13.07.2015 Aufrufe

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You


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discrepancies. On the one hand, there is the clash of twoconcepts of time and space which couldn’t be moredisparate: vast configurations of the vapor trails enhancedby notions like distance and duration are transported intoa medium that relies on the opposite: the sudden interruptionof duration, the reduction of space, the arbitrarydefinition of a frame, and the optical preservation of atransient state. Whereas on the other hand, the “trace” isinherent in both sides, for it also forms the basis of photography,“which serves primarily as a mere imprint of apresence, as a marking, signal, symptom, as a physicaltrace of being (or of having been): as an imprint that doesnot derive its meaning from itself but from an existential -and often opaque - relation to that which gave rise to it.” 11Philippe Dubois, Fotografische Installationen und Skulpturen. In:Skulpturen - Fragmente, Internationale Fotoarbeiten der 90erJahre, ed. Herta Wolf, Vienna: Secession 1992, p. 77. (English bythe translator of this text)Und die Automobile blinken leuchtenSind rot und blaue und beschriftet

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