13.07.2015 Aufrufe

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You


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YOU as they were driven around Los Angeles.The letters, which would later be mounted on wheelsand pushed around the Ringstrasse in Vienna or roweddown the Canale Grande in gondolas, were mounted ontrucks and driven in convoy on Los Angeles’ freewaysthrough rush-hour traffic for two hours. From above<strong>Jochen</strong> <strong>Traar</strong> was able to make sure that all went well.A similar correspondence between above and below, skyand city, is revealed in “<strong>man</strong> <strong>made</strong> <strong>skies</strong>” through its rapidaccess to already occupied sites of socialization or historythat are illuminated briefly by means of photography, fog,or cloud. The fact that these can cause irritation as well, isall part of the plan because ART PROTECTS YOU is, despiteuniversalistic claims, not a picture of the world but rathera way of dealing with the world which embraces morethan two facets. Inversions and flip-flop movement arepart of the plan, both in the Platonic design of the worldand in the second letter of ART PROTECTS YOU.RRIonen und Ionischen Inselnund die Times und the Thames

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