Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry


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383<br />

Martin Bleby<br />

Revelation 7:9–12<br />

After this I looked,<br />

And there was<br />

A great multitude<br />

That no one could count,<br />

From every nation,<br />

From all tribes and peoples<br />

And languages,<br />

Standing before the throne and<br />

before the Lamb,<br />

Robed in white, with palm branches<br />

in their hands.<br />

They cried out in a loud voice,<br />

saying,<br />

ʻSalvation belongs to our God<br />

Who is seated on the throne<br />

And to the Lamb!ʼ<br />

And all the angels<br />

Stood around the throne<br />

And around the elders<br />

And the four living creatures<br />

And they fell<br />

On their faces<br />

Before the throne<br />

And worshipped God, singing,<br />

ʻAmen! Blessing and glory and<br />

wisdom<br />

And thanksgiving and honour and<br />

power and might<br />

Be to our God forever and ever! Amen.ʼ<br />

Be to our God forever and ever! Amen!<br />

Setting © 2006 Martin Bleby. Used by permission.<br />

384<br />

Martin Bleby<br />

Psalm 137<br />

By the rivers of Babylon<br />

There we sat down and there we<br />

wept<br />

When we remembered Zion.<br />

There on the willows we hung up our<br />

harps.<br />

There our captors asked us for songs;<br />

There our tormentors required of us<br />

mirth saying,<br />

ʻSing us one of the songs of Zion!ʼ<br />

How can we sing the Lordʼs song in<br />

an alien land?<br />

If I forget you, Jerusalem,<br />

Let my right hand wither!<br />

Let my tongue cling to the roof of my<br />

mouth,<br />

If I remember you not;<br />

If I do not set Jerusalem<br />

Above my highest joy!<br />

Remember, Lord, against the Edomites,<br />

How they said, ʻDown with it! Down<br />

with it!<br />

Down to the ground.ʼ<br />

Daughter of Babylon, wasted with<br />

misery,<br />

Happy shall they be who pay you<br />

back for what you did to us:<br />

Happy shall they be who take your<br />

little ones<br />

And throw them against the rock.<br />

Setting © 2003 Martin Bleby. Used by permission.<br />

385<br />

Noel Due<br />

1. Christ is the Lamb who bore our sin<br />

and shame,<br />

Crucified King, in weakness bares<br />

Godʼs Name:<br />

Holy the Father who in gracious love,<br />

Reigns over all the world through His<br />

shed blood.<br />

Betrayed and mocked and spat<br />

upon,<br />

King of Glory stands alone,<br />

Commits Himself to Father God,<br />

Affirmed in resurrection.<br />

2. King of the earth and of its rulers<br />

great,<br />

Christ rules oʼer all in Fatherʼs<br />

glorious grace,<br />

Spirit of grace poured out from<br />

Fatherʼs throne,<br />

Show now the victory our Christ has<br />

won.<br />

Abandoned by His very own,<br />

Son of Man; rejected One,<br />

Embraces every searing pain,<br />

To bring us to perfection.<br />


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