Sex-Role Reversed Pipefish, Syngnathus abaster. - Universidade ...

Sex-Role Reversed Pipefish, Syngnathus abaster. - Universidade ...

Sex-Role Reversed Pipefish, Syngnathus abaster. - Universidade ...


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Reproductive Ecology of the ‘Mildly’<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> <strong>Reversed</strong> <strong>Pipefish</strong>,<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

Carina Santos da Silva<br />

Departamento de Zoologia e Antropologia<br />


Dissertação apresentada à<br />

Faculdade de Ciências da <strong>Universidade</strong> do Porto<br />

Para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Biologia<br />

Este trabalho foi apoiado financeiramente pela<br />

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)<br />

através da atribuição de uma bolsa de doutoramento<br />


“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the<br />

source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a<br />

stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as<br />

good as dead: his eyes are closed.”<br />

Albert Einsten

Para os meus pais,

Agradecimentos<br />

“As palavras tornam-se sempre insuficientes quando com elas queremos<br />

dizer o que nos vai para lá da alma.” Como agora…<br />

Muito para além de um trabalho académico, esta tese contém em<br />

si um objectivo pessoal que nunca teria sido alcançado sem a dedicação,<br />

o esforço e a amizade de um considerável número de pessoas. Agradecer<br />

e realçar o contributo de todas elas, sendo da mais elementar justiça, é no<br />

entanto, também a mais difícil das tarefas. Assim, e porque me falta ‘arte’<br />

para escrever tudo quanto queria, o meu mais profundo agradecimento<br />

será a todos expresso, não somente pelo que aqui deixo, mas pela minha<br />

entrega, empenho, dedicação e amizade nas diversas etapas que a este<br />

percurso se seguirão.<br />

É com grande orgulho que as minhas primeiras palavras vão para<br />

os meus orientadores, que me abriram as ‘portas’ da ciência e me<br />

guiaram e inspiraram ao longo destes anos de trabalho.<br />

Obrigada Professora Natividade. Pela boa disposição, pelo apoio,<br />

pela confiança, e, acima de tudo, por nunca ter deixado este ‘sonho’<br />

desmoronar-se. Foi uma honra ter a Professora como orientadora. Será<br />

muito gratificante continuar a trabalhar consigo, espero nunca a desiludir.<br />

