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THE next issue of the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> will be<br />

published on Thursday, 24th April, 1952, in lieu<br />

of Anzac Day, 25th April, 1952.<br />

All notices for insertion therein must be received<br />

at the Government Printing Office BEFORE 10 a.m.<br />

on Wednesday, 23rd April, 1952.<br />


TO WIT,<br />



Governor.<br />

[L.S.]<br />

The Fisheries Act, 1905-1951.<br />


t <strong>aet</strong> <strong>te</strong><br />

OF<br />


[Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.]<br />


No. 40.] PERTH: FRIDAY, 18th APRIL. [1952.<br />

By Hio Excellency Lieu<strong>te</strong>nant-General Sir Charles<br />

J Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most<br />

Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint<br />

George, Companion of the Moot Hnnoorable Order<br />

of the Bath, Commander of tlse Most Excellent<br />

Order of the British Empire, Governor in and<br />

over the Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia and its<br />

Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia.<br />

File No. 169/33, Ex. Co. No. 673.<br />

IN pursuance of the provisions of section 9 of the<br />

Fisheries Act, 1905-1951, I, the Governor of the<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia, by and with the advice<br />

and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby<br />

declare that all those portions of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australian<br />

wa<strong>te</strong>rs described in the Schedule hereto shall be<br />

closed against the use of fishing nets for a period<br />

of five years from the da<strong>te</strong> of publication hereof.<br />

Schedule.<br />

All those portions of Shoalwa<strong>te</strong>r Bay, Warnbro<br />

Sound and the Indian Ocean bounded by a line 40<br />

chains distant from and parallel to the Low Wa<strong>te</strong>r<br />

Mark at Penguin Island, Public Plan 341D/40.<br />

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of<br />

the said Sta<strong>te</strong>, at Perth, this 9th day of<br />

April, 1952.<br />

By His Excellency's Command,<br />

VAL. R. ABBOTT,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Fisheries.<br />



TO WIT,<br />



Governor.<br />

C L.S.]<br />


l_ By His Excellency Lieu<strong>te</strong>nant-General Sir Charles<br />

Henry Gairdoer, Knight Commander of the Most<br />

Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint<br />

George, Companion of the Most Honoarable Order<br />

of the Bath, Commander of the Moot Excellent<br />

Order of the British Empire, Governor in and<br />

over the Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia and its<br />

Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Aaotralia.<br />

PURSUANT to section 2 of the Anniversary of the<br />

Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign Act, 1937, I,<br />

the said Governor, do hereby declare aid proclaim,<br />

with the advice and consent of the Executive<br />

Council, that the 17th day of November, 1952, shall<br />

be observed as a holiday in honour of the birthday<br />

of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, In<br />

lieu of any other day which may be prescribed<br />

or appoin<strong>te</strong>d in that behalf under any other Act<br />

or under any industrial award or agreement.<br />

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of<br />

the said Sta<strong>te</strong>, at Perth, this 9th day of<br />

April, 1952.<br />

By His Excellency's Command.<br />


Premier.<br />


AT a meeting of the Executive Council, held in<br />

the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 9th<br />

day of April, 1952, the following Orders in Council<br />

were authorised to be issued:<br />

Public Works Act, 1902-1950.<br />

Geraldton High School Ex<strong>te</strong>nsion.<br />


P.W. 155/52, Ex. Co. No. 685.<br />

IN pursuance of the powers conferred by section<br />

11 of the Public Works Act, 1902-1950, His Excellency<br />

the Governor, acting by and with the<br />

advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth<br />

hereby authorize the Honourable Minis<strong>te</strong>r for

962 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

Works to undertake, construct or provide Geraldton<br />

High SchoolEx<strong>te</strong>nsionon the land shown<br />

coloured green on Plan P.W.D. W.A. 33325, which<br />

may be inspec<strong>te</strong>d at the office of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for<br />

Works, Perth,<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

Municipal Corporations Act, 19064947.<br />

Municipality of Albany.<br />


P.W. 1023/41.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor, acting by and with<br />

the advice and consent of the Executive Council,<br />

doth hereby approve, under the provisions of subsection<br />

(1) of section 10 of the Municipal Corporations<br />

Act, 1906-1947, of the common seal of the<br />

Municipality of Albany being changed and al<strong>te</strong>red<br />

by deleting from it the words and figures "Town<br />

of Albany, Incorpora<strong>te</strong>d 1851," and inserting in<br />

lieu thereof the words "Municipality of Albany."<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

Road Districts Act, 1919-1948.<br />

Darling Range Road BoardValidation<br />

of Electoral Roll.<br />


P.W. 230/44.<br />

WHEREAS under the provisions of Division 6 of<br />

Part III of the Road Districts Act, 1919-1948, it<br />

is provided that whenever any provision of this<br />

Division has not been complied with the Governor<br />

may by Order in Council valida<strong>te</strong> such roll, and<br />

whereas it has been proved that an Electoral Roll<br />

prepared by the Darling Range Road Board has<br />

not been complied with in accordance with the<br />

said provision of the Act: Now, therefore, His Excellency<br />

the Governor, acting by and with the<br />

advice and consent of the Executive Council, under<br />

the provisions of the Road Districts Act, 1919-1948,<br />

doth hereby valida<strong>te</strong> such Electoral Roll accordingly.<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

Land Drainage Act, 1925-1941.<br />

Capel-Boyanup Drainage District.<br />


P.W.W.S. 103/52.<br />

WHEREAS by section 11 of the Land Drainage<br />

Act, 1925-1941, the Governor may by Order in<br />

Council, constitu<strong>te</strong> any defined portion of the Sta<strong>te</strong><br />

a drainage district; specify the boundaries of such<br />

district; and assign a name to such district; and<br />

whereas under section 9, subsection (1) the Minis<strong>te</strong>r<br />

may exercise within any district all the powers and<br />

authorities except the power to borrow money, and<br />

shall have all the immunities conferred by this Act<br />

on a board: Now, therefore, His Excellency the<br />

Governor with the advice of the Executive Council<br />

doth hereby constitu<strong>te</strong> a drainage district, having<br />

the boundaries described in the schedule hereto,<br />

and assign the name of the Capel-Boyanup Drainage<br />

District thereto, and doth direct that the<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r shall exercise all the powers and authorities<br />

and have the immunities conferred by section<br />

9, subsection (1).<br />

Schedule.<br />

Capel-Boyanup Drainage District.<br />

All that portion of the land bounded by lines<br />

starting from the Wes<strong>te</strong>rnmost corner of Stirling<br />

Esta<strong>te</strong> Lot 213 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding generally North-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along the North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of<br />

lots 213, 225, 224, 223, 222, 221, 219 and 220 and<br />

onwards to the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of Wellington<br />

Location 47; thence Northerly along that boundary<br />

to the Southernmost corner of Stirling Esta<strong>te</strong> Lot<br />

198; thence generally North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly and Eas<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

along boundaries of that lot to the North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rnmost<br />

corner of Wellington Location 47 aforesaid;<br />

thence North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along the North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

boundary of that location to the South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

side of road No. 60; thence generally South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

along that side to a point in prolongation Southerly<br />

of the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of location '708; thence<br />

Northerly and Eas<strong>te</strong>rly to and along boundaries<br />

of location 708 and 348 and onwards to the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

boundary of location 3328; thence Northerly along<br />

that boundary to a point in prolongation Wes<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

of the Northern boundary of Boyanup Agricultural<br />

Area Lot 180; thence Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along that prolongation<br />

to the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of Wellington Location<br />

3329; thence Southerly along that boundary<br />

and onwards to the North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of<br />

location 2358; thence South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along the<br />

North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of locations 2358, 3904,<br />

Boyanup Agricultural Area Lot 283 and the Northern<br />

boundaries of Wellington Location 2553 to a<br />

point in prolongation Southerly of the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

boundary of Boyanup Agricultural Area Lot 48;<br />

thence Northerly and Eas<strong>te</strong>rly to and along boundaries<br />

of lots 48, 366 and 46 to a point in prolongation<br />

Southerly of the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of lot 137;<br />

thence Northerly to and along that boundary to a<br />

point in prolongation Wes<strong>te</strong>rly of the Northern<br />

boundary of lot 35; thence Eas<strong>te</strong>rly and Southerly<br />

to and along boundaries of that lot and onwards<br />

to and along the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of Boyanup<br />

Suburban Lot 73, Town Lots 74 and 83 to the<br />

North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn side of Payne Street; thence South-<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along that side to a point in prolongation<br />

North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly of the North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of<br />

Suburban Lot 19; thence South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly and<br />

Southerly to and along the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of<br />

that lot and onwards to the Southern side of Trigwell<br />

Road; thence Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along that side to the<br />

North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn corner of Wellington Location 54;<br />

thence Southerly and Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along boundaries of<br />

that location to the South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn side of the<br />

Bridgetown-Boyanup Railway Reserve; thence<br />

South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along that side to the Eas<strong>te</strong>rnmost<br />

corner of Boyanup Agricultural Area Lot 395;<br />

thence generally South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along boundaries<br />

of that lot to a point in prolongation Northerly of<br />

the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of lot 393; thence Southerly<br />

and Wes<strong>te</strong>rly to and along boundaries of lots 393<br />

and 101 to the North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn corner of lot 110;<br />

thence Southerly and Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along boundaries of<br />

lots 110, 109 and Wellington Location 1957 to a<br />

point in prolongation Northerly of the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

boundary of Boyanup Agricultural Area Lot 104;<br />

thence Southerly to and along that boundary to the<br />

Northern boundary of lot 217; thence Eas<strong>te</strong>rly,<br />

Southerly and Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along boundaries of that<br />

lot to a point in prolongation Northerly of the<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of Wellington Location 3829;<br />

thence Southerly, Wes<strong>te</strong>rly, again Southerly, again<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rly, again Southerly and again Wes<strong>te</strong>rly to<br />

and along boundaries of locations 3829, 4485, 3833,<br />

4502 and 3811 and onwards to the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary<br />

of location 994; thence Southerly and Wes<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

along boundaries of that location to a point in<br />

prolongation Northerly of the Eas<strong>te</strong>rnmost boundary<br />

of location 4364; thence Southerly to and along<br />

that boundary and onwards to the North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

side of road No. 894; thence generally North-<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along that side to a point in prolongation<br />

Northerly of the Eas<strong>te</strong>rnmost boundary of location<br />

2504; thence Southerly, Wes<strong>te</strong>rly, Northerly, again<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rly and again Northerly to and along bound-<br />

aries of that location to a point in prolongation<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly of the Northern boundary of location 4365;<br />

thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly to and along that boundary and<br />

onwards to the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of location 4421;<br />

thence Northerly along boundaries of locations<br />

4421 and 3783 and onwards to the North-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn side of road No. 894 aforesaid; thence<br />

North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along that side to a point in prolongation<br />

Southerly of the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of<br />

location 930; thence Northerly to and along that<br />

boundary and onwards to the Northern side of a<br />

one-chain road along a Southern boundary of loca-<br />

tion 2921; thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along that road and<br />

onwards to the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn side of East Road; thence<br />

Southerly along that side to the Northern side of<br />

Ommanney Road; thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along that side<br />

to the South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn side of Withers Road; thence<br />

North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along that side to a point in prolongation<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly of the Northern side of Jenkin<br />

Road; thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly to and along that side and

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 63<br />

onwards to the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of Capel Suburban<br />

Lot 45; thence Southerly and Wes<strong>te</strong>rly along<br />

boundaries of that lot to its South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn corner;<br />

thence Southerly, Wes<strong>te</strong>rly and Northerly to and<br />

along boundaries of Stirling Esta<strong>te</strong> Lot 29 and onwards<br />

to the South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn corner of lot 28;<br />

thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly and Northerly to and along boundaries<br />

of lots 27, 25, 23 and 21 and onwards to the<br />

Southern boundary of lot 36; thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly and<br />

Northerly along boundaries of that lot to a point<br />

in prolongation Eas<strong>te</strong>rly of the Southern boundary<br />

of lot 43; thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly, Northerly and Eas<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

to and along boundaries of that lot and onwards<br />

to the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of lot 37; thence Northerly<br />

and Eas<strong>te</strong>rly along boundaries of lots 37, 38, 39<br />

and 41 and onwards to the Wes<strong>te</strong>rnmost boundary<br />

of Wellington Location 392; thence Northerly along<br />

the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of locations 392, 204 and<br />

47 aforesaid to a point in prolongation Eas<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

of the Southern boundary of Stirling Esta<strong>te</strong> Lot<br />

218 and thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly and generally North-<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rly to and along the Southern boundaries of<br />

lots 218, 217, 216, 215, 214 and 213 to the starting<br />

point as shown bordered red on Plan P.W.D. W.A.<br />

33351.<br />

This Order in Council shall take effect on the 9th<br />

day of April, 1952.<br />

R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

Premier's Department,<br />

Perth, 10th April, 1952.<br />

IT is hereby notified for public information that<br />

His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has approved of the Industrial Development<br />

(Kwinana Area) Act, 1952, being placed under the<br />

administration of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Industrial<br />

Development.<br />

R. H. DOIG,<br />

Under Secretary,<br />

Premier's Department.<br />


Premier's Department,<br />

Perth, 17th April, 1952.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that<br />

His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has been pleased to approve of the following appointments<br />

to the Commission of the Peace:<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Sandover, of 6A Hammersley<br />

Street, North Cot<strong>te</strong>sloe (formerly of View Street,<br />

Peppermint Grove), to be a Justice of the Peace<br />

for the Perth Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District in lieu of the<br />

Fremantle Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District.<br />

Alfred David Doig, Esquire, of 304 Crawford<br />

Road, Inglewood (formerly of Wongoondy Esta<strong>te</strong>,<br />

Mullewa), to be a Justice of the Peace for the<br />

Perth Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District in lieu of the Geraldton<br />

Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District.<br />

Felix Christie Weir, Esquire, of Cannington Terrace,<br />

Cannington (formerly of Wiluna), to be a<br />

Justice of the Peace for the Perth Magis<strong>te</strong>rial<br />

District in lieu of the Clifton Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District.<br />

Lionel Lewin Car<strong>te</strong>r, Esquire, of 3 Palm Street,<br />

Bunbury (formerly of Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley), to be -a Justice<br />

of the Peace for the Forrest Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District<br />

in lieu of the Perth Magis<strong>te</strong>rial District.<br />

R. H. DOIG,<br />

Under Secretary, Premier's Department.<br />

Public Service Commissioner's Office,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

Ex. Co. 656.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has cancelled the existing regulations governing the<br />

admission of Engineering Cadets and Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural<br />

Cadets to the Public Works, Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply, Sewerage<br />

and Drainage Department, and the Metropolitan<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department,<br />

and has approved of the attached regulations<br />

being substitu<strong>te</strong>d in lieu thereof.<br />

S. A. TAYLOR,<br />

Public Service Commissioner.<br />








1.Conditions.<br />

An applicant for appointment must not be more<br />

than 21 nor less than 16 years of age. He will<br />

be required to produce a medical certifica<strong>te</strong> to the<br />

effect that he is of sound constitution, and not<br />

affec<strong>te</strong>d with any physical infirmity which would<br />

in<strong>te</strong>rfere with the proper exercise of his profession.<br />

He shall also produce satisfactory evidence as to<br />

his charac<strong>te</strong>r.<br />

When forwarding his application, each candida<strong>te</strong><br />

shall attach a comple<strong>te</strong>d questionnaire on the<br />

prin<strong>te</strong>d form obtainable at the office of the Public<br />

Service Commissioner.<br />

2.Qualifications.<br />

Engineering Cadets.Applicants must have<br />

passed the Leaving Certifica<strong>te</strong> Examination of the<br />

Universit3 of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia in English, Mathematics<br />

A and B, Physics and one other subject<br />

preferably Chemistry.<br />

Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural Cadets.Applicants must have<br />

passed the Leaving Certifica<strong>te</strong> Examination of the<br />

University of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia in English, Mathematics<br />

A and B, Physics, and at least -one of the<br />

following subjects :Applied Mathematics, Chemistry,<br />

Drawing, Geology, or have passed an approved<br />

equivalent examination.<br />

All applicants will be required to produce evidence<br />

of examinations passed by them.<br />

3.Selection.<br />

Applications for vacancies will be invi<strong>te</strong>d by the<br />

Public Service Commissioner by advertisement.<br />

Selection of applicants considered suitable for appointment<br />

will be made by a Board consisting of<br />

the Public Service Commissioner, the Permanent<br />

Head and the Director of Works, or their nominees.<br />

4.Probation.<br />

Every cadet shall be articled to the Director of<br />

Works or the Principal Archi<strong>te</strong>ct, as the case may<br />

require, for the <strong>te</strong>rm hereinaf<strong>te</strong>r prescribed, but<br />

his appointment in the first instance will be subject<br />

to a period of 12 months' probation. Before<br />

the expiration of the period of probation, the<br />

Permanent Head shall report to the Public Service<br />

Commissioner on the manner in which the probationer<br />

has performed his duties, and upon his<br />

general conduct. Upon receipt of such report, the<br />

Commissioner will confirm, or annul the appointment.<br />

5.Term of Cadetship.<br />

(a) Engineering Cadets.A cadet shall serve for<br />

an aggrega<strong>te</strong> period of two years in the Department.<br />

For the purpose of de<strong>te</strong>rmining this period,<br />

the sum of all University vacations spent by the<br />

cadet in training in the Department shall be<br />

coun<strong>te</strong>d. Leave without pay will be gran<strong>te</strong>d to<br />

cover the University <strong>te</strong>rms.<br />

A cadet who, af<strong>te</strong>r following part of the Uni-<br />

versity course is forced to relinquish it without<br />

proceeding to a degree, shall, if so required, serve<br />

an aggrega<strong>te</strong> period of five years in the Department.<br />

He shall satisfy the Director of Works that<br />

he has en<strong>te</strong>red upon a course of study to eiable<br />

him to pass one of the examinations referred to<br />

in regulation 6 (a) as soon af<strong>te</strong>r the abandonment<br />

of the University course as may be possible.<br />

Portion of the time spent in the Department<br />

shall be in the office for the purpose of receiving<br />

instruction in the preparation of engineering drawings,<br />

computations, specifications, designing, office<br />

methods and general engineering work. The remainder<br />

of the <strong>te</strong>rm shall be spent in the field on<br />

engineering surveys, and the design, construction<br />

and main<strong>te</strong>nance of engineering works, or a short<br />

course in the workshops, according to the branch<br />

of work to which he is allot<strong>te</strong>d.

964 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

(b) Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural Cadets.A cadet shall serve<br />

for a period of five years. Immedia<strong>te</strong>ly upon appointment<br />

he will be required to enrol as a student<br />

in the Diploma Course of Archi<strong>te</strong>cture at the Perth<br />

Technical College. This course will require two<br />

years' full-time and three years' part-time at<strong>te</strong>ndance<br />

at the College. Leave without pay will be<br />

gran<strong>te</strong>d to cover the cadet's at<strong>te</strong>ndance at the<br />

Diploma Course.<br />

The whole of the period of the Cadetship not<br />

required in at<strong>te</strong>ndance at the Perth Technical<br />

College shall be spent in service with the Department.<br />

During the time to be spent in the Department.<br />

the cadet will receive general practical instruction<br />

in designing, drafting, construction,<br />

quantities, specifications, and the work of an archi<strong>te</strong>ct<br />

generally. Portion of the time will be spent<br />

in the field in the supervision of construction and<br />

main<strong>te</strong>nance work, and in carrying out archi<strong>te</strong>ctural<br />

surveys.<br />

(C) General.Time served with the Department<br />

prior to appointment as a cadet may be coun<strong>te</strong>d<br />

towards the qualifying period at the discretion<br />

of the Public Service Commissioner on the recommendation<br />

of the Director of Works.<br />

6.Final Examinations.<br />

(a) Engineering Cadets.No cadet shall be considered<br />

to have comple<strong>te</strong>d his cadetship until he<br />

has fulfilled one of the following conditions:<br />

Civil Engineering Cadets-<br />

Obtained the degree of Bachelor of Engineering<br />

in the University of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia.<br />

Passed sections "A" and "B" of the Associa<strong>te</strong><br />

Membership Examination of the Institution<br />

of Civil Engineers, London.<br />

Passed the Associa<strong>te</strong> Membership Examination<br />

of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.<br />

Mechanical Engineering Cadets-<br />

Obtained the degree of Bachelor of Engineering<br />

in .the University of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia.<br />

Passed the Associa<strong>te</strong> Membership Examination<br />

of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.<br />

Passed the Associa<strong>te</strong> Membership Examination<br />

of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,<br />

London.<br />

Electrical Engineering Cadets-<br />

Obtained the degree of Bachelor of Engineering<br />

in the University of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia.<br />

Passed the Associa<strong>te</strong> Membership Examination<br />

of the Institution of Engineers of<br />

Australia.<br />

Passed the Associa<strong>te</strong> Membership Examination<br />

of the Institution of Electrical Engineers,<br />

London.<br />

(b) Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural Cadets.No cadet shall be<br />

considered to have comple<strong>te</strong>d his cadetship until<br />

he has fulfilled all of the following conditions:-<br />

Obtained the Diploma in Archi<strong>te</strong>cture at<br />

the Perth Technical College.<br />

Obtained registration under the provisions<br />

of the Archi<strong>te</strong>cts Act, 1921.<br />

Been admit<strong>te</strong>d as an Associa<strong>te</strong> Member of<br />

the Royal Institu<strong>te</strong> of British Archi<strong>te</strong>cts,<br />

London; or the Royal Australian Institu<strong>te</strong><br />

of Archi<strong>te</strong>cts.<br />

7.Ex<strong>te</strong>nsion of Term.<br />

If, at the end of the prescribed <strong>te</strong>rm of his<br />

cadetship, a cadet has not succeeded in fulfilling<br />

the conditions of completion set out in regulation 6,<br />

his cadetship may be ex<strong>te</strong>nded at the discretion<br />

of the Public Service Commissioner for a further<br />

period not exceeding two years.<br />

8.Student Membership<br />

Engineering Cadets.A cadet, as soon as he<br />

is qualified by age, shall become a student member<br />

of either the Institution of Civil, Mechanical<br />

or Electrical Engineers, London, or the Institution<br />

of Engineers, Australia.<br />

Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural Cadets.During the first year<br />

of his cadetship, a cadet shall become a student<br />

member of the Royal Australian Institu<strong>te</strong> of Archi<strong>te</strong>cts.<br />

9.Progress and Conduct.<br />

At any time af<strong>te</strong>r a cadet has comple<strong>te</strong>d one<br />

year of the prescribed <strong>te</strong>rm of service, if, in the<br />

opinion of the Permanent Head of the Department,<br />

his progress and/or general conduct have not been<br />

satisfactory, his cadetship may be cancelled on<br />

the approval of the Public Service Commissioner.<br />

10.Regulations.<br />

During the whole <strong>te</strong>rm of his cadetship and any<br />

ex<strong>te</strong>nsion thereto, a cadet shall be subject to the<br />

Public Service Act and regulations relating to the<br />

permanent staff, as far as these may be applicable.<br />

The period of his cadetship shall not be considered<br />

as any part of a <strong>te</strong>rm of service for which long<br />

service leave may be gran<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

11.Remuneration.<br />

(a) The remuneration of cadets during periods<br />

of service in the Department shall be at the following<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>s:<br />

