uinimmiiitumiimanmu - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

uinimmiiitumiimanmu - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

uinimmiiitumiimanmu - Universidad Complutense de Madrid


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Basic Cencepts<br />

perspecLive of conLexCual facÉors has been extremely imporLanC<br />

in LhaL Lhey have opened Lhe way for research inÉegraLing<br />

differenC fields. From LLe poinÉ of view of Lhe presenÉ Chesis,<br />

ohe consi<strong>de</strong>raCion of liLeraLure as a discourse phenomenon 15<br />

crucial, as iC allows for inLerpreLaLion aL differenC<br />

processing leveis which inclu<strong>de</strong> buÉ also go beyond Che LexÉ<br />

iLself. In Che following secCions 1 will discuss specific<br />

issues relaCed to Lhe noLion of literature as discourse.<br />

1.4. The importance of the rea<strong>de</strong>r: literature as interaction<br />

As explained in the previous secLion, a discourse approach<br />

Co liCerariness requires Lhe consi<strong>de</strong>ration of semantic and<br />

pragnaLic aspecÉs in addiCion Co Che formal feaCures of Che<br />

CexÉ iCself. However, as Cook (1994: 44) points ouL, discourse<br />

and pragmaCic Cheories focus on Che significance of conÉexC<br />

from a social perspecLive and on inference procedures, and,<br />

consequenLly, show liCCle interesC in Lhe part Lhat Che rea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Cakes in Che process of communication. An interesÉ in Lhe<br />

rea<strong>de</strong>r as acCive parLicipant in Che reading process has<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped in linguisCic theory parLicularly with the emergence<br />

of dynamic approaches to texÉ processing. <br />

1.4.1. Sahena theory approaches to reading<br />

The conCribution of schema Cheory Lo theories of<br />

liLerariness will be discussed more in <strong>de</strong>Cail in chapter 4, buÉ<br />


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