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<strong>APPROACH</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>RASHES</strong><br />

<strong>MACULOPAPU</strong><br />

<strong>LAR</strong> <strong>RED</strong> RASH<br />

Viral exanthem<br />

NOS<br />

Rubeola<br />

Rubella<br />

Roseola<br />

Erythema<br />

Infectiosum<br />

Scarlet Fever<br />

RockyMtn<br />

Spotted F<br />

Hand-foot-mouth<br />

Kawasaki’s<br />

disesase<br />

Drug eruption<br />

Staph scalded skin<br />

Staph toxic shock<br />

Strep toxic shock<br />

Erythema<br />

Multiforme<br />

Steven’s -<br />

Johnson<br />

Psoriasis<br />

Urticaria<br />

Pityriasis Rosea<br />

Disseminated<br />

gonorr<br />

Scabies<br />

<strong>MACULOPAPU</strong><br />

<strong>LAR</strong> <strong>RED</strong> AND<br />


+/- Patches and<br />

Placques<br />

Pityriasis Rosea<br />

Atopic Dermatitis<br />

Contact<br />

Dermatitis<br />

Seborrheic<br />

dermatitis<br />

Tinea capitis<br />

Tinea corporis<br />

Tinea pedis<br />

Tinea versicolor<br />

Lichen plannus<br />

PAPU<strong>LAR</strong> OR<br />

NODU<strong>LAR</strong><br />

RASH<br />

Pediculosis<br />

Scabies<br />

Molluscum<br />

Syphillus<br />

Warts<br />

Xanthomas<br />

Insect Bites<br />

Milia<br />

Mastocytomas<br />

Contact dermatitis<br />

Erythema<br />

Nodosum<br />

Erythema<br />

Multiforme<br />

VESICU<strong>LAR</strong>/<br />


Herpes simplex<br />

Varicella<br />

Herpes zoster<br />

Pemphigus<br />

Pemphigoid<br />

Bullous impetigo<br />

Staph Scalded<br />

Skin<br />

Epidermolysis<br />

bullosa<br />

TEN<br />

PUSTU<strong>LAR</strong><br />

Impetigo<br />

Folliculitis<br />

Carbuncle<br />

Hiradenitis<br />

Suppurati<br />

Gonococcal<br />

dermatitis<br />


RASH/<br />


RASH<br />

Vascular Integrity<br />

-Trauma: NAT,<br />

etc<br />

-Vasculitis:<br />

HSP,etc<br />

-Drugs<br />

-Infections: viral,<br />

mono, ricketsia,<br />

strep, endocarditis<br />

Platelet disorder<br />

-ITP<br />

-TTP<br />

-HUS<br />


-<br />

Meningococcus,et<br />

c<br />

-Drug induced<br />

-BM infiltration<br />

-Liver failure<br />

-Congenital plt<br />

d/o<br />

Coagulation<br />

disorder<br />

-Congential:<br />

VWD, hemophilia<br />

A,B<br />

-Acquired: DIC,<br />

warfarin, Vit K<br />

deficient, liver dz,<br />

renal dz


Steven’s Johnson syndrome<br />

Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome<br />

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome<br />

Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome<br />

Pemphigus/Pemphigoid<br />

Kawasaki’s syndrome<br />

Vasculitis<br />

Drug reaction<br />

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever<br />


Macular = red/pink color change < 0.5cm<br />

Patch = color change > 0.5 cm<br />

Papular = raised lesion<br />

Nodule = round elevated lesion > 0.5cm<br />

Plaque = elevated lesion >0.5 cm<br />

Finish definitions<br />

Approach to diagnosis<br />

Is the person toxic?<br />

Is the rash maculopapular, scaly, papular, nodular, vesicular, bullous, pustular, petechial<br />

or purpuric?<br />

Are there any recongnizable features of the rash or history?<br />

Is the rash acute or chronic?<br />

Is the rash associated with fever or infectious symptoms?<br />

Is the rash localized to an area of contact?<br />

Is the rash scaly?<br />

Common precipitants: drugs, infections, food,<br />

THE <strong>RED</strong> <strong>MACULOPAPU</strong><strong>LAR</strong> RASH +/- SCALES<br />



Principles<br />

Dermatophytoses = superficial fungal infections that are limited to skin<br />

Scaling, papules, plaques and patches are most common<br />

Grow best in heat and moistoure<br />

Only grow in keratin or outer layer of skink, nails, hair

Keratin accumulates in body folds<br />

Not very contagious (except Tinea capitis)<br />

KOH preparation: branching hyphae of the dermatophytes or the short, thick hyphae and<br />

clustered spores of tinea versicolor.<br />

Cultures of hair, nail, scales using Saboranund agar X 3 weeks<br />

Tinea Capitis<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Fungal infection of the scalp<br />

MC in preschoolers but increasingly common in adults etc<br />

More common in african americans<br />

Trichophyton tonsurans is cause of current epidemic (many have seborrheic-like scaling in the<br />

abscence of alopecia)<br />

Black dots representing hair broken off near the scalp<br />

Hair loss occurs b/c hyphae grow within the shaft thus the shaft is fragile and breaks off 1-2 mm<br />

from the scalp<br />

Circular patches of baldness may result<br />

Close personal contact spread<br />

Secondary bacterial infection as a complication<br />

Diagnosis and Differential Considerations<br />

Ddx of tinea capitis: alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis, nummular eczema, bacterial infections,<br />

apsoriasis, seborrheic dermaitits, tinea amiantacea, trichotillomania (hair pulling), histiocytosis<br />

KOH prep is not helpful; fungal culture should be obtained<br />

Bacterial culture if you think there is bacterial superinfection<br />

Management<br />

Griseofulvin 20 mg/kg od x 6 weeks (or fluconazole)<br />

Systemic therapy is required<br />

Refer for follow up and family should be evaluated<br />

Selenium sulfide shampooo 250 mg 2x/week decreases shedding<br />

Kerion<br />

Dermatophytic infection of the scalp that appears as an indurated, boggy inflammatory plaque<br />

studded with pustules<br />

Usually mistaken for bacterial infection<br />

Treat with Griseofulvin + prednisone for 2 weeks (decreases inflammation and scarring)<br />

Add keflex or clox if added bacterial infection occurs<br />

Tinea Corporis<br />

Classic “ring-worm” infection<br />

Arms, legs, trunk<br />

Sharply marginated, annular lesion with raised or vesicular margins and central clearing<br />

Single, multiple, or concentric lesions<br />

Tinea cruris:involves the groin, perineum, thighs, buttock (note that the scrotum is<br />

characteristically spared)<br />

Ddx: granuloma annular psoriasis, erythrasma, intertigo with secondary candidiasis<br />

Usually respond to topical therapy alone<br />

Many effective topical antifungal agents: Lotrimin, Tinactin, Micatin, terbinafine, griseofulvin,<br />

naftifine, etc

Apply to affected area tid X 2-3 weeks or until resolution<br />

Acute inflammatory blistering lesions: wet compresses of Burow’s solution: aluminum acetate<br />

solution that is useful for oozing, wet inflammatory lesions\<br />

Tinea Pedis<br />

Athlete’s foot<br />

Scaling, maceration, vesiculation, fissuring between the toes and on the plantar surface of the<br />

foot<br />

Entire sole may be involved<br />

Secondary bacterial infections can occur<br />

Vesicular pustular form of tinea pedis should be considered with vesicles or pustules on inner<br />

aspect of foot<br />

Ddx: contact dermatitis and dyshidrotic eczema<br />

KOH prep helps differentiate<br />

Treatment: topical antifungal preparation until cleared (see above)<br />

Tinea Versicolor<br />

Superficial yeast infection caused by Pityrosporum ovale<br />

Superficial scaling patches occur mainly on the chest and trunk but may extend to the head and<br />

limbs<br />

Lesions are colorful: pink, tan, white<br />

May be itchy; patient may complain that the spots won’t tan<br />

Fine subtle scale is noted that may appear hypopigmented<br />

Pale yellow or orange florescence with Wood’s light<br />

Ddx: vitiligo, seborrheic dermatitis<br />

KOH prep: short hyphae mixed with spores (spagetti and meatballs)<br />

Mx: 2.5% selenium sulfide shampoo, imidazole creams or oral ketoconazole as a singel 400 mg<br />

