13.07.2013 Aufrufe

Restriktion der Alternativen

Restriktion der Alternativen

Restriktion der Alternativen


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<strong>Restriktion</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Alternativen</strong><br />

Steedman, M. (2000): Information Structure and the Syntax-Phonology Interface. Linguistic Inquiry 31, 4, 649-<br />

689.<br />

Steube, A. (2001): Correction by contrastive focus. Theoretical Linguistics.<br />

Umbach, C. (2001): Contrast and Contrastive Topic. In Kruijff-Korbayova, I. & Steedman, M. (eds.): Proceedings<br />

of the ESSLLI 2001 Workshop on Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics.<br />

Umbach, C. (to appear): (De)accenting Definite Descriptions. Theoretical Linguistics.<br />

Vallduvi, E., Vilkuna, M. (1998): On Rheme and Kontrast. Syntax and Semantics, Vol.29. Academic Press.<br />


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