CULTURAL HERITAGE: - Macedonian Information Centre

CULTURAL HERITAGE: - Macedonian Information Centre

CULTURAL HERITAGE: - Macedonian Information Centre


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- Jovica StankovSki, Gjore Cenev<br />

development and absence of conditions for agricultural development and<br />

cattle breeding on the one and the tempestuous history of this region in<br />

the past centuries on the other side.<br />

As an illustration, we can mention the more recent historic events.<br />

At the end of the 17th century (in 1689, to be more precise) the famous<br />

Karpos Uprising broke out. The leader of the uprising, Karpos, tried to<br />

profit from the great defeat that the Turks had suffered from the Austrian<br />

army under the Vienna’s ramparts. Austrian General Piccolomini chased<br />

the Turks as far as Skopje, and Karpos had hoped that, in cooperation<br />

with Piccolomini, he could liberate these regions from the Turkish slavery.<br />

However, Piccolomini soon withdrew with his army and Karpos’s rebels<br />

were left on their own. The Turks suppressed in blood the uprising, while<br />

the people from this region had to flee from the Turkish retaliations.<br />

Due to these reasons, the whole region had been practically uninhabited<br />

until the beginning of the 19th century. At that time (in 1804) the First<br />

Uprising broke out in Serbia, which also ended without success and was<br />

suppressed in blood in 1813. Running away from the Turks, these parts<br />

were inhabited by larger groups of Serbs from the north, because of which<br />

today the population in the surrounding villages is a mixed combination<br />

of Serbs and <strong>Macedonian</strong>s.<br />

The settlers had an influence on the changing of the toponyms in<br />

the region. So, for instance, the peak of the mountain where the site is<br />

located is called Tatikev Kamen (Tatic’s Stone, trans.). Today we believe<br />

that this name is of a recent origin, because the surrounding peaks of the<br />

mountains bear names like Peralo, Peren, and so on, which, according to<br />

linguists, basically have the root “per” that in the language of the Indo-<br />

European peoples meant stone.<br />

It is interesting to note that, according to some legends narrated by<br />

the peasants, long time ago a lot of horses used to be raised in this region,<br />

while many of the inhabitants used to be skilled horsemen. According<br />

to some claims, a large part of the elite cavalry of the great Alexander of<br />

Macedonia was composed of inhabitants from this region and they had<br />

saved the life of the great military leader several times. There are written<br />

testimonies about these events in history.<br />

In the broader region a rising number of archaeological sites from<br />

the Roman and the broader ancient period have been registered, as well<br />

as a large number of sites of the Iron, the Bronze, and the Neolithic ages.<br />

This means that the entire region has a long history of at least 7,000 years<br />

full of important dwellings, holy places, events, and personalities.

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