Tentative Gmina Cisna Immigrants from Ellis Island Passenger

Tentative Gmina Cisna Immigrants from Ellis Island Passenger

Tentative Gmina Cisna Immigrants from Ellis Island Passenger


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<strong>Tentative</strong> List of <strong>Gmina</strong> <strong>Cisna</strong> Arrivals Found in<br />

<strong>Ellis</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Passenger</strong> Records<br />

Last Name First Name Sex Residence Arrived Age Mar Ethnicity Ship Port Page Line Notes: NOK=next of kin, [ years and place previously in U.S<br />

Tylanicz Marysia F Sincerika, Austria 12 Jul 1909 22y S Austrian Oceania Trieste 159 27 *{Tytanicz} NOK mother ?Fenia? Tytanicz, Simerika to frnd Hala Fundak, Second St, No 121, Passsaic, NJ<br />

Tylanyck Wasil M Westlyna, Galicy 13 May 1907 18y S Austria Galicy Ruthenian Rhein Bremen 88 21 * {Tytanycz} {Wetlyna} to Uncle Jurko Tytanycz Pine Hill, PA, Somerset<br />

Tylawska Anna F Dolzyce, Galicia 03 Aug 1914 47y M Austria, Ruthenian George Washington Bremen 163 17 NOK husband Pawlo Tylawski, Dolzyce, to son Michael Tylawski, 584 Emmert St., Scranton, Pa<br />

Tymciow …ej M Jaworec, Galicia 28 Mar 1907 28y M Austria, Galicia, Ruthenian Grosser Kurfuerst Bremen 134 23 Incorrectly linked to Kaiser W. d. Gr.<br />

Tymciow Michael M Buk Lisko 21 Apr 1910 41y M Austria Ruthenian President Grant Hamburg 168 14 * NOK wife Marya Tymciow, Buk Lisko, to friend Mike Lenko, Elizabethport, NJ<br />

Tymciow Vacia F Jaworzec, Aust 14 Nov 1907 21y S Austria, Ruthenian Main Bremen 102 12 *NOK father Fedio Tymciow, Jaworzec, Kalnica, Galicy to bro Michal Tymczsik/Tymciow, Glen Campbell, PA<br />

Tymciow Vikolaj M Tauorsec 25 Apr 1900 28y S Galicia Konigen Luise Bremen 71 2 * {Nikolaj} {Jaworzec}to Glen Campbell, PA<br />

Tymciow Wasyl M Zaworzec, Galicia 17 Dec 1913 24y S Austria, Ruthenian Bremen Bremen 148 3 *Image not available<br />

Tyrawsky Szyman M Lopinka 28 Feb 1902 31y M Austrian Pennsylvania Hamburg 204 10 * to Scranton, Pa. No relative at destination listed<br />

Tytanicz Fedor M Smerok, Hungary 20 Feb 1910 27y M Hungary, Slovak Graf Waldersee Hamburg 90 30 * {Smerek} NOK wife ?Tudzia? Tytanicz, to brother Michal Tytanicz, Smoke Run, PA [1905-08 Smoke Run, PA]<br />

Tytanicz Michajlo M Smerek, Hungary 05 Dec 1909 24y S Hungary, Ruthanian Amerika Hamburg 90 16 * NOK mother ?Fenia? Tytanicz, Smerek to friend Iwan Walk, Housdale, Pa<br />

Tytanser Eva F Wetlyn, Galicia 07 Feb 1912 17y S Austria Kronprinz Wilhelm Bremen 116 8 * {Tytanicz} NOK father Ivan Tytanicz, Wetlyn to brother Wasyl Tytanicz, Windber<br />

Tytanycz Wasyl M Smerek, Galicia 21 Oct 1913 23y S Austria, Ruthenian Kronprinz Wilhelm Bremen 43 6 * 6-49657-8-13-36 NOK mother F. Tytanycz, Smerek, Galicia , to brother Mich Tytanycz, Houzdale, PA<br />

Tytarycz ….emko M Wetlynie, Galicia 30 Apr 1907 45y M Ruthenian, Galicia Grosser Kurfuerst Bremen 138 18 * to ?Rymant? PA (part of page missing)<br />

Uhryn Marya F <strong>Cisna</strong> 22 Jul 1899 23y M Austro-Hungarian Aragonia Antwerp 90 13<br />

Urda Maria F Kriwa 14 Oct 1898 16y S Austria, Galicia Karlsruhe Bremen 133 5 * to bro Jersey C.<br />