Obrigada Nuno. Por teres apostado (e arriscado!) em mim e por<br />

nunca teres desistido (mesmo quando poderia parecer o mais sensato).<br />

Obrigada pela tua orientação, pela tua dedicação… pela tua paciência.<br />

Aprendi muito contigo, este trabalho também é teu.<br />

Obrigada Professor Almada. Esta tese não teria o mesmo valor<br />

sem a sua experiência e os seus valiosos conselhos. Tenho imensa<br />

admiração pelo seu trabalho.<br />

Quero também agradecer a todos os funcionários da Estação de<br />

Zoologia da Foz, em particular ao sr. Pedro Correia e sr. Sá Pereira, por<br />


toda a ajuda prestada durante a realização das experiências, e por terem<br />

tornado possível o que muitas vezes parecia impraticável.<br />

Agradeço ainda a todos os meus colegas da Estação, e muito em<br />

particular ao Rui Sá, pela ajuda, pelo apoio, pelos animados almoços<br />

(sempre com música), pelas gargalhadas e pelas partilhas que fizeram da<br />

passagem pela Foz uma etapa particularmente marcante.<br />

Agradeço ao Professor António Paulo, a simpatia e as ‘dicas’ que<br />

sempre me deu nos momentos de ‘crise’ com as larvas.<br />

Agradeço ao Professor Coimbra a atenção que teve para comigo<br />

ao ceder-me um lugar de gabinete para poder completar a última fase<br />

deste trabalho nas melhores condições.<br />

difícil…<br />

Agradeço aos meus Amigos. Sem eles tudo teria sido muito mais<br />

Romain, le plus grands des mercis! Il y aurait tellement à dire et,<br />

en même temps rien ne serait jamais assez. Cette these te dois tant… je<br />

(!) te dois tant!<br />

Ana, (sra. doutora, Ana Medeiros!) não há palavras que traduzam<br />

a minha amizade e o meu agradecimento. Tu, melhor do que ninguém,<br />

sabes o que este momento representa e a vitória que ele encerra. O meu<br />

muito obrigada pelas infindáveis horas de conversas, risos e lágrimas, por<br />

teres ajudado a manter a minha sanidade mental (dentro de limites<br />

razoáveis!), por teres estado (e continuares) sempre aqui.<br />

Maninha, eis o teu ‘apontamentosinho’! Novamente, faltam-me as<br />

palavras… Como é bom poder fazer-me acompanhar da tua amizade.<br />

Melhor, como é bom, saber que poderei sempre contar com ela! Obrigada<br />

pelas incansáveis revisões dos textos, pelas conversas, pelos disparates<br />

que sempre nos ajudaram a sorrir mesmo quando tudo parecia cinzento.<br />

O teu apoio e a tua ajuda foram determinantes. Espero em breve poder<br />

retribuir de uma forma tão dedicada. Não posso também deixar de<br />

agradecer às ‘tuas’ meninas da UnIGENe, por toda a colaboração!<br />

El-vi-na (!), thank you so much for your precious comments on my<br />

manuscripts! Ainda me lembro do primeiro dia do colégio: “ (…) é difícil,<br />

muito difícil, mas com trabalho é possível” dizias tu. Quem diria onde esse<br />

trabalho nos trouxe! Obrigada pela tua amizade.<br />


Catarina e Ricardo, devo-vos mais do que alguma vez conseguirei<br />

traduzir por palavras. Obrigada por fazerem parte do caminho. Om Shanti!<br />

destes anos.<br />

Teresa, Daniel, obrigada por terem estado presentes ao longo<br />

Armando, a tua t-shirt salvou os ‘meus peixes’! Obrigada pelas<br />

etapas que me ajudaste a superar, pela tua entrega, pela tua força. Muito<br />

do que aqui está foi conseguido em conjunto.<br />

Agradeço às minhas colegas (e amigas), Filipa e Marisa, o<br />

companheirismo (mesma nas saídas de campo mais frustrantes), a<br />

confiança e a motivação com que sempre me brindaram.<br />

Agradeço à Ana Coimbra pelos valiosos conselhos, pelas revisões<br />

dos textos e pela companhia na ‘maratona’ final. A tua ajuda foi muito<br />

importante, um grande obrigada!<br />

Agradeço ao Pedro Romeu o auxílio prestado na última etapa de<br />

elaboração desta tese (quando a internet até já se desligava sozinha e os<br />

textos se pintavam de amarelo!).<br />

Agradeço ao Jorge pel’A capa! A tua ajuda foi preciosa.<br />

Finalmente, agradeço àqueles a quem tudo devo e de quem mais<br />

me orgulho… à minha família.<br />

Avós, obrigado por me terem ensinado o valor das coisas simples.<br />

Obrigada, maninho, pelos abraços nos momentos certos.<br />

Desculpa ter tantas vezes, ‘descarregado’ em ti as frustrações destes<br />

anos.<br />

Pai, mãe… Obrigado por me terem dado o melhor dos exemplos<br />

para traçar o meu caminho. Sem vocês nada disto faria sentido… a vocês<br />

tudo dedico.<br />


Sumário<br />

A família Syngnathidae, com o seu elevado grau de<br />

especialização parental associado a singularidades ecológicas e<br />

comportamentais, constitui um modelo particularmente interessante para o<br />

estudo da selecção sexual. No entanto, a falta de informação disponível<br />

sobre os caracteres mais básicos da sua biologia impossibilitam uma mais<br />

vasta compreensão acerca da direcção da evolução das estratégias<br />

reprodutivas, nomeadamente daquelas que se relacionam com a evolução<br />

dos diferentes padrões de acasalamento e estabelecimento de uma<br />

reversão dos papéis sexuais. Paralelamente, e uma vez que muitas<br />

populações de singnatídeos se encontram actualmente em processo de<br />

acentuado declínio, este tipo de informação torna-se essencial para o<br />

desenvolvimento de planos de protecção e conservação.<br />

Com o presente estudo pretendeu-se, através de distintas<br />

aproximações experimentais, claramente interligadas, caracterizar, de<br />

forma detalhada e extensiva, a ecologia reprodutiva de uma população de<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

Embora as várias espécies de Syngnathidae sejam<br />

frequentemente descritas como extremamente sensíveis e de difícil<br />

reprodução em aquário, após determinação do intervalo de temperatura<br />

óptimo, importante variável física condicionante da reprodução, foram<br />

observados inúmeros episódios de corte e acasalamento. Desta forma, foi<br />

possível monitorizar e descrever os vários estados de desenvolvimento<br />

embrionário e larval em S. <strong>abaster</strong>, posteriormente comparados com a<br />