dose or 200 mg po od X 5 days<br />

Recurrence rates are 30%<br />

Monthly prophylaxsis with selenium shampoos<br />

Tinea Unguium<br />

Fungal nail infection = opaque, thickened, cracked, crumbled nails<br />

Subungual debris; nail may have longitudingal yellow streaks<br />

Nail of great toe is MC location<br />

Mx: topical therapy rarely effective: Fluconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine are all acceptable<br />

options<br />

Recurrence common, may require nail removal<br />


Perspective<br />

Infections more common in young, elderly, immunocompromised, diabetics, chronic steriods,<br />

endocrine disorders, cancers, antibiotics<br />

Oral Thrush

MC candidal infection<br />

MC in newborns<br />

Patches of white gray friable material covering an erythematous base on the buccal mucosa,<br />

gingiva, tongue, palate, or tonsils<br />

Fissures or crust at the corners of the mouth may be present<br />

AIDS defining illness<br />

Consider immunosuppression in abscence of abx use or dentures<br />

Dx is lichen planus (not easily scraped off as candida is)<br />

Mx<br />

Oral nystatin suspension (100,000 units/ml) qid<br />

Infants: 1ml painting the mouth qid<br />

Older children and adults: 4-6ml swish and swallow qid<br />

Treat for 7/7 or until lesions dissapear<br />

Clotrimazole troches dissolved in the mouth qid is an option in adults<br />

Oral ketoconazole or fluconazole is an option (some think this is the way to go)<br />

Soak dentures in sodium hypochlorite 1:10 solution at night<br />

Cutaneous Candidiasis<br />

Moist, warm areas of groin, axilla, folds, etc<br />

Moist lesions, bright-red macules rimmed witha collarette of scale which represents the pustule<br />

roof with scalloped borders<br />

Small satellite papules or pustules are just peripheral to the main rash<br />

Satellite lesions are the most typical indicators of candidiasis<br />

Intertirginous lesions prone to bacterial superinfection<br />

Candidal onychia and paronychia: hands frequently in hot water, thumb sucking<br />

Ddx: contact dermatitis, tinea cruris, intertrigo, malaria, folliculitis<br />

Candiasis: less sharply demarcated than tinea cruris and brighter red than intertrigo<br />

KOH prep from pustule and roof of the lesion will reveal hyphae and pseudohyphae<br />

Mx<br />

Clean mucky areas and expose to air (fan etc)<br />

Wet compresses with Burow’s solution for inflammatory lesion<br />

Imidazole cream to affected area qid (ketoconaloze, clotrimazole, miconazloe, econazole)<br />

Candidal paryonychia: protect hands from water, nystatin or clotrimazole cream to nail for for 8<br />

weeks<br />


Mild skin eruption predominantly found in children and young adults<br />

Lesions are pink or pigmented oval papules or plaques 1-2 cm<br />

Primarily on the trunk and proximal extremities<br />

Mild scaling may be present<br />

Lesions are parallel to the ribs, form ing a Christmas tree-like distribution on the trunk<br />

Oral lesions are rare<br />

Papular or vesicular lesion variants occur in kids<br />

Herald Patch preceeds generalized eruption by one week in 50%

Herald Patch is a large 2-6cm patch<br />

Usually asymptomatic but may be mildly pruritic<br />

Self limited, resolves w/i weeks<br />

Viral cause suspected<br />

Ddx: tinea corporis, guttate psoriasis, lichen planus, drug eruption, secondary syphillus<br />

Recurrence rate<br />

Treatment only symptomatic for pruritis if present<br />

Eczema = dermatitis (constellation of disorders that include erythema, edema, vesiculation,<br />

scaling, pruritis)<br />

A<strong>TO</strong>PIC DERMATITIS<br />

Principles<br />

Cutaneous manifestation of atopic state<br />

Not an allergic disorder in itself<br />

Is associated with allergic disorders: asthma, allergic rhinitis<br />

Abnormalities of humoral and cell-mediated immunity<br />

Eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocyte activation triggered by increased production of<br />

interleukin 4 by T-helper cells seems to be involved<br />

Increased IgE levels found in most but not all and levels do not correlate<br />

Course is remissions and exacerbations<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Inflammatory, thickened, papular or paulovesicluar lichenification<br />

May show hyperpigmentation of the skin<br />

Skin is typically dry and may be scaly<br />

Skin also can be vesicular, wet, weeping, oozing in the acute phase<br />

Infants: cheeks, extensor surfaces, diaper area<br />

Older children: antecubital and popliteal flexion areas, neck/face/chest<br />

Infantile atopic dermatitis usually begins at 4-6 months and imporves by 4-6yrs<br />

Childhood form: begins at a4-6 years and resolves or continues into adulthood<br />

INTENSE PRURTITIS is the hallmark of atopic dermatitis<br />

Itching can be focal or generalized, worse in the winter, triggered by increased body temp and<br />

stress, worse at night, excoriations common from scratching<br />

Secondary bacterial infection is common<br />

Repeat scratching and rubbing leads to lichenification (hyperpigmented, thick skin with<br />

accentuation of skin furrows)<br />

Differential Considerations<br />

Ddx: histiocytosis X, wiskott-aldrich syndrome, chronic seborrheic dermatitis, phenylkeotonuria,<br />

bruton’s x-linked agammaglobulinemias, psoriasis, scabies, drug eruption, contact dermatitis<br />

Complications: bacterial infection, otitis externa, cataracts, keratoconus, retinal detachment,<br />

cutaneous viral infections

Management<br />

Goals: control inflammation, dryness, itching<br />

Vaseline or Eucerin cream 10% (not lotion) to reduce dryness<br />

Exudative areas: apply wet dressing of gauze soaked in Burow’s solution; apply for 20 minutes<br />

qid<br />

Antihistamines<br />

Systemic steroids for very severe<br />

Cyclosporin, Ultraviolet B treatment, and other immunosuppressive are options for very severe<br />

disease<br />

Topical corticosteroids ointments are mainstay of treatment<br />

Mild disease: less concentrated ointment<br />

Face: triamcinolone 0.025% (milder) used b/c strong steroids can cause permanent cutaneous<br />

atrophy on the face<br />

Severe disease: florinated corticosteroid ointment (1/2 strength betamethasone valerate) to<br />

affected areas tid<br />


Antihistamines: gravol, benadryl, atarax<br />

Aveeno baths<br />

Bactroban ointment<br />

Celestoderm<br />

George’s cream<br />

Oatmeal baths<br />

Corticosteroid ointments<br />


Protopic (Tacrolimus)<br />

Cyclosporine<br />

Prednisone<br />

Oral antibiotics<br />

<strong>RED</strong> MACULES<br />


Principles<br />

Different eruption of same drug in different individuals<br />

MC eruptions are urticarial and morbilliform rashes<br />

Tend to appear within a week after drug is taken (not necessarily right away)<br />

Reactions to semisynthetic penicillins tends to occur later<br />

May appear after drug has been discontinued<br />

Atopic patients with asthma, hay fever, eczema are at increased risk<br />

RARELY produce reactions: acetaminophen, codeine, digoxin, erythromycin, demerol,<br />

morphine, prednisone, maalox<br />

Clinical Features (see table 114-2)<br />

Exanthems: resemble viral and bacterial infections, usually widespread symmetric<br />

maculopapular eruptions

Eczematous drug rashes: resemble contact dermatitis but are more extensive; begin as<br />

erythematous or papular eruptions and become vesicular; prior sensitization is common with this<br />

type of reaction<br />

Vasculitis lesions: begin as erythematous papules or nodules but may ulcerate and become<br />

gangrenous. Purpuric drug eruptions may be the result of bone marrow supression, vasculitis, or<br />

platelet destruction. Platelet transfusion, plasmapharesis, steroids, splenectomy in severe cases<br />

