30.07.2013 Aufrufe

PintschAben_Brosch. 11/09/08

PintschAben_Brosch. 11/09/08

PintschAben_Brosch. 11/09/08


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10<br />

Tunnel Safety Lighting<br />

To improve the safety concept for railway<br />

tunnels, PINTSCH ABEN developed a<br />

number of devices for tunnel safety lighting<br />

which serve self-rescue as well as safety<br />

brigades rescue actions.<br />

The development has been made in<br />

accordance with the regulations of Deutsche<br />

Bahn AG. To bring victims in case of<br />

emergencies safely to the emergency exits,<br />

every 125 meter a clear visible, constantlighted<br />

and monitored switch is mounted to<br />

put on the tunnel emergency lights.<br />

For reliable operation – also during power<br />

breakdown – the tunnel lights are prepared<br />

with an emergency power supply unit<br />

(NVG). Moreover, the function of all systems<br />

is secured by the continuously monitoring<br />

of the tunnel monitoring station (TÜZ).<br />

The high safety technical demands for these<br />

installations require the input of the most<br />

modern technologies. Just like all other<br />

PINTSCH ABEN safety technologies –<br />

during the development as well as during<br />

the production – the highest accuracy is our<br />

top priority.<br />

Because: Safety first!

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