First year cadets-65 per cent. of the basic rq<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Second year cadets-77-i per cent, of the basic<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Third year cadets-92 per cent, of the basic<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Fourth year cadets-15 margin over the basic<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Fifth year cadets-65 margin over the basic<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Provided that advancement from year to year<br />

shall- be subject to satisfactory progress report<br />

from the University or Perth Technical College<br />

authorities and the receipt by the Public Service<br />

Commissioner of a report from the Permanent<br />

Head of the Department as to the good conduct,<br />

diligence and efficiency of the cadet.<br />

(b) For the periods of leave without pay gran<strong>te</strong>d<br />

to the cadet subsequent to the 1st January, 1952,<br />

in order to at<strong>te</strong>nd the University or the Perth<br />

Technical College as the case may be, a sus<strong>te</strong>nance<br />

allowance at the ra<strong>te</strong> of £3 lOs. per week shall<br />

be paid to the cadet: Provided that payment may<br />

at any time be suspended by the Public Service<br />

Commissioner on receipt of an unsatisfactory report<br />

from the University or Perth Technical College<br />

authorities or the Permanent Head.<br />

No payment shall be made for any period of<br />

leave without pay gran<strong>te</strong>d for purposes other than<br />

to at<strong>te</strong>nd during <strong>te</strong>rms at the University or Perth<br />

Technical College as the case may be, or for any<br />

periods of absence from class in respect of which<br />

the cadet is unable to furnish a satisfactory explanation.<br />

12.Allowances.<br />

A cadet while in camp where a cook is<br />

provided will be paid a daily allowance at a ra<strong>te</strong><br />

de<strong>te</strong>rminable by the Public Service Commissioner.<br />

When a cadet is employed away from his<br />

headquar<strong>te</strong>rs an allowance, at such ra<strong>te</strong>s as may<br />

be approved by the Public Service Commissioner,<br />

may be paid as compensation forany<br />

extra cost of living involved where no<br />

camp with a cook is provided;<br />

any extra cost for transport necessarily -<br />

incurred.<br />

13.Service.<br />

A cadet who has satisfactorily comple<strong>te</strong>d his<br />

cadetship shall (should he be so required) serve<br />

in the Public Service of the Sta<strong>te</strong> for a period of<br />

four years, at the salary prescribed by industrial<br />

agreement between the Public Service Commissioner<br />

and the Civil Service Association for the first<br />

nine months and thereaf<strong>te</strong>r in accordance with<br />

the Public Service Commissioner's classification of<br />

the work upon which he is engaged.<br />

14.Agreement.<br />

Before any person is accep<strong>te</strong>d as a cadet under<br />

these regulations an agreement in the form, or<br />

to the effect, of Appendix No. 1 hereto shajl be<br />

execu<strong>te</strong>d by such person, his legal guardian, the<br />

head of the Department concerned and one surety<br />

to be de<strong>te</strong>rmined and approved by the head of<br />

the Department concerned.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 965<br />

Appendix.<br />

No. 1.<br />

THIS indenture made the day of<br />

one thousand nine hundred and<br />

between (a) of (b)<br />

in the Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia (hereinaf<strong>te</strong>r<br />

called "the cadet"), of the first part, (c)<br />

of (b) in the said Sta<strong>te</strong> (d)<br />

the (e) of the cadet (hereinaf<strong>te</strong>r with<br />

his executors and admininstrators referred to as<br />

"the Guardian") of the second part, (f)<br />

of (b) in the said Sta<strong>te</strong> (d)<br />

(hereinaf<strong>te</strong>r with his executors and administrators<br />

referred to as "the Guarantor") of the third part<br />

and (g) the (h) for the<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia (hereinaf<strong>te</strong>r with his<br />

successors in office referred to as "the (i)<br />

of the fourth part witnesseth that the said parties<br />

hereto do hereby mutually agree and declare as<br />

follows:-<br />

The cadet of his own free will and accord,<br />

with the consent of the guardian, hereby places<br />

and binds himself to serve the (i) as<br />

an (j) for the <strong>te</strong>rm of five years<br />

from the day of one<br />

thousand nine hundred and and for<br />

any additional period required to satisfactorily<br />

comple<strong>te</strong> his cadetship under and subject to the<br />

regulations governing the admission of Engineering<br />

Cadets and Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural Cadets in the Public<br />

Works, Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department<br />

and the Metropolitan Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply,<br />

Sewerage and Drainage Department as approved<br />

by the Governor in Council and published in the<br />

Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> of the day of<br />

19, , and any amendments for<br />

the time being in force thereof.<br />

The cadet will during the said <strong>te</strong>rm well and<br />

truly serve the (i) as an (j)<br />

and will in all respects and at all times observe,<br />

perform and comply with the obligations on the<br />

part of the cadet contained in the said regulations<br />

or any amendments for the time being in force<br />

thereof. When the cadet shall have satisfactorily comple<strong>te</strong>d<br />

his cadetship and obtained his certifica<strong>te</strong><br />

of qualification he will if required so to do serve<br />

in the Public Service of the Sta<strong>te</strong> for a period of<br />

four years in accordance with and subject to the<br />

provisions contained in regulation 13 of the said<br />

regulations or any amendments for the time being<br />

in force thereof.<br />

That if from any cause whatsoever the cadet<br />

shall fail to satisfactorily comple<strong>te</strong> his cadetship<br />

as required by these presents, or shall fail to<br />

Public Works<br />

Do.<br />

Crown <strong>Law</strong><br />

Mines........<br />

Agriculture<br />

Chief Secretary's<br />

Native Affairs<br />

Metropolitan Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply<br />

Education<br />

Audit........<br />

Public Works<br />

Department. Position.<br />

Clerk Assistant, Northam Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply<br />

(I<strong>te</strong>m 1547)<br />

Senior Clerk, Hydraulic Engineer's Branch<br />

(I<strong>te</strong>m 1748)<br />

Trust Officer (Relieving), Public Trust Office<br />

(b) (I<strong>te</strong>m 2315)<br />

Mining Registrar, Norseman (I<strong>te</strong>m 937)<br />

Clerk, Fremantle (I<strong>te</strong>m 2789)<br />

Officer in Charge, Barton's Mill Prison, I<strong>te</strong>m<br />

1096 (a) (e) ....................<br />

Assistant District Officer, I<strong>te</strong>m 3027, (a)<br />

Sewerage House Connections Designers, I<strong>te</strong>ms<br />

1795 & 1796 (a)<br />

Clerk (I<strong>te</strong>m 2614)<br />

Clerk (I<strong>te</strong>m 396)<br />

Principal Assistant, Harbours and Rivers<br />

(I<strong>te</strong>m 1678)<br />

observe, perform and comply with the obligations<br />

on the part of the cadet contained herein, and in<br />

the said regulations, or shall fail to comply with<br />

the provisions of clause 3 hereof, or shall be required<br />

to leave the course of cadetship or subsequent<br />

employment in the Sta<strong>te</strong> Public Service during<br />

the <strong>te</strong>rm herein specified, by reason of misconduct,<br />

idleness, disobedience, non-at<strong>te</strong>ndance,<br />

irregular or unpunctual at<strong>te</strong>ndance, want of in<strong>te</strong>rest<br />

in work, or immoral conduct, then in such<br />

cases the guardian and the guarantor, the parties<br />

of the second and third parts hereof, shall jointly<br />

and severally be liable for and forthwith on demand<br />

shall pay to the (i) as ascertained<br />

damages and not by way of penalty for such breach<br />

of failure a sum of money equivalent to the sum<br />

total of all sus<strong>te</strong>nance allowance payments made<br />

to the cadet by the Crown as specified in regulation<br />

11 (b) of the said regulations.<br />

In consideration of the premises the (i)<br />

will during the said <strong>te</strong>rm take and<br />

accept the cadet and employ him and instruct him<br />

or cause him to be employed and instruc<strong>te</strong>d as an<br />

(j) under and in accordance with<br />

the said regulations or any amendments for the<br />

time being in force thereof.<br />

In witness whereof the said parties hereto have<br />

hereunto set their hands and seals the day and<br />

year first hereinbefore writ<strong>te</strong>n.<br />

Signed, sealed and delivered<br />

by the said (a)<br />

in the presence of<br />

Signed, sealed and delivered<br />

by the said (c)<br />

in the presence of<br />

Signed, sealed and delivered<br />

by the said (f)<br />

in the presence of<br />

Signed, sealed and delivered<br />

by the said (g)<br />

in the presence of<br />


(a) Full name of cadet. (b) Address. (c) Full<br />

name of guardian. (d) Occupation. (e) Father,<br />

mother or guardian as the case may be. (f) Full<br />

name of guarantor. (g) Full name of Departmental<br />

Head. (h) Title and name of Department.<br />

(i) Director of Works or Principal Archi<strong>te</strong>ct as<br />

the case may be. (j) Engineering Cadet or Archi<strong>te</strong>ctural<br />

Cadet as the case may be.<br />

Class. Salary.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Returnable.<br />

1952.<br />

C-II.-3 Margin £290-f310 19th April.<br />

C-II.-3 Margin £290-f310 do.<br />

C-II.-2/3 Margin £250-f310 do.<br />

C-II.-3 Margin £290-f3lO do,<br />

C-II.-1 Margin £200-f230 do.<br />

G-II-3 Margin £290-f310 26th April.<br />

G-II.-3/4 Margin £290-f350 do.<br />

G-II-l. Margin £200-f230 do.<br />

C-II.-1 Margin £200-f230 do.<br />

C-II.-l/2 Margin £200-270 3rd May.<br />

P-I.-4 Margin £885-955 do.<br />

Applications are called under section 24 of the Public Service Act.<br />

The possession of an Accountancy qualification by examination will be regarded as an important factor when<br />

judging relative efficiency under Section 34 of the Public Service Act.<br />

(e) Salary inclusive of overtime and special duties, £40 per annum charged for quar<strong>te</strong>rs.<br />

Applications are called under section 34 of the Public Service Act, 1904, and are to be addressed to the Public Service<br />

Commissioner and should be made on the prescribed form, obtainable from the offices of the various Permanent Heads of<br />

Departments.<br />

S. A. TAYLOR,<br />

Public Service Commissioner.

966 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

Crown <strong>Law</strong> Department,<br />

Perth, 7th April, 1952.<br />

THE Hon. the Attorney General has direc<strong>te</strong>d the<br />

publication of the following notice under section<br />

100 of the Electoral Act, 1.907-1951.<br />

H. SHEAN,<br />

Under Secretary for <strong>Law</strong>.<br />

I, the undersigned, being the responsible Minis<strong>te</strong>r<br />

of the Crown charged for the time being with the<br />

administration of the Electoral Act, 1907-1951,<br />

hereby appoint the Polling Places on the list hereunder<br />

as the Polling Places for the Provinces named<br />

for the General Elections for the Legislative Council<br />

to be held on the 3rd day of May, 1952.<br />

VAL. R. ABBOTT,<br />

Attorney General.<br />


Polling Day-Saturday, 3rd May, 1952.<br />

Polling Places.<br />



York-Court House.<br />

Aldersyde-Hall.<br />

Balkuling-Hall.<br />

Bally Bally-Hall.<br />

Beverley-Cour House.<br />

Beverley, East-Hall.<br />

Brookton-School.<br />

Burges Siding-Blakiston Store.<br />

Codjatotine-Hall.<br />

Dangin-Hall.<br />

Greenhills-Hall.<br />

Gwambygine-Hall.<br />

Jelcobine-Jelcobine Homestdad.<br />

Jennaberring-Wilson's Residence.<br />

Mount Kokeby-Hall.<br />

Pantapin-Hall.<br />

Quairading-School.<br />

Wamenusking-School.<br />

Wandering-Hall.<br />


Armadale-Road Board Hall.<br />

Byforcl-District Hall.<br />

Canning Vale-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Cannington, East-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Gosnells-Public Hall (lesser).<br />

Kelmscott-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Kenwick-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Maddington-Cen<strong>te</strong>nary Hall (Chief Polling<br />

Place).<br />

Orange Grove-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Roleystone-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Bickley-Post, Office Store.<br />

Darlington-School.<br />

Forrestfield-School.<br />

Glen Forrest-Hall.<br />

Gooseberry Hill-Church Hall.<br />

Greenmount-Post Office Store.<br />

Greenmount West St. George's Church<br />

England. Parish Room.<br />

Kalamunda-Lesser Hall.<br />

Lesmurdie-H. Dowding's Residence.<br />

Maida Vale-School.<br />

Mundaring-School.<br />

Parkerville-Hall,<br />

Pickering Brook-Post Office Store.<br />

Swan View-Progress Hall.<br />

Wattle Grove-Hall.<br />


Baandee-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Bencubbin-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Doodlakine-School.<br />

Kellerberrin-Druids Hall.<br />

Koorda-School.<br />

Kununoppin-School.<br />

Mukinbudin-School.<br />

Nungarin-School.<br />

Tammin-School.<br />

Trayning-Road Board Hall.<br />

Wyalkatchem School.<br />

Yorkrakine-Agricultural Hall.<br />


Bakers Hill-School.<br />

Cunderdin-School.<br />

Grass Valley-Hall.<br />

Jennapullin-Hall.<br />

Meckering-Hall.<br />

Northam-Town Hall.<br />

Northam, East-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Northam, West-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Bindoon-Hall.<br />

Bullsbrook-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Caversham-School.<br />

Chidlow-School.<br />

Chit<strong>te</strong>ring, Lower-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Gingin-School.<br />

Herne Hill-School.<br />

Mooliabeenee-School Quar<strong>te</strong>rs.<br />

Mount Helena-Lesser Hall.<br />

Muchea-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Sawyers Valley-Hall.<br />

Swan, Middle-School.<br />

Swan Upper-School.<br />

Swan, West-School.<br />

Toodyay-C.W.A. Hall.<br />

Wanneroo-Road Board Hall.<br />

1'7. Wooroloo-Public Hall.<br />



Carnarvon-Court House.<br />

Carnarvon, East-E.C.M.I. Hall.<br />


Broome-Court House (Chief Polling Place).<br />

Derby-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Wyndham-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Marble Bar-Court House.<br />

Onslow-Police Station,<br />

Port Hedland-Road Board Office.<br />

Roebourne-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />



Balingup-School.<br />

Boyup Brook-Road Board Room.<br />

Bridgetown-Court House.<br />

Brookhampton-Hall.<br />

Dinninup-Lesser Hall.<br />

Donnybrook-School.<br />

Greenbushes-C.W.A. Rest Room.<br />

Kirup-R.S.L. Room.<br />

0. Kulikup-Hall.<br />

Mayanup-Church Hall.<br />

Mullalyup-School.<br />

of 12. Wilga-School.<br />

Winnijup-Hall.<br />

Yornup-School.<br />


Australind-School Hall.<br />

Bunbury-Drill Hall, Wit<strong>te</strong>noom Street.<br />

Bunbury-Senior Sta<strong>te</strong> School, Arthur Street<br />

(Chief Polling Place).<br />

Bunbury-Sta<strong>te</strong> School, South Bunbury.<br />

Bunbury-Elm's Residence, '7 Wisbey Street,<br />

Carey Park.<br />

Picton Junction-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Rathmines-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Allanson-School.<br />

Collie-Court House.<br />

Collie-Fire Station Hall, Forrest Street.<br />

Collie, North--Hall.<br />

Ewington-School.<br />

Lowden-School.<br />


18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 967<br />



1. Benger-Sta<strong>te</strong> School. 8. Midland Junction-Residence, 65 Newcastle<br />

2. Brunswick Junction-Memorial Hall. Road.<br />

3. Burekup-Sta<strong>te</strong> School. 9. Midland Junction-Residence, 121 Morrison<br />

4. Cookernup-Sta<strong>te</strong> School. Road.<br />

5. Dardanup-Sta<strong>te</strong> School 10. Midland Junction-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

6. Harvey-Memorial Library. 11. South Guildford-Benny's Residence, Great<br />

7. Wagerup-Agricultural Hall. Eas<strong>te</strong>rn Highway.<br />

8. Waroona-Memorial Hall. 12. West Midland-Kent's Garage, Great Eas<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

9. Wa<strong>te</strong>rloo-Sta<strong>te</strong> School. Highway.<br />

10. Wokalup-Agricultural Hall. 13. West Midland, Post Office Store, Amherst<br />

11. Yarloop-Road Board Hall. Road.<br />


1. Boddington-School. 1. Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r-Residence, 125 Guildford Road.<br />

2. Coolup-C.W.A. Rest Rooms. 2. Inglewood-Christ Church Hall, Sixth Avenue.<br />

3. Coolup, West-Agricultural Hall. 3. Inglewood-Masonic Hall, Ninth Avenue.<br />

4. Dandalup, North-Agricultural Hall.<br />

4. Inglewood-North Inglewood Sta<strong>te</strong> School,<br />

5. Dweflingup-School.<br />

Normanby Road.<br />

6. Keysbrook-Agricultural Hall. 5. Maylands-Maylands Sta<strong>te</strong> School, Guildford<br />

7. Mandurah-Road Board Hall. Road.<br />

8. Mundijong-School. 6. Maylands-Priva<strong>te</strong> Garage, 133 Peninsula<br />

9. Pinjarra-Court House. Road.<br />

10. Safety Bay-School. 7. Maylands Spiritualist Church, Caledonian<br />

11. Serpentine-Agricultural Hall. Avenue.<br />

12.<br />

13.<br />

Wellard-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Yunderup-John's Cottage.<br />


1. Augusta-School.<br />

2. Boyanup-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Manjimup-Town Hall.<br />

Nannup-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Northcliffe-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Pemberton-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />



Belmont-R.S.L. Hall, Belmont Avenue.<br />

Cannington-Road Board Hall, Albany Highway.<br />

Cannington-Fimogflari Store, Albany Highway.<br />

Cannington, East-Public Hall.<br />

Carlisle-Women's Service Guild Hall, Raleigh<br />

Street.<br />

Carlisle-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Como-Collier School.<br />

Como-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Como, South-Baptist Church, Robert Street.<br />

Como, South-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Queen's Park-Memorial Hall.<br />

Riverton-Hall.<br />

Victoria Park-Kent Street High School.<br />

Victoria Park-Convent School, Camberwell<br />

Street.<br />

Welshpool-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Bassendean-Cruikshank's Garage, 40 Anzac<br />

Terrace.<br />

Bassendean-Lesser Hall, Perth Road.<br />

Bassendean-Sta<strong>te</strong> School, West Road.<br />

Bellevue-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

East Guildford-Mattie's Store, East Street.<br />

Guildford-Court House.<br />

Midland Junction-Municipal Depot, Great<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn Highway.<br />

8. Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Inglewood Sta<strong>te</strong> School,<br />

Second Avenue.<br />


1. Bassendean-Eden Hill Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

2. Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r-Hampton Park Hall.<br />

3. Busselton-Court House. 3. Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r-Residence, 25 Guildford Road.<br />

4. Capel School. 4. Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r-Residence, 315 Railway Parade.<br />

5. Cowaramup-School. 5. Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r-Residence, corner Raleigh Street<br />

6. Dunsborough-Newman's Store. and Beechboro Road.<br />

7. Elgin-Hall. 6. Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

8. Forest Grove-School. 7. Belmont-Shop, 69 Great Eas<strong>te</strong>rn Highway.<br />

9. Margaret River-School. 8. Belmont-Shop, corner Lyall Street and Great<br />

10. Marybrook-F. H. Berryman's Office. Eas<strong>te</strong>rn Highway.<br />

11. Metricup-School. 9. Belmont-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

12. Rosa Brook-School. 10. Maylands-Residence, corner Beaufort and<br />

13. Rosa Glen-Post Office. Salisbury Streets.<br />

14. Vasse-Agricultural Hall. 11. Morley Park-Service Station, corner Grand<br />

15. Witchcliffe-Macaulay's Store. Promenade and Wal<strong>te</strong>r Road.<br />

16. Yallingup-Agricultural Hall. 12. Morley Park-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

17. Yoongarillup-Agricultural Hall. 13. Redcliffe-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

14. Rivervale-Residence, 99 Kooyong Road.<br />

WARREN DISTRICT- 15. Victoria Park-Residence, 36 Gallipoli Street.<br />


1. Mount Hawthorn-Hathway's Residence, 70<br />

Scarborough Beach Road.<br />

2. Mount Hawthorn-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

3. North Perth-Ginbey's Residence, 9 Green<br />

Street.<br />

4. Osborne Park-Beros' Garage, 8 Main S<strong>te</strong>ret.<br />

5. Osborne Park-R.S.L. Hall.<br />

6. Tuart Hill-Progress Association Hall.<br />


Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Alexander Park Tennis Club.<br />

Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Ferguson Hall, <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

Crescent.<br />

Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Forrest Junior High School,<br />

Lord Street.<br />

Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Inglewood<br />

R.S.L. Premises, Grosvenor Road.<br />

5 Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley-Truscott's Store, 204 Walcott<br />

Street.<br />

6. North Perth-Kyilla School, Selkirk Street.<br />

7. North Perth-Residende, 4 Blake Street.<br />


South Perth-Community Centre Hall, Collins<br />

Street.<br />

South Perth-Convent, Carey Street.<br />

South Perth-Curry's Workshop, Mill Point<br />

Road.<br />

South Perth-Fire Station, Coode Street.<br />

South Perth-Kensington School, Banksia<br />

Terrace.<br />

South Perth-Road Board Hall, Mends Street.<br />

South Perth----Wesley College, Coode Street.<br />


Victoria Park-Andrew's Residence, 62 Carnarvon<br />

Street.<br />

Victoria Park-Maltman's Residence, 51 Mc-<br />

Mas<strong>te</strong>r Street.