Vasko Gyorgy M Miglecz 03 Jul 1893 30y Hungarian Pennland Antwerp 143 148 *to Rariton, Pa<br />

Vojtko Andras M Pryslupa 5 Jul 1892 28y ? Hungary Pennland Antwerp 57 89 Not G.C.<br />

Wabel Semion M Prayslup, Austria 8 Jan 1910 37y M Austria, Ruthenian Graf Waldersee Hamburg 116 21 * {Przysluop} NOK wife Mariana Wabel, Przyslup, to bil Wasyl Lapasinski, Scranton, PA [1906-08 ?Helesburg?, PA?<br />

Wachyl Wasyl M Pryslop 11 Dec 1906 17y S Austria, Ruthenian Gerty Triest 36 30 * Image not available, Incorrectly linked to Erny manifest<br />

Wacko Michal M Habkowce, Galicia 12 Mar 1914 25y S Austria, Ruthenian Bremen Bremen 72 16 3-121568- 4/25/36 2(505) 6/15/36 NOK mother Maria Wacko, Habkowce, to acqn. Jurko Pliska, 556 Girard St, Scranton born in <strong>Cisna</strong><br />

Waiskolok Motro M Beligrod 27 Apr 1900 23y S Austrian Furst Bismarck Hamburg 255 7 * {Matro Warscholak} <strong>from</strong> Baligrod to Smoke Run, PA, no relative to join<br />

Wajda Andras M Terka 24 Nov 1906 23y S Austria, Ruthenian Patricia Hamburg 34 2 *7-180409-505 8/7/41 to acqn Hryc Wastersz, Scranton, PA (slight curvature of spine)<br />

Wajda Anna F Krywe 17 Aug 1904 19y S Galicy, Ruthenian Barbarosa Bremen 36 4 * to acqu. Anna Kapustynska, Passaic, NJ<br />

Wajda Dmitro M Terku 15 Aug 1900 38y M Galicia Konigen Luise Bremen 160 12 * to Woods Run, PA [1894-97 Pittsburgh]<br />

Wajda Dmyteo M Krysve, Austria 16 Jan 1910 27y S Austria, Polish Pretoria Hamburg 40 9 * Image not available<br />

Wajda Fedor M Krywe, Galicia 13 Feb 1909 29y M Austria, Galicy, Ruthenian Scharnhorst Bremen 16 2 * NOK Wife Jewka Wajda, Krywe, Galicia, to friend Andry Orendacz, Bakerton, PA.<br />

Wajda Fedor M Krywe, Galicia 13 Feb 1909 29y M Austria, Galicia, Ruthenian Scharnhorst Bremen 16 2 NOK wife Jewka Wajda, Krywe, Galicia, to friend Iwan Orendacz, Bakerton, PA<br />

Wajda Fedor M Krywe 29 Jun 1907 35 Galicy Grosser Kurfuerst Bremen 115 18 NOK: wife Anna Wajda, Krywe, P. Tisna, Gal to acqn. Smoke Run, PA.<br />

Wajda Fran F Kryeve 31 Dec 1906 26y M Austrian, Ruthenian Giulia Trieste 89 4 * {Jan, Krywe} to brother Jurko Wajda, St Clair, PA<br />

Wajda Jurko M Terka, Austria 20 Mar 1910 45y M Austria, Ruthenian Oldenburg Bremen 80 25 * NOK wife Pazia Wajda, Terka, Galicia to friend Wasyl Drozd, McKees Rocks, PA<br />

Wajda Jwan M Krywc, Austria 26 Nov 1911 27y S Austria Pennsylvania Hamburg 121 27 * Image not available<br />

Wajda Kasia F Krywe, Galicia 4 Aug 1909 18y S Austria, Ruthenian Bremen Bremen 135 10 * NOK father Mytro Wajda, Krywe to acqn Paraska ?Vanlik? Passaic, NJ<br />

Wajda Kasia F Krywe, Galicia 04 Aug 1909 18y S Austria, Ruthenian Bremen Bremen 135 10 NOK father Mytro Wajda, Krywe, to acqn., Paraska ?Vanlik? Passaic, NJ<br />

Wajda Kaska F Taworecs, Austria 23 Oct 1913 18y S Austria, Rutherisan Patricia Hamburg 60 20 * {?Hanowce?} NOK father Wintin Wajda, Hanowce, to brother Nikolaj Wajda, 1045 Lurow St, Chicago, IL<br />

