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<strong>LOCAL</strong> <strong>STRUCTURING</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>DIELECTRIC</strong> <strong>LAYERS</strong> <strong>ON</strong> SILIC<strong>ON</strong> FOR IMPROVED SOLAR CELL<br />

METALLIZATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

K. Neckermann 1 , S. A. G. D. Correia 2 , G. Andrä 3 , M. Bähr 1 , J. Lossen 2 , E. Ose 3 , L. Redlich 3 , I. Köhler 4 , H. Metzner 1<br />

1 SolarZentrum Erfurt, CiS Institut für Mikrosensorik GmbH, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 14, 99099 Erfurt, Germany,<br />

Phone: +49 - 361 - 663 12 14, Fax: +49 - 361 - 663 14 13, E-mail: kneckermann@cismst.de<br />

2 ersol Solar Energy AG, Wilhelm-Wolff-Str. 23, 99099 Erfurt, Germany<br />

3 Institut für Physikalische Hochtechnologie e. V., Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, 07745 Jena, Germany<br />

4 Merck KGaA, P.O. Box, 64271 Darmstadt, Germany<br />

ABSTRACT: Using different types of nanosecond lasers with wavelengths in the range from 248 to 1064 nm and a<br />

femtosecond (fs) laser with λ = 785 nm, dielectric SiN x or SiO x layers on silicon wafers were opened locally to form<br />

diffusion and metallization masks. The wafers were all Cz-grown single-crystalline material and were either smooth, i.e.<br />

shiny etched, or textured and had a phosphorus-doped emitter or not. For all laser types, the laser parameters which were<br />

necessary and sufficient to open the dielectric layers were determined as optimal parameters. Additionally, screenprinted<br />

etching pastes were employed to open the dielectric layers in parallel experiments. The opened structures were<br />

characterized microscopically and by means of effective minority carrier lifetime measurements. The effects of the<br />

utilized laser parameters on surface structure and carrier lifetime are discussed. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy reveals<br />

the effects of the different laser irradiations on the phosphorus doping profile. SunsVoc measurements confirm the<br />

capability of the investigated process steps in solar-cell processing.<br />

Keywords: laser processing, silicon nitride, silicon oxide<br />

1 INTRODUCTI<strong>ON</strong><br />

The efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells out of<br />

the standard industrial process is limited due to<br />

restrictions imposed by the generally employed screenprinting<br />

process for front and back-side metallization [1].<br />

On the front side, the metallization pastes have to be<br />

optimized simultaneously for the pervasion of the<br />

standard dielectric SiN x layer, a good ohmic contact to<br />

the emitter, and a low specific resistance. That is why<br />

screen printing on the front side is, in general, only<br />

applicable to emitters with sheet resistances beneath a<br />

certain level. Moreover, the comparatively high series<br />

resistances produced by the front-side metallization<br />

reduce the fill factor and thus the efficiency of the<br />

processed cells.<br />

Therefore, some effort has been devoted to the<br />

investigation of alternative metallization procedures<br />

which are compatible to low-cost industrial mass<br />

production [2]. Among these, laser processes offer some<br />

advantages when employed to open defined local<br />

structures in the anti-reflection coating on the front of the<br />

cell. These local structures are then susceptible for<br />

promising metallization processes including wet<br />

chemical processes and also screen printing with lowresistivity<br />

pastes which can be processed at<br />

comparatively low temperatures. On the other hand, laser<br />

processing is well-known to be capable of introducing<br />

material modifications into silicon wafers including<br />

lifetime limiting defects and internal stress [3]. Hence,<br />

before these alternative metallization concepts can enter<br />

into production their benefits have to be shown on a<br />

laboratory scale first.<br />

In this paper, we open locally different types of<br />

dielectric layers, either SiN x or SiO x , by different types<br />

of lasers in order to shed light on the interplay of laser<br />

beams and material effects as a function of laser<br />

parameters such as wavelength, energy fluence, pulse<br />

length and pulse repetition time. The SiN x layers are part<br />

of the industrial standard cell, while SiO x films play<br />

important roles in various high-efficiency concepts. To<br />

compare with the laser processes, a screen-printed<br />

etching paste is used for a local opening of the dielectric<br />

layers.<br />

The ablation of the dielectric layers SiN x and SiO x<br />

without damaging the underlying silicon surface using a<br />

nanosecond laser is difficult because of the low<br />

absorption coefficient of SiN x and SiO x in comparison to<br />

silicon [4]. Thus, it is very important to choose adequate<br />

wavelengths, for which absorption in the dielectric layer<br />

takes place. As a consequence a laser wavelength of<br />

λ < 350 nm is required for light absorption within the<br />

SiN x layer. Still lower wavelengths are needed for<br />

absorption within SiO x . By using very small pulse<br />

duration in the femtosecond range non-linear effects [5]<br />

in the absorption process result in ablation of material<br />

nearly without heat transfer.<br />


In the present experiments, different lasers or an<br />

etching paste were employed to open dielectric SiN x or<br />

SiO x layers on Cz-Si wafers. The latter had been<br />

processed according to the pathways of the reaction<br />

scheme which is depicted in figure 1. Therefore we used<br />

an industrial standard diffusion process (ρ sh = 47 Ω/sq),<br />

an industrial standard PECVD SiN x of about 80 nm and a<br />

APCVD SiO x of 100 nm thickness.<br />

Figure 1: Scheme of processing of the used wafers.