968 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 AprIl, 1952.<br />


Victoria Park-Martin's Residence, 975 Albany<br />

Road.<br />

Victoria Park-R.S.L. Lesser Hall, Salford<br />

Street.<br />

Victoria Park-Sta<strong>te</strong> School, Cargill Street.<br />

Victoria Park-Sta<strong>te</strong> School, Victoria Park,<br />

East (Chief Polling Place).<br />



Fremantle-Town Hall (Chief Polling Place).<br />

Fremantle-Technical School (No. 1 Annex),<br />

Finnerty Street.<br />

Fremantle Sta<strong>te</strong> School, South Terrace.<br />

Fremantle, East-Wesley Hall, High Street.<br />

Fremantle, East-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Fremantle, North-Community Centre, Stirling<br />

Highway.<br />

Mosman Park-Post Office Store, corner Manning<br />

and Wellington Streets.<br />

Mosman Park-Sta<strong>te</strong> School, Victoria Street.<br />

Rottnest-Board of Control Office.<br />


Applecross-Ardross Service Station.<br />

Applecross-District Hall.<br />

Applecross-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Bicton-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

East Fremantle-Queen's Hall.<br />

East Fremantle-Town Hall.<br />

Melville-Atwell's Residence.<br />

Mount Pleasant-Mrs. Bower's Shop.<br />

Palmyra-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Richmond-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Beaconsfleld-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Ches<strong>te</strong>r Park-Davis Residence, 194 South<br />

Street.<br />

Coogee, South-Sta<strong>te</strong> School, Russell Road.<br />

HamIlton Hill-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Hilton Park Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Jandakot-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Kwinana-Rotunda Store.<br />

Melville Park-Hall, Melville Camp.<br />

Naval Base-Post Office Store, Rockingham<br />

Road.<br />

Rockingham-Road Board Hall.<br />

South Fremantle-Wesley Hall, Mandurah<br />

Road.<br />

South Fremantle-Baptist Hall, South Terrace.<br />

South Fremantle-Fulton's Garage, No. 20<br />

Douro Road.<br />

Spearwood-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Whi<strong>te</strong> Gum Valley-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Woodman's Point-Welfare Hall.<br />


For the purpose of taking Absent Vo<strong>te</strong>s only:-<br />

Perth-Treasury Buildings (St. George's Terrace<br />

entrance).<br />

Nedlands-Road Board Office, Stirling Highway.<br />

Crown <strong>Law</strong> Department,<br />

Perth, 7th April, 1952.<br />

THE Hon. the Attorney General has direc<strong>te</strong>d the<br />

publication of the following notice under section<br />

100 of the Electoral Act, 1907-1951.<br />

H. SHEAN,<br />

Under Secretary for <strong>Law</strong>.<br />

I, the undersigned, being the responsible Minis<strong>te</strong>r<br />

of the Crown charged for the time being with<br />

the administration of the Electoral Act, 1907-1951,<br />

hereby appoint the Polling Places on the list hereunder<br />

as the Polling Places for the Central Province<br />

By-Election to be held on the 3rd of May, 1952.<br />

VAL. R. ABBOTT,<br />

Attorney General.<br />



Polling Day-Saturday, 3rd May, 1952.<br />

Polling Places.<br />



1. York-Court House.<br />

2, Aldersyde-Hall.<br />

Balkuling-Hall.<br />

Bally Bally-Hall.<br />

Beverley-Court House.<br />

Beverley, East-Hall.<br />

Brookton-School.<br />

Burges Siding-Blakiston Store.<br />

Codjatotine-Hall.<br />

Dangin-Hall.<br />

Greenhills-Hall.<br />

Gwambygine-Hall.<br />

Jelcobine-Jelcobine Homes<strong>te</strong>ad.<br />

Jennaberring-Wilson's Residence.<br />

Mount Kokeby-Hall.<br />

Pantapin-Hall.<br />

Quairading-School.<br />

Wamenusking-School.<br />

Wandering-Hall.<br />


Armadale-Road Board Hall.<br />

Byford-District Hall.<br />

Canning Vale-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Cannington, East-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Gosnells-Public Hall (lesser).<br />

Kelmscott-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Kenwick-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Maddington-Cen<strong>te</strong>nary Hall (Chief Polling<br />

Place).<br />

Orange Grove-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Roleystone-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />


Bickley-Post Office Store.<br />

Darlington-School.<br />

Forrestfleld-School.<br />

Glen Forrest-Hall.<br />

Gooseberry Hill-Church Hall.<br />

Greenmount-Post Office Store.<br />

Greenmount West St. George's Church of<br />

England Parish Room.<br />

Kalamunda-Lesser Hall.<br />

Lesmurdie-H. Dowding's Residence.<br />

Maida Vale-School.<br />

Mundaring-School.<br />

Parkerville-Hall.<br />

Pickering Brook-Post Office Store.<br />

Swan View-Progress Hall.<br />

Wattle Grove-Hall.<br />


Baandee-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Bencubbin-Agricultural Hall.<br />

Doodlakine-School,<br />

Kellerberrin-Druids Hall.<br />

Koorda-School.<br />

Kununoppin-School.<br />

Mukinbudin-School.<br />

Nungarin-School.<br />

Tammin-School.<br />

Trayning-Road Board Hall.<br />

Wyalkatchem-School.<br />

Yorkrakine-Agricultural Hall.<br />


Bakers Hill-School.<br />

Cunderdin-School.<br />

Grass Valley-Hall.<br />

Jennapullin-Hall.<br />

Meckering-Hall.<br />

Northam-Town Hall.<br />

Northam, East-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

Northam, West-Sta<strong>te</strong> Sohool.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 969<br />


1 Bindoon-Hall. 10. Muchea-Sta<strong>te</strong> School.<br />

2. Bullsbrook-Agricultural Hall. 11. Sawyer's Valley-Hall.<br />

3. Caversham-School. 12. Swan, Middle-School.<br />

4. Chidlow-School.<br />

5. Chit<strong>te</strong>ring, Lower-Agricultural Hall. 13. Swan, Upper-School.<br />

6. Gingin-School. 14. Swan, West-School.<br />

7. Herne Hill-School. 15. Toodyay-C.W.A. Hall.<br />

8. Mooliabeenee-School Quar<strong>te</strong>rs. 16. Wanneroo-Road Board Hall.<br />

9. Mount Helena-Lesser Hall. 17. Wooroloo-Public Hall.<br />

Crown <strong>Law</strong> Department,<br />

Perth, 17th April, 1952.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has approved of the appointment of Stanley Arthur<br />

Collins of Kalgoorlie, as a Sworn Valuator under<br />

the Transfer of Land Act, 1893-1950.<br />

THE Hon. Attorney General, pursuant to section 7<br />

of the Electoral Act, 1907-1949, and the authority<br />

delega<strong>te</strong>d by the Governor thereunder, has approved<br />

of the appointment of Ernest William Dwyer as<br />

substitu<strong>te</strong> to discharge the duties of Electoral<br />

Registrar for the Dale, Claremont, Cot<strong>te</strong>sloe,<br />

Subiaco and Nedlands Districts as from close of<br />

business on the 27th March, 1952, during the<br />

absence of W. F. Hooton on annual and long service<br />

leave.<br />

THE Hon. Attorney General has approved of the<br />

appointment of the following persons as Comniissioners<br />

for Declarations under the Declarations<br />

and At<strong>te</strong>stations Act, 1913:-Frank Frederick<br />

Cullen, Perth; Kenneth Douglas Forbes, Nedlands;<br />

John Corbett Poynton, Claremont.<br />

THE Department has been notified that Trust<br />

Order No. 65717 da<strong>te</strong>d 20th March, 1952, drawn<br />

on the Clerk of Courts Trust Fund for the sum of<br />

£1 19s. lid, in favour of Northmore, Hale, Davy<br />

and Leake has been lost by the payee. Payment<br />

has been stopped and it is in<strong>te</strong>nded to issue a fresh<br />

Trust Order in lieu thereof.<br />

H. SHEAN,<br />

Under Secretary for <strong>Law</strong>.<br />


Chief Secretary's Department,<br />

Perth, 9th April, 1952.<br />

C.S.D. 70/51.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has been pleased to appoint John Cooper Longden<br />

to the disciplinary staff of the Prisons Department<br />

as Warder from the 4th day of March, 1951.<br />

H. T. STITFOLD,<br />

Under Secretary.<br />

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1950.<br />

Notice Requiring Persons to Submit to<br />

X-Ray Examination.<br />

Section 293A.<br />

PURSUANT to the provisions of the abovementioned<br />

section, persons who are included in the<br />

class specified hereunder and to whom the provisions<br />

ofthat section apply are required to undergo<br />

x-ray examination for tuberculosis at the times<br />

and places specified.<br />

Class-Persons who are over the age of 14 years<br />

and who have been in close personal contact with<br />

a person known to be or to have been suffering<br />

from Tuberculosis and who have received notice to<br />

that effect from the Director of the Tuberculosis<br />

Control Branch of the Department of Public Health.<br />

Time-Within one month of receiving writ<strong>te</strong>n<br />

notice from the Director, Tuberculosis Control<br />

Branch of the Department of Public Health.<br />

Place-Perth Chest Clinic, Murray Street, Perth,<br />

or one of the following Government Hospitals:'.-.<br />

Albany, Broome, Bunbury, Carnarvon, Collie, Derby,<br />

Fremantle, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Northam,<br />

Port Hedland, Wyndham.<br />

No charge will be made for the x-ray examination<br />

provided that it is conduc<strong>te</strong>d at one of the places<br />

indica<strong>te</strong>d in fourth paragraph of this notice.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d the 16th day of April, 1952.<br />


Commissioner of Public Health.<br />


Regulation 14.<br />

THE following Councillors whose <strong>te</strong>rm of office<br />

expired on 31st March, 1952, have been re-elec<strong>te</strong>d<br />

for a further period of three years:-<br />

Allan, Thomas David Henry of 64 Napier Street,<br />

Claremont.<br />

Cohen, Reginald Isadore of Adeiphi Pharmacy,<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth.<br />

Fitch, Harry Duncan of 731 Hay Street, Perth.<br />

Harry Duncan Fitch, of 731 Hay Street, Perth,<br />

has been re-elec<strong>te</strong>d President for the year ending<br />

31st March, 1953.<br />

F. W. AVENELL,<br />

Registrar.<br />

POLICE ACT, 1892.<br />

Sections 75 and 76.<br />

THE following unclaimed '3tolen and found property<br />

will be sold by public auction at the Police Station,<br />

Roe Street, Perth, on 22nd April, 1952, at 10 a.m.<br />

(Sgd.) T. H. ANDERSEN,<br />

Commissioner of Police.<br />

Unclaimed Stolen Property.<br />

7/50-One brown check overcoat.<br />

196/50-One pair lady's brown shoes.<br />

197/50-One whi<strong>te</strong> blanket, one check blanket.<br />

201/50-One pair gent's grey trousers.<br />

218/50-One lady's black handbag.<br />

224/50-One nickel-pla<strong>te</strong>d two-cell torch, one<br />

gent's half-length riding coat.<br />

235/50-Seven pairs ladies' pants, one red raincoat,<br />

one lady's tweed overcoat.<br />

3/51-One chrome cigaret<strong>te</strong> case.<br />

10/51-One screwdriver.<br />

13/51-Two braces, three pairs tin snips, four<br />

hammers, one King Dick spanner, two<br />

handsaws, one bench drill, one tin bolts,<br />

two set spanners, two builders' squares,<br />

two screwdrivers, two stocks and dies,<br />

one pair wire cut<strong>te</strong>rs, one iron plane, one<br />

wooden plane, one hand drill, three pairs<br />

pliers, one 6in. cramp, one tomahawk,<br />

four sticks solder, one cold chisel, one<br />

box hinges, one spirit level.<br />

27/51-One gent's "Wyler" wrist watch.<br />

33/51-One pocket watch, one fountain pen, two<br />

pocket knives, one tin opener, one key,<br />

one lumber jacket.<br />

38/51-One pair gent's tan Austin shoes.<br />

46/51-One lady's grey costume, two pairs blue<br />

pyjamas, one girl's blue cardigan, one<br />

yellow wind chea<strong>te</strong>r, one boy's fawn<br />

wa<strong>te</strong>rproof raincoat, seven pairs socks,<br />

three ladies' hats.<br />

50/51-Two pairs men's socks.<br />

52/51-Ten "Cameo" brooches.<br />

134/51-Quantity pressed and wirecut bricks<br />

(approxima<strong>te</strong>ly 800).<br />

180/51-One carving set, five carving sets, six<br />

pairs scissors, three tubes cream, four<br />

bottles scent, 12 fish knives, 12 fish forks.

970 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

Found Property.<br />

27/51One leather wallet.<br />

93/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

203/51One small navy blue purse.<br />

341/51One small case containing a small towel.<br />

351/51One whi<strong>te</strong> metal pipe ligh<strong>te</strong>r, one pea<br />

knife<br />

360/51One tan zip plastic purse.<br />

388/51One small black purse.<br />

401/51One coil of fly wire.<br />

420/51One right-hand black gauntlet.<br />

422/51One brown leather bag and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

434/51One brown leather purse.<br />

449/51One brown and fawn purse.<br />

456/51One grey suit coat, shirt and socks.<br />

472/51One small purse.<br />

474/51One small purse.<br />

510/51One large tin of paint.<br />

529/51One black handbag.<br />

536/51One black wallet.<br />

537/51One whi<strong>te</strong> handbag.<br />

539/51One small handbag.<br />

540/51One brown purse.<br />

552/51One small cardboard case.<br />

555/51One pair of gloves.<br />

557/51One pair of old spectacles.<br />

563/51One hessian bag.<br />

582/51One three-piece grey suit.<br />

588/51One pink zip purse containing cosmetcs.<br />

590/51One pair of girl's brown shoes.<br />

625/51One pair of horn-rimmed glasses.<br />

640/51One small purse.<br />

651/51One school bag.<br />

655/51One pair of black leather gloves.<br />

659/51One black purse.<br />

663/51One music case.<br />

664/51One small red plastic purse.<br />

681/51One brown leather overcoat.<br />

688/51One small brown purse.<br />

703/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

704/51One grey pullover.<br />

705/51One brown folding wallet.<br />

712/51One small brown purse.<br />

716/51One brown and red purse.<br />

734/51One yellow metal ring.<br />

736/51One small money purse.<br />

743/51One string of rosary beads.<br />

744/51One blue and black purse.<br />

751/51One tobacco pouch.<br />

759/51One black handbag.<br />

760/51One ball-point pen.<br />

761/51One sketch book.<br />

763/51One vehicle seat.<br />

768/51One bundle of odd clothing.<br />

774/51One roll of table oil cloth.<br />

782/51One shopping bag and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

788/51One lady's Malvern Star push cycle.<br />

789/51One black leather wallet.<br />

797/51One lady's black handbag.<br />

800/51One imitation pearl necklace.<br />

804/51One black folding wallet.<br />

807/51One lady's black umbrella.<br />

815/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

827/51One string of rosary beads.<br />

829/51One red purse.<br />

830/51Quantity of old jewellery.<br />

833/51One gent's fawn cardigan.<br />

837/51One pair of brown woollen gloves.<br />

839/51One gent's blue gabardine overcoat.<br />

840/51One lady's Armstrong push cycle.<br />

845/51One plastic belt.<br />

851/51One black purse.<br />

853/51One brown purse.<br />

854/51One toy monkey.<br />

857/51One black and whi<strong>te</strong> purse.<br />

858/51One brown wallet.<br />

866/51One brown wallet, one pair of sunglasses.<br />

867/51One leather case and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

868/51One gent's whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist watch.<br />

872/51One small size rain coat.<br />

873/51One comb holder and comb.<br />

885/51One gent'spush cycle.<br />

889/51About Sf t. of rubber tubing.<br />

890/51One pair of old glasses.<br />

892/51One brown leather purse.<br />

894/51One gent's Ostara whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist<br />

watch.<br />

896/51One green cardigan.<br />

898/51One green travelling rug.<br />

905/51One string of rosary beads.<br />

907/51One spectacle case.<br />

910/51One gent's felt hat and overcoat.<br />

Found Propertycontinued.<br />

917/51One pair sunglasses.<br />

919/51One black folding wallet.<br />

923/51One small money purse.<br />

929/51One red and black bathing trunks.<br />

933/51One gent's whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist watch.<br />

934/51One gent's cycle.<br />

935/51One pair of women's shoes.<br />

936/51One brown leather handbag.<br />

946/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

947/51One woman's costume coat.<br />

955/51One brown and fawn money purse.<br />

956/51One pair of black leather gloves.<br />

958/51One neck tie.<br />

959/51One Vauxhall hub cap.<br />

961/51Six ties, four pairs of socks and a pair of<br />

sunglasses.<br />

965/51One tobacco pouch.<br />

966/51One pair of baby's slippers and socks.<br />

967/51One billy tin.<br />

974/51One black wallet.<br />

975/51One brown purse.<br />

977/51One gent's fawn overcoat.<br />

984/51One brown leather motor cycle helmet.<br />

990/51One red and brown purse.<br />

991/51One Biro pen.<br />

994/51One gent's grey hat.<br />

997/51One black fountain pen.<br />

998/51One lady's yellow metal wrist watch.<br />

1001/51One 600 x 16 heavy duty Goodyear tube.<br />

1002/51One car sun shade.<br />

1003/51One shopping bag and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

1006/51One imitation brooch.<br />

1012/51Three roller bearings and five globes.<br />

1013/51One black handbag containing shoes.<br />

1016/51One brown folding wallet.<br />

1020/51One small change purse.<br />

1022/51One brown leather bag.<br />

1029/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

1034/51One brown leather handbag and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

1040/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

1043/51One oil can, one felt hat and sundry tools.<br />

1049/51Two pairs of gent's new socks.<br />

1057/51One grey striped shirt.<br />

1058/51One grey blanket, one fawn rug.<br />

1061/51One change purse.<br />

1062/51One change purse.<br />

1063/51One change purse.<br />

1065/51One change purse.<br />

1071/51One child's whi<strong>te</strong> handbag.<br />

1072/51One yellow metal tie pin.<br />

1074/51One small dark brown purse.<br />

1075/51One light brown and fawn handbag.<br />

1077/51One black handbag.<br />

1081/51One parcel red ma<strong>te</strong>rial.<br />

1082/51One lady's handbag.<br />

1083/51One lower set of false dentures.<br />

1085/51One black evening bag and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

1086/51One pair of lady's s<strong>te</strong>p-ins.<br />

1089/51One set of three-strand imitation pearls.<br />

1091/51One black wallet.<br />

1092/51One brown fibre case containing two serviet<strong>te</strong>s.<br />

1094/51One pair of black gloves and glove clip.<br />

1097/51One brown leather change purse.<br />

1101/51One small black change purse.<br />

1102/51One gent's Orfina whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist<br />

watch.<br />

1103/51One bundle of women's clothing.<br />

1104/51One parcel of gent's clothing, football<br />

boots and hats.<br />

1107/51One parcel containing knitting.<br />

1108/51One pair of spetacles.<br />

1109/51One galvanised iron lunch case.<br />

1113/51One gent's whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist watch.<br />

1114/51One V/8 hub cap.<br />

1121/51One small snakeskin purse.<br />

1122/51One pair of spectacles, one pair of sandals,<br />

one gladstone bag.<br />

1124/51One Malvern Star push cycle, one camera,<br />

one fountain pen, coat, towel and rug.<br />

1135/51One brown gladstone bag, one yellow<br />

metal girl's bracelet.<br />

1139/51One small blue purse.<br />

1140/51One lady's black handbag.<br />

1145/51One brown leather wallet.<br />

1152/51One Ronson cigaret<strong>te</strong> ligh<strong>te</strong>r.<br />

1155/51One suit case containing old clothing.<br />

1170/51One brown folding wallet and con<strong>te</strong>nts.<br />

1181/51One brown short leather jacket.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 971<br />

Found Propertycontinued.<br />

1188/51One lady's whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist watch, one<br />

yellow metal tie pin, one pen, one hammer,<br />

one grease gun, suit case and clothing,<br />

spectacles and purses.<br />

1194/51One lady's black handbag.<br />

1266/51One gent's Malvern Star push cycle.<br />

1325/51One lady's red jacket, one black handbag.<br />

38/52One lady's whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist watch.<br />

58/52One brown tobacco pouch.<br />

80/52One table cloth.<br />

97/52One engagement ring, one bag of salt<br />

overcoats, suitcase and clothing, tobacco<br />

pouches and purse.<br />

103/52One Armstrong push cycle, sundry Air<br />

Force parts.<br />

152/52One gent's whi<strong>te</strong> metal wrist watch<br />

(slightly damaged).<br />

163/52One utility tarpaulin.<br />

217/52One gent's Malvern Star push cycle.<br />

241/52One check scarf and two purses.<br />

298/52One gent's Wheelman push cycle.<br />

336/52Coat, school bag and sundry purses.<br />

Found Property (Buses, etc.)<br />

1/51Commonwealth Bank (two cameras).<br />

15/51Commonwealth Bank (brooch, gloves, ties,<br />

socks, cases, etc.).<br />

16/51Scarborough Bus Co. (spectacles, coats,<br />

hats, purses, etc.).<br />

17/51Commonwealth Bank (watch, pens, caps,<br />

pencils, purses, etc.).<br />

18/51Metro Bus Co. (umbrellas, pillows, pullovers,<br />

spectacles).<br />

19/51MacRobertson Millar (<strong>te</strong>nnis racquet,<br />

hats, gloves, coats).<br />

20/51Carlisle Bus Co. (shoes, bags, cases, gloves,<br />

belts, etc.).<br />

1/52Scarborough Bus Co. (pens, cases, gloves,<br />

hats, frocks, etc.).<br />

2/52Scarborough Bus Co. (books, glasses, pillows,<br />

boots, etc.).<br />

3/52Beam Bus Co. (watches, sunglasses, raincoats,<br />

glove clip).<br />

4/52Metro Bus Co. (gloves, hankies, shopping<br />

bags, shoes, etc.).<br />

5/52Commonwealth Bank (glasses, pens,<br />

gloves, purses, etc.).<br />

6/52Scarborough Bus Co. (purses, pouches,<br />

cases, cardigan, etc.).<br />

7/52Midland Railway Bus Co. (frocks, handbags,<br />

hats, scarves).<br />

8/52Metro Bus Co. (jumpers, coats, gloves,<br />

spectacles, etc.).<br />

9/52Hoyts Theatres (boots, coats, hats, shoes,<br />

shirts, trousers, etc.).<br />

10/52Beam Bus Co. (tobacco pouches, school<br />

bags, hats, bathers).<br />

11/52Carlisle Bus Co. (gloves, purses, string<br />

bags, wallets).<br />

Fisheries Department,<br />

Perth, 9th April, 1952.<br />

F.D. 22/49, Ex. Co. NO. 675.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has approved of the appointment of George Charles<br />

Jeff ery as an Inspector under the Whaling Act,<br />

1937, and approved the cancellation of the appointment<br />

of John Arthur Thorn as Inspector of<br />

Fisheries under the Fisheries Act, 1905-1951, and<br />

Guardian of Game under the Game Act, 1912-1913.<br />

A. J. FRASER,<br />

Superin<strong>te</strong>ndent of Fisheries.<br />


THE undermentioned allotments of land will be<br />

offered for sale at public auction on the da<strong>te</strong>s and<br />

at the places specified below, under the provisions<br />

of the Land Act. 1933-1950, and its regulations:<br />

PERTH.<br />

24th April, 1952, at 3.30 p.m., at the Department<br />

of Lands and Surveys-<br />

12a. 2r., £35; f37, ha. 3r..<br />

£30.<br />

tSwanTown 4819, la. 3r. 39.7p., £115; Tqwn<br />

4820, 5a., £150; Swan 4826, ir. 28.4p., £80.<br />

i:Chidlow_*289, 3a. 3r. 18p., £15; *11290, 3a.<br />

3r. 19p., £15; *11298, 4a. 2r. 6p., £20.<br />


1st May, 1952, at 11 a.m., at the Rural and Industries<br />

BanklGnowangerupTown<br />

81 and 82, total area lr.<br />

3.lp., £30 (as one lot).<br />

20a. lr. 9p., £50.<br />

tOngerupTown 6, hr., £20; Town 7, lr., £20;<br />

Town 18, 1r., £25; TownlI9, lr., £25; Town<br />

10, lr., £20; Town 12, hr., £20; Town 14, lr.,<br />

£20; Town 15, lr., £20; Town 1130, ir. 22.5p.,<br />

£30; Town 31, lr., £25; Town 33, lr., £25;<br />

Town 1134, hr., £30; Town 1169, 39.9p., £25;<br />

Town 70, 1r., £20; Town 74, lr., £20; Town<br />

75, lr., £20.<br />

NORTHAM.<br />

8th May, 1952, at 11.30 am., at the Court HousetCunderdinTown<br />

209, lr., £13.<br />


9th May, 1952, at 11 a.m., at, the Rural and Industries<br />

Bank<br />

Bruce RockTown 203, ir., £25; Town 204,<br />

39.lp., £30.<br />

*Suburban for cultivation.<br />

tSection 21 of the regulations does not apply.<br />

ilSubject to truncation of corner, if necessary.<br />

hAil marketable timber is reserved to the Crown.<br />

* * Available for leasing only.<br />

All improvements on the land offered for sale<br />

re the property of the Crown, and shall be paid<br />

for as the Minis<strong>te</strong>r may direct, whose valuation<br />

shall be final and binding on the purchaser.<br />

Plans and further particulars of these sales<br />

may be obtained at this office and the offices of<br />

the various Government Land Agents. Land sold<br />

to a depth of 200 feet below the natural surface,<br />

except in mining districts, where it is gran<strong>te</strong>d to<br />

a depth of 40 feet or 20 feet only.<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

TInder Secretary for Lands.<br />


THE undermentioned leases have been cancelled<br />

under section 23 of the Land Act, 1933-1950, owing<br />

to non-payment of rent or other reasons:<br />

Name, Leases, District, Reason, Corres., Plan.<br />

Arlidge, A. H.; 347/5979; Gascoyne 120; 15s.;<br />

3220/49; Locs.<br />

Barnfather, A. M.; 3117/1745; Wiluna 1098; £3 12s.;<br />

1308/36; Wiluna.<br />

Chamberlain, H.; 3117/3714; Wiluna 704; abandoned;<br />

1393/33; Wiluna, Woodley Street.<br />

Fulcher, S. E.; 342/2043; Herdsman Lake 15;<br />

£71 is.; 7728/50.<br />

Goomalling District Land & Agency Co. Ltd.;<br />

2118/153; Dalwallinu 31; £6; 2085/14; Dalwallinu<br />

Townsi<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Goomalling District Land & Agency Co. Ltd.;<br />

2119/153; Dalwallinu 32; £6; 2086/14; DalwaHinu<br />

Townsi<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Gunn, R.; 3117/839; Reedy 152; £2 Os. 3d.; 128/35;<br />

Reedy Townsi<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Martin, T. R.; 3116/1437; Yilgarn 672, 673, 676, 679,<br />

738; £13 hSs. 6d.; 2239/46; 53/80.<br />

Nisula, W.; 3117/2479; Reedy 228; £1 15s.; 1445/38;<br />

Reedy Townsi<strong>te</strong>.<br />

Nockett, G. A.; 3127/800; Peel Esta<strong>te</strong> 113; abandoned;<br />

5139/48; 341A/40. H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />

RESERVE.<br />

Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, 18th April, 1952.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has been pleased to set apart as a Public Reserve<br />

the land described in the Schedule below for the<br />

purpose therein set forth.<br />

11463/99.<br />

COTTESLOE.No. 23487 (Use and Requirements<br />

of the Nedlands Road Board), lot No. 308<br />

(about ha. Or. 30p.). (Plan Cot<strong>te</strong>sloe.)<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.

