Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry


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Blessèd Holy Spirit, reign in me today,<br />

I would be like Jesus, pure in every way.<br />

Guide me, teach me ever what I ought to know,<br />

Fill me with Thy fullness till I overflow!<br />

2. When Christ our Lord ascended to the Father<br />

This Gift He sent within our hearts to live;<br />

ʼTis He who teaches, He who guides and keeps us,<br />

And daily He abiding peace will give:<br />

3. O, how I long to know Thy flooding fullness!<br />

O, how I long to feel Thy power grow!<br />

O, take away the sins which mar and hinder,<br />

O, sanctify, and make me white as snow:<br />

© Mrs Isobel Whitbourn. Used by permission.<br />

146 Charles Wesley, 1707–88<br />

1. Spirit of faith, come down,<br />

Reveal the things of God;<br />

And make to us the Godhead known,<br />

And witness with the blood:<br />

ʼTis Thine the blood to apply,<br />

And give us eyes to see,<br />

Who did for every sinner die<br />

Hath surely died for me.<br />

2. No man can truly say<br />

That Jesus is the Lord,<br />

Unless Thou take the veil away,<br />

And breathe the living word;<br />

Then, only then, we feel<br />

Our interest in His blood,<br />

And cry, with joy unspeakable,<br />

ʻThou art my Lord, my God!ʼ<br />

147 Geoffrey Bingham, 1919–2009<br />

65<br />

3. O that the world might know<br />

The all-atoning Lamb!<br />

Spirit of faith, descend, and show<br />

The virtue of His name;<br />

The grace which all may find,<br />

The saving power impart;<br />

And testify to all mankind,<br />

And speak in every heart.<br />

4. Inspire the living faith,<br />

Which whosoeʼer receives,<br />

The witness in himself he hath,<br />

And consciously believes;<br />

That faith that conquers all,<br />

And doth the mountain move,<br />

And saves whoeʼer on Jesus call,<br />

And perfects them in love.<br />

1. There was a day when God sent man His Spirit,<br />

Christʼs throne gift poured upon us from above,<br />

The Son of Man ascended to the glory<br />

Empowered us to know and share His love:<br />

Mighty Holy Spirit, come on us today,<br />

Who, devoid of power, walked not in Christʼs way;<br />

Fill us with dynamic to proclaim the Son,<br />

And announce to sinners freedom He has won.

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