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llYPoTtlnsls oF TllD sTllDY<br />

Yemen remained unitcd lhroughout ils history whilc its p truon ls an<br />

There is an efeclive role of intentalional chanSes<br />

lrleflul dilTcrctr@s wcrc uain rcJsoN litr outbrclk<br />

1994 affl lhe extomal lbctor wa! minor'<br />

Peoplo of YcNcn stiotrgly supportql lhc unily cdusc in tlc p6l und<br />


Phil$ophy of thc reseffch process includes fte assurtrptions 0nd values<br />

that serv€ as a rational lbr reseatch and criteria thc res€arcll€r uses lor<br />

intcrprctirB dala and rcachniS onclusio'rs A rc*arch netlxxl detennines<br />

such lactors as lrow o writc hypolhcsis aDd what lclcl ol-cvidcnoc is<br />

necessary !o Nakc the d€cision whether or ot to rcject a hvpoth€sis lhere<br />

ar€ num€rous rcscarclr cdrods, which hclp to anallsc Poliljcal pherolncna<br />

as historical, aialytical' syslcn|atic, cornparisotr rd Srrnc lhcoq' ctc 11 lhrs<br />

sludy of hisiorical and political aMllsis, m€thods (tectniques) ar€ used lo<br />

prcve drc hyPourcsrs<br />

At $e end, ftarv wrilers had beer wrole beneficill books ttbout ftiscarch<br />

methodolosy aM one ol fi€nl wiich took as retiretrce i this sludv is<br />

"Politicat Rese.rch Desiga l'lefiurcnent 'tnrl lt.l,'t$B ' bv David C<br />

Lrcgc aid waync L Iraiics, llaric llook, Ncs York 1994

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