Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry


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3. Godʼs loved are its objects to bring into shame,<br />

Seduce till their love is forlorn.<br />

A dew that must melt in the burn of the noon,<br />

And all its fair promise be gone;<br />

As Israel in splendour grew careless of awe,<br />

Forgetting the glories of grace,<br />

It turned to new idols, expending its power,<br />

Befouling its heart to a waste.<br />

The love thatʼs eternal brings judgement to all,<br />

Brings horror where idols hold sway<br />

Till spirit revolts at the sight of its sin<br />

And weeps for the Lord it betrays.<br />

4. Then He who has loved us with mercy so full<br />

Brings cleansing that makes us anew:<br />

His love is so pure we gladly endure<br />

The scourge of the judgement thatʼs true.<br />

ʼTis then that we love Your chastening hand,<br />

Your eyes that must banish disgrace.<br />

ʼTis then we believe in Your promise of old<br />

That tells of Your mercy and grace,<br />

For ʻI will restore your hard heartʼ, says the Lord,<br />

ʻTo joy that it knew in those days;<br />

With praise that arose and the worship you gave<br />

When grace was before you alwaysʼ.<br />

© 1992 Geoffrey Bingham, 1919–2009. Used by permission.<br />

331 Christine Dieckmann<br />

1. In love and in grace, so rich and so bold,<br />

Almighty God, Father, Redeemer from old,<br />

His own precious Son, all He had He gave,<br />

Abandoned the guiltless the guilty to save.<br />

O greatest of wonders and deepest of joys<br />

That I, a child of wrath became a child of God<br />

In His own loving choice;<br />

In Christ upon His Cross the judgement went through;<br />

On Him I have believed, forgiveness have received;<br />

Behold I am made new.<br />

2. In love and in grace; in body, in blood,<br />

The Fatherʼs Son, Jesus, endured wrath of God.<br />

He who became sin, in shame crucified;<br />

He death overpowered, all sin purified.<br />

3. In love and in grace; in might and in power,<br />

Godʼs own Holy Spirit, in evilʼs dark hour,<br />

Led Christ to His Cross, sustained Him ʼtil death<br />

And then to life raised Him with Godʼs holy breath.<br />

4. In love and in grace—abundant and free—<br />

Almighty God, Threesome, has caused it to be;<br />

God dwells in a man—a man dwells in God—<br />

Forever together through covenant blood.<br />

© 1991 Christine Dieckmann. Used by permission.<br />


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