terms, abbreviations, and linguistic symbols - David Steinberg's ...

terms, abbreviations, and linguistic symbols - David Steinberg's ...

terms, abbreviations, and linguistic symbols - David Steinberg's ...


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EEEE----book book book book Biblical Biblic Biblic Biblical<br />

al al Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Word Word Word Word Play Play Play Play ---- Reconstructing Reconstructing Reconstructing Reconstructing the the the the Original Original Original Original Oral, Oral, Oral, Oral, Aural Aural Aural Aural <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Visual Visual Visual Visual Experience<br />

Experience Experience<br />

Experience by by by by <strong>David</strong> <strong>David</strong> <strong>David</strong> <strong>David</strong> Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg<br />

/EBHP EBHP EBHP/ EBHP +45 - This reconstruction includes -<br />

• th the th phonemic honemic transcription transcription of of reconstructed CBH BH<br />

10<br />

BH (/EBH (/EBHP/) (/EBH P/)<br />

P/) recovering, as<br />

closely as possible, the the the pronunciation that a scribe in in in Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem 700 700-600 700 600<br />

BCE BCE BCE would would have have used used in in reading reading poetry poetry <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> other other literature literature to to upper upper class<br />

class<br />

Judeans Judeans or or members members of of the the king king’s king s court court. court . Vowel <strong>and</strong> consonant quality <strong>and</strong><br />

length <strong>and</strong> word stress phonological. N.b. N.b. It It is is quite quite possible possible that that that Early Early Early Early<br />

Biblical Biblical Biblical Biblical Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Pronunciation Pronunciation<br />

Pronunciation<br />

Pronunciation continued to to be used in some circles circles for<br />

formal formal literary literary reading reading of of CBH BH <strong>and</strong> PCBH PCBH, PCBH , alongside alongside alongside LBHP LBHP, LBHP , well into the<br />

Persian Persian period period; period period<br />

• the the occasionally occasionally phonemic phonemic placement placement of of primary primary word word stress stress; stress<br />

• the the non non-phonemic non non phonemic placement placement placement of of secondary secondary word word stress stress; stress ; <strong>and</strong>,<br />

<strong>and</strong>,<br />

• the he he non non-phonemic non<br />

phonemic phonemic distinction distinction distinction between between th the th<br />

e e long long long vowels vowels vowels of of various various various origins origins origins e.g. e.g.<br />

e.g.<br />

ῑ, î, iː iː. iː<br />

[EBHP EBHP EBHP] EBHP 46 a phonetic honetic transcription of of reconstructed Early Early Early Early Biblical Biblical Biblical Biblical Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew<br />

Pronunciation<br />

Pronunciati Pronunciati Pronunciation.<br />

on on.<br />

.<br />

/EBH BH BHP+/ BH +/ more probable of alternative reconstructions.<br />

/EBH BH BHP-/ BH less probable of alternative reconstructions.<br />

/EBH BH BHP?/ BH ?/ possible reconstruction usually used when it is impossible to<br />

decide, based on current data, between <strong>and</strong> earlier <strong>and</strong> later form.<br />

/EBHPsam sam sam/ sam possible reconstruction of Samarian pre-exilic Hebrew when<br />

when<br />

probably probably at at variance variance from from Jerusalem Jerusalem dialect dialect. dialect<br />

JEH EH EH - Judahite Judahite Judahite Judahite Epigraphic Epigraphic Epigraphic Epigraphic Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew (see A A A A Note Note Note Note on on on on Epigraphic Epigraphic Epigraphic Epigraphic Hebrew) Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew -<br />

inscriptions inscriptions contemporaneous contemporaneous with with pre pre-exilic pre exilic CBH BH BH. BH . Scribes trained in in Jerusalem<br />

Jerusalem<br />

700 700-586 700 586 586 BCE BCE were likely likely the authors of the bulk bulk of surviving surviving JEH EH EH e.g. Siloam<br />

Siloam<br />

Inscription Inscription, Inscription Lachish Lachish oostraca<br />

oo<br />

straca straca, straca Arad Arad ostraca ostraca. ostraca ostraca.<br />

. For their orthography see see see Matres Matres Matres Matres<br />

Lectionis Lectionis Lectionis Lectionis in in in in Hebrew. Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew The same same circles circles were were were likely likely the the composers composers composers <strong>and</strong>/or<br />

<strong>and</strong>/or<br />

transmitters transmitters of of most most most of of the the pre pre-exilic pre exilic exilic biblical biblical texts. texts. texts. Epigraphic Epigraphic Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew documents documents<br />

documents<br />

have have have been been preserved in in their their original original language language <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> orthography orthography <strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong>, within within within limits<br />

limits<br />

, , , , can can serve serve as as as a a guide guide to to pronunciation. pronunciation. Except Except for for archaisms archaisms used used in in poetry poetry, poetry the<br />

original original orthography orthography of of the the pre pre-exilic pre exilic bbiblical<br />

b iblical texts texts would would very very likely likely likely to to have<br />

conformed conformed to to the the norms norms of of JEH JEH. JEH<br />

I I I am am working working on on the the assumption assumption that that in in in JEH EH -<br />

• all final final stressed stressed vowels vowels were were long long <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> generally generally marked marked by<br />

by<br />

vowel vowel letters;<br />


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