Photosensitive druge reactions: require sunlight<br />

Phototoxic: more common; sulfa drugs/thiazides/tetracycline are common causes, not<br />

immunologic and can occur in any person; look like a sunburn but may have bullous or papular<br />

features; pruritis is minimal or absent<br />

Photoallergic: the result of antigen formation that results in sensitized lymphocytes (delayed<br />

immunoloci response); only occurs in sensitized individuals, usually 2 weeks after exposure to<br />

the drug and sunlight; not dose related, usually look eczematous and is intensely pruritic;<br />

chlorpromazine/promethazine/chlordiazepoxide are common sensitizers of photoallergic<br />

reactions; d/c drug and avoid sunlight/use sunscreen<br />

Fixed drug eruptions: appear and recur at the same anatomic site after repeateed<br />

exposures; sharply marginated and round/oval; may be pigmented, erythematous, or violaceous;<br />

may be pruritic<br />

Ddx<br />

Viral examthem, chronic exfoliative erythroderma: caused by psoriasis or eczema, sScarlet fever,<br />

Staphylococcal scarliatiniform eruption, Kawasaki’s syndrome<br />

Management<br />

D/c drug<br />

Warn that resolution will be slow<br />

Calamine lotion, cool compresses, tepid water baths with colloidal oatmeal (Aveeno) or<br />

cornstarch, antihistamines<br />


Generally occurs in children < 6yo<br />

Erythema and crusting around the mouth<br />

Erythema then spreads to the body<br />

Bullae form and the skin desquamates<br />

Also called Stapylococcal Epidermal necrolysis<br />

Exfoliative toxin produced by phage groupt II, type 71 Stapylococci<br />

Toxin acts at the zona granulosa of skin to produce a superficial separation that results in<br />

widespread painful erythema, blisters<br />

Usually occurs in children 6 mo to 6 yrs<br />

Mortality 3% in kids but 50% in aldults and near 100% in adults with comorbidities<br />

Mucous membranes SPRA<strong>RED</strong> (can have mild inflammation but not involved to the extent of<br />

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis)<br />

Nikolski’s sign = the easy separation of the outer portion of the epidermis form the basal layer<br />

when pressure is exerted; often but not always present<br />

Vesicles and bullae are characteristic<br />

Loss of large sheet of superficial epidermis ----> Looks like SCALDED SKIN

Main ddx is Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN): usually cause by medications, mucous<br />

membranes are INVOLVED<br />

Dx can be confirmed by biopsy or frozen section demonstrating subglandular epithelial<br />

separation<br />

Lesions dry up after desquamation and resolution within 7 days<br />

Mx<br />

Most group 2 are penicillinase resistant<br />

Most recover without abx<br />

Naficillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin recomended<br />

<strong>TO</strong>XIC SHOCK SYNDROMES<br />

TSS = acute febrile illness characterized by diffuse desquamating erythroderma<br />

High fever, hypotension, constitutional symptoms, MSOF, rash<br />

Exotoxin-procuding S.aureus<br />

Post op setting is most common outside of tampon related<br />

Also associated with various staph/strep infections: cellulitis, erisepalis, PTA, sinusitis, burns,<br />

septic abortion, skin abscesses<br />

Stapylococcal and Streptococcal toxic shock syndromes<br />


Perspective<br />

Often occurs in females related to tampons<br />

Incidence has decreased remarkable since high - absorbent tampons sere withdrawn from the<br />

market<br />

Now most cases related to focal soft tissue infections with staph<br />

Pathophys and Clinical Features<br />

Staph aureus isolated in 90% of cases related to tampons<br />

Results from <strong>TO</strong>XIN FROM PHAGE GROUP 1 S. aureus<br />

Fever, “sunburn” or sandpaper rash, hypotension, tackycardia and at least three organ system<br />

involvement<br />

Mucosal inflammation, myalgia, profuse watery diarrhea, mental status changes are common<br />

Differential diagnosis: streptococcal scarlet fever, stretococcal toxic shock syndrome, rocky<br />

mountain spotted fever, kawasaki syndrome, leptospirosis<br />

Managment<br />

Fluid resuscitation<br />

Vasopressors/ionotropes: need alpha and beta adrenergics<br />

IV antibiotics to cover penicillinase-producing staph: clox, naficillin, etc<br />

Clindamycin and vancomycin options for pen allergic<br />

Remove tampon<br />

Remove foreign bodies<br />

Drain abscesses<br />

Systemic steroids if given early may help<br />


Skin Rash (diffuse macular erythema): sunburn or sandpaper looking –> resembles scarlet fever<br />

Skin Desquamation 1-2 weeks after onset<br />

SBP < 90 or orthostatic drop + symptoms<br />

Temp > 38.9<br />

Three organ systems (clinical or lab)

GI: N/V/D<br />

MSK: myalgias, CK doubled<br />

Mucous membranes: vaginal, oral, conjunctival<br />

Renal: BUN or Scr doubled or pyuria > 5 cells/hpf<br />

Hepatic: bili , AST/ALT doubled<br />

Hem: platelets < 100<br />

Neuro: altered LOC with no focality<br />

STREP<strong>TO</strong>COCCAL <strong>TO</strong>XIC SHOCK SYNDROME (STSS)<br />

Perspective<br />

Described in 1987<br />

Predominantly caused by group A strains but can be caused by other groups<br />

Pathophysiology and Clinical features<br />

Predisposing factors: surgery, minor trauma, hematomas, muscle strain,m cellulitis, chicken pox;<br />

Mortality 30%<br />

MOST common cause in children is strep superinfection of chicken pos lesion<br />

Association with NSAID use which may mask presenting symptoms resulting in increased<br />

severity of disease<br />

Severe pain, abrupt onset<br />

Pain often present before physical findings<br />

Usually in extremities but may be pelvic, abdominal, chest, etc<br />

Minority have influenza like symptoms<br />

FEVER is the most common sign (can be hypothermic if sick)<br />

Tachycardia, hypotnesion, soft tissue infection signs, scarlet - fever like rash (sandpaper) are all<br />

common<br />

Renal failure, respiratory failure, DIC, MSOF, shock (septic and cardiogenic from cardiotoxic<br />

effects) are all complications<br />

NOTE: shock is predominantly cardiogenic: LOW CO and high SVR<br />

Streptococcal M and T serotypes<br />

Due to exotoxin A and B: toxins act as superantigens to activate T cells resulting in MASSIVE<br />

release of inflammatory mediators; fever, rash, hypotension, and MSOF<br />

Ddx: staph toxic shock, grm -ve sepsis, endotoxic shock<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Scr increase; Consider deeper infection if CK up<br />

Labs may show DIC; Blood cultures positive in 60%; Wound cultures positive in 95%<br />

DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA (must meet both)<br />

Isolation of Group A strep<br />

From a normally sterile site (blood, CSF) is a definitive case<br />

From a normally non-sterile (sputum, skin) is a probable case<br />

Hypotension + at least two of....<br />

Renal failure<br />

Coagulopathy<br />

Liver involvement

ARDS<br />

Generalized macular rash (may desquamate)<br />

Soft tissue necrosis<br />

Management<br />

Supportive, usually ICU<br />

Initial abx needs to cover staph and strep b/c hard to distinguish<br />

Penicillin + clindamycin<br />

Ceftriaxone + clindamycin<br />

Penicillin not great against a large inoculum with nec. fasc.<br />

Clindamycin advantages: not effected by large inoculum, kills cell wall-deficient streptococci,<br />

long post administration efficacy, enhances opsonization of streptococcal organisms when grown<br />

with low concentrations of penicillin<br />

Surgical consult for early surgical debridement<br />

IV gamma globulin may help: has antibodies against staphylococcal toxins which may cross<br />

react with streptococcal toxins<br />

Steroids: case reports indicate there may be benefit of dexamethasone if given with gamma<br />

globulin<br />

Antibiotic prophylaxis NOT recommended for household contacts<br />

<strong>TO</strong>XIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS<br />

Principles<br />

Non-staphylococcal induced toxic epidermal necrolysis<br />

Hallmark = separation of large sheets of epidermis from underlying dermis<br />

Full thickness of epidermis is involved<br />

Skin biopsy easily distinguishes b/w TEN and staphylococcal scalded skin<br />

Moratility 20%<br />

Rarely associated with vaccinations (polio, measles, smallpox, td)<br />

Drugs<br />

Penicillin<br />

Sulpha<br />

Tegretol<br />

NSAIDs<br />

Allopurinol<br />

Barbituates<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Mucosal lesion common; may precede exanthem<br />