972 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />


23487 (Cot<strong>te</strong>sloe).<br />

Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, 18th April, 1952.<br />

Corres. No. 11463/99.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has been pleased to cancel, under section 37 of the<br />

Land Act, 1933-1950, reserve No. 23487 (Cot<strong>te</strong>sloe<br />

Lot 308), Use and Requirements of the Nedlands<br />

Road Board. (Plan Cot<strong>te</strong>sloe.)<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />

BUSH FIRES ACT, 1937-1950.<br />

Cuballing Road BoardResolution.<br />

Ex. Co. No. 631.<br />

WHEREAS under the provisions of the Bush Fires<br />

Act, 1937-1950, a local authority may make bylaws:<br />

Now, therefore, the Cuballing Road Board<br />

being a local authority within the meaning of the<br />

said Act, doth hereby make the following by-law:<br />

Fee for Application for Permit to Burn Clover.<br />

The fee payable with an application for a permit<br />

to burn clover under regulation 12 of the Bush<br />

Fires Act, 1937-1950 Regulations shall be £1 is.<br />

Passed at a meeting of the Cuballing Road Board<br />

this 9th day of January, 1952.<br />

S. H. KNIGHT,<br />

Chairman.<br />

A. CLARK, Secretary.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council, 26th March, 1952.<br />

J. H. CADDY,<br />

Acting Clerk of the Council,<br />

BUSH FIRES ACT, 1937-1950.<br />

Appointment of Bush Fire Control Officers.<br />

Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

Corres. No. 977/41.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

the following road boards have appoin<strong>te</strong>d the<br />

undermentioned Bush Fire Control Officers in their<br />

districts:<br />

Road Board and Control Officer.<br />

ManjimupJ. W. Littlefair.<br />

Upper BlackwoodJ. A. Smallman.<br />

The following appointment is cancelled:<br />

Road Board and Control Officer.<br />

Upper BlackwooclE. F. Howard.<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />


Northampton Lots.<br />

(Known as Copper Esta<strong>te</strong>s).<br />

Applications Close Wednesday, 14th May, 1952.<br />

Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

Corres. No. 1670/47, Vol. 2.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council<br />

has been pleased to approve, under section 45A<br />

of the Land Act, 1933-1950, of the Northampton<br />

lots enumera<strong>te</strong>d in the schedule hereto being made<br />

available for sale in fee simple at the prices set<br />

out in the said schedule, subject to the following<br />

conditions:<br />

(1) No person who is not a "discharged soldier"<br />

as defined in section 3 of the Discharged Soldiers'<br />

Settlement Act, 1918, or a "discharged member<br />

of the Forces" as defined in section 139B of the<br />

Land Act, 1933-1950, shall be eligible to apply<br />

for a lot.<br />

Applications, accompanied by a deposit of<br />

10 per centum of the purchase price, must be<br />

lodged at the Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, on or before Wednesday, 14th May, 1952.<br />

All applications lodged on or before such<br />

da<strong>te</strong>, will be trea<strong>te</strong>d as having been received on<br />

the closing day and, in the event of there being<br />

more applications than one for any lot, the application<br />

to be gran<strong>te</strong>d shall be de<strong>te</strong>rmined by the<br />

Land Board.<br />

The successful applicant shall pay the balance<br />

of the purchase money by 10 equal instalments<br />

on the 1st day of March and the 1st day<br />

of Sep<strong>te</strong>mber in each year, the first of which instalments<br />

shall become due and payable on the first<br />

such half-yearly day following the approval of the<br />

application. The Crown grant fee, £2, shall be<br />

payable with the final instalment of purchase<br />

money.<br />

The purchaser may at any time earlier than<br />

otherwise provided pay the purchase money and<br />

Crown grant fee but nevertheless the Crown grant<br />

shall not issue until the Minis<strong>te</strong>r is satisfied that<br />

the improvement conditions hereinaf<strong>te</strong>r specified<br />

have been complied with.<br />

Upon approval of an application by the<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r, a license in the form or to the effect of<br />

the Sixth Schedule to the Land Act, 1933-1950,<br />

shall issue to the purchaser and such license may<br />

be mortgaged or transferred in the manner prescribed<br />

in the said Act.<br />

No person shall acquire or hold more than<br />

one lot under license except with the special approval<br />

of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r.<br />

The purchaser shall within a period of two<br />

(2) years from the da<strong>te</strong> of the approval of his<br />

application fence the boundaries of his lot with<br />

a fence capable of resisting great and small stock<br />

to the satisfaction of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r and also shall<br />

within such period of two years effect on his lot<br />

improvements of a value equal to at least double<br />

the amount of the purchase money of the lot.<br />

Such improvements may consist of a dwelling or<br />

any other building, wa<strong>te</strong>r supply, clearing, cultivation<br />

or such other improvements as the Minis<strong>te</strong>r<br />

may accept.<br />

No transfer of a license will be permit<strong>te</strong>d,<br />

without the special approval of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r, until<br />

the prescribed fencing and improvement conditions<br />

have been complied with.<br />

Breach of any of the conditions of sale<br />

will render the license liable to forfeiture together<br />

with all moneys paid in connection therewith.<br />

Schedule.<br />

Lot No. 345, Area 14a. Or. 33p., Price £70; 346,<br />

27a. 3r. 30p., £150; 347, 12a. 2r. 18p., £60; 348,<br />

12a. 2r. 19p., £65; 349, 13a. 2r. Op., £80; 350, 8a.<br />

2r. 9p., £50; 351, 8a. 2r. 9p., £50; 352, 9a. 2r. 23p.,<br />

£50; 353, 8a. Or. 39p., £55; 354, 7a. Or. ip., £45;<br />

355, 5a. 2r., £50; 356, 5a. ir. 39p., £55; 357, 5a. Or.<br />

4p., £35; 358, 5a., £35; 359, 5a., £50; 360, 4a. 3r. 39p.,<br />

£55; 363, 7a. ir. 30p., £80; 364, 3r. 38.6p., £40; 365,<br />

1a., £35; 366,' la., £35; 367, la., £35; 368, la., £35;<br />

369, la., £35; 370, la., £35; 371, la. 3r. 6.6p., £45;<br />

372, 2a. lr. 9p., £55; 373, 2a. Or. 16p., £50; 374,<br />

2a. Or. 16p., £50; 375, 2a. Or. 16p., £50; 376, 2a. Or.<br />

16p., £45; 377, 2a. Or. 16p., £45; 378, 2a. Or. 16p.,<br />

£45; 379, 5a. 3r. lip., £60; 380, 6a. 2r. 32p., £85;<br />

381, 5a. Or. 33p., £60; 382, 25a. 3r. 8p., £130; 383,<br />

21a. 2r. 29p., £140; 384, 3Oa. 3r. 26p., £190; 385,<br />

28a. Or. 22p., £155.<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />

LAND ACT, 1933-1950.<br />

Part VDivisions 1 and 4.<br />

Special Settlement Lands.<br />

Open 30th April, 1952.<br />

Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, 2nd April, 1952.<br />

Corres. No. 3671/49.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

Plantagenet Location 5816, comprising about 870<br />

acres, has been set apart for the purposes of Special

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 973<br />

Settlement, pursuant to the provisions of Part V<br />

(Divisions 1 and 4) of the Land Act, 1933-1950,<br />

and subject to regulations of the said Act as<br />

modified by special conditions set out hereunder.<br />

Such land is available subject to survey, classification<br />

and pricing. Applications should be lodged<br />

at the Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, not<br />

la<strong>te</strong>r than Wednesday, 30th April, 1952, accompanied<br />

by a deposit of £10.<br />

All applications received on or before that da<strong>te</strong><br />

will be trea<strong>te</strong>d as having been received on the<br />

closing da<strong>te</strong>, and in the event of more applications<br />

than one being received, the application to be<br />

gran<strong>te</strong>d will be decided by the Land Board.<br />

Special Conditions.<br />

Applications are limi<strong>te</strong>d to areas not exceeding<br />

800 acres in all with a maximum area of 500<br />

acres of cultivable land suitable for establishing<br />

pasture. (Provided that where a location is surveyed<br />

to contain more than the above areas, then.<br />

such location may be selec<strong>te</strong>d by any one person.)<br />

One-fifth of the cultivable area must be<br />

cleared within three years and two-fifths within<br />

five years from the da<strong>te</strong> of inception of the lease.<br />

Such clearing must be at a stage sufficient to establish<br />

pasture.<br />

Nine-<strong>te</strong>nths of the cleared area must be sown<br />

to pasture with superphospha<strong>te</strong> within 15 months<br />

of clearing.<br />

(Plan 451C/40 E3.)<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />

LAND ACT, 1933-1950.<br />

(Section 32.)<br />

Applications for Leasing Reserves Nos. 2720<br />

and 21583 (near Donnybrook).<br />

Department of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Perth, 1st April, 1952.<br />

Corres. No. 4143/93, Vol. 2.<br />

APPLICATIONS are invi<strong>te</strong>d for leasing about 86<br />

acres comprised in the above reserves (excluding<br />

an area of about 12 acres on the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn bbundaries<br />

utilised for quarrying).<br />

This area is available for leasing under section<br />

32 of the Land Act, 1933-1950, for grazing purposes<br />

for a <strong>te</strong>rm of one (1) year at a rental of £10, such<br />

lease to be renewable at the will of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for<br />

Lands and subject to the following conditions:<br />

The lease will be de<strong>te</strong>rminable at three<br />

months' notice by either party af<strong>te</strong>r the initial <strong>te</strong>rm<br />

of one (1) year.<br />

No compensation will be payable at the<br />

de<strong>te</strong>rmination of the lease for improvements effec<strong>te</strong>d<br />

by the lessee.<br />

Applications, accompanied by a deposit of eleven<br />

pounds (flu) must be lodged at the Lands Department,<br />

Perth, on or before Wednesday, 30th April,<br />

1952.<br />

In the event of more than one application being<br />

received by the closing da<strong>te</strong>, the application to be<br />

gran<strong>te</strong>d will be decided by the Land Board.<br />

(Plan 414A/40, Cl.)<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />


Under Part VI of the Land Act, 1933-1950.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 30th April, 1952.<br />

Kimberley DivisionBulara District.<br />

Corres. No. 6737/51. (Plan 131/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

an area of about 35,000 acres excluding gardening<br />

areas Nos. 3 and 14 bounded by lines commencing<br />

at the North-West corner of lease 396/723 and<br />

ex<strong>te</strong>nding South about 646 chains, West about 430<br />

chains, North about 220 chains, West about 195<br />

chains, North about 420 chains and East about<br />

625 chains to the starting point, will be available<br />

for pastoral leasing as from Wednesday, 30th April,<br />

1952.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 21st MAY, 1952.<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn DivisionYelina and Yamarna Districts.<br />

Corres. No. 6178/51. (Plans 51/300 & 62/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

all that portion of land, containing 373,150 acres<br />

or thereabouts, bounded by lines starting from a<br />

point on the Southern boundary of la<strong>te</strong> Pastoral<br />

Lease 395/862, situa<strong>te</strong> 46 chains 74 links South and<br />

283 chains East of survey mark H.C.50, and ex<strong>te</strong>nding<br />

East about 24-1 miles, North 27 miles, East about<br />

10 miles, South 27 miles, West about 31 miles, South<br />

9 miles, West about 14 miles, South 2 miles, West<br />

about 17 miles and North 11 miles to the starting<br />

point, will be available for pastoral h asing as from<br />

Wednesday, 21st May, 1952.<br />

Eucla DivisionEspernce and Oldfield Districts.<br />

Corres. No. 7480/09. (Plans 422/80 and 11/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

an area of about 20,000 acres being the land contained<br />

within W. H. Dunn's la<strong>te</strong> lease 710/95, will<br />

be re-available for pastoral leasing as from Wednesday,<br />

21st May, 1952.<br />

Kimberley DivisionBulara District.<br />

Corres. No. 6770/51. (Plan 130/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

an area of about 28,500 acres, bounded by lines<br />

commencing at the North-West corner of lease<br />

396/751 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding South about 712 chains,<br />

West about 400 chains, North about 712 chains and<br />

East about 400 chains to the starting point will be<br />

available for pastoral leasing as from Wednesday,<br />

21st May, 1952.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 28th MAY, 1952.<br />

Kimberley Division (Bulara District.)<br />

Corres. No. 352/52. (Plans 121/300 and 131/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified for general information that<br />

an area of about 510,000, acres bounded on the<br />

North by leases 396/555 and 396/503, on the East<br />

and South 15y lease 396/504 and on the West by<br />

leases 396/555, 396/411, 396/692 and the prolongation<br />

Southwards of the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of lease<br />

396/692, will be available for pastoral leasing as<br />

from Wednesday, 28th May, 1952.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 4th JUNE, 1952.<br />

North-West DivisionTeano District.<br />

Corres. No. 7494/51. (Plans 79/300 and 92/300.)<br />

AN area of about 1,000,000 acres bounded by lines<br />

commencing at the South-West corner of lease<br />

394/1349 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding generally East and South<br />

along the boundaries of leases 394/1349, 394/1344<br />

394/900, 394/950, 394/954, 394/1298, 394/955, 394/<br />

952 and 394/1081, to the South-West corner of<br />

the lastnientioned lease; thence South about 80<br />

chains and West about 525 chains to the Eas<strong>te</strong>rnmost<br />

North-East corner of lease 394/695; thence<br />

West and North along the boundaries of leases<br />

394/695 and 394/1254 to the left bank of the<br />

Frederick River; thence North along the said river<br />

to the starting point, will be available for pastoral<br />

leasing as from Wednesday, 4th June, 1952.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 11th JUNE, 1952.<br />

North-West DivisionGregory District.<br />

Corres. No. 847/52. (Plan 92/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified for general information that<br />

an area of about 56,000 acres bounded by lines<br />

commencing at the Northernmost North-West<br />

corner of lease 394/460 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding South about<br />

270 chains, West about 360 chains, South about<br />

75 chains, West about 690 chains, South about 313<br />

chains, West about 360 chains, North about 650<br />

chains and East about 1,380 chains to the starting<br />

point, will be available for pastoral leasing as from<br />

Wednesday, 11th June, 1952.

974 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. JI1 April, 1952.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 18th JUNE, 1952.<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn Division-Edjudina District.<br />

Corres. No. 5753/51. (Plans 33/300 and 34/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

an area of about 98,000 acres, bounded by lines<br />

commencing at the South-East corner of lease<br />

395/548 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding North about 490 chains East<br />

about 595 chains, North about 840 chains, East<br />

about 510 chains, South about 1,330 chains and<br />

West about 1,200 chains to the starting point, will<br />

be available for pastoral leasing as from Wednesday,<br />

18th June, 1952, subject to payment for improvements,<br />

if any.<br />

South-West Division-Victoria District.<br />

Corres. No. 564/51. (Plans 96/80 and 121780.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

an area of about 40,801 acres, being the land comprised<br />

within L. T. Morton's la<strong>te</strong> lease 392/614, will<br />

be re-available for pastoral leasing as from Wednesday,<br />

18th June, 1952. Subject to payment for<br />

improvements, if any.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 9th JULY, 1952.<br />

South-West Division-Ninghan District.<br />

Corres. No. 3253/51. (Plan 36/300.)<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

the land contained within L. A. G. Edward's la<strong>te</strong><br />

lease 392/615, comprising about 197,440 acres, will<br />

be re-available for pastoral leasing as from Wednesday,<br />

9th July, 1952, at a rental of lOs. per<br />

thousand acres per annum, and subject to payment<br />

for improvements, if any.<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

-<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.<br />


IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

the areas scheduled hereunder are available for<br />

selection under Part V of the Land Act, 1933-1950,<br />

and the regulations appertaining thereto, subject<br />

to the provisions of the said Act.<br />

Applications must be lodged at the Department<br />

of Lands and Surveys, Perth, not la<strong>te</strong>r than the<br />

da<strong>te</strong> specified, but may be lodged before such da<strong>te</strong>,<br />

if so desired.<br />

All applications lodged on or before such da<strong>te</strong><br />

will be trea<strong>te</strong>d as having been received on the closing<br />

day; and if there are more applicants than one<br />

for any block, the application to be gran<strong>te</strong>d will be<br />

de<strong>te</strong>rmined by the Land Board. Should any lands<br />

remain unselec<strong>te</strong>d such will continue available<br />

until applied for or otherwise dealt with.<br />

If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary, the<br />

applicants for the blocks will be duly notified of the<br />

da<strong>te</strong>, time, and place of the meeting of the Board,<br />

and there shall be an in<strong>te</strong>rval of at least three days<br />

between the closing da<strong>te</strong> and the sitting of the<br />

Board.<br />

The selector of a Homes<strong>te</strong>ad Farm from any<br />

location made available for that purpose must<br />

take the balance thereof, if any, under Conditional<br />

Purchase.<br />

All marketable timber, including sandalwood and<br />

mallet, is reserved to the Crown, subject to the provisions<br />

of Clause 18 of the Regulations.<br />



WEDNESDAY, 30th APRIL, 1952.<br />

Avon District (about 14 miles East of<br />

South Kumminin).<br />

Corr. No. 1012/26. (Plan 345/80, Di.)<br />

Location 23869, containing i,341a. ir. 12p.; classification<br />

page 14 of 1012/26; subject to pricing and<br />

exemption from road ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from<br />

da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application; being R. R. Valmadre's<br />

cancelled lease 20786/68. Deposit required,<br />

£2 2s. 6d.<br />

Avon District (near Koojedda).<br />

Corr. No. 3781/97, Vol. 2. (Plan 2A/40, Bi.)<br />

Location 27466, containing about 20a.; subject<br />

to survey, classification, pricing, provision of any<br />

necessary roads, and to pro<strong>te</strong>ction of the Goldfields<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply pipe line. Deposit required, £2 lOs.<br />

Avon District (3 miles South of Gabbin).<br />

Corr. No. 1452/13. (Plan 55/80, A3.)<br />

Locations 20294 and 24365, containing 167a. Or.<br />

38p., at 15s. per acre; also location 27468, containing<br />

iSa. ir. 12p., at £1 per acre; available to adjoining<br />

holders only; subject to payment for improvements.<br />

Deposits required-fl 8s. 8d. (locations<br />

20294 and 24365), £1 5s. (location 27468).<br />

Fitzgerald District (about 5 miles West of<br />

Grass Patch).<br />

Corr. No. 6179/51. (Plan 402/80, Bi.)<br />

Locations 145, 65, 887, 74, 26 and 897, containing<br />

1,000a. 3r. 25p., 621a. 2r. 4p., 160a., i3O00a.,<br />

i3O00a. ir. 18p. and l6Oa., respectively; classifications<br />

pages 4 and 5 of 6179/51 and page 29 of<br />

3574/21; also location 1399, containing 155a. 3r.;<br />

subject to pricing. Location 1399 is subject to<br />

Rural and Industries Bank indeb<strong>te</strong>dness, whilst the<br />

remainder are subject to exemption from road<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application.<br />

The previous Gazet<strong>te</strong> notice concerning<br />

this land is hereby cancelled. Deposits required-<br />

£2 18s. 3d. and £1 8s. 8d., respectively.<br />

Fitzgerald District (9 miles West of Dowak).<br />

Corr. No. 3332/26. (Plans 392/80, A2; 11/300.)<br />

Location 455, containing 1,000a. Or. 32p., at<br />

3s. 3d. per acre; subject to payment for any improvements<br />

existing. Deposit required, £2 is.<br />

Jilbadji District (about 2 miles East of<br />

Carrabin).<br />

Corr. No. 5390/26. (Plan 24/80, El.)<br />

Location 144, containing 635a. 3r. 5p., at 8s. 6d.<br />

per acre; classification page 15 of 5390/26; subject<br />

to mining conditions and exemption from road<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application.<br />