The laser experiments included the following<br />

features:<br />

• Nd:YAG laser, λ = 1064 nm<br />

• Nd:YAG laser, λ = 532 and 355 nm<br />

• Excimer laser with λ = 248 nm<br />

• Ti:sapphir laser with λ = 785 nm<br />

The Nd:YAG lasers and the Excimer laser have pulse<br />

durations in nanosecond range whereas the Ti:sapphire is<br />

a femtosecond laser.<br />

The parameters for a complete opening of the<br />

dielectric layers were determined for each laser (optimal<br />

parameters). To this end, the fluences of the Nd:YAG<br />

lasers and the femtosecond laser were varied. For the<br />

excimer laser, the number of pulses at a constant fluence<br />

of 580 mJ/cm² was changed.<br />

The etching paste was Solar Etch BE 01 of Merck<br />

which was printed by means of a common screen printer.<br />

The nominal finger width of the screen was chosen to be<br />

80-85 µm. The etching paste was activated by a heat<br />

treatment at 350°C for 90 s and was finally removed by<br />

0.1 % KOH at 40°C in an ultrasonic bath for 90 s.<br />

Figure 2: SEM images at the textured silicon surface<br />

after laser opening of the SiN x layer with different lasers<br />

using the optimal parameters: a) λ = 1064 nm, b)<br />

λ = 532 nm, c) λ = 355 nm and d) femtosecond laser with<br />

λ = 785 nm.<br />

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSI<strong>ON</strong><br />

3.1 Optical characterizations<br />

As a first step, the laser fluence in combination with<br />

the other laser parameters, which are necessary and<br />

sufficient to remove locally the dielectric SiN x or SiO x<br />

layer were determined. These fluences range from 0.03 to<br />

7.75 J/cm² for the Nd:YAG lasers. The parameters, for<br />

which the dielectric layer was completely opened while<br />

damaging the Si surface as little as possible, will be<br />

referred to as "optimal parameters". The fluences of the<br />

optimal parameters are between 0.8 and 0.1 J/cm².<br />

Figure 2 shows examples of SEM images of areas of<br />

textured wafers, where the SiN x layer has been removed<br />

using the optimal parameters. For the longest wavelength<br />

of 1064 nm, the image indicates a complete surface<br />

melting (a), while for the shorter wavelengths of 532 and<br />

355 nm the tops of the pyramids only show signs of<br />

melting, (b) and (c), respectively. These observations<br />

were made after irradiation with a Nd:YAG laser,<br />

whereas the short pulse femtosecond laser (785 nm) in<br />

figure 2 (d) apparently did not induce any surface<br />

modifications.<br />

In the SEM image of Fig. 3 (a), which shows laser<br />

irradiated and non-irradiated areas, we are confronted<br />

with a less pronounced surface texture below a SiO x<br />

layer, the removal of which is clearly accompanied by a<br />

complete surface melting (Nd:YAG, 1064 nm).<br />

Proceeding to the shorter wavelength of 532 nm, the<br />

surface melting appears to be less complete (b), while<br />

finally, at 355 nm (c) the topmost Si layer only was<br />

melted and so a somewhat smoothed texture appears.<br />

Using fluences above the optimal one at a constant<br />

wavelength, the silicon surface is melted more and more.<br />

Figure 3: SEM images at the textured silicon surface<br />

after laser opening of the SiO x layer with different<br />

Nd:YAG lasers using the optimal parameters: a)<br />

λ = 1064 nm, b) λ = 532 nm and c) λ = 355 nm.<br />

Surface melting is avoided when etching pastes are<br />

used instead of lasers. Fig. 4 shows images taken with an<br />

optical microscope which demonstrate the precise local<br />

removal of a SiN x layer by the etching paste on a smooth<br />

(a) and a textured surface (b). The measured line width is<br />

about 105 µm for the shiny-etched surface and 125 µm<br />

for the textured surface. At the edges of the lines thinner<br />

layer thickness is observed due to sloping of the paste.<br />

The same results were observed after local removing of<br />

SiO x layers. Furthermore, comparable geometries can be<br />

obtained with laser processing (not shown).

