A Weeden Island Burial Mound - Open site which contains PDF ...

A Weeden Island Burial Mound - Open site which contains PDF ...

A Weeden Island Burial Mound - Open site which contains PDF ...


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intermittently to catzp, to hunt and fish a wide variety of<br />

the local fauna, with the freshwater shellfish as an added<br />

attraction.<br />

A srall study collection of 158 shsrds came from a<br />

half dozen different looations around the springs and in the<br />

"@yard" to the lodge. This is a small sample but again it<br />

analyzes into a homogeneous assemblage <strong>which</strong> correlates<br />

close4 with the results of investigations at other <strong>site</strong>s along<br />

the lower Flint and at the "spring <strong>site</strong>s" along Spring Creek,<br />

One is struck by the heavier percentage of the small check<br />

stamped class (Vakulla), making up 126 sherds or 79.8% of the<br />

total. Of these 20 are good'rimsherds affording neat oross-<br />

sectional study of the general pottery morphology. The same<br />

rim types occur in the same proportion as at other <strong>site</strong>s,<br />

generally small folded rims, either rounded with a definite<br />

exterior beveling; or flattened or V'pleatedVV with the sxterior<br />

fold pressed down confluent with the body of the veseel. A<br />

tendency to small jars with more or less constricted orifices<br />

is noted. The cheeks vary from minute or small to intermediate<br />

and are shaped in squares or lozenges. They are not deeply<br />

impressed or stamped and vany show faintly only in rsfleoted<br />

light. Considsrable smoothing or smearing in parts of the body<br />

is evident, as much as 3C$ of the olass.<br />

Again, the two strongest minority wares are the snoothed<br />

plain or burnished ware, <strong>which</strong> occurs mostly in bowl forms, and<br />


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