The previous Gazet<strong>te</strong> notice concerning this<br />

location is hereby cancelled. Deposit required, £1<br />

15s. 9d.<br />

Kojonup District (about 4 miles North of<br />

Muradup).<br />

Corr. No. 6813/25. (Plan 416D/40, A3.)<br />

Location 6303, containing i6Oa. 3r., at 14s. per<br />

acre; classification page 34 of 6813/25; subject to<br />

poison conditions and exemption from road ra<strong>te</strong>s<br />

for two years from da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application;<br />

being B. F. Bunny's cancelled lease 19975/68. Deposit<br />

required, £1 7s. lid.<br />

Ninghan District (about ii miles South of<br />

Marindo).<br />

Corr. No. 568/52. (Plans 55/80, A and Bl, 66/80,<br />

A and B4.)<br />

Locations 2602, 1157 and 2640, containing 2,iiOa.<br />

2r. i5p., i,839a. 2r. 25p. and i6Oa., respectively, at<br />

3s. per acre; classification page 53 of 2325/27 (locations<br />

2602 and i15'7) and page 6 of 5399/26 (location<br />

2640); location 2602 is subject to exemption<br />

from road ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from da<strong>te</strong> of approval<br />

of application. Locations 1157 and 2640 are subject<br />

to payment for improvements, if any. Being<br />

T. B. Hoff's cancelled application. Deposit required,<br />

£3 Os. 6d.<br />

Ninghan District (about 3-1 miles South of Kulja).<br />

Corr. No. 747/42. (Plan 65/80, C and D3.)<br />

Location 3932, containing 799a. 3r. 21p.; classification<br />

page 81 of 747/42; subject to pricing and<br />

payment for improvements, if any; being the surrendered<br />

portion of W. H. Johnson's lease 347/3452.<br />

Deposit required, £1 i6s. lid.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 975<br />

Plantagenet District (4 miles North of<br />

Mt. McLeod).<br />

Corr. No. 1523/26. (Plan 452C/40, D4.)<br />

Location 5519, containing 102a. 2r. 22p., at 9s.<br />

per acre; subject to timber conditions. Deposit<br />

required, £1 7s. lid.<br />

Plantagenet District (11 miles East of<br />

Wansbrough).<br />

Corr. No. 7489/51. (Plan 436D/40, C3.)<br />

The area of about 65 acres bounded on the<br />

South by Plantagenet Location 3665; on the East<br />

and West by prolongations Northward of boundaries<br />

of that location; on the North-East by a<br />

surveyed road adjoining the South-West boundary<br />

of location 2749.<br />

The area of about 160 acres bounded by locations<br />

3665 and 3193 and on the East and South<br />

by prolongations of the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn and Southern boundaries<br />

of those locations.<br />

Both areas subject to survey, classification, pricing<br />

and provision of any necessary roads<br />

Deposits required-4 35. 9d. (area "a"), £4 18s.<br />

9d. (area "b").<br />

Sussex District (about i miles West of<br />

Dunsborough).<br />

Corr. No. 353/49. (Plan 413A/40, B2.)<br />

Location 1305, containing 227a. 3r. 25p., at 6s. 6d.<br />

per acre; classification page 28 of 353/49; subject<br />

to exemption from road ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from<br />

the da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application, and to the<br />

special conditions which govern selection in this<br />

district; being the surrendered portion of H. C.<br />

J. King's lease 347/5608. Deposit required, £1<br />

lOs. Gd.<br />

Sussex District (about 6 miles East of<br />

Cowaramup).<br />

Corr. No. 2982/46. (Plan 413D/40, C4.)<br />

Location 3804, containing 140a. 2r. lOp.; classification<br />

page 5A of 6069/47; subject to pricing,<br />

payment for improvements, if any, and to the<br />

special conditions which govern selection in this<br />

district; being G. W. Heslop's cancelled lease<br />

347/4109. Deposit required, £1 7s. lid.<br />

Victoria District (about 7 miles North of Nolba).<br />

Corr. No. 285/51. (Plans 160/80, C and D2,<br />

160C/40, D3, 160D/40, C3.)<br />

Location 4039, containing 3,858a. 2r. 6p., at 2s.<br />

6d. per acre; classification page 4 of 3699/50; subject<br />

to exemption from road ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years<br />

from da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application; being E. M.<br />

Dutton's cancelled lease 347/7099. Deposit required,<br />

£2 18s. 3d.<br />

Victoria District (4 miles West of Dindiloa).<br />

Open under Part V, Sec. 53.<br />

Corr. No. 7126/02. (Plan 157A/40, Bi.)<br />

Location 6106, containing 20a. Or. lOp.; purchase<br />

price, £35; available to adjoining holders only;<br />

subject to mining conditions. Deposit required,<br />

£3 15s.<br />

Victoria District (4 miles West of Depot Hill).<br />

Corr. No. 1190/08. (Plans 127/80, B4, 123/80, Bi.)<br />

Location 9478, containing 772a. Or. 37p.; subject<br />

to classification, pricing and any necessary survey.<br />

Deposit required, £1 i6s. lid.<br />

Victoria District (8 miles East of Gutha).<br />

Corr. No. 1627/13. (Plan 128/80, CD2.)<br />

Location 10042, containing 200a. Or. 3p., at 6s.<br />

per acre; available to adjoining holders only, subject<br />

to payment for improvements valued at £20.<br />

Deposit required, £1 lOs. 6d.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 7th MAY, 1952.<br />

Avon District (near Norpa Siding).<br />

Corr. No. 3932/51. (Plan 24/80, B3.)<br />

Locations 20755 and 20756, containing l,753a. 3r.<br />

32p. and 794a. ir. 36p., respectively, at 4s. 3d. per<br />

acre; classifications pages 3 of 3932/51 and 37 of<br />

8295/13, Vol. 1, respectively; subject to exemption<br />

from road ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from da<strong>te</strong> of<br />

approval of application; being J. W. Nicholls' cancelled<br />

lease 347/7619. Deposit required, £2 13s.<br />

Avon District (about 6 miles North-East of<br />

Bendering).<br />

Corr. No. 1842/51. (Plan 345/80, BC3.)<br />

Locations 25798 and 23777, containing 2,O76a.<br />

24p. and 300a. Or. 2Op., respectively, at 6s. 6d.<br />

per acre; classifications pages 4 of 993/29 and 30<br />

of 739/28, respectively; subject to poison conditions<br />

and exemption from road ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years<br />

from da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application; being G. A.<br />

Schilling's cancelled application. Deposit required,<br />

£2 lOs.<br />

Avon District (near Booran).<br />

Corr. No. 5362/48. (Plan 24/80, Bi.)<br />

Locations 27226 and 27269, containing about 7Oa.<br />

and about l2Oa., respectively; classifications pages<br />

7 of 5362/48 and 6 of 1738/49, respectively; subject<br />

to pricing; being J. R. Gebert's cancelled applications.<br />

Deposits required, Li 6s. Sd. and £1 7s. lid.,<br />

respectively.<br />

Jilbadji District (about 9} miles West of<br />

Marvel Loch).<br />

Corr. No. 69/40. (Plan 23/80, E2.)<br />

Location 429, containing l,137a. 2r. ip., at 3s.<br />

3d. per acre; classification page 51 of 1071/28, Vol.<br />

1; subject to mining conditions and payment for<br />

improvements; being Bortolo Panizza's expired<br />

lease 3116/1026. Deposit required, £2 is.<br />

Melbourne District (about 9 miles West of<br />

Gillingarra).<br />

Corr. No. 932/51. (Plan 58/80, B and C4.)<br />

Location 3582, containing about 3,400a.; subject<br />

to survey, classification, pricing and the provision<br />

of any necessary roads; all applications will<br />

be referred to a Board of Inquiry; being J. A.<br />

Rance's cancelled application. Deposit required,<br />

£18 16s. 3d.<br />

Yilgarn District (about 6 miles North-East of<br />

Southern Cross).<br />

Corr. No. 1296/25. (Plan 36/80, E and P3.)<br />

Location 427, containing 999a. 3r. 12p. and A.A.<br />

Lots 68, 69 and 70, containing 500a. each, all at<br />

per acre; classifications page 15 of 6263/22 and<br />

pages 15, 17 and 18 of 6019/97, Vol. 2 (lots 68, 69,<br />

70); subject to mining conditions and payments<br />

for improvements. The previous Gazet<strong>te</strong> notice<br />

concerning this land is hereby cancelled. Deposit<br />

required, £2 105.<br />

Yilgarn District (about 2 miles North-West<br />

of Noongar).<br />

Corr. No. 157/26. (Plan 36/80, A4.)<br />

Location 1016, containing 1,872a. 3r. 9p. at 3s.<br />

per acre; classification page 7 of 157/26; subject<br />

to mining conditions and exemption from road<br />

ra<strong>te</strong>s for two years from da<strong>te</strong> of approval of application.<br />

The previous Gazet<strong>te</strong> notice concerning<br />

this land is hereby cancelled. Deposit required,<br />

£2 7s.<br />

Yilgarn District (about 9 miles North-West<br />

of Noongar).<br />

Corr. No. 675/52. (Plan 36/80, A3.)<br />

Location 1017, containing 826a. 2r. i9p., at 3s.<br />

per acre; classification page 17 of 247/35; subject<br />

to mining conditions and payment for improvements,<br />

if any; being D. W. Lucas' cancelled application.<br />

Deposit required, £1 18s.<br />

H. E. SMITH,<br />

Under Secretary for Lands.

97 (OVENMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 18 April, 1952.<br />

TRANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893-1950.<br />

Application 4593/1951.<br />

TAKE notice that Michael Francis Patrick Flynn<br />

Farmer and Phyllis Flynn his wife both of Sandridge<br />

Park Bunbury have made application to be<br />

regis<strong>te</strong>red under the Transfer of Land Act, 1893-<br />

1950 as the proprietors of an esta<strong>te</strong> in fee simple<br />

in possession in the following parcel of land situa<strong>te</strong><br />

in the Leschenault District and being:<br />

Portions of Lesehenault Location 26 containing in<br />

all 84 acres 1 rood 14 and seven-<strong>te</strong>nths perches.<br />

FirstlyPortion containing 82 acres 2 roods 20<br />

perches.<br />

Bounded by lines commencing a the South-<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rn corner of lot 2 on Diagram 4075 and<br />

ex<strong>te</strong>nding Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 6 chains 89 and two-<strong>te</strong>nths<br />

links along Northern boundaries of lots 113 and<br />

364 on Plan 905 thence South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 33 chains<br />

24 and two-<strong>te</strong>nths links along North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries<br />

of lots 99 to 112 (inclusive) lot 364 on Plan<br />

905 land comprised in Diagram 13325 and the<br />

Bunbury-Boyanup Railway thence North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

1 chain 34 and six-<strong>te</strong>nths links along a North-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of the said railway thence North-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 23 chains 66 and one-<strong>te</strong>nth links along<br />

South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of the said railway and<br />

land comprised in Certifica<strong>te</strong> of Title Volume 1005<br />

Folio 96 thence Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 13 chains 5 links Northerly<br />

12 chains 77 links and Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 12 chains 42 and<br />

nine-<strong>te</strong>nths links along Northern Eas<strong>te</strong>rn and<br />

Northern boundaries respectively of land comprised<br />

In the said Certifica<strong>te</strong> of Title thence Northerly 11<br />

chains 13 and five-<strong>te</strong>nths links and North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly<br />

42 and four-<strong>te</strong>nths links along Eas<strong>te</strong>rn and South-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries respectively of land comprised<br />

in Plan 5961 thence Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 35 chains 25 links<br />

along the Southern boundary of Lefroy Road thence<br />

Southerly 7 chains 90 and four-<strong>te</strong>nths links and<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 7 chains along the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of<br />

a priva<strong>te</strong> road and Southern boundaries of the<br />

said priva<strong>te</strong> road and land comprised in Certifica<strong>te</strong><br />

of Title Volume 1089 Folio 944 respectively thence<br />

Southerly 11 chains 61 and six-<strong>te</strong>nths links along<br />

the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of the said lot 2 to the<br />

starting point.<br />

SecondlyPortion containing 22 and seven<strong>te</strong>nths<br />

perches.<br />

Bounded by lines commencing at the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

corner of lot 30 on Plan 344 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding South-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 1 chain 14 and three-<strong>te</strong>nths links along a<br />

South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of the Bunbury-Boyanup<br />

Railway thence South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 1 chain 25 links<br />

along the North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of lot 221 on<br />

Diagram 61 thence North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 1 chain 1 and<br />

two-<strong>te</strong>nths links along a North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary<br />

of Forrest Avenue thence North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 1 chain<br />

43 links along the South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of the<br />

said lot 30 to the starting point.<br />

ThirdlyPortion containing 1 acre 2 roods 12<br />

perches.<br />

Bounded by lines commencing at the junction<br />

of a North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundary - of Picton Terrace<br />

with a Southern boundary of Leschenault Location<br />

26 and ex<strong>te</strong>nding Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 3 chains 20 and two-<br />

<strong>te</strong>nths links along the said location boundary<br />

forming a Northern boundary of a public road<br />

thence North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 1 chain 99 and six-<strong>te</strong>nths<br />

links along a North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of the Bunbury-Boyanup<br />

Railway thence Northerly 2 chains<br />

36 and seven-<strong>te</strong>nths links along Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries<br />

of the said railway and the land comprised in<br />

Diagram 13325 thence Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 5 chains 45 links<br />

along a Southern boundary of the said land in<br />

Diagram 13325 thence South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 3 chains<br />

1 and two-<strong>te</strong>nths links along a North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

boundary of Picton Terrace to the starting point.<br />

And further take notice that all persons other<br />

than the applicant claiming to have any esta<strong>te</strong><br />

right title or in<strong>te</strong>rest in the above parcels of land<br />

and desiring to object to the said application are<br />

hereby required to lodge in this office on or befQre<br />

the 6th day of May next a caveat forbidding the<br />

said land being brought under the operation of the<br />

said Act.<br />

R. C. BUCHANAN,<br />

Registrar of Titles.<br />

Office of Titles, Perth, this 7th day of April, 1952.<br />

Slee & Anderson, Solicitors, Bunbury, Solicitors<br />

for the Applicant.<br />

TRANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893-1950.<br />

Application 2724/1950.<br />

TAKE notice that Leslie Wesley Murray of Beverley<br />

Farmer has made application to be regis<strong>te</strong>red under<br />

the Transfer of Land Act 1893-1950 as the proprietor<br />

of an esta<strong>te</strong> in fee simple in possession in<br />

the following parcel of land situa<strong>te</strong> in the Avon<br />

District and being:<br />

Avon Location 570 containing 40 acres 15 perches.<br />

Bounded by lines commencing at the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

corner of Avon Location 13877 on a South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

boundary of a public road and ex<strong>te</strong>nding South-<br />

Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 28 chains 3 links and South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 14<br />

chains 31 links along South-Wes<strong>te</strong>rn and North-<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries respectively of Avon Location<br />

13877 thence North-Wes<strong>te</strong>rly 28 chains 5 links<br />

along North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundaries of Avon Locations<br />

13877 and 21111 thence North-Eas<strong>te</strong>rly 14 chains<br />

29 links along the South-Eas<strong>te</strong>rn boundary of the<br />

said road to the starting point.<br />

And further take notice that all persons other<br />

than the applicant claiming to have any esta<strong>te</strong><br />

right title or in<strong>te</strong>rest in the above parcels of land<br />

and desiring to object to the said application are<br />

hereby required to lodge in this office on or before<br />

the 28th day of April next a caveat forbidding the<br />

said land being brought under the operation of<br />

the said Act.<br />

R. C. BUCHANAN,<br />

Registrar of Titles,<br />

Office of Titles; Perth, this 4th day of April, 1952.<br />

Stone, James & Co., Solicitors, Perth, Solicitors<br />

for the Applicant.<br />


Forests Department,<br />

9th April, 1952.<br />

Corr. 596/49.<br />

IT is hereby notified that the undermentioned Cash<br />

Orders have been lost. Payment has been stopped<br />

and it is in<strong>te</strong>nded to issue fresh Cash Orders in<br />

lieu thereof:<br />

Cash Order No. 80368, for £13 19s. 8d., drawn<br />

by A. B. Selkirk on the 7th March, 1952, in favour<br />

of A. M. Innes.<br />

Cash Order No. 70996, for £13 Os. Gd., drawn by<br />

H. G. Clover on the 3rd April, 1952, in favour of<br />

H. Cransberg.<br />

T. N. STOATE,<br />

Conservator of Forests.<br />


Tenders, closing at Perth, 2.30 p.m., on da<strong>te</strong>s<br />

nentioned hereunder, are invi<strong>te</strong>d for the following:<br />

Merredin SchoolAl<strong>te</strong>rations to Classroom to<br />

form Science Room (11864); 22nd April, 1952;<br />

conditions may be seen at the Contractors' Room,<br />

P.W.D., Perth, and Merredin, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th<br />

April, 1952.<br />

Katanning School and Quar<strong>te</strong>rsAl<strong>te</strong>rations and<br />

Renovations (11959); 22nd April, 1952; conditions<br />

may be seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D.,<br />

Perth, and Narrogin, and Courthouse, Katanning,<br />

on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Rosalie SchoolImprovements to Grounds<br />

(11960); 22nd April, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Wooroloo SchoolAdditions (11961); 22nd April,<br />

1952; conditions may be seen at the Contractors'<br />

Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Midland Junction Police StationSewerage<br />

(11965); 22nd April, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 195.

1 April, 1952.] OVERNMET GAETTh, W.A.<br />

Kalannie-New School (11966); 22nd April, 1952;<br />

conditions may be seen at the Contractors' Room,<br />

P.W.D., Perth and Merredin, and Police Station,<br />

Wyalkatchem, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Cunderdin School-Additions to Latrines (11967)<br />

22nd April, 1952; conditions may he seen at the<br />

Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, and Merredin,<br />

and Police Station, Cunderdin, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th<br />

April, 1952.<br />

Collie Schools-New Latrine Block (11968) ; 22nd<br />

April, 1952; conditions may be seen at the Contractors'<br />

Room, P.W.D., Perth, and Bunbury, and<br />

Courthouse, Collie, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Mount Barker School-Improvements to Grounds<br />

(11969); 22nd April, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room. P.W.D., Perth and<br />

Albany, and Police Station, Mount Barker, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Bayswa<strong>te</strong>r School-Bristol Prefabrica<strong>te</strong>d Classrooms<br />

(11971); 22nd April, 1952; conditions may<br />

be seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth,<br />

on and af<strong>te</strong>r 8th April, 1952.<br />

Wongan Hills-Excava<strong>te</strong>d Tank at Mocardy Hill<br />

(11977); 22nd April, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r the 3rd April, 1952.<br />

Scarborough Police Station and Quar<strong>te</strong>rs-Erection<br />

(11972); 29th April, 1952; conditions may be<br />

seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on<br />

and af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Northam High School-New Woodshed and Caretaker's<br />

Workshop (11973); 29th April, 1952; conditions<br />

may be seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D.,<br />

Perth, and at Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply Office, Northam, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Ccrrigin School-Boring for Wa<strong>te</strong>r (11974); 29th<br />

April, 1952; conditions may be seen at the Contractors'<br />

Room, P.W.D., Perth, and Narrogin and<br />

Police Station, Corrigin, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April,<br />

1952.<br />

Queen's Park Sis<strong>te</strong>r Ka<strong>te</strong>'s Home-New Kitchen<br />

and Cook's Quar<strong>te</strong>rs (11975) ; 29th April, 1952;<br />

conditions may be seen at the Contractors' Room,<br />

P.W.D., Perth, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Midland Junction Police Station-Additions<br />

(11976); 29th April, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Eden Hill School-New Bristol Prefabrica<strong>te</strong>d<br />

Classrooms (11986); 29th April, 1952; conditions<br />

may be seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D.,<br />

Perth, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Upper Swan School-New Bristol Prefabrica<strong>te</strong>d<br />

Classrooms (11987); 29th April, 1952; conditions<br />

may be seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D.,<br />

Perth, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Bunbury Hospital and Quar<strong>te</strong>rs-Repairs and<br />

Renovations (11970); 6th May, 1952; conditions<br />

may be seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D.,<br />

Perth and Bunbury, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 16th April, 1952.<br />

Claremont Old Men's Home-Additions, 1951<br />

(11978); 6th May, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April, 1952.<br />

Northampton School and Quar<strong>te</strong>rs-Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply<br />

(11979); 6th May, 1952; conditions may be<br />

seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, and<br />

Geraldton, and Police Station, Northampton, on<br />

and af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April, 1952.<br />

Dalwallinu Hospital-Ex<strong>te</strong>nsive Additions, al<strong>te</strong>rations<br />

and Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply (11980); 6th May, 1952;<br />

conditions may be seen at the Contractors' Room,<br />

P.W.D., Perth, Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply Office, Northam, and<br />

Police Station, Dalwallinu, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April,<br />

1952.<br />

Kalgoorlie School of Mines-Al<strong>te</strong>rations to Office,<br />

etc. (11981); 6th May, 1952; conditions may be<br />

seen at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, and<br />

Kalgoorlie, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April, 1952.<br />

Wagin School-Conversion of Classroom to<br />

Manual Training Centre (11982); 6th May, 1952;<br />

conditions may be seen at the Contractors' Room,<br />

P.W.D., Perth, and Narrogin, and Court House,<br />

Wagin, on and af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April, 1952.<br />

Fremantle Boys' School-North Fremantle<br />

Annex-Sewerage and New Shel<strong>te</strong>r Shed (11983);<br />

6th May, 1952; conditions may be seen at the<br />

Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and af<strong>te</strong>r<br />

22nd April, 1952.<br />

Dwellingup Hospital-New Fire Service (11984);<br />

6th May, 1952; conditions may be seen at the<br />

Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, Police Station,<br />

Dwelhngup, and Court House, Pinjarra, on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April, 1952.<br />

Dwellingup Sta<strong>te</strong> Ho<strong>te</strong>l-Additions and Sewerage<br />

(11985); 6th May, 1952; conditions may be seen<br />

at the Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, Police<br />

Station, Dwellingup, and Court House, Pinjarra,<br />

on and af<strong>te</strong>r 22nd April, 1952.<br />

'Tenders, together with the prescribed deposit,<br />

are to be addressed, to "The Hon. the Minis<strong>te</strong>r<br />

for Works, Public Works Department, The Barracks,<br />

St. George's Place, Perth," and must be indorsed<br />

"Tender." The highest, lowest or any<br />

<strong>te</strong>nder will not necessarily be accep<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

17th April, 1952.<br />

W. C. WILLIAMS,<br />

Under Secretary for Works.<br />


ACT, 1914-1951.<br />

Department of Public Works, Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply,<br />

Perth, 9th April, 1952.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council,<br />

has been pleased to approve of the amendment<br />

in the manner set forth in the Schedule hereunder,<br />

by the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply, Sewerage and<br />

Drainage, acting as the Irrigation Board for and<br />

in respect of the Collie Irrigation District, Harvey<br />

No. I Irrigation District, Harvey No. 2 Irrigation<br />

District and Waroona Irrigation Districts, of the<br />

by-laws made under the said Act and published<br />

in the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> on the 30th day of July,<br />

1937, and subsequently amended.<br />

W. C. WILLIAMS,<br />

Under Secretary for Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply.<br />

Schedule.<br />

The abovementioned by-laws are amended by<br />

revoking by-laws 33 and 35 and substituting in<br />

lieu thereof new by-laws 33 and 35 as follows:-<br />

31.-Stock Wa<strong>te</strong>r for Use Outside<br />

Irrigation District.<br />

If surplus wa<strong>te</strong>r is available for persons who<br />

desire to wa<strong>te</strong>r their stock whose land is not in<br />

the Irrigation District, then the scale of charges<br />

in by-law 32 or by-law 35, whicheveris appropria<strong>te</strong>,<br />

shall apply; by-law 30 (surcharge for out of appropria<strong>te</strong><br />

zone period) also applies and the provisions<br />

of by-law 32 regarding surcharge shall be complied<br />

with.<br />

35.-Pipe Supply Services.<br />

(1) For land whether ra<strong>te</strong>d for ordinary irrigation<br />

or not, or whether situa<strong>te</strong>d within or without<br />

an Irrigation District, the Minis<strong>te</strong>r may grant<br />

permission for consumers to take wa<strong>te</strong>r by means<br />

of a powered pump or windmill or may instal a pipe<br />

to which may be connec<strong>te</strong>d the consumer's distribution<br />

sys<strong>te</strong>m, or may provide other works, to facilita<strong>te</strong><br />

supplies for the purposes and subject to the<br />

respective annual charges and conditions as set<br />

out hereunder:-<br />

A wa<strong>te</strong>r right fee of 12s. for each service<br />

in addition to fees under (b), (c) and (d) where<br />

applicable.<br />

For sprinkler irrigation 12s. per half acre<br />

of land wa<strong>te</strong>red with a minimum charge of £1 4s.<br />

For stock wa<strong>te</strong>ring-free if to ra<strong>te</strong>d property,<br />

and taken in zone period, or otherwise ob-<br />

tained at no cost to the Department, but if a<br />

special service is necessita<strong>te</strong>d and agreed to by the<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r, a special service fee of 15s. per service<br />

shall be charged. Otherwise £2 8s.

