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The study is a sanrple a[cmpl to addrcss thc problcn] as conrprehensivc<br />

proccss u lo cx0millc thc rolc ol nrlcn|.|l nr ir cr'rrulior|lll ladon in<br />

accel€raling th€ uDily aciiclcmetrt lD additiur 1o llal, llrc sludy 0Mlvsis llrc<br />

lessons at iNplications of tlrc unilication $ succcsslul cxumple towards<br />

Arab unily. YerrcDis wcrc forlu,tttc to cnlbrcc dreir uritv Pdtioularlv<br />

scveral Arab courtfies are driv€n towatd possiblc disinlcsratior lrke<br />

Somalia Suda4 Indoncsia Mautitafli4 Djibouti' lraq' ctc<br />

On 22|xl May 11)90, ll|c two Ycntni l'arLs ccasdl to exi$ lbrnallv as<br />

ind€pendent States wh€n they merSed 1o foon the ltepublic ol-Yeme't Most<br />

observc6 wcrc takcn by su$risc by this suddcrr shili lioN rDprov'ng flner<br />

Yemenirclatiolls lo lfio polilics ol Ycncri urtilicatiorr' As surprising as llje<br />

d€cision to unily was thc d€cision to do it dcmocradcallv - nultr-partv<br />

polilics ard the dcnmcratization ol Poliljcal lilc<br />


To emphasiTe ftat Yem€n was unit€d sev€ral lilnes in tlr€ Pasl ano rrs<br />

peoplc built grcat civilizarion in lhc past lt is vcry inponant arca and<br />

derivcd ils l/alue f.olll its stratcgic localion'<br />

1lle study is lo analyse and exaNine the rolc of inlemationaL chanaes in<br />

brirghg both parls ol Ycmetr towards corrrplclc n)clg[!s<br />

R€-udfication of Yemcn is corrsider€d or irrporlan( cvent in llrc prcscnt<br />

history of Arabs atd Muslinl trorld -Iherelbrc' n Neds ntorc focus dt<br />

anallscs by rtu sclrcldts to covcr thc topic liotrr dill'r'itr{ !!pcots'

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