Figure 4: Optical microscopy pictures of local structured<br />

SiN x layers on a shiny etched (a) and a textured (b)<br />

surface.<br />

3.2 Lifetime measurements<br />

Minority carrier lifetime measurements using the<br />

MWPCD (microwave-detected photoconductance decay)<br />

were carried out in order to look for the effects of the<br />

local opening of the dielectric films on the electronic<br />

quality of the underlying bulk material. These<br />

measurements were done on smooth shiny-etched wafers<br />

without emitter, after the remaining parts of the dielectric<br />

layers had been removed in HF and after subsequent<br />

surface passivation using iodine ethanol solution. Fig. 5<br />

(left) shows lifetime mappings of a wafer piece with<br />

three columns of laser-opened stripes which are clearly<br />

visible as stripes of low lifetime. The columns<br />

correspond to the indicated laser wavelengths (Nd:YAG)<br />

while the laser fluence is decreasing from top to bottom.<br />

The stripes which relate to the optimal fluences are<br />

encircled. Fig. 5 (right) shows the lifetime mapping of a<br />

wafer piece which had had four quadratic windows in the<br />

dielectric layer each opened with an excimer laser at<br />

different pulse numbers (between 10 and 500) with<br />

constant energy per pulse. Obviously, the number of<br />

pulses does not very much affect the lifetime which is<br />

lowered to a few micro-seconds in all four cases. The<br />

encircled window corresponds to the critical number of<br />

pulses which is 50.<br />

Figure 5: Lifetime measurements after laser opening of<br />

the SiN x layer using the different Nd:YAG lasers<br />

(λ = 355-1064 nm) and the Excimer laser (λ = 248 nm)<br />

after iodine ethanol passivation.<br />

Fig. 6 shows analogous examples of lifetime<br />

mappings of wafer pieces on which windows in the<br />

covering SiN x (left) or SiO x (right) layers had been<br />

produced by means of fs-laser irradiation. In these<br />

examples, the lifetime is - as in the examples of Fig. 5 -<br />

also reduced to a few micro-seconds in the laser-treated<br />

areas although these wafer pieces yielded a much higher<br />

lifetime for the non-irradiated areas due to better quality<br />

of the starting material.<br />

Figure 6: Lifetime measurements on two wafer pieces<br />

where the dielectric layers SiN x (left) and SiO x (right)<br />

were locally opened with the femtosecond laser. The<br />

structures lasered with the optimal parameters are<br />

encircled.<br />

In contrast to the laser treated wafers, the opening of<br />

the dielectric layers with an etching paste does not at all<br />

affect the lifetime. This is illustrated in Fig. 7, which<br />

shows a sketch of the printed test structure (left) and the<br />

corresponding lifetime mapping of the wafer piece. In<br />

this case, a SiN x film had been opened. For SiO x layer<br />

opening, also effects on carrier lifetime do not occur.<br />

Figure 7: Sketch of the opened structures using the<br />

etching paste (left) and the lifetime mapping of the<br />

structured wafer after iodine ethanol passivation.<br />

3.3 SIMS analyses<br />

As mentioned above, an important possible<br />

application of laser-opened local structures in dielectric<br />

layers will be a modification or complete substitution of<br />

screen printed front contacts. Therefore, the reaction of<br />

the phosphorous doped emitter to the laser treatment will<br />

be of major importance. Fig. 8 shows a SIMS (secondary<br />

ion mass spectroscopy) measurement of the phosphorus<br />

depth profile of a standard industrial emitter which is<br />

termed "starting profile" and the profiles which result<br />

from this starting profile due to the laser irradiation with<br />

different lasers each with the optimal parameters. All<br />

these measurements were done with smooth shiny-etched<br />

wafers. Except for two cases, the depth of the P profile<br />

increases proportionally to the laser wavelength for<br />

locally opened structures using the optimized laser<br />

parameters. This is probably an effect of the increasing<br />

penetration depth of the laser light with increasing<br />

wavelength. The excimer laser (λ = 248 nm) irradiation<br />

was done at a fluence above the optimal one which<br />

explains the unexpectedly deep profile in this case. In<br />

contrast, the P profile after fs-laser irradiation is even<br />

flatter than the starting profile and shows a lower surface<br />

concentration. So, we assume a Si material loss at the<br />

wafer surface due to ablation whereas the changing of the<br />

profiles for the nanosecond lasers (Nd:YAG and<br />

Excimer) are a result of melting processes. Note that no<br />

signs of ablation are visible in the REM image of a fslaser-treated<br />

textured wafer surface [cf. Fig. 2 (d)].

