Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry


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204 Robert Lowry, 1826–99<br />

3. We lift our hearts in praise, O Lord, to You;<br />

You brought to life, by Your most holy breath,<br />

Those who were wholly dead and lost in sin—<br />

Gone is the terror, gone the sting of death.<br />

4. See now the Spirit poured forth by the Son!<br />

Look! there an army stands in new-found life.<br />

Watch too, the wave on wave of Godʼs true sons,<br />

Equipped with power, engaging in the strife.<br />

5. Christʼs hosts shall labour till men know His love,<br />

Godʼs sons shall toil until the end has come;<br />

Then—wave on wave—His sons shall be unveiled<br />

And meet the Father in that glorious home.<br />

6. Lift then the feet that falter in the way,<br />

Rise! stand erect, before the Father-God;<br />

Be filled with Him who maketh all things new,<br />

And walk within the victory of the Lord!<br />

© 1973 Geoffrey Bingham, 1919–2009. Used by permission.<br />

1. What can wash away my stain?<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

What can make me whole again?<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

Oh, precious is the flow<br />

That makes me white as snow;<br />

No other fount I know,<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

2. For my cleansing this I see—<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

For my pardon this my plea—<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

3. Nothing can for sin atone—<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

Naught of good that I have done—<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

4. This is all my hope and peace—<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

This is all my righteousness—<br />

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!<br />

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205<br />

August Gottlieb Spangenberg,<br />

1704–92<br />

tr. John Wesley, 1703–91<br />

1. What shall we offer our good Lord,<br />

Poor nothings! for His boundless grace?<br />

Fain would we His great name record,<br />

And worthily set forth His praise.<br />

2. Great object of our growing love,<br />

To whom our more than all we owe,<br />

Open the fountain from above,<br />

And let it our full souls oʼerflow.<br />

3. So shall our lives Thy power proclaim,<br />

Thy grace for every sinner free;<br />

Till all mankind shall learn Thy name,<br />

Shall all stretch out their hands to Thee.<br />

4. Open a door which earth and hell<br />

May strive to shut, but strive in vain;<br />

Let Thy word richly in us dwell,<br />

And let our gracious fruit remain.<br />

5. O multiply the sowerʼs seed!<br />

And fruit we every hour shall bear,<br />

Throughout the world Thy gospel<br />

spread,<br />

Thy everlasting truth declare.

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