Wajda Michal M Krywy, Hungary 13 Jul 1909 23 S Hungarian, Slovak Alice Trieste Not GC, Slovak to Mt. Carmel, PA<br />

Wajda Nikolaj M Terku 15 Aug 1900 34y M Galicia Konigen Luise Bremen 160 11 * to Woods Run, PA<br />

Wajda Wasyl M Terka, Austria 6 Apr 1911 28y S Austria, Ruthenian Pretoria Hamburg 66 1 * NOK father Wasyl Wajda, Terka,to bil Michal Olejnik, ?Almira?, PA (med cert. Goiter)<br />

Wajda Wasyl M Krywe, Galicy 5 Dec 1908 25y S Austria, Galicy, Ruthenian Main Bremen 130 19 * Not GC based on companion surnames <strong>from</strong> Krywe and destinations.<br />

Wandriak Kasia F <strong>Cisna</strong> 29 Sep 1913 17y S Austria, Polish George Washington Bremen 193 11<br />

Warchalak Ivan M Struba 26 Jun 1902 17y S Austria Graf Waldersee Hamburg 45 26 * to friend Ivan Dzig , Somarset, PA<br />

Warcholak ...erys M ...uboriska 12 Jan 1901 31y M Austrian Koln Bremen 97 27 * {Herys} {Strubowiska} to bil Michaly Maruscha, Madera, PA<br />

Warcholak Anca F Smerek, Austria 07 Jul 1910 23y M Ruthenian, Austria President Grant Hamburg 59 23 *6-117256 2/11/42-505 NOK moth Jewka Letuczak to husband Mytro Warcholak Madera, PA, Med Ct cornea opacity rgt eye<br />

Warcholak Andrzej M Jaworzec, Austria 16 Dec 1910 17y S Austria-Ruthenian Pennsylvania Hamburg 176 4 *NOK mother Helena Warcholak to BIL Iwan Luciw, Glen Campbell, PA<br />

Warcholak Fedor M Hreborska 18 Nov 1901 4y S Austrian Patricia Hamburg 4 5 * {Strubowiska} to father Georg Warcholak, Houtzdale, PA<br />

Warcholak Hala F Smerek, Austria 07 Jul 1910 2y S Ruthenian, Austria President Grant Hamburg 59 24 *NOK Jewka Letuczak, to father Mytro Warcholak Madera, PA<br />

Warcholak Ilko M Balnica, Galicy 10 Mar 1907 26 M Austria-Ruthenia Brandenburg Bremen 44 29 Balnica, not <strong>Gmina</strong> <strong>Cisna</strong><br />

Warcholak Iwan M Strybowska, Galicia 08 Nov 1910 33y M Austria, Ruthenian Kronprinzes Cecilie Bremen 123 16 *NOK wife Marysia Warcholak to BIL Dmytro Kaniuk Box 3 Seanor PA<br />

Warcholak Jevka F Yaroszee, Galicia 26 Feb 1914 17y S Austria, Ruthenian Koenig Albert Bremen 126 13 * NOK uncle Warcholak Javorczce, to sister Kaska Warcholak 141 St, 4, Passaic, NJ<br />

Warcholak Jurko M Kalnica, Austria 04 Mar 1910 24 S Austria, Polish Finland Antwerp 60 27 *NOK father Frits Warcholak, Kalnica to bro Ivan Warcholak Pine Hill, PA<br />

Warcholak Jurko M Sanok, Austria 10 Oct 1911 24y S Austria, Russian Rotterdam Rotterdam 80 7 Plonna<br />

Warcholak Maria F Hreborska 18 Nov 1901 25y M Austrian Patricia Hamburg 4 4 * {Strubowiska} to husband Georg Warcholak, Houtzdale, PA<br />

Warcholak Marya F Solinker, Austria 28 May 1910 17y S Austria Amerika Hamburg 70 29 * Image is wrong; linked to SS Kroonland page.<br />

Warcholak Michal M Strabowisk 29 Mar 1903 36y S Austrian Graf Waldersee Hamburg 29 22 * to brother Hryc Warcholak, Pinehill, PA<br />

Warcholak Mychail M Stubowyska, Galicia 07 Feb 1912 25y S Austria Kronprinz Wilhelm Bremen 116 7 * NOK father Simko Warcholak Strubowyska to brother Wasyl Warcholak, Windber, PA<br />

Warcholak Nicola M Smerek, Austria 07 Jul 1910 11m S Ruthenian, Austria President Grant Hamburg 59 25 *NOK Jewka Letuczak, to father Mytro Warcholak Madera, PA<br />