Figure 8: Phosphorus depth profiles obtained after<br />

structuring the dielectric layer using the Nd:YAG lasers,<br />

the Excimer laser and the Ti:sapphire (fs) laser in<br />

comparison to the starting profile (ρ sh = 47 Ω/sq).<br />

3.4 SunsVoc measurements<br />

Since the metallization of the laser grooves is still<br />

outstanding, we performed SunsVoc measurements on<br />

textured wafers having a standard emitter, a standard<br />

SiN x layer on the front side and a standard aluminium<br />

back contact with and without laser-opened local<br />

structures. As an example, we show, in Fig. 9, the J(V)<br />

characteristics constructed from SunsVoc data for a<br />

wafer covered with a standard SiN x layer and for a laseropened<br />

area (Nd:YAG laser, λ = 355 nm). In the latter<br />

case, a lower J SC was assumed to account for the missing<br />

antireflection coating. Both curves indicate rather high<br />

V OC values of above 600 mV and also rather high pseudo<br />

fill factors of FF = 0.8. These data suggest potential cell<br />

efficiencies of 18 %, although this value is not affected<br />

by series resistance. However, there appear to be good<br />

chances to tap the full potential using an optimized<br />

metallization, e.g. via wet-chemical methods, of the<br />

locally laser-opened structures.<br />

on the surface topography, the local effective minority<br />

carrier lifetime, and a standard P doping profile were<br />

investigated. Additionally, the potential of the applied<br />

process steps for solar cell processing was elucidated by<br />

means of SunsVoc measurements.<br />

For the different lasers, the optimal parameters were<br />

determined for which the dielectric layer is removed at<br />

the least damage of the underlying Silicon material. SEM<br />

images demonstrated the complete or partial surface<br />

melting when ns laser pulses were employed (Nd:YAG),<br />

while fs pulses did not show visible effects on a textured<br />

surface. These findings correspond well to the SIMS<br />

results of P doped emitters which indicate surface<br />

melting in case of the ns -pulse lasers, while material<br />

ablation is occurring for the fs-laser treatment.<br />

Comparing the laser processes to the layer removal<br />

by the screen-printed etching paste, we find drastic local<br />

reductions of carrier lifetimes for the former while<br />

lifetime is not at all affected by the latter. Still, SunsVoc<br />

data suggest the laser treatments not to have detrimental<br />

effects on the solar cell performance since the prospected<br />

cell parameters are the same as those without laser<br />

irradiation.<br />

In conclusion, locally opened structures in dielectric<br />

layers are now ready for applications in diffusion<br />

processes as barrier layers in terms of selective emitters<br />

or in new metallization concepts, for example wetchemical<br />

plating. The benefits of etching pastes for<br />

structuring SiN x layers with a standard finger grid pattern<br />

in combination with the subsequent screen-printing of<br />

dedicated metallization pastes are demonstrated in a<br />

publication by Bähr and coworkers [6].<br />


The authors would like to thank Mr. Strutzberg, CiS<br />

Erfurt, for the SIMS analyses and Mr. Bergmann, IPHT<br />

Jena, for his help in determining the laser parameters.<br />

The financial support by the German ministry of BMU<br />

for the project ProgS (No. 0327521B) is gratefully<br />

acknowledged.<br />


Figure 9: SunsVoc measurements confirm the capability<br />

of the investigated process steps in solar-cell processing.<br />

4 C<strong>ON</strong>CLUSI<strong>ON</strong>S<br />

In the present paper, either laser processes or an<br />

etching paste were employed in order to locally remove<br />

dielectric SiN x or SiO x layers from the surface of Cz-<br />

Silicon wafers. The effects of these opening procedures<br />

[1] S. Kontermann, G. Emanuel, J. Benick, R. Preu, G.<br />

Willeke, 21 st EPVSEC, Dresden 2006, pp. 613-616<br />

[2] M. M c Cann, I. Melnyk, E. Wefringhaus, A. Hauser,<br />

P. Fath, S. Roberts, T. Bruton, D. Jordan, 19 th<br />

EPVSEC, Paris, 2004<br />

[3] A.Esturo-Breton, M. Ametowobla, C. Carlson, C.<br />

Köhler, J.H. Werner 21 st EPVEC, Dresden, 2006<br />

[4] A. Grohe, C. Harmel, A. Knorz, S.W. Glunz, R. Preu,<br />

G.P. Willeke, 21 st EPVEC, Dresden, 2006, pp. 1399-<br />

1402<br />

[5] P. Engelhart, N.-P. Harder, T. Neubert, H. Plagwitz,<br />

B. Fischer, R. Meyer, R. Brendel, 21 st EPVEC,<br />

Dresden, 2006, pp. 773-776<br />

[6] M. Bähr, S. Kim, S. Sridharan, C. Khadilkar, A.<br />

Shaikh, I. Köhler, M. Reichardt, M. Kumar, to be<br />

published at this conference

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