descrição do processo análogo em S. acus. Quando integrada com dados<br />

descritos para outras espécies de marinhas, a informação obtida aponta<br />

para uma correlação positiva entre a especialização morfológica das<br />

estruturas incubadoras e o grau de desenvolvimento larvar, aparentando<br />

existir, simultaneamente, uma associação com as diferentes estratégias<br />

de distribuição larvar onde espécies sem marsúpio tendem a produzir<br />


larvas pelágicas enquanto que espécies com marsúpio favorecem o<br />

desenvolvimento de larvas bênticas.<br />

Paralelamente, foi descrito o ritual de corte e acasalamento em S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong>. Este segue um padrão similar ao já descrito para espécies da<br />

mesma família. No entanto, são perceptíveis algumas dissemelhanças<br />

nomeadamente no grau de dimorfismo sexual, menos pronunciado, e nos<br />

níveis de actividade dos machos, que cortejam activamente.<br />

Uma vez caracterizada a 'moderada' reversão dos papéis sexuais<br />

desta espécie, foi avaliado o efeito modulador da temperatura da água no<br />

reconhecimento sexual, preferência de parceiros e interacções entre<br />

fêmeas. Para tal, modulando a temperatura da água, foram mimetizados<br />

três períodos temporalmente distintos: imediatamente antes, durante o<br />

inicio e fim da época de reprodução. Os resultados, para além de<br />

evidenciarem a capacidade de reconhecimento e escolha visual de<br />

potenciais parceiros de acasalamento, com ambos os sexos a<br />

apresentarem uma preferência por indivíduos do sexo oposto e de maior<br />

tamanho, mostram como um factor físico pode directamente influenciar,<br />

ainda que de forma distinta, as respostas comportamentais de machos e<br />

fêmeas quando na presença de membros do mesmo sexo. Enquanto os<br />

machos desviam a sua atenção para as fêmeas logo que são expostos a<br />

temperaturas que permitem a ocorrência de reprodução, as fêmeas<br />

exibem um comportamento competitivo, apenas demonstrando um<br />

interesse evidente pelos machos a temperaturas que mimetizam o final do<br />

período de reprodução. Simultaneamente, a temperatura gerou distintas<br />

respostas comportamentais em fêmeas de diferentes tamanhos. Tal facto<br />

dever-se-á, possivelmente, ao facto de as fêmeas maiores, geralmente<br />

dominantes, apresentarem um forte comportamento competitivo a<br />

temperaturas intermédias, potencialmente inibindo a reprodução das mais<br />

pequenas, que apenas investirão neste tipo de interacção a temperaturas<br />

que reflectem o período final da época de reprodução.<br />

Outra variável que se mostrou ser importante na modulação da<br />

expressão de comportamentos reprodutivos, por afectar directamente a<br />

magnitude do investimento de ambos os sexos nos processos de escolha<br />

de parceiros e de competição pelo seu acesso, foi a razão entre sexos<br />


(sex-ratio). Um aumento do número de machos resultou no cancelamento<br />

da 'reversão dos papeis sexuais' normalmente observada quando existe<br />

uma igualdade entre o número de indivíduos de cada sexo. Curiosamente,<br />

um excesso do número de fêmeas não originou um aumento global no<br />

nível de competição fêmea-fêmea. Nesta situação, as fêmeas maiores e<br />

preferidas pelos machos, pareceram confiar no seu “sex appeal”<br />

intrínseco, optando por reduzir o nível de competição, e assim evitando<br />

eventuais custos associados. Por sua vez, fêmeas mais pequenas e, por<br />

consequência, menos atraentes, intensificaram as suas interacções<br />

competitivas.<br />

A análise dos padrões de alocação de ovos de fêmeas grandes e<br />

pequenas, quando expostas a diferentes contextos sociais, onde se variou<br />

o número e tamanho de potenciais parceiros, demonstrou que o tamanho<br />

do corpo, para além de afectar as respostas comportamentais das<br />

fêmeas, está também associado a diferentes estratégias de investimento.<br />

Contrariamente às fêmeas pequenas que apresentaram, em todas as<br />

situações testadas, um esforço reprodutivo constante no que respeita ao<br />

número e tamanho dos ovos, as fêmeas maiores aparentaram um controlo<br />

sobre o investimento modelado pela disponibilidade e qualidade dos<br />

potenciais parceiros. No mesmo estudo, foi possível observar que as<br />

fêmeas, grandes e pequenas, não produziram um número de ovos capaz<br />

de totalmente ocupar o marsúpio dos machos, durante o período da<br />

gravidez. A monitorização de uma população selvagem de S. <strong>abaster</strong>,<br />

