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<strong>PL<strong>AS</strong>MA</strong> <strong>IMMERS<strong>ION</strong></strong> <strong>ION</strong> IMPL<strong>AN</strong>TAT<strong>ION</strong> <strong>AS</strong> <strong>AN</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> TO DIFFUS<strong>ION</strong> <strong>AN</strong>D BEAM-LINE<br />


A. Lawerenz 1 *, K. Neckermann 1 , G. Andrä 2<br />

1 CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 14,99099 Erfurt, Germany<br />

2 Institute of Photonic Technology, Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, 07745 Jena, Germany<br />

*corresponding author: alawerenz@cismst.de; Tel: +49 - 361 - 663 1212, Fax: +49 - 361 - 663 1413<br />

ABSTRACT: The plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) can be used to implant phosphorus ions into the silicon<br />

surface. Therefore it is a possible alternative to other doping techniques as phosphorus diffusion or beam<br />

implantation. For a successful implantation into a solar cell processing line, some obstacles that are dealt with in this<br />

contribution have to be overcome. We are investigating possible paths for the activation and annealing step that is<br />

necessary for getting sufficient sheet resistances and we are correlating processing parameters to solar cell parameters<br />

as doping profiles, emitter saturation currents and solar cell efficiencies, both for mono- and multicrystalline wafers.<br />

Furthermore we are investigating the possibility of a laser assisted selective emitter process.<br />

Keywords: Implantation, Selective Emitter, Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells<br />

1 INTRODUCT<strong>ION</strong><br />

In the last three years, ion beam line implantation has<br />

shown its potential to replace the diffusion process by<br />

implanting phosphorus and boron atoms into solar wafers<br />

and to be integrated into the solar cell production [Gupta<br />

2010, Yelundur 2011]. In our contribution we are<br />

investigating whether an alternative implantation<br />

technique – plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII or<br />

simply plasma implantation) – is also feasible for the<br />

solar cell processing. Compared to the established<br />

diffusion technique, plasma implantation has the<br />

following advantages. It is a single-side process (making<br />

the removal or overcompensation of back-side doping<br />

unnecessary), there is no phosphorus and boron silicate<br />

glass formation (making its removal also unnecessary)<br />

and it enables a conformal doping, which makes it<br />

suitable for heavily textured surfaces as acid etched<br />

multicrystalline silicon. On the other hand, implantation<br />

causes a damage in the implanted region near to the<br />

surface, which has to be cured, and the implanted dopants<br />

have to be activated. This activation and annealing has to<br />

be done at elevated temperatures.<br />

Compared to the beam line implantation, large<br />

surface areas can be faster implanted and the already<br />

mentioned conformal doping might be easier, but the<br />

energy distribution of the plasma excited implantation<br />

ions is much broader. The latter effect is for the<br />

application of solar cells still tolerable.<br />

Until now, there are only very few publications<br />

dealing with plasma implantated solar cells [3]. Therefore<br />

it is not surprising that plasma implanted (p-type) solar<br />

cells could not reach efficiencies comparable to POCl 3<br />

diffused solar cells.<br />

Our contribution focuses on phosphorus plasma<br />

implantation parameters, the feasibility of different<br />

activation and annealing steps and the possibility of<br />

structuring implanted regions by a laser assisted<br />

activation for creating selective emitters.<br />


2.1 Wafer material<br />

For processing solar cells, solar grade silicon wafers<br />

have been used (CZ, 3 - 6 Ωcm, 156 mm edge length,<br />

alkaline textured and multicrystalline, 1.5 Ωcm, 156 mm<br />

edge length, acid etched). For lifetime measurements<br />

(including the determination of interstitial iron content)<br />

the same sort of wafers has been used, but after shiny<br />

etch treatment to obtain smooth surfaces. For the<br />

determination of the emitter saturation current, high<br />

resistance wafers (10 - 17 Ωcm) have been used, again<br />

after a shiny etch treatment.<br />

2.2 Plasma implantation<br />

Plasma implantation was carried out at Ion Beam<br />

Services (Peynier, France) and at Helmholtz-Zentrum<br />

Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. (Dresden, Germany). Because<br />