978 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

(d) For either household or dairy purposes or for<br />

both such purposes £2 8s.<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r supplied under clause (d) may be<br />

used for garden purposes without further charge,<br />

provided such garden does not exceed an area of<br />

one half an acre.<br />

Where it is necessary for the Minis<strong>te</strong>r to<br />

instal a pipe or provide other works to facilita<strong>te</strong><br />

supplies to any consumer such consumer shall meet<br />

the capital cost of such works, plus a lump sum<br />

to be de<strong>te</strong>rmined by the Minis<strong>te</strong>r, sufficient to<br />

meet future main<strong>te</strong>nance charges on such works.<br />

Writ<strong>te</strong>n application shall be made for each<br />

or any of the aforementioned services.<br />


1928-1947.<br />

Bunbury Municipal CouncilTown Planning<br />

Scheme.<br />

Amendment and Amplification.<br />

T.P.B. 80/50. Vol. 42.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for public information, in<br />

accordance with section 7 (4) of the Town Planning<br />

and Development Act, 1928-1947, that the<br />

resolution of the Bunbury Municipal Council da<strong>te</strong>d<br />

the 6th Sep<strong>te</strong>mber, 1951, and appearing in the<br />

Government Gazet<strong>te</strong>s of the 4th, 11th and 18th<br />

January, 1952, to amplify and amend its Scheme<br />

by the inclusion of lots 65, 66, 67, Alexander Street,<br />

and lots 68 and 69 Prosser Street, in the business<br />

area, was approved by the Hon. the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for<br />

Local Government and Town Planning on the 27th<br />

March, 1952.<br />

D. L. DAVIDSON,<br />

Chairman, Town Planning Board.<br />

No. on Plan<br />

P.W.D., W.A.,<br />

No. 33325.<br />

Crown<br />

Owner or Repu<strong>te</strong>d Owner.<br />

PUBLIC Woxxs ACT, 1902-1950.<br />



1928- 1947.<br />

Belmont Park Road BoardTown Planning Scheme.<br />

Work No. 2.<br />

T.P.B. 2028/51.<br />

IT is hereby notified for public information in<br />

accordance with section 7 of the Town Planning<br />

and Development Act, 1928-1947, that the resolution<br />

of the Belmont Park Road Board, da<strong>te</strong>d the 24th<br />

day of Sep<strong>te</strong>mber, 1951, and appearing in the<br />

Government Gazet<strong>te</strong>s of the 18th and 25th January<br />

and 1st February, 1952, to carry out Work No. 2<br />

was approved by the Hon. Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government<br />

and Town Planning on 27th March, 1952.<br />

D. L. DAVIDSON,<br />

Chairman,<br />

Town Planning Board.<br />


1928-1947.<br />

Belmont Park Road BoardTown Planning Scheme.<br />

Work No. 3.<br />

T.P.B. 2027/51.<br />

IT is hereby notified for public information in<br />

accordance with section 7 of the Town Planning<br />

and Development Act, 1928-1947, that the resolution<br />

of the Belmont Park Road Board, da<strong>te</strong>d the 24th<br />

day of Sep<strong>te</strong>mber, 1951, and appearing in the<br />

Government Gazet<strong>te</strong>s of the 18th and 25th January<br />

and 1st February, 1952, to carry out Work No. 3<br />

was approved by the Hon. Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government<br />

and Town Planning on 27th March, 1952.<br />

D. L. DAVIDSON,<br />

Chairman,<br />

Town Planning Board.<br />

Description.<br />

P.W. 155/52; Ex. Co. No. 685.<br />

Geraldion High School Ex<strong>te</strong>nsion,<br />

NOTICE is hereby given, and it is hereby declared, that the several pieces or parcels of land described in the Schedule hereto<br />

being all in the Geraldton Towosi<strong>te</strong>have, in pursuance of the writ<strong>te</strong>n approval and consent of His Excellency the Governor,<br />

acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council, da<strong>te</strong>d the 9th day of April, 1952, been set apart, taken, or resumed<br />

for the purposes of the following public work, namely :Geraldton High School Ex<strong>te</strong>nsion and that the portion of the road,<br />

street, or thoroughfare referred to in such Schedule and which is by this notice so set apart, taken, or resumed is wholly closed<br />

and has ceased to be a public highway.<br />

And further notice is hereby given that the said pieces or parcels of land so set apart, taken, or resumed are marked<br />

off and more particularly described on Plan, P.W.D,, W.A., 33325, which may be inspec<strong>te</strong>d at the Office of the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for<br />

Works, Perth.<br />

And itis hereby direc<strong>te</strong>d that the said lands shall vest in Her Majesty for an esta<strong>te</strong> in fee simple in possession for the<br />

public work herein expressed, freed and discharged from all trusts, mortgages, charges, obligations, esta<strong>te</strong>s, in<strong>te</strong>rests, rightsof.way<br />

or other easements whatsoever.<br />


P.W. 2240/49.<br />

Public Road (Dunraven Street)<br />

TRAFFIC ACT, 1919-1951.<br />

Department of Local Government,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the<br />

powers conferred by the Traffic Act, 1919-1951, has been pleased to amend, in<br />

the manner set out in the Schedule hereunder, the Traffic Regulations, 1936,<br />

made under and for the purposes of the said Act and published in the<br />

Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> on the 26th day of August 1936, and amended by notices<br />

published in the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> from time to time thereaf<strong>te</strong>r.<br />

GEO. S. LINDSAY,<br />

Secretary for Local Government.<br />

Area.<br />

a.r. p.<br />

1 1 30'l<br />

(approxima<strong>te</strong>ly)<br />

Certified correct this 20th day of March, 1952. CHARLES GAIRDNER,<br />

Governor in Executive Council.<br />

C. H. SIMPSON,<br />

for Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Works. Da<strong>te</strong>d this 9th day of April, 1952.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 979<br />

Schedule.<br />

The above regulations are amended as follows:<br />

(a) By deleting the whole of paragraph (2a) of regulation 137 and substituting<br />

in lieu thereof the following paragraph:<br />

(2) (a) No person shall drive on any road any motor wagon or<br />

road tractor specified in column 1 of the tabulation hereunder at a<br />

speed exceeding the maximum speed limit prescribed theref or and<br />

appearing opposi<strong>te</strong> thereto in column 2 of the tabulation:<br />

Column 1.<br />

For a Motor Wagon or Road Tractor.<br />

Of a gross weight not exceeding 4 tons<br />

Of a gross weight exceeding 4 tons<br />

Drawing a trailer or semi-trailer<br />

When travelling over any bridge<br />


Municipality of Geraldton.<br />

Electricity Department.<br />

Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to Borrow.<br />

Proposed Loan No. 30 (D)-30,000.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the<br />

Municipality of Geraldton propose to borrow the<br />

sum of thirty thousand pounds (30,000), to be<br />

expended on works and undertakings within the<br />

Municipality of Geraldton. The amount of £30,000<br />

is proposed to be raised by the sale of debentures<br />

repayable with in<strong>te</strong>rest by 40 equal half-yearly<br />

instalments over a period of 20 years af<strong>te</strong>r the<br />

da<strong>te</strong> of issue thereof, in lieu of the formation of<br />

a sinking fund.<br />

The debentures will bear the in<strong>te</strong>rest at a ra<strong>te</strong><br />

not exceeding four pounds two shillings and six<br />

pence (4 2s. 6d.) per cent. per annum, payable<br />

half-yearly.<br />

The loan will be expended on the purchase of<br />

plant and equipment required in connection with<br />

the continuance of the al<strong>te</strong>rnating current conversion<br />

scheme, including ma<strong>te</strong>rial and wages for<br />

distribution mains, consumers' connections, me<strong>te</strong>r,<br />

sub-station and other electrical equipment, wages<br />

and salaries connec<strong>te</strong>d with the A.C. conversion<br />

scheme and also the purchase of poles, cables and<br />

other equipment for an ex<strong>te</strong>nsion programme including<br />

wages, and other power house plant.<br />

Full particulars of the cost of the said works<br />

and undertakings and a sta<strong>te</strong>ment showing the<br />

proposed expenditure of the money to be borrowed<br />

have been prepared and shall be open to the inspection<br />

of the ra<strong>te</strong>payers of the said municipality<br />

at the office of the said council for six weeks af<strong>te</strong>r<br />

the last publication of this notice at all reasonable<br />

times.<br />

The amount of the said debentures and in<strong>te</strong>rest<br />

thereon shall be paid by the Treasury Department,<br />

Barrack Street, Perth.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 26th day of March, 1952.<br />


Mayor.<br />

R. W. CARTER,<br />

Town Clerk.<br />

Column 2<br />

The Maximum Speed<br />

Limit shall be.<br />

35 miles per hour.<br />

30 miles per hour.<br />

25 miles per hour.<br />

15 miles per hour.<br />

Provided that, where a lower maximum speed than is specified<br />

in the above tabulation is prescribed by this or any other regulation<br />

for motor wagons, road tractors or vehicles generally on any road,<br />

no person shall drive a motor wagon or road tractor on such road at<br />

a speed in excess of such lower maximum speed.<br />

By adding a new regulation numbered 3051J, af<strong>te</strong>r regulation 305T, as<br />

follows:-<br />

3051J. No person shall at any time drive or ride any vehicle or<br />

animal on that portion of Parmelia Lane between its junction with<br />

Douro Road and a point 265 links to the North thereof within the<br />

City of Fremantle.<br />

By deleting paragraph 3 of the Seventh Schedule and substituting<br />

in lieu thereof the following:-<br />

3. For any taxi or car plying for hire, without a taxime<strong>te</strong>r, and<br />

regis<strong>te</strong>red with a licensing authority, and operating, outside a radius<br />

of fif<strong>te</strong>en miles from the General Post Office, Perth:s.<br />

d.<br />

For every 1/3rd mile or portion thereof inclusive<br />

of the return journey , .... 0 6<br />

Minimumfare for any engagement .... 4 0<br />

De<strong>te</strong>ntion timefor every five minu<strong>te</strong>s or portion<br />

thereof .... .... .... .... .... ... 0 8<br />

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Busselton Road Board.<br />

Proposed Loan of £3,000Loan 13.<br />

Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to Borrow.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that the Busselton Road<br />

Board proposes to borrow the sum of three thousand<br />

(3,000) to be expended on works and undertakings<br />

in the Busselton Road District, the said<br />

works and undertakings being the purchase of a<br />

motor truck, tar boiler and bitumen spray plant<br />

and an auto scythe.<br />

All particulars, showing the proposed expenditure<br />

of the money to be borrowed, are open for inspection<br />

of ra<strong>te</strong>payers at the office of the Board, for one<br />

month af<strong>te</strong>r the publication of this notice, during<br />

office hours.<br />

The amount of £3,000 is proposed to be raised<br />

by the sale of debentures, repayable with in<strong>te</strong>rest<br />

by 16 half-yearly instalments over a period of<br />

eight (8) years af<strong>te</strong>r the da<strong>te</strong> of issue thereof,<br />

in lieu of the formation of a sinking fund. Such<br />

debentures shall bear in<strong>te</strong>rest at a ra<strong>te</strong> of £4 is. 3d.<br />

per cenum per annum, payable half-yearly. The<br />

amount of the said debentures and in<strong>te</strong>rest thereon<br />

is to be paid at the office of the Busselton Road<br />

Board, Busselton.<br />

The works and undertakings for which the loan<br />

is proposed to be raised, will, in the opinion of the<br />

Board, be of special benefit to the whole of the<br />

Busselton Road District, and any loan ra<strong>te</strong> applicable<br />

may be levied on all ra<strong>te</strong>able land in the<br />

district.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d the 8th day of April, 1952.<br />

F. H. JOLIFFE,<br />

Acting Chairman.<br />

L. M. POWELL,<br />


980 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1945.<br />

Koorda Road Board.<br />

Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to BorrowLoan No. 13.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the<br />

Koorda Road Board, held on 12th March, 1952,<br />

the Koorda Road Board resolved to borrow the sum<br />

of £1,000, to be expended on works and undertakings<br />

in the Koorda Road District, the said<br />

works and undertakings being refit of power grader<br />

and front-end loader.<br />

All particulars showing the proposed expenditure<br />

of the money to be borrowed are open for inspection<br />

by ra<strong>te</strong>payers for one month af<strong>te</strong>r the publication<br />

of this notice, at the offices of the Board in<br />

Railway Street, Koorda, between the hours of 9<br />

am. and 5 p.m. on week days, except Saturdays,<br />

and from 9 am. to 12 noon on Saturdays.<br />

The amount of £1,000 is proposed to be raised<br />

by the sale of debentures, repayable with in<strong>te</strong>rest<br />

by 10 half-yearly instalments over a period of<br />

five years af<strong>te</strong>r the da<strong>te</strong> of issue hereof, in lieu<br />

of the formation of a sinking fund. The debentures<br />

shall bear in<strong>te</strong>rest at a ra<strong>te</strong> not exceeding four<br />

and one-eighth per cent. per annum (4 2s. Gd.<br />

per cent.) payable half-yearly. The amount of<br />

the said debentures and the in<strong>te</strong>rest thereon is to<br />

be paid at the Rural and Industries Bank, Koorda.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 25th day of March, 1952.<br />

A. AITKEN<br />

Chairman.<br />

W. FELGATE,<br />

Secretary.<br />


Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to Borrow.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that the Kuhn Road<br />

Board proposes to borrow the sum of £3,000, to be<br />

expended in the erection of two wood and asbestos<br />

dwellings for rental to employees of the Board.<br />

It is proposed to raise this sum by the sale of<br />

debentures, repayable with in<strong>te</strong>rest by 40 equal halfyearly<br />

instalments over a period of 20 years af<strong>te</strong>r<br />

the da<strong>te</strong> of issue in lieu of the formation of a sinking<br />

fund. The debentures shall bear in<strong>te</strong>rest at<br />

the ra<strong>te</strong> of four and one-eighth per centum per<br />

annum, payable half-yearly. The amount of the<br />

mid debentures and in<strong>te</strong>rest thereon is to be paid<br />

at the National Bank oi Australasia Limi<strong>te</strong>d at<br />

Kuhn.<br />

Plans and specifications and an estima<strong>te</strong> of the<br />

cost of the said workings and undertakings<br />

and a sta<strong>te</strong>ment showing the proposed expenditure<br />

of the money to be borrowed, including<br />

cost of supervision and initial expenditure<br />

in connection with raising of the loan,<br />

are open for inspection at the office of the Board<br />

at Kuhn for one month af<strong>te</strong>r publication of this<br />

notice, between the hours of 9 am. and 5 p.m. on<br />

Mondays to Fridays inclusive.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 10th day of April, 1952.<br />

H. J. HODGSON,<br />

Chairman.<br />

U. J. MUIR, Secretary.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Cuballing Road Board.<br />

Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to Borrow.<br />

Proposed Loan-450.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that the Cuballing Road<br />

Board proposes to borrow the sum of four hundred<br />

and fifty pounds (450), to be expended on<br />

works and undertakings in the Cubalhing Road<br />

District, the said works and undertakings being<br />

the purchase of one drawn road grader.<br />

Plans and specifications and an estima<strong>te</strong> of the<br />

costs of the said works and undertakings and<br />

sta<strong>te</strong>ment showing the proposed expenditure of<br />

the money to be borrowed, are open for inspection<br />

at the office of the Cuballing Road Board, situa<strong>te</strong>d<br />

in Cuballing, for one month from the publication<br />

hereof, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on<br />

week days, except Saturdays.<br />

The amount of £450 is to be raised by the sale<br />

of debentures repayable with in<strong>te</strong>rest by 10 equal<br />

half-yearly instalments over a period of five years<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r the da<strong>te</strong> of issue hereof, in lieu of the formation<br />

of- a -sinking fund. The debenture shall bear<br />

in<strong>te</strong>rest at the ra<strong>te</strong> of four pounds one shilling<br />

and three pence (M is. 3d.) per centum per annum,<br />

payable half-yearly. The amount of the said debentures<br />

and in<strong>te</strong>rest thereon is to be paid at the<br />

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Perth.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 28th day of March, 1952.<br />

S. H. KNIGHT,<br />

Chairman.<br />

A. CLARK, Secretary.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Quairading Road Board.<br />

By-laws Governing Long Service Leave to be<br />

Gran<strong>te</strong>d to Employees of the Quairading Road<br />

Board.<br />

P.W. 585/38.<br />

THE Quairading Road Board, under and by virtue<br />

of the powers conferred on it in that behalf by<br />

the Road Districts Act, 1919-1948, and all other<br />

powers enabling it doth hereby make and publish<br />

the following by-laws:-<br />

1. In the in<strong>te</strong>rpretation of the by-laws the following<br />

words have the meanings assigned to them<br />

hereunder:<br />

"Board" means the Quairading Road Board.<br />

"Continuous service'-' means service in the<br />

employment of this Board during which an employee<br />

has not been absent from the service of the<br />

Board for a continuous period of more than two<br />

days or an aggrega<strong>te</strong> period of more than 10 days<br />

without leave of absence being gran<strong>te</strong>d by the<br />

Board, proivded that an employee who was em-<br />

ployed by the Board on a permanent basis immedia<strong>te</strong>ly<br />

prior to en<strong>te</strong>ring continuous full-time<br />

service with the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth<br />

of Australia, or who was direc<strong>te</strong>d by the<br />

Manpower Directora<strong>te</strong> to serve elsewhere, between<br />

the third day of Sep<strong>te</strong>mber, - 1939 and the<br />

third day of March, 1947, shall have such service<br />

coun<strong>te</strong>d as continuous service with this Board,<br />

provided the requisi<strong>te</strong> proof is produced.<br />

2. All employees of the Board shall af<strong>te</strong>r each<br />

period of 10 years' continuous service as permanent<br />

full-time employees thereof commencing from 1st<br />

February, 1936, be entitled to three months' long<br />

service leave. Long service leave shall be taken<br />

at the convenience of the Board, who will, as far<br />

as possible, meet with the wishes of the employee,<br />

but the Board may require the employee to take<br />

leave by giving not less than three months' notice.<br />

3. Absence on account of sickness shall not be<br />

deemed to be a break in continuity of service, providing<br />

the period of absence shall not exceed three<br />

months in any year, unless otherwise decided by<br />

the Board.<br />

4. Employees due to take long service leave shall<br />

be paid (a) their salary or wage for the period<br />

thereof at the ra<strong>te</strong> equivalent to the average daily<br />

ra<strong>te</strong> of pay over the preceding 12 months; (b)<br />

the Board may at its discretion either (1) pay<br />

to an employee his wages or salary periodically during<br />

long service leave, or (2) pay to the employee<br />

in advance a sum representing the amount of his<br />

wages or salary for the period of this long service<br />

leave.<br />

5. Employees shall not be entitled to long service<br />

leave until the completion of 10 years' service.<br />

Af<strong>te</strong>r the completion of the first 10 years, employees<br />

will then be entitled to a pro rata payment<br />

if they leave the service of the Board before the<br />

next period is comple<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

Passed by the Quairading Road Board at the<br />

ordinary meeting of the Board held on the 11th<br />

October, 1951.<br />

T. W. ETTRIDGE,<br />

Chairman.<br />

J. R. T. KEAST,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Recommended- (Sgd.) VICTOR DONEY,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council this 9th day of April, 1952.<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 981<br />




FUNDS ACT, 1947.<br />

Williams Road Board.<br />

Local Government Department,<br />

Perth, 18th April, 1952.<br />

L.G. 579.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council,<br />

acting under the provisions of section 3 of the<br />

Superannuation, Sick, Death, Insurance. Guaran<strong>te</strong>e<br />

and Endowment (Local Governing Bodies' Employees)<br />

Funds Act, 1947, has been pleased to<br />

approve of the Endowment Scheme described in<br />

the First Schedule hereto and formula<strong>te</strong>d by the<br />

Williams Road Board (a Cornoration within the<br />

meaning and for the purpose of the said Act); and<br />

further to approve the agreements described in the<br />

second schedule hereto as necessary or convenient<br />

for carrying into operation or for facilitating the<br />

operation of the Endowment Scheme.<br />

GEO. S. LINDSAY,<br />

Secretary for Local Government.<br />

First Schedule.<br />

Williams Road Board scheme da<strong>te</strong>d the 15th day<br />

of February, 1952, for establishing and adminis<strong>te</strong>ring<br />

an Endowment Fund under the provisions of<br />

the Superannuation, Sick, Death, Insurance Guaran<strong>te</strong>e<br />

and Endowment (Local Governing Bodies'<br />

Employees) Funds Act, 1947, and the Regulations<br />

made thereunder and published in the Government<br />

Gazet<strong>te</strong> on the 2nd day of August, 1949.<br />

Second Schedule.<br />

Agreement between the Australian Mutual Provident<br />

Society and the Commit<strong>te</strong>e of the Williams<br />

Road Board Staff Contributing Endowment Fund,<br />

da<strong>te</strong>d 15th February, 1952.<br />

THE DOG ACT, 1903-1948.<br />

Dundas Road Board.<br />

By-law for Control of Dogs.<br />

P.W. 1125/42.<br />

PURSUANT to an Order in Council under section<br />

35A of the Dog Act, 1903-1948, the Dundas Road<br />

Board doth hereby make the following by-law for<br />

the control of dogs in the townsi<strong>te</strong> of Norseman.<br />

No person being the owner or keeper of any<br />

dog shall permit the dog to be in or upon<br />

any part or portion of any road, footpath or<br />

reserve in that part of the Norseman Townsi<strong>te</strong><br />

bounded by the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn alignment of<br />

