Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry

Introductory pages - New Creation Teaching Ministry


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413<br />

2. I have justified anger and buried my guilt;<br />

Tried to cover my shame with more sin—with more filth.<br />

Now my spiritʼs so thirsty, with hunger it burns.<br />

I have come to my end and to You now I turn.<br />

3. But if there were no Cross; if Christʼs blood was not shed:<br />

In my sins Iʼd remain; though alive Iʼd be dead.<br />

But He died for my sin then to life rose again.<br />

So I come to You now through Your love in His name.<br />

© 2007 Christine Dieckmann. Used by permission.<br />

Martin Bleby<br />

Psalm 130<br />

Out of the depths:<br />

Out of the depths<br />

I have called to You O Lord:<br />

Lord, hear my voice!<br />

Let Your ears consider well<br />

The voice of my supplication.<br />

If You, O Lord;<br />

If You, O Lord,<br />

Should mark what we do amiss,<br />

Lord, who could stand?<br />

But with You there is mercy,<br />

So that You shall be feared.<br />

I wait for the Lord,<br />

My soul waits for Him<br />

And my hope is in His word.<br />

My soul looks for God.<br />

My soul looks for God<br />

More than watchmen for the<br />

morning;<br />

More, I say, than watchmen for the<br />

morning.<br />

O Israel,<br />

Trust in the Lord,<br />

For with the Lord there is mercy<br />

And ample redemption!<br />

He will redeem Israel<br />

From the multitude of their sins.<br />

Out of the depths.<br />

© 2001 Martin Bleby. Used by permission.<br />

414<br />

Geoffrey Bingham, 1919–2009<br />

Doxology<br />

1. Praise God from whom all glories flow,<br />

All creatures high and here below.<br />

Praise Him for love and peace and joy,<br />

With all the powers your hearts employ.<br />

Stars praised Him joyfully for earthʼs<br />

Created splendours at its birth.<br />

And angels raptured at the light<br />

Sang gloriously of this new delight.<br />

In Edenʼs bower our parents sang,<br />

And with them all creation rang<br />

In paeans of heartsʼ delighted praise<br />

For all the mysteries of His ways.<br />

2. The bondage came with serpentʼs chains;<br />

Mankind ceased all its sweet refrains;<br />

Yet midst the pain of sin for Man<br />

The powers of grace their work began.<br />

Israel stood free on the sea shore<br />

With Canaanʼs riches all before.<br />

In joy old Moses raised the song<br />

With Miriam and all along.<br />

The angels sang at Jesusʼ birth<br />

Bursting from heavʼn come down to earth.<br />

The people sang ʻHosanna! Lord!ʼ<br />

Evʼn as the priests prepared Death's<br />

wood.<br />

3. The thief that day found Paradise—<br />

Eden returned by bloody price—<br />

All sinners now know Edenʼs peace<br />

And sing their songs that never cease.<br />

The Holy City comes to be<br />

For heavʼn and earth Godʼs sanctuary.<br />

There creatures all their praises raise<br />

For present and eternal days.<br />

Now all together heavʼn and earth,<br />

Sing for the glory of new birth,<br />

For birth thatʼs new to sanctify<br />

All that inhabit earth and sky.<br />


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