01.03.2014 Aufrufe

Die Demenzfreundliche Kommune - Demenzkampagne Rheinland ...

Die Demenzfreundliche Kommune - Demenzkampagne Rheinland ...

Die Demenzfreundliche Kommune - Demenzkampagne Rheinland ...


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Ein zentraler Befund<br />

• „People with dementia and their carers want to stay active<br />

in their communities. The physical environment is a factor,<br />

but attitude is fare more important. It‘s the ‚normal stuff of<br />

life‘ that is important, like going to the shops, the pub, or<br />

going out for a walk. The kind of help they felt they needed<br />

ot stay connected was the kind of low-level one-to-one<br />

support provided by buddying schemes“<br />

• Quelle: Steve Milton (2012). What make a dementia-friendly community? The Journal of<br />

Dementia Care, Vol. 20, No. 2, 12-13.

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