Roberts Street and the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn alignment<br />

of Prinsep Street between the Northern alignment<br />

of Ramsay Street and the Southern alignment of<br />

Alisop Street at any time unless such dog is upon<br />

a leash attached to a collar around its neck and the<br />

leash is held by the owner or keeper of the dog.<br />

Any dog found unat<strong>te</strong>nded and not under<br />

proper control within that portion of the townsi<strong>te</strong><br />

specified may be seized and dealt with in accordance<br />

with the provisions of the Dog Act and in addition<br />

the person permitting the dog to be in that portion<br />

of the townsi<strong>te</strong> mentioned shall be liable to a<br />

penalty of not more than £5.<br />

Passed by a resolution of the Dundas Road Board<br />

at a meeting held on the 9th day of March, 1952.<br />

L. DODD, Chairman.<br />

W. G KERR,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Recommended.- (Sgd.) VICTOR DONEY,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council this 9th day of April, 1952.<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Harvey Road District.<br />

Building By-laws.<br />

P.W. 1425/37.<br />

PURSUANT to the powers conferred by the Road<br />

Districts Act, 1919-1948, the Harvey Road Board<br />

hereby amends the building by-law published in<br />

the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> of the 19th August, 1949,<br />

at pages 2125-2 134, both inclusive, as follows:-<br />

By inserting a new paragraph af<strong>te</strong>r paragraph<br />

3 to stand as paragraph 3A as follows:-<br />

3A. All building by-laws made by the Bunbury<br />

Road Board are hereby repealed insofar<br />

as they apply to that portion of the former<br />

Bunbury Road District which now forms portion<br />

of the Harvey Road District.<br />

By adding to the Third Schedule the words,<br />

"as existing on the first day of August, 1951".<br />

Passed by the Harvey Road Board at a meeting<br />

held on the 18th day of March, 1952.<br />

T. W. D. SMITH,<br />

Chairman.<br />

W. R. ECKERSLEY,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Recommended- (Sgd.) VICTOR DONEY,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council this 9th day of April, 1952.<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948, AND<br />


IMPOUNDING ACT, 1882-1932.<br />

Bassendean Road Board.<br />

Amendment to By-laws re Sus<strong>te</strong>nance Fees.<br />

P.W. 1467/49.<br />

THE by-law relative to poundage fees and sus<strong>te</strong>nance<br />

charges, made-- by- -the Bassendean Road<br />

Board and published in the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong><br />

on the 13th August, 1948, page 1836, is hereby<br />

amended by deleting the i<strong>te</strong>m under the heading<br />

of "Sus<strong>te</strong>nance Fees" and inserting the following<br />

in lieu thereof :-<br />

Sus<strong>te</strong>nance Fees.<br />

-Great Cattle and Small Cattle-8s. per diem, or<br />

fraction thereof.<br />

In these by-laws "Great Cattle" means mare,<br />

gelding, mule, filly, ass, colt, ox, cow, heifer, calf,<br />

camel, deer. "Small Cattle" means ram, sheep,<br />

wether, lamb, goat, pig.<br />

The above resolution was passed by the Bassendean<br />

Road Board on the 12th day of March, 1952.<br />

C. J. FREIBERG,<br />

Chairman.<br />

BERT GALE, Secreta y.<br />

Recommended- (Sgd.) VICTOR DONEY,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council this 9th day of April, 1952.<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

THE TRAFFIC ACT, 1919-1951.<br />

Three Springs Road Board.<br />

Parking By-laws.<br />

P.W. 1871/29.<br />

THE Three Springs Road Board, pursuant to an<br />

Order in Council under section 49 of the Traffic<br />

Act, 1919-1951, published in the Government

982 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

Gazet<strong>te</strong> on the 2nd day of November, 1951, and<br />

in exercise of the powers thereby conferred, doth<br />

hereby make the following by-laws regulating the<br />

parking of vehicles in the townsi<strong>te</strong>s of Kadathinni<br />

and Three Springs' within the Three Springs Road<br />

District:-<br />

Notwithstanding anything contained in regulations<br />

105 and 106 of the Traffic Regulations, 1936,<br />

no person shall park any motor car or utility on<br />

the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn side of Railway Road, except at an<br />

angle of 45 degrees to the kerb, and it will not be<br />

permissible for any trucks or semi-trailers to be<br />

parked on any portion of the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn side of<br />

Railway Road. All vehicles must be parallel parked<br />

on the Eas<strong>te</strong>rn side of Railway Road.<br />

Notwithstanding anything contained in regutions<br />

105 and 106 of the Traffic Regulations, 1936,<br />

no person shall park any vehicle in any portion<br />

of Hall Street, Maley Street, or Station Street,<br />

except at an angle of 45 degrees to the kerb.<br />

Notwithstanding any regulation or by-law<br />

requiring or permitting the parking of vehicles at<br />

an angle to the kerb, no person shall park any<br />

vehicle in any road within the Town Ward of<br />

the Three Springs Road District so that any part<br />

of such vehicle is more than l5ft. distant from<br />

the kerb, measured at right angles to the kerb.<br />

Wherever the local authority has inscribed<br />

the words "No Parking" in any space in any street,<br />

no person shall park any vehicle over or partly over<br />

the space occupied by such inscription.<br />

No person in charge of any vehicle shall cause<br />

or permit such vehicle to stand at any time on a<br />

public road or in a public parking place in such a<br />

manner as to cause a double line of parking, or<br />

otherwise so to hamper or prevent the withdrawal<br />

of any other vehicle from the place where it is<br />

parked.<br />

Penalty for breach of any of the foregoing<br />

by-laws, not more than £20.<br />

Passed at a meeting of the Three Springs Road<br />

Board on the 3rd March, 1952.<br />

C. F. THOMAS,<br />

Chairman.<br />

K. TRUMAN, Secretary.<br />

Recommended- (Sgd.) VICTOR DONEY,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Local Government.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council this 9th day of April, 1952.<br />

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Merredin Road Board.<br />

Local Government Department,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

P.W. 413/35.<br />

IT is hereby notified for general information that<br />

His Excellency the Governor has approved of the<br />

erection of a house for an employee of the Board<br />

on lot 273, Merredin, as a work and undertaking<br />

for which money may be borrowed under Part VII<br />

of the Road Districts Act, 1919-1948, by the<br />

Merredin Road Board.<br />

GEO. S. LINDSAY,<br />

Secretary for Local Government.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Williams Road Board.<br />

Local Government Department,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

P.W. 700/25.<br />

IT is hereby notified for general information that<br />

the Governor has approved of the purchase and<br />

renovation of a hail, two shops and adjoining land<br />

as a work and undertaking for which money may<br />

be borrowed under Part VII of the Road Districts<br />

Act, 1919-1948, by the Williams Road Board.<br />

GEO. S. LINDSAY,<br />

Secretary for Local Government.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Moora Road Board.<br />

Local Government Department,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

P.W. 1261/37.<br />

IT is hereby notified for general information that<br />

the Governor has approved of(1) electricity distribution,<br />

and (2) repairs and al<strong>te</strong>rations to drains,<br />

as a work and undertaking for which money may<br />

be borrowed under Part VII of the Road Districts<br />

Act, 1919-1948, by the Moora Road Board.<br />

GEO. S. LINDSAY,<br />

Secretary for Local Government.<br />

ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1948.<br />

Koorda Road Board.<br />

Local Government Department,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

P.W. 1853/49.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that<br />

His Excellency the Governor has approved of the<br />

purchase of a tractor and grader refit as a work<br />

and undertaking for which money may be borrowed<br />

under Part VII of the Road Districts Act, 19 19-<br />

1948, by the Koorda Road Board.<br />

GEO. S. LINDSAY,<br />

Secretary for Local Government.<br />

MARKETING OF EGGS ACT, 1945-1949.<br />

Department of Agriculture,<br />

Perth, 9th April, 1952.<br />

Ex. Co. No. 696.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that His Excellency the<br />

Governor in Executive Council acting pursuant to<br />

sections 7 and 13 of the Marketing of Eggs Act,<br />

1945-1949, has been pleased to appoint Wilfred<br />

Stanislaus Caswell, of Division Street, Weishpool,<br />

for a period of thre years from the 3rd day of<br />

April, 1952, a member of the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australian<br />

Egg Marketing Board established under the said<br />

Act, the said Wilfred Stanislaus Caswell having<br />

been duly elec<strong>te</strong>d by the commercial producers in<br />

accordance with the said Act and the regulations<br />

thereunder, at an election held on the 6th day of<br />

March, 1952, the result of which election was certified<br />

under the hand of the Returning Officer and<br />

published in the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> on the 14th<br />

day of March, 1952:<br />

C. G. LATHAM,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Agriculture.<br />

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in<br />

Executive Council, 9th April, 1952.<br />

R. H. DOIG,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

MARKETING OF EGGS ACT, 1945-1949.<br />

Department of Agriculture,<br />

Perth, 9th April, 1952.<br />

HIS Excellency the Governor acting pursuant to<br />

sections 7 and 13 of the Marketing of Eggs Act,<br />

1945-1949, has been pleased to appoint for a further<br />

period of three years as from 3rd day of April, 1952,<br />

George Frederick Charles, as a consumers' representative<br />

member of the Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australian Egg<br />

Marketing Board.<br />

C. G. LATHAM,<br />

Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Agriculture.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 983<br />

Tender<br />

Board<br />

No.<br />


Da<strong>te</strong>. Contractor.<br />

Schedule<br />

No.<br />

Accep<strong>te</strong>d Tenders.<br />

Particulars.<br />

Department Ra.<br />

1952.<br />

175/52 April 10 Skipper Bailey Motor 97A, 6 only Diesel Road Rollers, de- Public Works £3,685 each.<br />

Coy., Ltd<br />

1952 livered F.O.R. Perth, plus £212 each roller.<br />

Awnings, Curtains and Electric<br />

Startings<br />

Portion I<strong>te</strong>m 1-2 only super<br />

£3,200.<br />

diesel road rollers<br />

West End Motors Pty...... 1 only 2 Diesel Engined Road £4,472.<br />

Ltd Rollers, delivered Plant Engineer's<br />

Depot<br />

Plus xtras £660 16s.<br />

181/52 do. K. L. Distributors . 10L, 2 only Heavy Duty Graders<br />

do. £7,590 each.<br />

1952 Plus additional equipment<br />

£342.<br />

Wesfarmers Tutt Bry- 6 only Engine Driven Graders<br />

£7,854 each.<br />

ant Pty., Ltd<br />

2 only "D" Graders ........<br />

£3,351 each.<br />

Lynas Motors Pty., Ltd..... 2 only Tandem Diesel Road £9,850 each.<br />

Builder Graders<br />

4 only Diesel powered Road-<br />

£4,230 each, less<br />

mas<strong>te</strong>r Graders<br />

5%.<br />

Industrial Sales & 8cr- 6 only "Greyhound Rollers," .,<br />

£3,250 each.<br />

vice Co., Ltd<br />

cx Works, Belmont<br />

146/52 do. Gilbert Lodge & Coy., 89A, 2 only Mobile Air Compressors, do £2,005 18s. 6d.<br />

Ltd<br />

1952 I<strong>te</strong>m 1, F.O.R. or delivered<br />

each.<br />

Perth<br />

Ingersoll Rand (Aust.) I<strong>te</strong>m 2-6 only Portable Air £1,695 each, less<br />

Pty., Ltd Compressor Units, P.O.W 10%.<br />

Melbourne<br />

163/52 do. Beam Service Station 86A, Purchase and Removal of do.<br />

£175.<br />

1952 Second-hand Wehr Graders<br />

(Eng. No. P17483)<br />

184/52 do. F. W. Newman i0O, Purchase and Removal of do<br />

£360 lOs.<br />

1952 Second-hand Mercury Sedan<br />

(Eng. No. 2C2773F)<br />

193/52 do. R. Norman Read l05, Purchase and Removal of<br />

1952 Second-hand Single Magazine Govt. Prin<strong>te</strong>r £310.<br />

Linotype<br />

161/52 do. S. W. Hart & Coy 82A, 1 only Hot Wa<strong>te</strong>r Storage Cylin- Public Works .... £69 lOs.<br />

1952 der for Dwellingup Sta<strong>te</strong><br />

Ho<strong>te</strong>l<br />

1236/51 do. Musgroves, Ltd..... 53A, Tuning of Pianos for Education Education £3 per tuning.<br />

1952 Department during period<br />

ending 31st December, 1952<br />

160/52 do. Beam Service Station 85A, Purchase and Removal of Public Works £175.<br />

1952 Second-hand Wehr Grader,<br />

Engine No. 722092<br />

93/52 do 42A, Electric Cooking Equipment, do.<br />

1952 delivered Claremont Mental<br />

Hospital, as follows<br />

Ray J. Sharpe Pty.,<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m Ai Roast Oven<br />

£355.<br />

Ltd<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m AI Roast Oven<br />

£425.<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m Bi Boiling Table £206 6s. 6d.<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m Ci Electric Griddle £41 8s. 6d.<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m E-1 Electric Pastry £161 Is.<br />

Oven<br />

British General Electric I<strong>te</strong>m Bi Electric Two £150.<br />

Coy. Pty., Ltd Pan Fish Fryer<br />

1378/51 do. Musgroves, Ltd..... 1A,<br />

1952<br />

1323/51 do. W. M. Couper & Co 535A,<br />

1951<br />

167/52 do 84A,<br />

1952<br />

1 only New Lyric Piano, de<br />

livered to St. Joseph's Orphan<br />

age<br />

Regulating Valve, F,O.R. Perth<br />

or Loftus Street Store<br />

Electrical Equipment, delivered<br />

to Sta<strong>te</strong> Engineering Works,<br />

as follows :-<br />

Geo. Wills & Coy., Ltd I<strong>te</strong>m 1-100 yds. Armoured<br />

Cable<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m 2-2 only Cable Term<br />

inal Boxes<br />

Lot<strong>te</strong>ries Commis- £215.<br />

Metropolitan Wa<strong>te</strong>r<br />

Supply<br />

Public Works<br />

£1,110 Australian<br />

Currency.<br />

Ra<strong>te</strong>s, etc., on<br />

application.<br />

do. do.<br />

British General Electric I<strong>te</strong>m 3Strain Insulators £1 18s. 6d. each.<br />

Coy. Pty., Ltd I<strong>te</strong>m 4Chemical Fuse £10 19s. each.<br />

Mounts, F.O.B. Sydney<br />

Harris Scarfe & San-<br />

I<strong>te</strong>m 5Ligh<strong>te</strong>ning Ar-<br />

£12 19s. 7d. each.<br />

dovers, Ltd<br />

213/52 do. Mas<strong>te</strong>rs Dairy Pty.,<br />

Limi<strong>te</strong>d<br />

176/52 do. W.A. Industrial Sales<br />

& Service Coy<br />

ii6A,<br />

1952<br />

95A,<br />

1952<br />

restors<br />

Pas<strong>te</strong>urised Milk for Merredin<br />

and Northam Hospitals, during<br />

period 1st May, 1952, to<br />

30th April, 1953<br />

1 only 3-Tyne Ripper, ex Works,<br />

Belmont<br />

Health ........ Ra<strong>te</strong>s, etc., on<br />

application.<br />

Public Works £695.

984 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1118 April, 1952.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong> of<br />

Advertising.<br />

1952.<br />


Tenders for Government Supplies.<br />

Schedule<br />

No.<br />

Tenders addressed to the Chairman, Tender Board, Perth, will be received for the abovementioned until 10 a.m. on the da<strong>te</strong><br />

of closing.<br />

Tenders must be properly indorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection.<br />

Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, Murray Street, Perth.<br />

No <strong>te</strong>nder necessarily accep<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

A. H. TELFER,<br />

18th April, 1952. Chairman.<br />


(pursuant to Part III of the Registration of Births,<br />

Deaths and Marriages Act, 1894-1948).<br />

Registrar General's Office,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

Appointment.<br />

IT is hereby published, for general information,<br />

that the undermentioned minis<strong>te</strong>rs have been duly<br />

regis<strong>te</strong>red in this office for the Celebration of Marriages<br />

throughout the Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia :-<br />

R.G. No., Da<strong>te</strong>, Denomination and Name, Residence,<br />

Registry District.<br />

Roman Catholic Church.<br />

23/52; 9/4/52; Rev. George Spolitakewycz; The<br />

Presby<strong>te</strong>ry, 50 Vincent Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley;<br />

Perth.<br />

23/52; 9/4/52; Rev. John Lynch; The Presby<strong>te</strong>ry,<br />

Hammad Street, Palmyra; Fremantle.<br />

R. J. LITTLE,<br />

Registrar General.<br />


(under section 6 of the Registration of Births,<br />

Deaths and Marriages Act, 1894-1948.)<br />

Registrar General's Office,<br />

Perth, 16th April, 1952.<br />

THE following appointments have been approved:-<br />

R.G. No. 104/41Sergeant John Reidy Trekardo<br />

to act, <strong>te</strong>mporarily as Assistant District Registrar<br />

of Births and Deaths for the Blackwood Registry<br />

District, to maintain an office at Manjimup, during<br />

the absence on leave of Sergeant Stanley James<br />

Strahhn; appointment to da<strong>te</strong> from 10th April,<br />

1952.<br />

R.G. No. 12/43William Fergusson Laskey to act<br />

<strong>te</strong>mporarily as Acting District Registrar of Births,<br />

Deaths, and Marriages for the Perth Registry District,<br />

pending a, permanent appointment to the position<br />

and during the absence on leave of Mr.<br />

Raymond George Champion; appointment to da<strong>te</strong><br />

from' 16th April, 1952.<br />

R. J. LITTLE,<br />

Registrar General.<br />

Supplies required.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong> of<br />

Closing.<br />

1952.<br />

Ex<strong>te</strong>nded to<br />

Mar. 27 135A, 1952 Transformer, 100 1(.V.A., for Wicherina Punipi,ng Station May 1<br />

April 8 143A, 1952 Refrigerator Cabinet for Claremont Mental Hospital Slay 1<br />

April 8 149A, 1952 Potato Peeler for Wooroloo Sanatorium Slay 1<br />

April 17 155A, 1952 Firewood, 6 ft. lengths, for Kalgoorlie Abattoirs May 1<br />

April 17 152A, 1952 Vegetables and S<strong>te</strong>amers for Wooroloo Sanitoriun'i .. -. May 8<br />

April 17 153A, 1952 Dishwasher for Claremont Mental Hospital May 8<br />

April 8 144A, 1952 Shadowless Lamps for Fremantle Hospital Slay 8<br />

April 8 l46A, 1952 Suspension Clamps ........................ May S<br />

Feb. 14 67A, 1952 tPoints and Crossings for W.A.G.R. Commission *May 8<br />

Feb. 28 96A, 1952 Cast Manganese Railway Crossings May 22<br />

Mar. 25 l32A, 1952 Pumping Machinery for Collie Sewage Pumping Station No. 2 Slay 29<br />

April 17 156A, 1952 Bitumen Hea<strong>te</strong>rs, 500-gallon May 29<br />

* Particulars also available from office of the Agent General for Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia in London.<br />

t Drawings chargeable £5 for the full set, £4 lOs. for drawings of the switches and lOs. for drawings of the crossings.<br />

Drawings chargeable £2 for first set and lOs. for subsequent sets.<br />

1952.<br />

April 8<br />

April 8<br />

April 10<br />

April 17<br />

April 8<br />

April 8<br />

April 8<br />

145A, 1952<br />

147A, 1952<br />

151A, 1952<br />

154A, 1952<br />

148A, 1952<br />

150A, 1952<br />

142A, 1952<br />

For Sale by Tender.<br />

"Cletrac" 1945 model Tractor with Hydraulic Dozer Gear<br />

Ruston Bucyrus Shovel<br />

Electric Motor, 71 H.P., and Circular Saws ....<br />

Hornet Power Saw (Recalled)<br />

Masoni<strong>te</strong> Huts at Mundaring Weir<br />

Approx. 26th 4in. diame<strong>te</strong>r Hume Concre<strong>te</strong> Pipe cx Moora<br />

Sharples C 27 Super D Hydrator and all necessary spares<br />

1952.<br />

April 24<br />

April 24<br />

April 24<br />

May 1<br />

Slay 1<br />

Slay 1<br />

Slay 8<br />

THE MINING ACT, 1904.<br />

(Regulation 180.)<br />

Warden's Office,<br />

Cue, 3rd April, 1952.<br />

TAKE notice that it is the in<strong>te</strong>ntion of the Warden<br />

of the Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the da<strong>te</strong><br />

mentioned, to issue out of the Warden's Court an<br />

order authorising the cancellation of registration<br />

of the undermentioned Mining Tenements, in<br />

accordance with regulation 180 of the Mining Act,<br />

1904. An order may issue in the absence of the<br />

regis<strong>te</strong>red holder, but should he desire to object<br />

to such order, he must, before the da<strong>te</strong> mentioned,<br />

lodge at the Warden's Office an objection containing<br />

the grounds of such objection, and, on the<br />

da<strong>te</strong> mentioned, the Warden will proceed to hear<br />

and de<strong>te</strong>rmine the same, in accordance with the<br />

evidence then submit<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

M. HARWOOD,<br />

Warden.<br />

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Cue, on Friday,<br />

the 16th day of May, 1952.<br />


Cue District.<br />

Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Regis<strong>te</strong>red<br />

Holder, Address, Reason for Resumption.<br />

Mineral Claims.<br />

27Cassidy, James Edward; Cue; non-payment<br />

of rent.<br />

30Ball, Reginald Arthur and Zadow, John<br />

Claude; Cue; non-payment of rent.<br />

41Watkins, Thomas John, and Watkins, Thomas<br />

Elliott; Big Bell; non-payment of rent.<br />

42Car<strong>te</strong>r, Nellie; Big Bell; non-payment of rent.<br />

43Zadow, John Claude, and Ball, Reginald<br />

Arthur; Cue; non-payment of rent.<br />

44Cassidy, James Edward; Cue; non-payment<br />

of rent.

