17.10.2013 Aufrufe

atf-Tagung+2010+-+Loerch.pdf 1.22 MB - Forel Klinik

atf-Tagung+2010+-+Loerch.pdf 1.22 MB - Forel Klinik

atf-Tagung+2010+-+Loerch.pdf 1.22 MB - Forel Klinik


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Loeber et al., 2006<br />

Br J Clin Psychol. 45(4):515-29.<br />

Results. Both treatments were associated with a reduction<br />

of self-reported craving and an increase in self-reported<br />

measures of self-efficacy. A significant time x treatment<br />

interaction indicated a greater increase in self-reported<br />

measures of self-efficacy after cue exposure treatment.<br />

Measures of drinking behaviour showed clearly that both<br />

treatments were efficacious. Relapse rates and drinkingrelated<br />

variables were not significantly different for the<br />

two treatments at the 6-month follow-up. There was<br />

preliminary evidence that suggests that cue exposure<br />

therapy may be more effective for patients with severe<br />

alcohol dependence.26

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