13.07.2015 Aufrufe

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You


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Even - OddOn the Ambivalence of <strong>man</strong> <strong>made</strong> <strong>skies</strong>Ruth E. HorakExhaust gases, water vapor, relative humidity, criticaltemperature, light; Los AngelesC-Print, Cibachrome, Computerairbrush;dimensions are variableHaltestelleHalteSchneeUnd mirund mirtut mein ich wehe –wenn ich mich frag: was tut nicht weheMoskau tut nicht wehund Moskau Birminghamund Bochum Wien nicht wehJust as different as are these two proposals for atechnical description of the photographs shown here, soambivalent is also the interpretation of the approximately600-part series. The title <strong>man</strong> <strong>made</strong> <strong>skies</strong> suggests thaton a pragmatic level the sky is seen as a “cultivated”space, implying also <strong>man</strong>’s arrogance that allows him toencroach boldly on God’s refuge. (Vapor trails are alwaysmentioned in the same breath as the effects of exhaust on

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