Nikolski’s sign: rubbing results in desquamation of underlying skin including the pigment (staph<br />

scalded skin ----> pigment remains)<br />

Onset: face and mucous membranes<br />

Ocular involvement can occur<br />

Erythema usually precedes the loosening of the epidermis<br />

Management<br />

D/c drug<br />

Fluid replacement as per burn<br />

Control infection<br />

Steroids controversial

Plasmapharesis experimental<br />

MAINSTAY of managment is wound care and prevention of secondary bacterial infection ------><br />

should be managed in burn center<br />


Etiology<br />

Drugs and HSV infections are the MCC<br />

Viral infections (heptitis, influenza) are next MCC<br />

Fungal infections: dermatophytosis, histoplasmosis, cocidiomyocosis<br />

Bacterial infections: strep and TB<br />

Collagen vascular disorders: RA, SLE, dermatomyositis, PAN<br />

Cancers<br />

Pregnancy<br />

DDX<br />

Urticaria<br />

Scalded skin syndrome<br />

Pemphigus<br />

Pemphigoid<br />

Viral exanthems<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Acute, self-limiting disease<br />

Erythematous or violaceous macules, papules, vesicles, or bullae<br />

Symmetrical distribution common<br />

Most common in PALMS and SOLES, back of hands or feet, extensor surfaces of the extremities<br />

Target Lesion with three zones of color is the hallmark: centra dark papule or vesicle, surrounded<br />

by a pale zone, a halo of erythema<br />

Steven - Johnson Syndrome = Toxic Exctodermal Necrolysis<br />

Severe form of EM<br />

Bullae, mucous membrane lesions, MSOF<br />

Chills, malaise, headache, fever, tachycardia, hypotension<br />

Purulent conjunctivitis may occur and be severe<br />

Management<br />

Look for underlying etiology<br />

Resolve spontaneously in 2-3 weeks in mild forms<br />

Severe cases: admit, iv hydration, burn unit care, systemic analgesia, systemic corticosteroids<br />

Wet compresses with dressing soaked in 1:16000 solution of potassium permanganate or 0.05%<br />

silver nitrate several times a day to bullous lesions<br />

Look for infection and hypovolemia<br />


Principles<br />

20% will eventually get urticaria<br />

Acute and chronic forms<br />

Chronic urticaria more common in women<br />

Histamine, bradykinin, kallikrein, acethycholine as mediatesors<br />

Immunologic reaction: anaphylaxis, serum sickness<br />

Nonimmunologic reaction: degranulation of mast cell by foods, drugs

Contact urticari: foods, textiles, animal dander and saliva, plants, topical medications, cosmetics,<br />

chemical<br />

Any drug can cause urticaria: penicillin and aspirin are most common<br />

Any food can cause urticaria: food allergy (fish, nuts, eggs) or non-immunologic histamine<br />

release (holbster, strawberries)<br />

Hereditary urticaria and angioneurotic edema exist<br />

Infections: common cause in children, less common in adults; hepatitis, mono, coxsackie more<br />

commonly produce urticaria<br />

Inhalation: pollens, mold, animal dander, dust, plant materials<br />

Stings and bites<br />

Other associations: SLE, lymphoma, carcinoma, rheumatic fever, hyperthyroid, JRA<br />

Dermatographism: urticarial wheal within 30 minutes after pressure<br />

Pressure urticaria: urticarial wheal forms 4-8 hours after pressure<br />

Cold urticaria: familial or acquired; associated with cryoglobulinemai, cryofibrogenemia,<br />

syphillus, connective tissue disorders: suppression with cyproheptadine 4mg tid, antihistamines<br />

before cold exposure; doxepin qhs<br />

Cholinergic urticaria: induced by heat, exercise, or stress; wheals of 1-2 mm surrounded by<br />

erythematous flares and occassionally satellite wheals; responds to hydroxyzine<br />

Heat and solar urticaria uncommon<br />

Chronic urticaria etiology often unknown<br />


F Foods<br />

P Plants<br />

A Animals<br />

D Drugs<br />

I Infections<br />

C Contacts (cosmetics,etc)<br />

O Other:cold, cholinergic, chronic<br />

P Physical: dermatograph, pressure<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Edematous plaques with pale centers and red borders<br />

Individual hives are transient (lasting < 24hrs)<br />

New hives may continually develop<br />

Ddx: erythema multiforme, erythema marginatum (R.F.), erythema migrans (Lyme dz), JRA<br />

Management<br />

Remove inciting factor if possible<br />

H1 antagonists: benadryl, gravol, Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril): 10 - 25 mg (2 mg/kg/24hr in<br />

kids); supposed to be less sedating than benadryl, gravol<br />

H2 antagonists: actually good for skin, ranitidine/cimetidine<br />

Fexofenadine, astemizole, terfenadine are supposed to be even less sedating<br />

Prednisone X few days: effective utricaria can rebound after discontinuation<br />

When to use prednisone? Failed treatment with antihistamines, severe symptoms, anaphylaxisis



Exanthem = skin eruption that occurs as a symptom of a generalized disease<br />

Known infectious causes: 30+ enteroviruses (mostly coxsacki and echoviruses) as well as<br />

adenovirus have a particular nack to cause exanthems<br />

Most are maculopapular although scarlatiniform, erythematous, vesicular, and petechial rashes<br />

Usually nonpuritis, do not desquamate, and vary in extent<br />

Mucous membrane lesions may occur<br />

Echovirus type 9: meningitis, petechial exanthem resembling meningococcemia<br />

Echovirus type 16 (Boston exanthem): may resemble roseola<br />

Coxsackie group B type 5 may also resemble roseola in adults<br />

Coxsackie group A type 16: distinctive syndrome of vesicular stomatitis, oral vesicles, dorsum of<br />

hands and lateral borders of feet; may be associated with meningoencephalitis<br />

Classic viral exanthems<br />

Roseola Infantum = Exanthem subitum (HHV6)<br />

Rubella (German measles)<br />

Rubeola (measles)<br />

Erythema infectiosum = fifth disease (parvovirus B19)<br />

Enteroviruses: coxsackie, echo<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Highly contagious virus; droplet spread; incubation 10 days<br />

Now usually only seen in nonimmunized, immigrants<br />

Contagious from 2 days before symptoms until 4 days after rash appears<br />

Fever, malaise mark onset of symptoms; coryza, conjunctivitis, and cough begin within 24hours<br />

of the onset of symptoms<br />

Fever increases daily in a stepwise fashion until it reaches approximately 40.5 degrees celcius on<br />

the 4th - 5th day<br />

Koplick’s spots are pathognomonic: small, irregular, bright red spots with bluish-white centers<br />

that begin opposite the molars then spread to the adjacent oropharynx; usually appear on second<br />

day of illness<br />

Cutaneous eruption begins on th 3rd - 5th day of illness (rash BEFORE defervescence)<br />

Maculopapular erythematous lesions involve the forehead and upper neck then spread to the<br />

face, trunk, arms, and finally the feet (SPREADS <strong>TO</strong>P DOWN)<br />

Koplick’s spots disappear as the rash appears<br />

The rash begins to fade in the order of appearance (starts on 3rd day)<br />

Complications: OM (most common), encephalitis (1 in 1000), pneumonitis<br />

Management<br />

Antibiotics indicated for bacterial superinfections (OM, etc) only<br />

Supportive treatment only<br />

Isolation of limited value b/c not infectious by the time it is diagnosed<br />

Human immune globulin in a susceptible person within 6 days of exposure (0.25 ml/kg IM in<br />

children).<br />

Live virus vaccine given w/i 72 hrs of exposure may be effective in prevention<br />

Vitamin A shortly after exposures??<br />

? indications for immune globulin


Caused by Human Herpes Virus 6<br />

Fever and skin eruption<br />

95% occur in 6mo to 3yrs and most are < 2yo<br />

Febrile seizures may occur<br />

Abrupt onset fever, rising rapidly to 40 degreees<br />

Temperature continues for 3-4 days (constant or fluctuant) then rapidly decreases to normal<br />

Rash appears with defervescence<br />

Pink or rose colored macules or maculopapules 2-3 mm diameter which blanch on pressure and<br />

rarely coalesce; trunk initially the SPREAD PERIPHERALLY to neck and extremities<br />

