30.07.2013 Aufrufe

PintschAben_Brosch. 11/09/08

PintschAben_Brosch. 11/09/08

PintschAben_Brosch. 11/09/08


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8<br />

Control and Monitoring<br />

The PA LINE visualisation system has been<br />

developed specifically for switchpoint heating<br />

installations. PA LINE can be applied for the<br />

remote control of expanded networks as well<br />

as for local control and visualisation. This<br />

enables centralised control and monitoring at<br />

a supervisory system level. All relevant<br />

process data are presented at the user interface<br />

as graphic visualisations or overview<br />

tables.<br />

Furthermore PA LINE enables geographical<br />

map overview images. It is possible to divide<br />

the monitored installations in free configurable<br />

areas, to visualise the operational status of the<br />

installations, to look at dynamic process<br />

diagrams with detailed information and to list<br />

the status of the separate heating circuits.<br />

PA LINE is a flexible software package with a<br />

great number of configuration possibilities,<br />

that leaves no wish unfulfilled. Mobile<br />

monitoring with notebook or PDA is also<br />

possible. Maintenance becomes easier, as<br />

well as fixing possible failures.<br />

Because: Safety first!

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