CULTURAL HERITAGE: - Macedonian Information Centre

CULTURAL HERITAGE: - Macedonian Information Centre

CULTURAL HERITAGE: - Macedonian Information Centre


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the euro-AtLANtic iNtegrAtioN<br />

Stojan Slaveski, Ph.D.<br />

Analyses in Vol. IV, No.11<br />

the roLe of the stAte iN the heALth cAre reforms iN westerN<br />

euroPe ANd rePubLic of mAcedoNiA<br />

Vladimir Lazarevik M.D., M.P.H.<br />

stAff PoteNtiALs iN the rePubLic of mAcedoNiA<br />

Stojance Mitrovski, M.D.<br />

reform of Arm – ProvidiNg oPtimAL Number ANd structure of<br />

QuALified miLitAry ANd civiLiAN PersoNNeL<br />

Marina Stojanovska<br />

does the mAcedoNiAN LegAL ANd fiscAL frAmework eNhANce the<br />

growth of the civic sector?<br />

Vesna Pendovska, Dr.Juris<br />

Analyses in Vol. V, No.1<br />

LegaL aspects оf тhe fight against corruption оn тhe<br />

iNterNAtioNAL ANd NAtioNAL LeveL<br />

Dr. Nikola Tupanceski, Assistant Professor<br />

euroPeAN uNioN-westerN bALkANs reLAtioNs cArefuL, coNfused,<br />

eNcourAgiNg<br />

Dobrinka Taskovska<br />

boris trAjkovski (1956-2004): PAstor iN the LANd of the dukes<br />

Saso Ordanoski, Nevena Angelovska<br />

reALity PuzzLe ANd iNverted sock<br />

Liljana Mazova<br />

Analyses in Vol. V, No.3<br />

muLticuLturAL societies betweeN coNseNsus ANd disAgreemeNt:<br />

sociAL iNtegrAtioN ANd PoLiticAL discourse<br />

Dr. Petar Atanasov<br />

fourth geNerAtioN of reforms iN the defeNce<br />

Saso Kuzmanovski, M.A.<br />

how cLose is the rePubLic of mAcedoNiA to NAto membershiP?<br />

Saso Kuzmanovski, M.A.<br />

mAcedoNiA Needs eLectioN code<br />

Zoran Tanevski<br />


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