18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 98<br />

Garden Areas.<br />

26Schmidt, John S<strong>te</strong>phen; Big Bell; non-payment<br />

of rent.<br />

41Seivwright, Charles David Robert; Glen<br />

Station, via Big Bell; no Miner's Right,<br />

non-payment of rent.<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Right.<br />

157Schmidt, John S<strong>te</strong>phen; Big Bell; non-payment<br />

of rent.<br />

Day Dawn District.<br />

Garden Areas.<br />

20DSheedy, Daniel Gladstone; Cue; non-payment<br />

of rent.<br />

21DSheecly, Daniel Gladstone; Cue; non-payment<br />

of rent.<br />

23DZadow, John Claude; Cue; non-payment of<br />

rent.<br />

THE MINING ACT, 1904.<br />

(Regulation 180.)<br />

Warden's Office,<br />

Meekatharra, 28th March, 1952.<br />

TAKE notice that it is the in<strong>te</strong>ntion of the Warden<br />

of the Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the da<strong>te</strong><br />

mentioned, to issue out of the Warden's Court an<br />

order authorising the cancellation of registration<br />

of the undermentioned Mining Tenements, in<br />

accordance with Regulation 180 of the Mining Act,<br />

1904. An order may issue in the absence of the<br />

regis<strong>te</strong>red holder, but should he desire to object<br />

to such order he must, before the da<strong>te</strong> mentioned,<br />

lodge at the Warden's Office an objection containing<br />

the grounds of such objection, and, on the da<strong>te</strong><br />

mentioned, the Warden will proceed to hear and<br />

de<strong>te</strong>rmine the same, in accordance with the evidence<br />

then submit<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

M. HARWOOD,<br />

Warden.<br />

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Meekatharra,<br />

on Wednesday, the 7th day of May, 1952.<br />

Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Regis<strong>te</strong>red<br />

Holder, Address, Reason for Resumption.<br />


Meekatharra District.<br />

Suicing and Dredging Claims.<br />

SNBuilder, Thomas Clarke, Meekatharra and<br />

Higgins, Timothy Smiddy, Geraldton;<br />

non-payment of rent and (Higgins) no<br />

Miner's Right.<br />

6NBuilder, Thomas Clarke, Meekatharra and<br />

Higgins, Timothy Smiddy, Geraldton;<br />

non-payment of rent and (Higgins)<br />

no Miner's Right.<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Right.<br />

41NWardell-Johnson, Herbert; Wiluna; nonpayment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

Business Area.<br />

224NSimpson, Ethel Ka<strong>te</strong>; Meekatharra; nonpayment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

Machinery Area.<br />

25NMars Gold Mines Limi<strong>te</strong>d; Perth; non-payment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />


Mineral Claims.<br />

43PParkinson, Leslie Thomas; Meekatharra;<br />

non-payment of rent.<br />

48PAnglo-Westralian Mining Pty. Ltd.; Big-<br />

Bell; non-payment of rent and no<br />

Miner's Right.<br />

49PGrant, Ronald Arthur; Meekatharra; nonpayment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

50PGrant, Ronald Arthur; Meekatharra; nonpayment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

SiPGrant, Ronald Arthur; Meekatharra; nonpayment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

52PParkinson, Leslie Thomas; Meekatharra;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Right.<br />

53PThe Broken Hill Pty. Company Ltd.; Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Right.<br />

54PAnglo-Westralian Mining Pty. Ltd.; Big-<br />

Bell; non-payment of rent and no<br />

Miner's Right.<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Rights.<br />

3WAustralian Machinery and Investment Coy.<br />

Ltd.; Perth; non-payment of rent and<br />

no Miner's Right.<br />

52PAustralian Machinery and Investment Coy.<br />

Ltd.; Perth; non-payment of rent and<br />

no Miner's Right.<br />

Machinery Area.<br />

15PAustralian Machinery and Investment Coy.<br />

Ltd.; Perth; non-payment of rent and<br />

no Miner's Right.<br />

Quarrying Area.<br />

1PAnglo-Westralian Mining Pty. Ltd. Big-<br />

Bell; non-payment of rent and no<br />

Miner's Right.<br />

Residential Area.<br />

98PThe Broken Hill Pty. Company Ltd.; Perth;<br />

no Miner's Right.<br />

THE MINING ACT, 1904.<br />

(Regulation 180.)<br />

Warden's Office,<br />

Bridgetown, 7th March, 1952.<br />

TAKE notice that it is the in<strong>te</strong>ntion of the Warden<br />

of the Mineral Field mentioned hereunder, on<br />

the da<strong>te</strong> mentioned, to issue out of the Warden's<br />

Court an order authorising the cancellation of<br />

registration of the undermentioned Mining Tenements,<br />

in accordance with Regulation 180 of the<br />

Mining Act, 1904. An order may issue in the<br />

absence of the regis<strong>te</strong>red holder, but should he<br />

desire to object to such order he must, before<br />

the da<strong>te</strong> mentioned, lodge at the Warden's Office<br />

an objection containing the grounds of such objec-<br />

tion, and, on the da<strong>te</strong> mentioned, the Warden<br />

will proceed to hear and de<strong>te</strong>rmine the same, in<br />

accordance with the evidence then submit<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

L. W. STOTI'ER,<br />

Warden.<br />

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Bridgetown,<br />

on Wednesday, the 23rd day of April, 1952.<br />

Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Regis<strong>te</strong>red<br />

Holder, Address, Reason -for Resumption.<br />


Mineral Claims.<br />

56L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and 3. J. Fox; Box P328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Rights.<br />

57L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and J. 3. Fox; Box P328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

63L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and J. J. Fox; Box P328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Rights.<br />

64L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and J. J. Fox; Box P328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Rights. -<br />

72L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and J. 3. Fox; Box F328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Rights.<br />

73L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and 3. J. Fox; Box P328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Rights.<br />

89W. G. Pickering; 65 The Avenue, Nedlands;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right.

986 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

95J. J. Fox; Box F328, G.P.O., Perth; nonpayment<br />

of rent and no Miner's Right.<br />

109C. L. K. Foot; 5 Hardy Street, South Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent.<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Rights.<br />

286L. M. Deane-Freeman, F. E. Deane-Freeman<br />

and J. J. Fox; Box P328, G.P.O., Perth;<br />

non-payment of rent and no Miner's<br />

Rights.<br />

Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia.<br />

COMPANIES ACT, 1943-1951.<br />

Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to Cease Business in Wes<strong>te</strong>rn<br />

Australia Pursuant to Section 337.<br />

Anselme Dewavrin Fils et Cie<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that Anselme Dewavrin Pus<br />

et Cie, a Company regis<strong>te</strong>red under Part XI of the<br />

Companies Act, 1943-1951, and having its Regis<strong>te</strong>red<br />

Office at 156 St. George's Terrace, Perth, in the<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia in<strong>te</strong>nds vountarily to<br />

cease to carry on business in the said Sta<strong>te</strong> on and<br />

af<strong>te</strong>r the 20th day of July, 1952.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 31st day of March, 1952.<br />


Agent in Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia.<br />

This notice is given by Robinson, Cox & Co.,<br />

Solicitors for the above Company.<br />

COMPANIES ACT, 1943-1946.<br />

Notice of Change in Situation of Regis<strong>te</strong>red Office<br />

and of the Days and Hours such Office is<br />

Accessible to the Public.<br />

Pursuant to Section 99 (4).<br />

The Great Southern Brickworks Pty. Ltd.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that the Regis<strong>te</strong>red Office<br />

of the Great Southern Brickworks Pty. Ltd; was,<br />

on the 8th day of April, 1952, changed to and is now<br />

situa<strong>te</strong>d. at Albany Highway, Albany.<br />

The days and hours during which the regis<strong>te</strong>red<br />

office of The Great Southern Brickworks Pty. Ltd.<br />

is accessible to the public are, as from the 8th day<br />

of April,- 1952, as follows:-7.30 am. to 4.15 p.m.<br />

on Mondays to Fridays only.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 8th day Of ApIil, 1952.<br />

H. EVERETT,<br />

*<br />

Secretary.<br />

COMPANIES ACT, 1943-1951.<br />

Notice of In<strong>te</strong>ntion to Apply for Exemption.<br />

Pursuant to Section 369 (1).<br />

Harvey Producers Co-operative Company Limi<strong>te</strong>d.<br />


PANY LIMITED, hereby gives notice of its in<strong>te</strong>ntion<br />

to apply to the Minis<strong>te</strong>r for Justice for exemption<br />

in the case of the shares of the said Harvey<br />

Producers Co-operative Company Limi<strong>te</strong>d:<br />

(a) From the provisions of paragraph (a), section<br />

369 (1) of the Companies Act, 1943-1951, forbidding<br />

persons to go from place to place offering<br />

to the public or any member of the public shares<br />

for subscription, purchase or exchange.<br />

(a) From the provisions of paragraph (b) of<br />

section 369 (1) of the Companies Act, 1943-1951,<br />

forbidding a -person to make an offer in writing -<br />

to any member of the public of any shares for purchase<br />

unless the offer is made by or through an<br />

authorised sharebroker and the other requirements<br />

of such paragraph are complied with.<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d this 9th day of April, 1952.<br />

J. DYSON,<br />

Secretary.<br />

W.A. COMPANIES -ACT, 1943-1949.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that. the Final Meeting of<br />

shareholders of Wadema Limi<strong>te</strong>d (in liquidation)<br />

will be held at the office of Messrs. King, Lissiman<br />

& Co., 15 Howard Street, Perth, on Wednesday, the<br />

21st day of May, 1952, at 12 noon.<br />

Business:To place before the shareholders a<br />

sta<strong>te</strong>ment of the winding-up of the above Company<br />

and to give any explanation thereon that may be<br />

required.<br />

C. H. KING,<br />

Liquidator.<br />



gives notice that its Regis<strong>te</strong>red Office was, on the<br />

4th day of April, 1952, changed to 91 Brookman<br />

Street, Kalgoorlie.<br />

T. NAUGHTON,<br />

Secretary.<br />

O'Dea & O'Dea, Solicitors, Kalgoorlie.<br />

TAKE notice that the Partnership heretofore subsisting<br />

between Robert Alexander Bax<strong>te</strong>r, Claude<br />

Aubrey Bax<strong>te</strong>r, Jack Bax<strong>te</strong>r and Kenneth William<br />

Bax<strong>te</strong>r carrying on business at Cunderdin under<br />

the style or business name of "R. L. BAXTER &<br />

Sons" was dissolved by mutual consent on the 30th<br />

day of June, 1950.<br />


of 110 Fitzgerald Street, Northam,<br />

Solicitors for the Partners.<br />



IN the -mat<strong>te</strong>r of the Will of Agnes Annie Watkins,<br />

la<strong>te</strong> of Cleopatta Street, Palmyra, in the Sta<strong>te</strong><br />

of Wes<strong>te</strong>rn Australia, formerly of 49 Canning<br />

Road, East Fremantle, in the said Sta<strong>te</strong>,<br />

Widow, deceased.<br />

ALL claims or demands against the esta<strong>te</strong> of the<br />

abovenamed deceased must be sent in writing to<br />

the Executor, The West Australian Trus<strong>te</strong>e, Executor<br />

and Agency Company Limi<strong>te</strong>d, 135 St. George's<br />

Terrace, Perth, on or before the 19th day of May,<br />

1952, af<strong>te</strong>r which da<strong>te</strong> the said Executor will<br />

proceed to distribu<strong>te</strong> the assets of the said<br />

deceased amongst- -the persons entitled thereto<br />

having regard only to the claims and demands of<br />

which it shall then have had notice. -<br />

Da<strong>te</strong>d the 10th day of April, 1952.<br />

A. D. SMITH,<br />

of 135 St. George's Terrace, Perth,<br />

Solicitor for the Executor.<br />



THE next issue of the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> will be<br />

published on - Thursday, 24th April, 1952, in lieu<br />

of Ansac Day, 25th April, 1952. -<br />

All notices for insertion therein must be received<br />

at the Government Printing Office BEFORE 10 a.m.<br />

on Wednesday, 23rd April, 1952.<br />


- (Published Quar<strong>te</strong>rly.)<br />

THE Annual subscription to the above is seven<br />

shillings and sixpence and the charge for -a single<br />

copy, two shillings and sixpence.<br />

The subscription may be sent to the Government<br />

Prin<strong>te</strong>r, Perth; - - -<br />

The publication contains -reports of all proceedings<br />

of the Court of Arbitration and Industrial<br />

Boards, all Industrial Agreements, and mat<strong>te</strong>r of<br />

a similar industrial nature.<br />

WOTICE.<br />


The Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> is- published on Friday<br />

in each week, unless in<strong>te</strong>rf'ered - with by Public<br />

Holidays or ether unforeseen circumtances.<br />


18 April, 1952.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 987<br />

SUBSCRIPTIONS.The subscription to the Government<br />

Gazet<strong>te</strong> is as follows:-30s. per annum,<br />

l7s. 6d. per half year, and lOs. per quar<strong>te</strong>r, including<br />

postage. Single copies, 9d.; previous years, up<br />

to <strong>te</strong>n years, is. 6d.; over <strong>te</strong>n years, 2s. 6d.; postage,<br />

id. extra.<br />

Subscriptions are required to commence and<br />

<strong>te</strong>rmina<strong>te</strong> with a quar<strong>te</strong>r.<br />


ADVERTISEMENTS.Notjces for insertion must<br />

be received by the Government Prin<strong>te</strong>r BEFORE<br />

TEN O'CLOCK a.m. on THURSDAY, or the day<br />

preceding the day of publication, and are charged<br />

at the following ra<strong>te</strong>s:<br />

For the first eight lines, 5s.<br />

For every additional line, 6d.;<br />

and half-price for each subsequent insertion.<br />

To estima<strong>te</strong> the cost of an advertisement, count<br />

nine words to a line; heading, signature and da<strong>te</strong><br />

being reckoned as separa<strong>te</strong> lines.<br />

All fees are payable in advance. Remittances<br />

should be made by money order, postal no<strong>te</strong>, or<br />

cheque. Exchange must be added to cheques.<br />

Where signatures are appended to copy for pub-<br />

lication in the Government Gazet<strong>te</strong> they must<br />

appear in typewrit<strong>te</strong>n or block charac<strong>te</strong>rs below<br />

the writ<strong>te</strong>n signature. Unless this is done no<br />

responsibility will be accep<strong>te</strong>d by this office for<br />

any error in the initials or names as prin<strong>te</strong>d.<br />

All communications should be addressed to "The<br />

Government Prin<strong>te</strong>r, Perth<br />



Abattoirs Act and Amendment<br />

Administration Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

Adoption of Children Act<br />

Agricultural Bank Act<br />

Agricultural Seeds Act<br />

Associations Incorporation Act<br />

Auctioneers Act ....<br />

Bills of Sale Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) and<br />

£<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

5.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

d.<br />

0<br />

6<br />

6<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6<br />

0<br />

Amendment ..<br />

Brands Act ....<br />

Bread Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) and Amend-<br />

020<br />

016<br />

ment .... .. .... - 0 1 6<br />

Bush Fires Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 2 0<br />

Carriers Act ... ... 0 0 6<br />

Child Welfare Act 0 9 6<br />

Companies Act 0 5 0<br />

Crown Suits Act .... .. 0 1 6<br />

Dairy Cattle Improvement Act 0 1 0<br />

Dairy Industry Act 0 2 0<br />

Dairy Products Marketing Regulation<br />

Act .... . .. ... .... 0 2 0<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Declarations and At<strong>te</strong>stations Act<br />

Dentists Act .... ....<br />

Dog Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... ....<br />

Dried Fruits Act . . ..<br />

.<br />

. ..<br />

....<br />

....<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6<br />

Droving Act ... .<br />

Drugs (Police Offences) Act<br />

Egg Marketing Act ...<br />

Electricity Act .. ...<br />

....<br />

...<br />

..<br />

...<br />

....<br />

...<br />

...<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Electoral Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... ... 0 3 6<br />

Employers' Liability Act .... ... 0 0 6<br />

Evidence Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) ... .... 0 2 0<br />

Factories and Shops Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 4 0<br />

Factories and Shops Act Regulations 0 1 0<br />

Factories and Shops Time and Wages<br />

Books<br />

Large 0 4 3<br />

Small .... -.. .... 0 3 3<br />

Feeding Stuffs Act .... .. ... 0 1 6<br />

Fertilisers Act .... ... .... 0 1 0<br />

Fire Brigades Act .... 0 2 0<br />

Firearms and Guns Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 1 0<br />

Acts of Parliament. etc.--continued.<br />

Firms Registration Act and Amend-<br />

ment .<br />

£ s. d.<br />

Fisheries Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... .... 0 1 6<br />

Forests Act .. .... .. 0 1 6<br />

Fremantle Harbour Trust Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

.... .... .... .... .... 0 1 6<br />

Friendly Societies Act and Amendments 0 2 0<br />

Game Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... .... 0 1 0<br />

Gold Buyers Act and Regulations ... 0 2 0<br />

Hawkers and Pedlars Act and Amendment<br />

.... .... .. 0 1 0<br />

Health Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... 0 5 0<br />

Hire Purchase Agreement Act (Consoli-<br />

.... . .. .... 0 1 6<br />

da<strong>te</strong>d) .... .... .... .... .... 0 0 6<br />

.... .. 0 1 0<br />

Hospital Fund Act .<br />

Hospitals Act .. .... .. ....<br />

Illicit Sale of Liquor Act . .. .<br />

Industrial Arbitration Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

.... .... .... .... ....<br />

Inebria<strong>te</strong>s Act .. ...<br />

Infants, Guardianship of, Act<br />

Inspection of Machinery Act with<br />

Regulations ... . ....<br />

Inspection of Scaffolding Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

.. ....<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

3<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

6<br />

0<br />

6<br />

0<br />

6<br />

6<br />

In<strong>te</strong>rpretation Act .... .... 0 2 0<br />

0 1 6<br />

. Irrigation and Rights in Wa<strong>te</strong>r Act<br />

Justices Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... 0 3 0<br />

LandAct .... .... .... .... 0 4 0<br />

Land Agents Act and Amendment 0 1 0<br />

Legal Practitioners Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 2 0<br />

Licensed Surveyors Act 0 1 0<br />

Licensing Act and Amendments 0 4 0<br />

Life Assurance Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 1 6<br />

Limitation Act .... .... 0 1 0<br />

Limi<strong>te</strong>d Partnerships Act .... 0 0 6<br />

Marine Stores Dealers Act .... 0 1 0<br />

Marriage Act .... .... .... 0 2 0<br />

Married Women's Property Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

. .. .... .... 0 1 0<br />

Married Women's Pro<strong>te</strong>ction Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d<br />

.... .... .... 0 0 6<br />

Mas<strong>te</strong>rs and Servants Act .... 0 1 0<br />

Medical Practitioners Act .... 0 1 0<br />

Metropolitan Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply, Sewerage<br />

and Drainage Act . .... 0 2 0<br />

MilkAct .... .... ,... .... 020<br />

Mines Regulation Act .... .... 0 2 6<br />

Mine Workers' Relief Fund Act and<br />

Regulations .... .... .... 0 2 6<br />

Mining Act .... .... 0 2 0<br />

Money Lenders Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 1 6<br />

Municipal Corporations Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d<br />

.... .... .... .... 0 5 0<br />

Native Administration Act 0 2 0<br />

Native Flora Pro<strong>te</strong>ction Act 0 1<br />

Noxious Weeds Act .... 0 1<br />

Nurses Registration Act 0 1<br />

Partnership Act .... .... 0 1<br />

Pawnbrokers Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 1 0<br />

Pearling Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) .... 0 2 0<br />

Petroleum Act .... .... .... 0 3 0<br />

Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d<br />

.... .... 0 2 0<br />

Plant Diseases Act .... .... 0 1 0<br />

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 0 1 0<br />

Public Service Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 1 6<br />

Public Works Act and Amendment 0 2 6<br />

Purchasers' Pro<strong>te</strong>ction Act 0 0 9<br />

Road Districts Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 5 0<br />

Sale of Goods Act 0 1 0<br />

Second-hand Dealers Act 0 0 6<br />

Stamp Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d) 0 3 0<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> Government Insurance Act O 0 6

988 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [18 April, 1952.<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> Housing Act<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> Trading Concerns Act<br />

Sta<strong>te</strong> Transport Co-ordination Act<br />

Superannuation and Family Benefits<br />

Act ... ... .<br />

Supreme Court Act<br />

Tenants, Purchasers, and Mortgagors'<br />

Relief Act .... ....<br />

Timber Industry Regulation Act and<br />

Regulations ... .<br />

Town Planning and Development Act<br />

Traffic Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

Tramways Act, Government<br />

Trespass, Fencing and Impoundir.j<br />

Act and Amendment<br />

Truck Act and Amendment<br />

Trus<strong>te</strong>es Act<br />

Unclaimed Moneys Act<br />

Vermin Act (Consolida<strong>te</strong>d)<br />

Ve<strong>te</strong>rinary Act<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Boards Act ....<br />

Weights and Measures Act and Regulations<br />

.... .... ....<br />

Wheat Products (Prices Fixation) Act<br />

Workers' Compensation Act<br />

Year Book, Pocket<br />

54755/4/52.<br />

Acts of Parliament, etc.continued. CONTENTS. Page.<br />

£<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

s. d.<br />

2 6<br />

i 6<br />

i<br />

Administration Act ........<br />

Agriculture, Department of<br />

Anzac Day holiday<br />

AppoIntments ........<br />

Cash Orders, etc. Lost<br />

Chief Secretary's Department<br />

936<br />

982<br />

961,.986<br />

963, 969, 971-2, 982, 984<br />

969, 976<br />

Postage Extra.<br />

026<br />

036<br />

o 2 0 Electoral<br />

016<br />

026<br />

030<br />

006<br />

016<br />

016<br />

016<br />

010<br />

020<br />

016<br />

026<br />

026<br />

010<br />

030<br />

010<br />

Commissioners for Declarations<br />

Companies<br />

Crown <strong>Law</strong> Department<br />

Deceased Persons' Esta<strong>te</strong>s<br />

By Authority: WILLIAM H. WYATT, Government Prin<strong>te</strong>r, Perth.<br />

986<br />

966-9<br />

986<br />

966-9<br />

961,971<br />

976<br />

961, 986<br />

Fisheries<br />

Forestry<br />

Government Gazet<strong>te</strong>Anzac Day holiday<br />

Health Department<br />

Justices of the Peace<br />

969<br />

963<br />

Land Drainage<br />

Land Titles<br />

Lands Department<br />

962-3<br />

976<br />

911-8<br />

Marketing of Eggs Act<br />

Marriages, Licenses to Celebra<strong>te</strong><br />

Mines Department<br />

Municipalities ................ ............<br />

984-6<br />

962, 978-9<br />

Orders In Council<br />

961-3<br />

Partnerships dissolved<br />

Pharmacy and Poisons Act<br />

Police Department<br />

Premier's Department<br />

Proclamations<br />

Public Service Commissioner<br />

Public Works Department<br />

986<br />

969<br />

96-71<br />

96.l 963<br />

.... 961<br />

.... 963-5<br />

961-3, 976-82<br />

Registrar General<br />

Resumptions<br />

Rights in Wa<strong>te</strong>r and Irrigation Act<br />

.... 978<br />

.... 917-8<br />

962, 978-82<br />

Sale of unclaimed found and lost property ........969-71<br />

Sworn Valuator 969<br />

Tender Board<br />

Tenders accep<strong>te</strong>d ....<br />

Tenders invi<strong>te</strong>d ....<br />

Traffic ActRegulations<br />

Transfer of Land ....<br />

.... 933-4<br />

.. 983<br />

976-7. 984<br />

.... 913-9<br />

.... 916<br />

Wa<strong>te</strong>r Supply, etc., Department .... .... 962-3, 977-3

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