Commercial diving projects inland/inshore - Health and Safety ...

Commercial diving projects inland/inshore - Health and Safety ...

Commercial diving projects inland/inshore - Health and Safety ...


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Regulation 2<br />

Regulation<br />

2(1)<br />

Guide<br />

2(1)<br />

Regulation<br />

2(2)<br />

Guide<br />

2(2)<br />

Regulation<br />

2(1)<br />

Guide<br />

2(1)<br />

Regulation<br />

2(1)<br />

Regulation 8<br />

Regulation<br />

8(3)<br />

Guide<br />

2(1), 8(3)<br />

Definitions in the Regulations<br />

(1) "diver" meansaperson atwork who dives;<br />

14 'Atwork' means as an employee oras a self-employedperson. The<br />

phrasecovers divers who dive as part oftheir duties as an employee <strong>and</strong> divers<br />

who are in business ontheir own accountduringthe time that they devote<br />

themselves to work as a self-employedperson. Diving doesnot have to be the<br />

main activity ofthe employee or the self-employedperson. The Diving<br />

Regulations apply to any <strong>diving</strong>projectwhenat leastone person is atwork.<br />

(2) Forthepurposes ofthese Regulations aperson "dives"if -<br />

(a) he enters -<br />

(i) wateroranyotherliquid; or<br />

(ii) a chamberin which he is subjecttopressure greaterthan<br />

100 millibars above atmospheric pressure; <strong>and</strong><br />

(b) in orderto survivein such an environment he breathes in air or other gas<br />

atapressure greaterthan atmospheric pressure.<br />

15 Environmentssuch as scientific cleanrooms orsubmersiblecraftsubjectto<br />

an internalpressureoflessthan 100 millibarsabovelocal ambientatmospheric<br />

pressurearenot coveredby theDivingRegulations.<br />

(1) "<strong>diving</strong>project" means anyactivity, madeupofone or more <strong>diving</strong><br />

operations, in which atleastone person takespart orwill takepart as a diver<strong>and</strong><br />

extendsfrom the timewhen thatperson, orthefirst such person, commencesto<br />

prepare to dive untilthat person, or thelastsuch person, has left thewater,chamber<br />

orother environment in which thedive, oranypart ofthe dive, took place <strong>and</strong>has<br />

completedany requisitedecompressionprocedures, including, where it may be<br />

reasonably anticipatedthat this will be needed, any therapeutic recompression.<br />

16 'Diving project' is the termusedfor the overall <strong>diving</strong>job - whetherit<br />

lasts two hours or two months.<br />

17 A <strong>diving</strong>projectis made up ofone or more <strong>diving</strong> operations.<br />

(1) "<strong>diving</strong>operation"means a<strong>diving</strong>operation identified in the <strong>diving</strong><br />

projectplanpursuant to regulation 8(3);<br />

(3) The <strong>diving</strong>projectplan shall identify each <strong>diving</strong>operation which makes<br />

up the <strong>diving</strong>project<strong>and</strong> thenature <strong>and</strong>size ofany<strong>diving</strong> operation so identified<br />

shall besuch thatit can be safely supervised by one person.<br />

18 'Diving operations'can be madeup ofeithera numberofdives or even a<br />

single dive. A<strong>diving</strong> operation is the portionof a <strong>diving</strong>projectidentifiedin<br />

the <strong>diving</strong>projectplan whichcan be safelysupervised by one supervisor.<br />

Itwill normally be evident what this portionofwork is, butfactors such as the<br />


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