Rash clears over 1-2 days without desquamation<br />

LOOKS WELL despite high fever<br />

Encephalitis rare, very few complications<br />

Excellent prognosis, no treatment<br />


Fever, skin eruption, generalized lymphadenopathy<br />

Spread by droplet contact; peak in winter and spring<br />

Incubation 14 - 21 days: contagious few days before rash and 7 days after onset<br />

Infants with congenital exposures can shed virus for more than a year<br />

Adults: 1-6 day viral prodrome, symptoms dissapear w/i 24 hours after rash develops<br />

Pink to red maculopapules; first on face then spreads rapidly DOWN to the trunk and extremities<br />

Lesions on the trunk tend to coalesce but those on extremities do not<br />

Rash remains for 1-5 days classically disappearing on the 3rd day<br />

Clearing may be accompanied by fine desquamation but usually not<br />

Lymphadenopathy begins days before the rash: suboccipital, postauricular, posterior cervical<br />

No specific treatment<br />

Complications<br />

Encephalitis<br />

Thrombocytopenia<br />

Arthritis<br />

Congential Defects<br />

24% of infected fetuses have a congenital defect<br />

Maternal infection may be determined by serology: acute and convalescent increase in titers 4<br />

fold is diagnostic<br />

Routine use of PEP in an unvaccinated women in early pregnancy is not recommended<br />


Parvovirus B19 infection<br />

Mild systemic symptoms, fever in 15%, characteristic rash<br />

Arthralgias and arthritis common in adults, rare in kids<br />

Slapped - cheek rash b/c of intensely red face with circumoral pallor<br />

Maculopapular lacelike rash in the arms, trunk, buttocks, and thighs<br />

Rash may recur with temperature changes

Incubation is 4 - 14 days<br />

Parvovirus: may also cause URTI, atypical rash, arthritis without rash<br />

Hepatitis can occur (rare)<br />

Aplastic crisis associated with parvoB19 and hemolytic anemias an sickle cell dz<br />

Pregnancy infection: fetal hydrops and death<br />

No treatment<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Recent decline in incidence<br />

Abrupt onset with fevers, chills, malaise, sore throat followed within 12-48hrs of distinctive rash:<br />

begins on chest and spreasds rapidly<br />

Circumoral pallor, sandpaper-like texture b/c of the rough feel of the skin due to the multitude of<br />

pinhead size lesion<br />

Pharyngitis +/- erythematous or petechial lesions on the palate<br />

After resolution of the symptoms, desquamation of the inovlved areas is characteristic<br />

Complications: abscess, OM, pneumonia, rheumatic fever, post strep GN<br />

Management<br />

Antistrep abx: penicillin V 50 mg/kg/day dividied qid in kids<br />

Pen V 250 po qid in adults<br />

Benathine IM injection X 1 is an option<br />

Erythromycin 250 mg (or 40 mg/kg) po qid if pen allergic X 10 days<br />

Need full 10 days b/c only literature to show prevention of rheumatic fever is with a 10 day<br />

course<br />


Acute vasculitis primarily of infants and children<br />

Previously named Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome<br />

Peak incidence in spring and winter<br />

Majority occur < 5 yo; 1-2 yo is most common; RARE in adults<br />

Etiology unknown<br />

Immune system activation wth vascular injury as the result<br />

Myocarditis is the most common cause of death<br />

Fever, conjunctivits, rash, mucous membrane lesions, extremity changes, cervical<br />

lymphadenopathy<br />

Cervical adenopathy: 50%, may be presenting feature<br />

Fever: high, spiking, persistent for 1-3 weeks<br />

Conjunctivitis: bilateral, bulbar > palpebral, no exudate, mild uveitis<br />

Mucous membrane lesions: injected or fissured lips, injected pharynx, or strawberry tongue, no<br />

ulcerations<br />

Extremity changes: painful, erythematous, swollen hands and feet (may not be able to walk, may<br />

present with limp); desquamation of finger and toes begins 10-20 days after fever; Beau’s lines<br />

are transverse grooves of the nail months after fever<br />

Rash: highly variable, appears within 5 days of fever, generally a maculopapular rash that may<br />

look like scarlet fever, urticaria, erythema multiforme, or morbiliform rash; may have small<br />

vesicles but no pustules or bullae

Arthritis common<br />

MCC of pediatric acquired heart dz: coronary artery aneurysms, coronary vasculitis, myocarditis,<br />

pericarditis, CHF, pericardial effusions, valve dz, arrtyhmias<br />

Coronary aneurysms: 20%; prone to MI or coronary rupture and tamponade; treatment with<br />

IVIG and high dose aspirin decreases incidence of coronary aneurysms to 3-5%<br />

Natural History<br />

Phase I: acute phase (1-2wks); fever, myocarditis, pericaridal effusions, other diagnostic signs<br />

Phase II: subacute phase (1-4 wks): fever/rahs/lymph nodes resolve and conjucntivitis persist;<br />

desquamation/arthritis/myocardial dysfunction occurs; highest risk of death<br />

Phase III: convalescent phase; clinical findings resolve, continues until ESR is normal 6-8 weeks<br />

after onset<br />

CDC Diagnostic Criteria = Unexplained fever for 5 days + 4/5 criteria<br />

C - Conjunctivitis: bilateral w/o exudate<br />

R - Rash<br />

E - Extremity changes (red, swollen, desquamating)<br />

A - Adenopathy (cervical ln, at least one > 1.5 cm)<br />

M - Mucous membrane lesions (injected lips/pharynx, tongue)<br />

Atypical Kawasaki’s<br />

Cases that don’t meet the CDC case definition<br />

More common in those < 6 months were diagnosis is more difficult<br />

Investigations<br />

Admit for echo<br />

Do ECG<br />

May need coronary angiogram<br />

CBC, lytes, creatinine, ESR, CXR, blood culture, urinalysis, ASOT titer, throat swab, LP if signs<br />

of aseptic meningitis<br />

Differential Diagnosis<br />

Rash: measles, toxic shock syndrome, Stevens-Johnson, RMSF, JRA, drug reaction, viral<br />

exanthem, scarlet fever<br />

H/N manifestations: RP abscess, GAS pharynitis, Mono<br />

Measles: severe cough, Koplik’s spots<br />

Managment<br />

IV gamaglobulin: 2 g/kg over 12 hours (may need further treatments)<br />

High dose ASA: 100 mg/kg/day divided into q6hr dosing<br />

Therapy decreases incidence of coronary aneurysm<br />


Rickettsia rickettsii<br />

Transmitted to humans through tick bites (saliva at time of bite)<br />

Reported in North, South, and central america<br />

Most cases reported form SOUTHEASTERN USA<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Abrupt onset of headache, N/V, chills, fever to 40 degrees<br />

Ocassionally onset is more gradual with anorexia, malaise, fever<br />

May be prolonged (3 weeks)

May be severe (CNS, cardiac, pulomonary, GI, renal complications)<br />

Rash develops on 2nd - 4th day<br />

Erythemaous macules that blanch on pressure, appearing first on wrists and ankles then<br />

spreading up the extremities to the face and trunk w/i hours<br />

Lesions may become petechial or hemorrhagic<br />

Lesions on the palms and soles are particularly characteristic<br />

Increased capillary fragility and splenomegaly may be present<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Weil-Felix reaction (serology)<br />

Other immunologic flourescent procedures exist<br />

Treat based on suspicion b/c lab will be slow<br />

Management<br />

Tetracycline 25 mg/kg/day is the antibiotic of choice (po or iv)<br />

Doxycycline and chloramphenicol may be used as options<br />

Usual course is 10 days<br />

Avoid sulpha drugs which can exacerbate the illness<br />

Rickettsiae routinely resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and erythromycin<br />