of the large scattering of the energy of the ions, a precise<br />

number for the energies cannot be given. Doses varied<br />

from 1.5 to 10 · 10 15 at/cm 2 .<br />

2.3 Activation and annealing<br />

The activation and annealing step (short: activation),<br />

necessary for activating the implanted phosphorus atoms<br />

and curing the implantation damage, was carried out by<br />

different methods (s. Table I and II). The laser used was<br />

an excimer laser with a top-hat profile and an<br />

illumination area of 6 × 6 cm 2 . The flash lamp annealing<br />

took place at and was carried out by Helmholtz-Zentrum<br />

Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. (Dresden, Germany).<br />

Table I: Furnaces applied for the activation step<br />

Furnace Temperture Duration<br />

range (°C) range<br />

Walking string inline 880 - 950 20 - 50 min<br />

furnace (Centrotherm)<br />

Quarz tube furnace 950 - 1050 5 - 30 min<br />

(Inotherm)<br />

RTP furnace (Unitemp) 800 - 900 2 - 10 min<br />

Sintering furnace 850 1 - 5 s<br />

(Centrotherm)<br />

Flash lamp annealing 1100 - 1200 20 ms<br />

Table II: Laser applied for the activation step<br />

Laser Wavelength Pulse Pulse<br />

λ (nm) duration repetition<br />

Excimer laser 248 25 ns 50 Hz

Solar cells were processed using the standard<br />

processing line of the CiS Forschungsinstitut.<br />

2.4 Measuring methods<br />

Sheet resistances have been measured by a four point<br />

probe (Napson RT-70 tester), and sheet resistance<br />

mappings of the implanted and annealed wafers have<br />

been carried out by two methods (SHR, “sheet<br />

resistance” with a measuring head on a semilab WT2000<br />

and SRI, “sheet resistance imaging” with a<br />

Thermosensorik infrared camera system).<br />

Carrier lifetime measurements were carried out on<br />

samples whose emitter has been etched off past the<br />

implantation and activation with a Semilab WT2000 tool<br />

and a Sinton Consulting WCT-100. The latter has been<br />

also used (on the same type of samples) for determining<br />

the interstitial iron content, the emitter saturation currents<br />

and for Illumination V oc-characteristics (“SunsVoc”).<br />

Illumination V oc measurements were achieved on<br />

samples having a screen printed aluminum rear side and<br />

no metallisation at the front.<br />

Phosphorus depth profiles were determined with a<br />

Cameca sector field secondary ion mass spectrometre<br />

(SIMS).<br />

3 <strong>AN</strong>NEALING <strong>AN</strong>D ACTIVAT<strong>ION</strong><br />

