13.07.2015 Aufrufe

AMTLICHE MITTEILUNGEN - Bergische Universität Wuppertal

AMTLICHE MITTEILUNGEN - Bergische Universität Wuppertal

AMTLICHE MITTEILUNGEN - Bergische Universität Wuppertal


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MODULBESCHREIBUNG DES STUDIENGANGSMASTER WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTStand:30. Juli 2013a(Fortsetzung)Komponenten Inhalt P / WP Lehrform SWS Aufwanda Employment Theories and Policies - BasicsP Vorlesung 2 4 LPI• Employment, unemployment, wages and working hours, productivityand income: A tour around OECD countries• In this step students will get familiar with the basic concepts ofeconomic employment theory and empirical facts of employmenttrends based on international data sources.- Labor supply: Who is working, who doesn’t?• Economic theory of labor supply, supply elasticity, changes inlabor supply, human capital, and brief discussion of possible impactsof institutions on labor supply- Labor demand: What kind of labor, how much?• Economic theory of labor demand, capital labor substitution,substitution between high skilled and low skilled labor, humancapital, productivity and labor demand- Coordination of supply and demand in labor markets• The idealized market model• Imperfect labor markets: matching, searching and hiring, informationasymmetries, signaling.- Wage determination: What price for labor?• Wages in uncoordinated labor markets, finding the equilibrium.Minimum and reservation wages. Do flexible wages stabilizeemployment? Why are wages sticky? Efficiency wage theories.Good jobs and bad jobs.• Wage estimations (Mincer wage regressions). Does the ‘law ofone price (wage)’ hold?: Krueger/ Summers interindustry wagedifferentials)41

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