13.07.2015 Aufrufe

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You

man made skies - Jochen Traar | Art Protects You


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vapor trails persist longer because the relative humidity ofthe atmosphere is increased with each passing plane.[...] If the ambient atmosphere is saturated with ice, theycan spread rapidly and persist for long periods of time,often for hours.” The consequences which increasing airtraffic has on climatic changes are the topic of countlessstudies. They concern themselves above all with theeffects of exhaust on the chemical properties of theatmosphere, especially with the greenhouse effect (in anair route long-term increases of water vapor concentrationby 0.02% have been registered; immediately followingthe emission there is an abrupt reduction in ozoneconcentration). “Man <strong>made</strong>” in the literal sense refers tothe artificial cirrus clouds (actually vapor trails), which areindicated separately on weather maps, side by side withthe natural cloud patterns.LandenLondon callingMunichMond-IchJerusalemin MalaysiaSaul der SechsteUnd der Petersplatz“Man <strong>made</strong>,” however, also refers to the extraordinaryoptical effect of the lines that fill the sky.

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