PAPU<strong>LAR</strong> AND NODU<strong>LAR</strong> LESIONS<br />


Non - Allegic Contact Dermatitis<br />

Inflammatory reaction to chemical, physical, or biological agent<br />

Caustics, solvents, detergents cause irritant dermatitis<br />

Allergic contact dermatitis<br />

Delayed hypersensitivity reaction mediated by lymphocytes sensitize by the contact of the<br />

allergen to the skin<br />

Less common than (non-allergic) irritant contact dermatitis<br />

Clothing, jewelry, soaps, cosmetics, plants, medications contain allergens that commonly cause<br />

allergic contact dermatitis<br />

Rubber, poison ivy/oak/sumac (Rhus genus plants), paraphenyldenediamine (hair dyes and<br />

industrial chemicals), ethylenediamine (topical medication ingrediant) are the MCC of allergic<br />

contact dermatitis<br />

Sensitization to poison ivey results in sensitization to other similar plants: cashew, mango,<br />

lacquer, ginkgo trees<br />

Management<br />

Avoid irritant or allergen<br />

Treat secondary bacterial infections<br />

Wet compresses of Burow’s solution for oozing or vesicular lesions (qid)<br />

Topical baths OTC<br />

Prednisone 50 mg po od if severe: taper over 14 days (21 for poison ivy)<br />

Taper of steroid needed to prevent relapse<br />

Antihistamines for pruritits<br />

Wash all clothes to remove offending agent that could be contaminated


Clinical Features<br />

Occlusive diapers and clothing, heat, moisture, friction, urine and feces all contribute<br />

Tends to SPARE CREASES<br />

Erythematous plaques in the genital, perianal, gluteal, and inguinal areas<br />

May extend elsewhere with more severe cases<br />

May be superinfected with candida: moist, red patches with well demarcated borders and papular<br />

or pustular satellite lesions<br />

May reflect atopic or seborrheic dermatitis in infants (especially if lesions are found elsewhere in<br />

the body)<br />

Management<br />

Remove excess clothing<br />

Remove occlusive diapers<br />

Frequent diaper changes<br />

Leave diapers off long enough to dry area<br />

Sterilized cloth diapers preferred<br />

Exudative lesions: wet compresses with saline or Burow’s solution for 3/7<br />

Zinc oxide (Desitin) may dry the area<br />

Hydrocortisone 1% cream in severe cases<br />

Avoid ointment based topical medications for treatment b/c their occlusive nature enhances<br />

moisture retention (use cream, not ointment)<br />

Nystatin cream or powder if Candida superinfection<br />


Etiology<br />

Drugs and HSV infections are the MCC<br />

Viral infections (heptitis, influenza) are next MCC<br />

Fungal infections: dermatophytosis, histoplasmosis, cocidiomyocosis<br />

Bacterial infections: strep and TB<br />

Collagen vascular disorders: RA, SLE, dermatomyositis, PAN<br />

Cancers<br />

Pregnancy<br />

DDX<br />

Urticaria<br />

Scalded skin syndrome<br />

Pemphigus<br />

Pemphigoid<br />

Viral exanthems<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Acute, self-limiting disease<br />

Erythematous or violaceous macules, papules, vesicles, or bullae<br />

Symmetrical distribution common<br />

Most common in PALMS and SOLES, back of hands or feet, extensor surfaces of the extremities<br />

Target Lesion with three zones of color is the hallmark: centra dark papule or vesicle, surrounded<br />

by a pale zone, a halo of erythema<br />

Steven - Johnson Syndrome = Toxic Exctodermal Necrolysis<br />

Severe form of EM

Bullae, mucous membrane lesions, MSOF<br />

Chills, malaise, headache, fever, tachycardia, hypotension<br />

Purulent conjunctivitis may occur and be severe<br />

Management<br />

Look for underlying etiology<br />

Resolve spontaneously in 2-3 weeks in mild forms<br />

Severe cases: admit, iv hydration, burn unit care, systemic analgesia, systemic corticosteroids<br />

Wet compresses with dressing soaked in 1:16000 solution of potassium permanganate or 0.05%<br />

silver nitrate several times a day to bullous lesions<br />

Look for infection and hypovolemia<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Nits or adult lice seen on microscopic examination of hair from symptomatic areas: nits are more<br />

common than the aduult louse form<br />

Nits attach tot eh bases of hair shafts looking like white dots<br />

Adult louse look like blue or black grains<br />

Severe itching and scratiching<br />

Secondary infections can occur<br />

Pediculosis corporis: lice live in clothing, bedding and feed on the host; the parasites are usually<br />

absent from the body except in very severe cases; Erythematous macules or wheals may be<br />

present with intense itching: Treatment consists of luandering or boiling the clothes and linen;<br />

may add lindane lotion if nits are found in the hair but this is usually not neccessary<br />

Pediculosis capitits: more common in small children; pruritis is the major sympom and may be<br />

confined to the scalp; excoriations and secondary bacterial<br />

Management<br />

Permetrhin (Nix) is the recommended treatment<br />

Lindand (Kwell) lotion or cream is no longer preferred<br />

Nix remains active for 2 weeks<br />

Avoid shampoos and conditioners for 2 weeks b/c it coats and protects the lice<br />

Nix: shampoo hair, dry, apply Nix, wash out after 10 minutes (MUST be applied when the hair is<br />

dry b/c lice don’t breath for 30 min when immersed in water!); repeat dose one week after initial<br />

use<br />

Treat sexual partners<br />

Treat only symptomatic household members<br />

Wash clothes, sheets, pillow cases in hot water and dry in hot cycle<br />

Ivermectin 200 ug/kg and repeat in 10 days has been shown to eradicate lice<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Mite infestation with severe itching<br />

Interdigital web spaces, flexion area of wrists, axillae, buttocks, lower back, penus, scrotum and<br />

breasts are the most common locations<br />

Infants have a more generalized involvement<br />

Reddish papules/vesicles surrounded by erythematous border and scratch marks<br />

Infants and young children often have generalized skin involvement includine scalp, palms,<br />

soles, face: most common presenting lesions are papules and vesiculopustules

Norwegian scabies: extensive hyperkeratosis and crusting of the hands, feet, and scalp;<br />

immunosuppressed patients; highly contagious<br />

Close personal contact transmission; multiple family members will usually have<br />

Management<br />

Permetrin 5% cream (Elimite) or crotamiton (Eurax) cream<br />

Lindane is no longer the preferred treatment<br />

Elimite: applied overnight once weekly for 2 weeks; cover the entire body (preferred treatment<br />

for infants and small children)<br />

Post scabietic nodules and pruritis may persist for months after sucessful tx<br />

Norwegian scabies requires repeated treatment<br />

Treat all family members and sexual contacts<br />

Wash and dry in hot temperatures the linens and underwear<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Treponema pallidum<br />

Incubation 10 - 90 days<br />

Primary lesion: chancre, usually single lesion, lasts 3-12 weeks and heals spontaneously, appear<br />

at site of inoculation (genitalia or mucous membranes), chancre begins as a papules and<br />

characteristically develops into an ulcer approximately 1cm in diameter with a clean base and<br />

raised borders; painless chancre unless secondary infection; lymphadenopathy<br />

Secondary stage:<br />

6weeks to 6 months with various different lesions<br />

Erythematous or pink macules or papulues, usually with a generalized symmettrical distribution<br />

Pigmented macules and papules classically appear on the palms and soles; may be scaly but<br />

rarely pruritic<br />

Papular, annular, circinate lesions are more common ion nonwhites<br />

Generalized lymphadenopathy and malaise accompany the lesions<br />

Irregular patchy alopecia<br />

Moist, flat, verucous condyloma latum may appear on genitals<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Primary: darkfield microscopy for spirochetes; not available in ED thus suspect and treat based<br />

on clinical suspicion and refer to STD clinic<br />

VDRL not very sensitive or specific in primary syphillus<br />

VDRL is better with secondary syphillus<br />

FTA-ABS serology is better (Florescent Treponema antibody absorption)<br />

Many causes of false +ve VDRLs: vaccines, mono, mycoplasma, etc<br />

Management<br />

Incubating syphillus (before chancre): 1gm of probenecid po then 4.8 million units of procain<br />

penicillin IM<br />

Primary and secondary: benzathine penicillin G 2.4 million units IM<br />

Doxycycline or tetracycline for pen allergic for 14 days<br />

Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction: febrile reaction and diffuse rash 12 hours after receiving treatment<br />

for syphillus, resolves spontaneously in 24hrs


Clinical Features<br />

Inflammation of the dermis and adipose tissue<br />

Painful red to violet nodules<br />

Nodules are elevated skin lesions located deep in the skin thus the overlying skin can be moved<br />

on palpation<br />

MC over anterior tibia but may be on arms or thrunk<br />

Fever and arthralgia of ankles may preceed the rash<br />

Lesions may turn yellow-purple and resemble bruises with evolution<br />

Most common in women in 20 - 50s<br />

Associations<br />

Infections: TB, sterptococci, yersinia, chlamydia, coccidio, histoplasmosis<br />