Because a drive-in of impurities at high temperatures<br />

applied at the activation step has to be avoided, the wafer<br />

surface has to be cleaned before the activation. A<br />

standard clean like the RCA clean is not suitable in our<br />

case, because it causes too large a removal of the surface<br />

and thus a significant increase of the sheet resistance after<br />

the activation step. Therefore a reduced RCA process<br />

consisting of the SC2 step followed by an HF dip has<br />

been used for the activation in the walking string inline<br />

furnace.<br />

3.1 Sheet resistance<br />

With increasing annealing times, more and more<br />

phosphorus atoms are becoming activated and at the<br />

same time are diffusing deeper into the silicon bulk. The<br />

latter causes a decrease in the concentration of<br />

phosphorus atoms and therefore to an increase in the<br />

carrier mobility. Both effects (activation and diffusion)<br />

lead to a decrease in the sheet resistance with increasing<br />

annealing times t. An example is shown in Fig. 1 for an<br />

implantation with a bias voltage of 8 kV and a dosis of 5 ·<br />

10 15 at/cm 2 and an activation in an inline diffusion<br />

furnace (temperature: 880 °C). The fast decrease of the<br />

sheet resistance (t ≤ 10 - 20 min) is attributed mainly to<br />

the activation, and the slow decrease (t ≥ 20 min) to the<br />

diffusion of the phosphorus atoms into the bulk.<br />

All relevant sheet resistances R sh (30 Ω/sq < R sh <<br />

120 Ω/sq) can easily be obtained for monocrystalline<br />

wafers by a sufficient dose and activation temperature<br />

(for example for R sh = 30 Ω/sq an implantation of 5 keV,<br />

10 16 at/cm 2 and an activation of 1000 °C, 10 min is<br />

sufficient). It is noteworthy that the activation for plasma<br />

implanted samples is much shorter than the diffusion<br />

time for phosphorus diffused samples. This holds also for<br />

RTP processes, where 10 min at 600 °C and 2 min at<br />

900 °C in N 2-atmosphere are enough to gain a sheet<br />

resistance of 50 Ω/sq (again with the same implantation<br />

parameters). Nevertheless the activation in a sintering<br />

furnace with parameters sufficient for the contact<br />

formation of screen printed metals is by far not sufficient<br />

to reach reasonable sheet resistances. Therefore an<br />

explicit activation step for the processing of standardtype<br />

solar cells cannot be avoided.<br />

For multicrystalline wafers, it is remarkable that for<br />

the same implantation an activation with a higher<br />

temperature or duration is needed to reach the same sheet<br />

resistances as for the monocrystalline samples.<br />

Homogeneities of the sheet resistance for the<br />

implanted and activated samples are sufficient for the<br />

processing of solar cells. An example is shown in Fig. 2<br />

for the same implantation parameters and the same<br />

furnace used (880 °C, 20 min). A sheet resistance of 53<br />

± 2 Ω/sq measured with a four point probe at nine points<br />

has been obtained (standard deviation of 4 %). (The high<br />

sheet resistance values at the edge of the wafer (red<br />

colour) in Fig. 2 are an artefact of the SHR measuring<br />

technique due to the fact that the current path is inhibited<br />

at the wafer edges.)<br />

Sheet resistance [Ω/sq]<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

0 20 40 60 80 100<br />

Annealing time [min]<br />

Figure 1: Sheet resistances after activation using an<br />

inline diffusion furnace<br />

Figure 2: Sheet resistance (SHR) image of a walking<br />

string inline furnace annealed wafer<br />

3.2 Phosphorus depth profiles<br />

There is a good correlation between implantation and<br />

activation parameters and the phosphorus depth profiles<br />

measured with SIMS. After implantation (and before

activation) an almost exponential depth profile can be<br />

observed with a penetration depth (where the P<br />

concentration decreases by a factor of e -1 ) of 7 to 8 nm<br />

(dependent on the ion energy) and a surface<br />

concentration of 5 to 50 · 10 21 at/cm 3 resulting in an<br />

overall P content that is in good agreement with the<br />

implanted dose.<br />

After activation, depth profiles of the overall and the<br />

activated phosphorus concentration have been measured<br />

for a quartz tube furnace and an excimer laser activation<br />

with SIMS and ECV (Electrochemical Capacitance<br />

Voltage Profiling), respectively (s. Fig. 3). The observed<br />

low differences in both profiles are indicating that at least<br />

almost all phosphorus atoms are activated after these two<br />

activation methods (implantation: 5 keV, 10 16 at/cm 2 ,<br />

quartz tube furnace: 1000 °C, 10 min).<br />

For a quartz tube furnace (and similarly for the<br />

walking string inline furnace), SIMS profiles look<br />

different from those that are known from POCl 3 or sprayon<br />

inline diffusion processes (cf. eg. [4]). Especially the<br />

kink that is found in diffused P samples (at about 2 · 10 19<br />

cm -3 ), cannot be found in our cases. One reason for this<br />

might be the lower phosphorus surface concentration.<br />

Similarly to diffused samples, a hunch in the profile can<br />

be detected at 2 - 5 · 10 18 cm -3 indicating the same<br />

diffusion process that is dominated by interaction with<br />

self-interstitials.<br />

Profiles obtained from laser activated samples can<br />

quite be varying, depending on the exact laser parameters<br />

that are responsible for the fact whether the silicon<br />

surface is molten or just heated. In our case, the surface is<br />

molten (albeit a complete mixing of the recrystallised<br />

silicon not reached for one laser pulse), leading to a<br />

profile that shows the same characteristics as the quartz<br />

tube furnace process, but on a much smaller scale (a<br />

concentration of 5 · 10 17 cm -3 is reached at a depth of ca.<br />

250 nm compared to 1000 nm for the quartz tube furnace<br />

activation). This might be due to the much lower laser<br />

impact time (25 ns).<br />

4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISAT<strong>ION</strong><br />

