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SCHIFFSSICHERHEIT - Nautischer Verein zu Bremen, Bremen

SCHIFFSSICHERHEIT - Nautischer Verein zu Bremen, Bremen

SCHIFFSSICHERHEIT - Nautischer Verein zu Bremen, Bremen


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<strong>Nautischer</strong> <strong>Verein</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Bremen</strong><br />

5 th Seminar 1998<br />


Position Fixing: Where are we?<br />


Saturday, 28 th February 1998<br />

08.30 - 09.30 Registration and Coffee<br />

09.30 - 09.35 Welcome Address:<br />

Capt. Helmut Bossemeyer, Chairman <strong>Nautischer</strong> <strong>Verein</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Bremen</strong><br />

09.35 - 09.55 Introduction and Seminar Chairman:<br />

Ronald Wöhrn<br />

09.50 - 10.10 Dr. Bernd Kröger - Chief Executive- Verband Deutscher Reeder e.V., Hamburg<br />

How safe is shipping? Is shipping under German flag safer? Safety versus economy ?<br />

10.10 - 10.30 Capt. Hartmut Hesse, International Maritime Organisation (IMO), London<br />

The IMO as World Maritime Police? Will the industry manage to regulate itself ? Do we<br />

need more regulations? Opportunities and limits of the IMO in their efforts to improve<br />

maritime safety<br />

10.30 - 10.50 Discussion<br />

10.50 - 11.30 Coffee Break (Coffee, Tea, Snacks)<br />

11.30 - 11.50 Dipl.-Eng. Hartmut Hormann, Member of the Board, Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg<br />

Classification Societies: Their role in setting maritime safety standards - Can the "ships-<br />

M.O.T." meet its own demands? Is there a universal role to play for Classification Societies<br />

in improving maritime safety standards?<br />

11.50 - 12.10 Capt. Jan Petter Larsen, Director, Assuranceforeningen GARD gjensidig, Arendal<br />

The P&I Clubs: Do the P&I Clubs have an influence in improving maritime safety? Can the<br />

P&I Clubs set effective initiatives for improvement of maritime safety? Increase of premiums<br />

as "tool" to improve maritime safety?<br />

12.10 - 12.30 Capt. Peter Zahalka, Managing Director, <strong>Verein</strong> Bremer Seeversicherer, <strong>Bremen</strong><br />

Hull Underwriters: Is the hull underwriter's influence limited in respect of improvement of<br />

maritime safety or do international initiatives promise to be effective? Is competition<br />

restrictive to hull underwriter's initiatives?<br />

12.30 - 13.00 Discussion<br />

13.00 - 14.30 Lunch Break<br />

14.30 - 14.50 Capt. Steen Stender Petersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO, Copenhagen<br />

Can BIMCO only enlighten and warn? Global information and education as basis for<br />

improvement of maritime safety world-wide? Can BIMCO take effective actions against<br />

piracy?<br />

14.50 - 15.10 Kapt. Gerhard Kiehne, See-BG / Port State Control Europe (Paris Memorandum of<br />

Understanding), Hamburg<br />

PSC as World Maritime Police Force: Detention of ships as means of sense and<br />

improvement of maritime safety? PSC as mouthpiece for masters and crews? Do<br />

detentions promise betterment?<br />

15.10 - 15.30 Capt. Hans-Jürgen Roos, Harbour Master, Port of <strong>Bremen</strong> / President IHMA<br />

The harbour masters and their colleagues on board - only last link in the chain or active<br />

designers of maritime safety? Where to leave detained ships? Is competition between ports<br />

counter-productive against maritime safety?<br />

15.30 - 16.00 Discussion and Summary by the Chairman.<br />

16.00 Coffee and Cake - Close of Seminar

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