13.07.2015 Aufrufe

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You


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And even the fact that we are dealing here with ananachronistic model can at best be a reference to the<strong>man</strong>y anachronisms we encounter in our everyday lives.The sky is interpreted as a code, as a leftover identity ofgenetic engineering’s not yet usurped areas of cloned life.ART PROTECTS YOU has conquered a space in the sky.The little cloud may not appear to measure up to a greatcosmic celestial thought, but it is an integral part of thephotographs. These were taken from various sites throughoutLos Angeles, most, however, were shot from the yardof <strong>Jochen</strong> <strong>Traar</strong>’s house. He focused on the vapor trailsleft behind by passing airplanes, traces which on a clearday can be detected and observed from below. This“synthetic” sky - “<strong>man</strong> <strong>made</strong> material” - is not, at least notvisually, inconsistent with the usual sky aesthetics, andperhaps it augments the abstract (and cinematographic)sky paintings in blue and white with still more images ofdisappearance. Only the label is iconic, whereas the otherelements are of an indexical nature and leave tracesRwerde reisengroßdenn du schaust mich an, du Sonne

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