4.1 Carrier lifetime<br />

Carrier lifetimes were measured on samples whose<br />

emitter has been etched off after the implantation and<br />

activation and which were passivated afterwards by<br />

silicon nitride coatings. Therefore the quoted<br />

(“effective”) lifetimes are upper limits for the “true” bulk<br />

lifetime. In our experiments, no influence of the<br />

implantation parameters can be ascertained - in contrast<br />

to the activation parameters. There is a tendency, that (in<br />

the case of RTP furnace) higher temperatures yield lower<br />

lifetimes which is possibly caused by some<br />

contamination. For activation steps other than hightemperature-RTP,<br />

effective lifetimes vary from 200 µs to<br />

800 µs.<br />

P Concentration [at./cm³]<br />

P Concentration [at./cm³]<br />

10 21<br />

10 20<br />

10 19<br />

10 18<br />

10 17<br />

10 16<br />

quartz tube furnace<br />

SIMS<br />

ECV<br />

10<br />

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5<br />

15<br />

10 21<br />

10 20<br />

10 19<br />

10 18<br />

10 17<br />

10 16<br />

Depth [µm]<br />

10<br />

0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4<br />

15<br />

Depth [µm]<br />

excimer laser<br />

SIMS<br />

ECV<br />

Figure 3: SIMS and ECV depth profiles after activation<br />

for quartz tube furnace and excimer laser<br />

The WCT-100 tool has been used to determine the<br />

interstitial iron (Fe i) content (by measuring lifetimes<br />

before and after a light soaking of the passivated<br />

samples). After the activation, we observe partly an<br />

increase and partly a decrease of the interstitial iron<br />

content in comparison to the Fe i content after the<br />

implantation. A conclusion, whether a gettering effect or<br />

contamination or an internal regrouping of iron atoms<br />

(from the interstitial/boron pair state to iron containing<br />

precipitates and vice versa) dominates, is not yet<br />

possible.<br />

4.2 Emitter saturation current<br />

The same set of samples used for illustrating the<br />

dependence of the sheet resistance R sh on the activation<br />

time (Fig. 1) has been used for measuring the emitter<br />

saturation current density (J 0e) (Fig. 4). Quite often, a<br />

monotonic decrease of J 0e for increasing sheet resistances<br />

is measured for phosphorus diffused samples. In our case,<br />

such a decrease is observed only for sheet resistances<br />

above 55 Ω/sq. The reason for the increase in J 0e for 45<br />

Ω/sq < R sh < 55 Ω/sq is not known yet. The absolute<br />

values we obtained are still somewhat high and do not<br />

suffice for the processing of high efficiency solar cells.