Sarcoidosis<br />

Ulcerative colitis and regional enteritis<br />

Pregnancy<br />

Idiopathich<br />

Drugs: OCP is the MCC<br />

Management<br />

Treat underlying condition<br />

CXR for ? sarcoidosis or TB should be considered<br />

Bed rest, elevate legs, wear stocking<br />

ASA 600 mg q4hr<br />

Resolves spontaneously in 4-6 weeks<br />

Potassium iodide 360 - 900 mg po od for 3-4 weeks if severe (? May act through an<br />

immunosuppressive mechanism mediated via heparin release from mast cells)<br />

VESICU<strong>LAR</strong> AND BULLOUS LESIONS<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Vesicles = elevated lesions that contain clear fluid<br />

Bullae = vesicles > 1 cm<br />

Pemphigus vulgaris is an uncommon but severe disorder<br />

Bullous disease most common in 40 - 60yo<br />

Small, flaccid bullae that break easily forming superficial erosions and crusted ulcerations are the<br />

typical lesions<br />

Any area of the body may be involved<br />

Nikolsky’s sign is present<br />

60% have mucous membrane lesions<br />

Oral lesions typically preceed the cutaneous lesions by months<br />

Gums and vermilion borders of lips are particularly common<br />

Oral lesions are bullous but break easily thus superficial ulceration is seen<br />

Cause unkonwn<br />

Has been seen rarely with captopril and penicillamine<br />

Tzanck cytologic test suggest the diagnosis (finding acanthyolytic cells, degenerated rounded<br />

epithelial cells with amorphous nuclei)<br />

Acantholytic cells are not specific for pemphigus<br />

Serum immunofluorescence confirms the diagnosis

Ddx: bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis, dermatitis herpetiformis, TEN, bullous scabes, bullous<br />

SLE<br />

Management<br />

Pain control<br />

Local wound care<br />

Steroid: 100 - 300 mg prednisone<br />

Consult dermatology<br />

Other immunosuppressants sometimes used<br />

Mortality very high without steroids<br />

Superinfection and complications of steroids are problematic<br />



HSV 1: primarily nongenital areas<br />

HSV 2: primarily genital areas<br />

Clinical Features<br />

HSV 1 most common in mouth, more common in children<br />

Cluster ov vesicles that appear, break and leave crusted erosions<br />

Can have very severe gingostomatitis with dehydration<br />

Secondary infection with staph and strep can occur<br />

Hallmark = painful group of vesicles on erythematous base<br />

Usually nondermatomal distribution<br />

Avoid contact with atopic dermatitis kids b/c of severe generalized HSV can develop in kids<br />

with atopci eczema and other dermatosis<br />

HSV2: single or grouped vesicles on penis, prodrome of local pain and hypesthesia common,<br />

constitutional symptoms and L.N. common<br />

Versicles erode over few days, become crusted, and heal over 2 weeks<br />

Located to cervix, vagina, or introitus in women<br />

Herpes cervicitis may cause severe pelvic pain in women<br />

Managment<br />

First episode of gential herpes: acyclovir (Zovirax) 200mg po 5X/day X 10/7<br />

Famciclovir or vancyclori are options<br />

Treat until resolution of lesions if not gone by 10 days<br />

Improve healing and decrease spread with treatment but do NOT prevent recurrences (acyclovir<br />

prophylaxis may help suppress herpes)<br />

Acyclovir can be started at first sign of recurrence<br />

Immunocompromised: admit for iv acyclovir<br />

Pain control important<br />

Treat partner<br />

Stomatitis: Maalox and benadryl (?treat primary gingivostomatitis with acyclovir)


Clinical Features<br />

Chickenpox; Varicella-zoster virus<br />

Incuation 2-3 weeks<br />

Begins with low fever and constitutional sympomts<br />

Exanthe4m conincides with these sympomts in children but follows them in adults by 1-2 days<br />

Lesions rapidly progress from macules to papulues to vesicles to crusting lesion sometimes<br />

within hours; vesicles are 2-3 mm and surrounded by erythematous border (can have larger<br />

bullae)<br />

Drying vesicles produce scabs which fall off in 5-20 days<br />

Highest concentration in trunk<br />

Hallmark = lesions in all stages (macules, papules, vesicles, crusts)<br />

Complications<br />

Bacterial superinfection of lesions<br />

Secondary bacterial pneumonia<br />

Encephalitis<br />

Thrombocytopenia<br />

Arthritis<br />

Hepatitis<br />

Glomerulonephritis<br />

Management<br />

Symptomatic treatment<br />

AVOID ASA (Reye’s syndrome)<br />

Oral acyclovir may be effective if started within 24hours of rash for patients with chronic<br />

respiratory or skin diseases; may decrease duration and symptoms<br />

Isolation usually futile b/c spread before diagnosis: keep at home though becouse spread<br />

continues until all vesicles have crusted over and dried up<br />

Varicella vaccination exists<br />

Maternal varicella 5 days before and 2 days after delivery can result in disseminated herpes in<br />

the newborn<br />

Pregnant women and immunocompromised exposed to chicken pox<br />

Check varicella-zoster titers<br />

VZIG must be given to those with negative titers who are exposed<br />

Congenital anomalies if exposed in first or early second trimester: embryopathy, limb atrophy,<br />

scarring extremities, CNS and ocular manifestations<br />


Clinical Features<br />

Shingles is an infection caused by varicella zoster virus<br />

Virus lives in dorsal root ganglion and is reactivated<br />

Pain in dermatome prior to appearance of rash by 1-10 days<br />

Grouped vesicles on erythematous base in dermatomal pattern<br />

Thorax and trigeminal nerves are the MC location<br />

Vesicles appear then b/cm cloudy and progress to crusts and scabs<br />

Crusts fall off at 2-3 weeks<br />

Peak incidence in 50 - 70yo (rare in children)<br />

Associations: leukemia, Hodgkin’s, other cancers (don’t need to hunt for)<br />

You CAN acquire chicken pox from exposure to shingle but uncommon

Can be a disseminated infection<br />

Complications: ocular infection, postherpetic neuralgia, meningoencephalitis, myelitis,<br />

peripheral neuropathy<br />

Ocular: 20 - 70% involve the opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve (V1); can be vision<br />

threatening; anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, secondary glaucoma, corneal scarring can all occur;<br />

tip of the nose means that the nasociliary nerve is involved and predicts eye involvement<br />

More severe in immunosuppressed especially AIDS, Hodgkin’s, other lymphoma; cutaneous and<br />

CNS dissemination more common in these groups<br />

Postherpetic neuralgia<br />

More common in elderly and immunocompromised<br />

May lasts months to years<br />

Management<br />

Analgesia<br />

Other treatment rarely necessary<br />

Burow’s solution may be applied to hasten drying<br />

Steroids: may shorten duration of postherpetic neuralgia but does not lesson the severity of pain<br />

or affect the rate of healing<br />

Acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir etc: have been shown to be effective for<br />

immunocompromised patients<br />

Capsaicin cream can be used on areas with postherpetic neurlagia\<br />

Severe ocular zoster: iv acyclovir may be of some benefit, topical steroids (is used with zoster; is<br />

