EYE-sotohp)<br />

Isotope with an unstable atomic nucleus that<br />

decomposes, releasing energy or atomic particles<br />

Solute (SOL-yoot) Substance that is dissolved in a<br />

solution<br />

Solvent (SOL-vent) Fluid in which substances dissolve<br />


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