12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Torqeedo Travel 503/1003 - Grabner Sports

Torqeedo Travel 503/1003 - Grabner Sports

Torqeedo Travel 503/1003 - Grabner Sports

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Use the “setup” button to set the units for the display:First you can select the units in which the remaining range is displayed. Press the “cal“button to switch between information in kilometers, statutory miles, nautical miles, andhours. You confirm your selection by pressing “setup” again.You then enter the speed indicator setting. You can choose between kilometers per hour,miles per hour, and knots. The selection is made again by pressing the “cal“ button. Youconfirm your selection by pressing “setup” again.Finally you select the battery information displayed. You can chose between charge statusin percent and voltage. Select the information to be displayed by pressing the “cal” buttonand confirm your choice by pressing the “setup” button again. By confirming you areleaving the setup menu.The “cal” label on the middle button stands for “calibration”. If the display shows arelevant error message you can recalibrate the tiller with the aid of this button. For detailsplease refer to the “Error messages/trouble shooting“ chapter.Sample message in normal operation:Battery charge status in percentRemaining range at current speedSpeed over groundCurrent consumption in WattOther messages:Drive slowly: Is displayed when the battery capacity is < 30%.Charging: Is displayed when charging.EnglishThe GPS module integrated into the battery pack searches for satellitesignals to determine the speed. If no GPS signal is receivedthe display switches in the second field from “remaining rangeat current speed” (distance) to “remaining time at current speed”(time). In addition, a clock icon is displayed.13

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