06.01.2013 Aufrufe

földtani közlöny - EPA

földtani közlöny - EPA

földtani közlöny - EPA


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g e s e l l s c h a f t s b e r ic h t e . 111<br />

According to the number of foreign and home members, discussions will be<br />

opened in special sections for which reason we have decided to constitute the follo-<br />

wing sections:<br />

ci) Geology<br />

b) Coal-Mining<br />

c) Metal-Mining<br />

cl) Preparation of Metál- ores in a wet way<br />

e) Proceedings of extracting metal<br />

f) Iron- ore Mining and Metallurgy<br />

g) Rock-salt Mining<br />

h) Mintage and<br />

i) Mining legislatur.<br />

Lectures as well as the discussions to be held can be made not only in<br />

Hungárián, but also in German, French and English.<br />

Notices of lectures to be given at latest until the 1-st of april a. c. and rough<br />

copies of the same to be sent to the undersigned Comittee the latest until the 1-st<br />

of July a. c. in order to give time to have them translated into other languages and<br />

to have them put in to print.<br />

After the closing of the Congress, excursions of 2—3 days duration, will be<br />

made into somé of our most important coal-mines, ironworks and interesting gold-<br />

districts.<br />

In the name of the Executive Comitte, I have the honour of inviting you to<br />

partake in our Congress, and hope you will be largely represented by members who,<br />

by lectures and arguments on questions of national-economical importance will en-<br />

liven ours discussions and add to the succes of this Congress.<br />

Finally I beg to observe that notice of participation can be registered at my<br />

ofíice (Budapest VI. Bulyovszky-utcza 6.) until the 1-st of July a. c. and that our<br />

Comitte will also undertake to previde suitable lodgings for the members if reguired<br />

to do so.<br />

We are, with great respect,<br />

Truly yours<br />

A. v. K e r p e ly<br />

President, Executive Committee.

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