J 0E [fA/cm²]<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85<br />

Sheet resistance [Ω/sq]<br />

Figure 4: Emitter saturation current density in<br />

dependence of the sheet resistance<br />

4.3 Illumination V oc<br />

Illumination V oc is a means to assess solar cell<br />

parameters as pseudo fill factor (pseudo FF), pseudo<br />

efficiency (pseudo η) and open circuit voltage V oc before<br />

the final metallisation (in our case a screen printed front<br />

metallisation). For different activation steps, the best<br />

illumination V oc values are listed in Table III (the<br />

combination of RTP and laser has been used for the<br />

activation of selective emitter structures, s. below). The<br />

relatively high pseudo FF are ensuring that shunting<br />

problems are not relevant and cannot be responsible for<br />

the low open circuit voltages. We assume the low V oc<br />

values are caused by a high recombination in the bulk<br />

and emitter region (hence the high j 01 and j 02 values).<br />

Table III: V oc and pseudo cell parameters, measured<br />

with illumination V oc<br />

Activation inline RTP laser RTP +<br />

furnace laser<br />

pseudo η [%] 13.5 13.0 12.9 13.1<br />

V OC [mV] 580 550 570 554<br />

pseudo FF [%] 80 81 76 79<br />

j 01 [pA/cm²] 51 18 52 8<br />

j 02 [nA/cm²] 79 67 143 100<br />

4.4 Solar cells<br />

For different activation steps and both for CZ and<br />

multicrystalline (mc) wafers, the best solar cell values are<br />

listed in Table IV. In comparison to the illumination V oc<br />

values, it is remarkable that V oc and (pseudo) FF values<br />

are decreased. One possible reason for this (high series<br />

resistances, R ser) can be excluded for most cases because<br />

R ser values are tolerable (< 1 Ωcm 2 , not shown here).<br />

Similar to illumination V oc, we assume that a high carrier<br />

recombination is responsible for the rather bad solar cell<br />

characteristics. This is confirmed by spectrally resolved<br />

light beam induced current (SR-LBIC) mappings,<br />

showing effective diffusion length values below 100 µm<br />

(also not shown here).<br />

IQE measurements show that the emitter region λ <<br />

400 nm is reasonably well in contrast to the low values<br />

for λ > 600 nm (Fig. 5). This again is a hint for a material<br />

degradation.<br />

Table IV: Results of plasma implanted solar cells<br />

RTP inline quartz tube<br />

furnace furnace<br />

mc solar cells<br />

JSC [mA/cm²] 31 30<br />

VOC [mV] 561 564<br />

FF [%] 72 74<br />

η [%] 12.3 12.3<br />

CZ solar cells<br />

J SC [mA/cm²] 29 26 30<br />

V OC [mV] 544 551 554<br />

FF [%] 76 60 77<br />

η [%] 12.2 8.8 13.0<br />

EQE<br />

1,0<br />

0,8<br />

0,6<br />

0,4<br />

0,2<br />

0,0<br />

400 600 800 1000 1200<br />

wave length [nm]<br />

RTP<br />

quartz<br />

tube<br />

Figure 5: Internal quantum efficiency for two CZ solar<br />

cells with a plasma implanted emitter annealed using<br />

RTP or quartz tube furnace<br />


5.1 Laser treatment<br />

For processing selective emitter structures, the areas<br />

between front side fingers (‘high resistivity areas’) are<br />

activated by annealing the implanted wafers in an RTP<br />

furnace. The following parameters turned out to be best<br />

suited to process the high resistivity areas: implantation<br />

(3 kV, 1 x 10 15 at / cm 2 ) and RTP activation (600 °C,<br />

10 min, obtaining R sh = 120 Ω / sq). The low resistivity<br />

areas below the metallisation fingers were illuminated by<br />

an excimer laser (details see section 2.3). Fig. 6 illustrates<br />

the impact the laser has on the silicon surface. A slight<br />

rounding of the otherwise sharp-edged surface texture is<br />

observed.<br />

Figure 6: SEM image of the acid etched silicon surface<br />

of mc wafer before (left) and after (right) laser treatment<br />

5.2 Results<br />

Because the high resistivity area is activated by a low<br />

temperature process for only a short time, there remains<br />

the possibility to decrease further the resistivity locally

y a laser. This is visualised by SRI (Fig. 7), where the<br />

red colour indicates a higher emittivity (and thus a higher<br />

conductivity) of the silicon than the yellow colour. In<br />

these low resistance areas a sheet resistance of 36 Ωcm<br />

could be achieved.<br />

Figure 7: Sheet resistance imaging (SRI) of selective<br />

emitter (distance between fingers ca. 300 µm).<br />

6 CONCLUS<strong>ION</strong><br />

The reason why solar cells with plasma implanted<br />

phosphorus emitters lack the efficiencies which are<br />

standard to the phosphorus diffused emitter solar cells is<br />

not yet understood. Until now it is only an assumption<br />

that there is a degradation due to a reduction of the<br />

effective lifetime during solar cell processing.<br />

Contamination with iron is one candidate for this.<br />

Although for low phosphorus concentrations a similar<br />

depth profile to phosphorus diffused emitters can be<br />

obtained, it is improbable that an effective phosphorus<br />

diffusion gettering takes place during processing of<br />

plasma implanted solar cells. Therefore the processing of<br />

this kind of solar cells affords a special awareness in<br />

respect to wafer qualities, clean process surroundings and<br />

the interaction of impurities during processes.<br />

On the other hand, we observed shunting or<br />

contacting (series resistance) problems only in very few<br />

cases. Homogeneity of emitters and the screen printing of<br />

a silver based metallisation even for low phosphorus<br />

surface concentrations does not seem a problem. The heat<br />

necessary for the activation is by far not as large as the<br />

heat needed for diffusion processes where the phosphorus<br />

has to be driven into the silicon bulk from a surface<br />

coating. Therefore we consider the plasma implantation<br />

method still a very promising method for producing<br />

commercially viable solar cells.<br />


The autors like to thank Christian Schmiga and<br />

Michael Rauer from Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany<br />

for providing the ECV measurements. The authors thank<br />

their colleagues from Ion Beam Services (Yannick<br />

Cizeron, Hasnaa Etienne, Thomas Michel) and at<br />

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Andreas<br />

Kolitsch, Wolfgang Skorupa, Johannes von Borany, S.<br />

Prucnal) for conducting the plasma implantation and the<br />

flash lamp annealing and also for fruitful discussions.<br />

The financial support by the German Bundesministerium<br />

für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) is gratefully<br />

acknowledged for funding the project Flaem under the<br />

contract number VF 090004.<br />


[1] A. Gupta et al.: High efficiency selective emitter cells<br />

using in-situ patterned ion implantation; 25 th EU PVSEC,<br />

2010, p. 1158<br />

[2] V. Yelundur et al: First implementation of ion<br />

implantation to produce commercial silicon solar cells,<br />

26 th EU PVSEC, 2011, p. 831<br />

[3] Á. Németh, I. Pintér, Z. Lábadi, A. Tóth, S. Püspöki:<br />

Study of Crystal Defects in Plasma Doped Silicon Solar<br />

Cells, 21 st EU PVSEC, 2006, 1400 – 1403<br />

[4] A. Bentzen, J.S. Christensen, B.G. Svensson, and A.<br />

Holt: Understanding phosphorus emitter diffusion in<br />

silicon solar cell processing; 21 st EPVSEC, 2006, p. 1388

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