Warcholak Wasyl M Sruboniska, Galicia 18 Jun 1912 25y S Austria, Polish Kaiser Wilhelm II Bremen 54 19 * 3-238818, 1-12-43, NOK Stepbro Syanko Moskal, Strubowiska, Gal., To Bro Iwan Warcholak, Rymen, Pa,<br />

Warcholik Wanio M Smiericzna, Galicia 13 Oct 1913 17y S Austria, Ruthenian Frankfurt Bremen 195 22 * 2-457342 3/16/37 NOK father Paul Warcholik, Smiericzna to sister Ancia Warcholik 508 E 70 St., New York, NY<br />

Warebulek Ivan M Trubowiska 10 Nov 1898 27y M Austria Werkendam Rotterdam 29 13 * {Warchulek} to friends, Houtzdale, PA<br />

Warga Jan M <strong>Cisna</strong> 08 May 1903 3y S Austrian, Polish Graf Waldersee Hamburg 148 13<br />

Warga Josef M <strong>Cisna</strong> 08 May 1903 9m S Austrian, Polish Graf Waldersee Hamburg 148 14<br />

Warga Victoria F <strong>Cisna</strong> 08 May 1903 25y M Austrian, Polish Graf Waldersee Hamburg 148 12<br />

Warholak Kana F Strubowiska 08 Apr 1907 20y M Austria Badenia Hamburg 75 28 * {Kasia} to husband Wasil Warholak, Windber, PA<br />

Warholak Wasyl M Strubowiska 08 Apr 1907 11m S Austria Badenia Hamburg 75 29 * to father Wasil Warholak, Windber, PA<br />

Warholyk Rozalia F Tstrousne, Galicia 01 Dec 1905 19y S Austria, Galisia Fredrich der Grosse Bremen 69 18 * {Tstrouzne} to sister Taca Warholyk, 49 Freemont St., Bloomfield, NY<br />

Warscholak Iwan M Lisko 31 Dec 1904 28y M Austrian, Ruthenian Pretoria Hamburg 67 9 * to friend Hryc Kowal, Johnstown, PA<br />

Warscholak Wasyl M Lisko 31 Dec 1904 27y M Austrian, Ruthenian Pretoria Hamburg 67 11 * to bil Wasil Bilas Clarfield, PA<br />

Wasilka Anna F Wetlina 16 Aug 1899 18y S Austrian Noorland Antwerp 233 8 to brother Iwan Wasilka, Smoke Run, PA<br />

Wasilkin Fedor M Wetlin, Austria 09 Feb 1911 29y M Austria, Ruthanian Roon Bremen 115 24 {Wasilkiw} NOK wife Maria Wasilkiw, Wetlin, to brother Michailo Wasylkiw, Ginter/Ramey, Pa [1902-06 Clearfield, PA]<br />

Wasilkow Mikolaj M Wetlyna 28 Jul 1903 25y S Astria/Ruthenian Kroonland Antwerp 133 29 * to cousin Fedor Rycza, Box 690, Butler, PA<br />

Wasser Josef M Lopienka 31 May 1900 30y M Austrian Noordland Antwerp 229 9 to brother-in-law Fedor Mente, Scranton, PA<br />

Wastyla Hania F Krywe 4 Aug 1909 18y S Austria, Ruthenian Bremen Bremen 135 8 * NOK father Iwan Wastyla, Krywe to cousin Paraska Waryndas, 67 2nd St, Passaic, NJ<br />

Wastyla Hania F Krywe, Galicia 04 Aug 1909 18y S Austria, Ruthenian Bremen Bremen 135 8 NOK father Iwan Wastyla, Krywe, to cousin Paraska Warynda, 67 Second St., Passaic, NJ<br />

Wasykow Oleksa M Studeuay, Galicy 23 Nov 1905 25y M Austria, Galkicy, Ruthenian Rhein Bremen 131 13 * {Studenny} to acqn Andro Bankowski, Glen Campbell, PA<br />

Wasylkin Micneflo M Westlyna, Galicy 13 May 1907 18y S Austria Galicy Ruthenian Rhein Bremen 88 25 * {Wetlyna} to friend Jurko Hilczanski, Pine Hill, PA<br />

Wasylkiw Anna F Stupenne 32 Dec 1906 16y S Austrian, Ruthenian Giulia Trieste 94 5 * {Studenne} to friend Marya Jawornicka, Passaic, NJ<br />

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