Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry


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4. Bore it up triumphant<br />

With its human light,<br />

Through all ranks of creatures<br />

To the central height,<br />

To the throne of Godhead,<br />

To the Fatherʼs breast;<br />

Filled it with the glory<br />

Of that perfect rest.<br />

5. Name Him, brothers, name Him,<br />

With love strong as death,<br />

But with awe and wonder,<br />

And with bated breath;<br />

He is God the Saviour,<br />

He is Christ the Lord,<br />

Ever to be worshipped,<br />

Trusted, and adored.<br />

6. In your hearts enthrone Him;<br />

There let Him subdue<br />

All that is not holy,<br />

All that is not true:<br />

Crown Him as your Captain<br />

In temptationʼs hour;<br />

Let His will enfold you<br />

In its light and power.<br />

7. Brothers, this Lord Jesus<br />

Shall return again,<br />

With His Fatherʼs glory,<br />

With His angel train;<br />

For all wreaths of empire<br />

Meet upon His brow,<br />

And our hearts confess Him<br />

King of glory now.<br />

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Martin Bleby<br />

1 Thessalonians 4:18<br />

[sing refrain after verses 2, 4 & 6]<br />

For Heʼll come again<br />

And every eye will see Him,<br />

Everyone who pierced Him,<br />

And all the tribes will mourn.<br />

In that day rejoice,<br />

Rise eagerly to greet Him,<br />

There we all shall meet Him<br />

And be ever with the Lord.<br />

1. And there will be signs<br />

In sun and moon and stars,<br />

The roaring sea and waves,<br />

Perplexity of nations;<br />

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They will see the Son of man<br />

With the clouds of heaven<br />

Coming in great glory,<br />

Redemption in His hand.<br />

2. When He is revealed<br />

With mighty angels, flaming fire,<br />

Inflicting vengeance of His wrath<br />

On all who will not know Him,<br />

Destruction is decreed<br />

With overflowing righteousness,<br />

Marvelled at in all believers,<br />

Glorified in all His saints. [refrain]<br />

3. You will hear of wars,<br />

Earthquakes, famines, plagues,<br />

Men will hate and kill,<br />

Give you up to tribulation.<br />

Do not be alarmed;<br />

All these things will happen.<br />

Preach the gospel of the kingdom,<br />

Stand before the Son of man.<br />

4. For He will destroy<br />

All authority and rule—<br />

Even death itself—<br />

Underneath His feet.<br />

Then will come the end,<br />

When He will give the kingdom<br />

Over to the Father,<br />

And God be all in all. [refrain]<br />

5. Let us all come in<br />

By the new and living way,<br />

With hearts sprinkled clean<br />

By the blood of Jesus;<br />

As the Day draws near<br />

Let us hold fast our confession,<br />

Encourage one another<br />

To love and all good works.<br />

6. So abide in Him<br />

And purify yourselves<br />

Just as He is pure,<br />

And do not shrink in shame.<br />

We are Godʼs children now,<br />

And when He appears<br />

We shall all be like Him,<br />

For we shall see Him as He is. [refrain]<br />

© 1988 Martin Bleby. Used by permission.

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