uinimmiiitumiimanmu - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

uinimmiiitumiimanmu - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

uinimmiiitumiimanmu - Universidad Complutense de Madrid


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Basic Cencepts<br />

convenLions, which, as in any other discourse type, can be<br />

respecLed or violaLed (see van Dijk 1977, PraLt 1977> . One of<br />

Che idiosyncraLic feaCures of 2OÉh century liLeraLure S.s Che<br />

Cen<strong>de</strong>ncy Lo <strong>de</strong>liberaCely break the convenLions of ficLion aL<br />

differenL levels: wiChin Lhe texÉ iÉself, Chus creaÉing whaL<br />

from a logical perspecCive are impossible worlds, or worlds<br />

which have internal contradicCions, as in Cypical posCmo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

ficLion; aud aL Llie level of inLeraction with Che rea<strong>de</strong>r, by<br />

means of Che <strong>de</strong>feat of expecCaCions regardiiig noLiofis such as<br />

whaÉ is ficCion, whaL is poetry and what is literaLure. PraLC<br />

(1977: 211> observes that:<br />

tn the literary speech situation, in other words, rule-breaking can be<br />

the peint of Uhe utuerance. (. . .) Within literature, Uhis kiwi of<br />

linguisUic subversiveness is associated especially with Ube se-called<br />

‘new’ or ‘antí-novel’ , wbere WC find radically <strong>de</strong>creasing conformity Ue<br />

Uhe unruarked case ter noveis and a concornitant radical increase in the<br />

nurnber and difficulty of implicatures requireci te make sense of a given<br />

text.<br />

We find, Chen, ÉhaL literature can be seen as paradoxical<br />

and conflicÉive from Cwo complementary points of view. One,<br />

because, as a Cype of arÉ form, iC holds an ambiguous relaLion<br />

wiLh realiLy, which it reflects buL from which iL is also<br />

differenC.<br />

13 Second, because fiction is a discourse Cype WíÉh<br />

lis own rules and convenLiofis, which are violaLed<br />

sysLernaCically in 2OLh cenCury fiction. IL S.s imporLanÉ Lo<br />

poinÉ ouÉ, however, LhaL Éhese violaCions are interpreÉed as<br />

rneaningful ulÉimaLely, eiCher Éhrough irony or other mechanisms<br />

ChaL place a heavy bur<strong>de</strong>n of interpreCaLion on Lhe rea<strong>de</strong>r (See<br />

Breuer 1980 and Iser 1989)<br />

In brief, in Chis section, 1 argue for a view of<br />

literaCure and ficLion as paradoxical and as consCituCing a<br />

Cype of conflicÉive communication. By Chis 1 do noÉ mean ÉhaL<br />

liCeraLure S.s uncooperaCive as a communicaLion Cype; 1 mean<br />

ChaL liLerature violaLes nonns and convenLions, parLicularly<br />

2OCh cenÉury liCerature, and Lhis means a greaCer processing<br />


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