NOT used with herpes simplex conjunctivitis)<br />

PUSTU<strong>LAR</strong> LESIONS<br />


Principles<br />

Slowly resolving pustular eruption most common in preschool children<br />

Staph aureus is the most common cause currently<br />

Group A strep is the second MCC<br />

Predispositions: eczema, poor hygeine, malnurished, other skin conditions<br />

Clinical Features<br />

Streptococcal impetigo (ECTHYMA)<br />

Most common on the face<br />

Begins as a single pustule but then develops into multiple lesions: 1-2mm vesicles with<br />

erythematous margins; when they break they leave red erosions covered with a golden yellow<br />

crust<br />

Can be pruritic but are not paiful<br />

Regional lymphadenopathy common<br />

Very contagious among infants and children (less in older)<br />

Post strep glomerulonephritis as a complication<br />

Staphlococcal impetigo<br />

Little surrounding erythema compared to strep<br />

Staph is a more superficial infection<br />

Bullous impetigo<br />

Caused by staph phage group 2<br />

Primarily in infants and young children

Initial lesions are thin walled 1-2cm bullae; they rupture to leave a thin serous crust and<br />

collarette-like remnant of the blister roof at the rim of the crust<br />

Face, neck, extremities are most common<br />

Ddx: dermatitis, HSV infection, fungus, pemphigus vulgaris<br />

Gram stain of fluid from bullae: Gram+ve cocii<br />

Management<br />

Systemic and topical antibiotics are equally effective<br />

More extensive lesions should be treated systemically<br />

NO evidence that antibiotics prevent post strep GN<br />

Mupirocin 2% ointment tid<br />

Erythromycin qid X 10/7 or Keflex are options<br />

Bullous impetigo: penicillinase resistant semisynthetic penicillin (dicloxicillin) or erythromycin;<br />

add mupirocin 2% ointment to area as well<br />


Inflammation of the hair follicle<br />

Usually caused by staph aureus<br />

Lesions are on usually on buttocks, thighs, and occasionally scalp/beard<br />

Ddx: acne, keratosis pilaris, fungal infection<br />

Pseudomonas associated with hot tubs, pools, antibiotic use for acne<br />

Gram stain of lesion can tell pseudomonas from staph<br />

Mx: antiseptic cleaner (chlorhexidine) daily until cleared<br />

Extensive involvement: erythromycin, dicloxacillin may be added<br />


Large abscess that develops in thick inelastic skin of back of neck, back, thighs<br />

Severe pain, fever, sepsis possible<br />

Local heat<br />

I&D when fluctuance present<br />

Abx only necessary if cocomitant cellulitis or sepsi<br />


Apocrine sweat glands<br />

Recurrent abscess formation in axilla and groin resembles furunculosis<br />

Recurrence common; often resistant to therapy<br />

Need to I&D abscesses<br />

Antistaph abx useful if early and long course used<br />

Many require local incision and skin grafting<br />

Antiandrogen therapy is an option in resistant cases<br />


Arthritis - dermatitis syndrome<br />

MC presentation of disseminated gonococcal disease<br />

2% of patients with gonnococcus (MC in women)<br />

Fever, migratory polyarthralgias, skin lesions<br />

Multiple lesions with predominance for periarticular regions of distal extremities

Erythematous or hemorrahgic papules that evolve into pustules and vesicles with an<br />

erythematous halo (look like meningococcemia). They are tender and may have a gray necrotic<br />

hemorrhagic center. Healing with crust formation usually occurs w/i 4-5 days<br />

Recurrent crops of lesions can occur even after antibiotics started<br />

Gultures and gram stains of lesions usually negative<br />

Immunofluorescent antibody staining of direct smears from pustules more reliable<br />

Diseminated gonococcal infection<br />

Ceftriaxone 1gm iv/im q24hrs OR cefotaxime 1gm q8hr<br />

Allergic to Blactams: spectinomycin 2 gm im q12hrs<br />

Switch to po cefixime, cefuroxime, cipro, or ofloxacin<br />

Total treatment of 7 days<br />

Hospitalization for septic arthritis, meningitis, endocarditis<br />



Purpura = blood in the skin or mucous membrane; divided into petechiae and echymosis<br />

Petechia = small, golden-brown -> yellow<br />


VASCU<strong>LAR</strong> INTEGRITY PROBLEM<br />

Trauma: normal and Non-Accidental trauma must be thought of<br />

Infections: meningococcus, viral NOS, mono, endocarditis, ricketssia, strep<br />

Drugs<br />

HSP and other vasculitidies (kawasaki’s, serum sickness, cryoglobulinemia, vasculitis with<br />

SLE/lyme/IVDA/PBC)<br />

Vit C deficient<br />

Ehlers-danlos etc<br />


Thrombocytopenia<br />

Decreased production<br />

Sepsis: esp meningococcus<br />

Drug suppression<br />

Aplastic anemia<br />

BM infiltration<br />

Increased destruction<br />

Sepsis/DIC<br />

Drug<br />

HUS<br />

TTP<br />

ITP<br />

Increased sequestration<br />

Liver dz

Splenomegaly<br />

Platelet Dysfunction<br />

Chronic renal failure, aspirin and other drugs<br />

Congenital platelet disorders<br />

COAGULATION FAC<strong>TO</strong>R PROBLEM<br />

Congenital<br />

Hemophilia A/B<br />

Von-Willebrand factor<br />

Christmas tree factor def<br />

Acquired<br />

DIC<br />

Warfarin<br />

Vit K deficiency<br />

Liver dz, renal dz<br />

<strong>APPROACH</strong> <strong>TO</strong> THE PURPURIC RASH<br />

MUST consider non-accidental trauma<br />

Other causes of sepsis actually more common than meningococcus for the sick purpuric rash<br />

The well looking person/child with a petechial rash? Is it meningococcemia????<br />

Many infections can cause petechiae or ecchymosis in absence of platelet or<br />

coagulation disorder<br />

Capillary damage from the infection<br />

Rubeola, mono, ricketsia, streptococcal, RMSF, endocarditis can all present<br />

Keep in mind the above ddx: vascular integrity problem, thrombocytopenia, coagulation factor<br />

problem<br />

Approach<br />

Toxic appearing: monitored bed, iv access, draw labs, fluid bolus, draw cultures, start antibiotics,<br />

resuscitate as needed<br />

History and Physical: drugs, infectious symptoms, bleeding history, easy bleeding or brusing,<br />

lumps or bumps, weight loss or systemic symptoms, full review of symptoms<br />

Order: CBC, diff, platelet count, retic count, PTT, INR, bleeding time<br />

Thrombocytopenia<br />

Prolonged INR/PTT: sepsis and DIC<br />

Normal INR/PTT: ITP, TTP, HUS, bone marrow suppression, bone marrow infiltration, platelet<br />

sequestration<br />

Platetlets normal, INR/PTT prolonged<br />

Hemophilia<br />

Liver dz<br />

Warfarin<br />

Platelets normal, INR/PTT normal, Bleeding Time prolonged<br />

Von-Willebrand disease<br />

Aspirin or other platelet inhibitors<br />

Platelets normal, INR/PTT normal, Bleeding Time normal<br />

Vasculitis: HSP, serum sickness, cryoglobuinemia, IVDA, kawasaki’s<br />

Trauma<br />


Drugs<br />

Connective tissue disease<br />

MALIGNANCY AND DERMA<strong>TO</strong>LOGY<br />


Most do NOT have tumors but some do<br />

Malignant acanthosis nigrans: = associated with cancer (skin lesion itself is NOT cancer)<br />

Hyperpigmented verrucous velvet - like hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the skin with<br />

accentuated skin markings: body folds, especially axillae, antecubital fossae, neck and groins<br />

MC is adenocarcinoma of the stomach<br />

Others: breast, ovary, pancreas, colon, uterus<br />

Tumor produces insulin-like growth factor which stimulates the skin<br />

DERM<strong>TO</strong>MYOSITIS<br />

Some will have underlying malignancy<br />

Breast, ovary, GI, uterus<br />


Associated with leukemia<br />

Also Hodkin’s<br />


Almost pathognomonic of Hodgkin’s lymphoma<br />

Also occurs with lymphocytic leukemia<br />

ACQUI<strong>RED</strong> ICHTHYOSIS<br />

Generalized dryness of skin, scalin, superficial cracking, or hyperkeratosis of soles and palms<br />

Hodgkin’s is MCC<br />

Other cancers also<br />


Hodgkin’s lympoma, leukemia, adenoCa, Sqcell Ca, carcinoid, multiple myeloma<br />

Hodgkin’s may have severe itching and burning sensations<br />

Standard treatments ineffective<br />


MC manifestation of acute granulocytic and monocytic leukemia<br />

Also myeloma, lymphoma, polycthemia vera<br />

Thrombocytopenia secondary to BM suppression is the mechanism<br />

Non-thrombocytopenic forms do occur<br />


Hodgkins<br />

Leukemia<br />

Internal carcinomas


Skin needle tracks: indurated linear hyperpigmented streaks<br />

Skin popping: subcutaneous injections result in round or oval hyperpigmented atrophic<br />

depressed scars 1-3 cm in diameter<br />

Skin abscesses<br />

Hypertrophic keloid scars<br />

Increased pigmentation at site of tourniquet use

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