durante dois anos, revelou um padrão semelhante. Simultaneamente, as<br />

observações de campo sugeriram a predominância de acasalamentos<br />

entre indivíduos de tamanhos semelhantes, provavelmente resultantes<br />

quer da selecção mútua de parceiros quer do resultado de competição<br />

fêmea-fêmea.<br />

No seu conjunto, os resultados apresentados evidenciam a<br />

existência de um padrão de acasalamento extremamente dinâmico e<br />

complexo, permitindo interessantes inferências potenciadoras de novas<br />

abordagens experimentais que potenciem ainda mais a clarificação de<br />

que variáveis sustentam a estruturação dos padrões reprodutivos<br />

observados e a expressão da reversão dos papéis sexuais.<br />


Abstract<br />

The family Syngnathidae, with its unique specializations for male<br />

parental care, together with the occurrence of sex role reversal in some<br />

species, constitutes an exceptional model for the study of sexual selection<br />

related issues, mate choice and the role of operational sex ratio in the<br />

evolution of sex role reversal. “Syngnathid research” still lacks, however,<br />

access to basic life history data, in order to allow for a full comprehension<br />

of reproductive strategies, namely those related with the evolution of the<br />

different mating patterns and sex-role reversal. Simultaneously, basic life<br />

history information is crucial for the creation of effective protection plans<br />

since many syngnathid species are currently in an overt process of<br />

decline.<br />

The main goal of the present thesis was to characterize, through<br />

distinct but interconnected approaches, the reproductive ecology of a<br />

Southern European population of the black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

Even though syngnathids are sometimes described as difficult<br />

species to maintain and breed in aquaria, it was possible to obtain<br />

numerous breeding episodes once temperature, a key factor in the control<br />

of marine fish reproduction, was correctly adjusted. The embryonic and<br />

larval development of S. <strong>abaster</strong> was described and then complemented<br />

with observations on the development and early life history behaviour of a<br />

congeneric species, S. acus. When integrated with available information<br />

on other pipefish species, the data obtained suggested a positive<br />

correlation between pipefish pouch specialization and larval development,<br />

associated to distinct early life strategies. Parallelly, the courtship and<br />

mating ritual was described and comparisons with other syngnathids were<br />

established, highlighting differences and similarities in both behavioural<br />

and morphological differences between the sexes.<br />


Once a moderate sex-role reversal was characterized, aquaria<br />

experiments were conducted as to test for the effects of three distinct<br />

water temperatures (mimicking the periods immediately before, during the<br />

early and late periods of the breeding season) on sexual recognition, mate<br />

preference and female-female interactions. Besides highlighting the fact<br />

that both sexes can visually recognize potential mating partners and<br />

exercise mate choice (preferring larger members of the opposite sex),<br />

results showed how a physical factor can directly and differentially<br />

influence male and female behavioural responses when exposed to<br />

conspecifics. While males diverted their attention to females as soon as<br />

exposed to water temperatures allowing for reproduction to occur, females<br />

exhibited a more competitive behaviour, only showing a clear interest on<br />

males at higher temperatures reflecting the end of the breeding period.<br />

Also it was demonstrated that different-sized females (large and small)<br />

adopted distinct temperature-modulated behaviours, possibly because<br />

large dominant females, which showed intense competitive motivations at<br />

intermediate temperatures, constrained the reproduction of smaller ones,<br />

which appeared more willing to compete at temperatures reflecting the late<br />

period of the breeding season.<br />

<strong>Sex</strong> ratios also proved to be an important variable in the<br />

expression of reproductive behaviours, by directly affecting the extent to<br />

which males and females invested in choosiness and competition. A<br />

surplus of males was even able to ‘un-reverse’ the sex role reversal<br />

observed under a balanced sex ratio. Interestingly, a surplus of females<br />

did not lead to an overall increase in female-female competition since,<br />

again, different-sized females responded differentially according to their<br />

relative mating prospects. While large, preferred females, opted to avoid<br />

the hypothetical costs derived from intense competition, counting on their<br />

‘sex appeal’ for achieving matings, small, less attractive, females<br />

intensified their competitive displays.<br />

The analysis of the egg allocation patterns of large and small<br />

females exposed to distinct mating contexts (controlling for the number<br />

and the size of potential mates) showed that body size, besides affecting<br />

females’ behavioural responses, was also associated to distinct<br />


investment strategies. Contrarily to small females who showed a constant<br />

effort (regarding both the number and the size of the eggs laid) through all<br />

tested situations, large ones invested differentially according to both mate<br />

availability and quality. Interestingly, neither large nor small females<br />

produced enough eggs to fully occupy a male’s marsupium during the<br />

extent of a pregnancy. A two-year monitoring of a wild S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

population, showed a similar pattern, with males rarely being filled up to<br />

capacity. Simultaneously, field observations suggested the occurrence of<br />

size assortative mating probably arising from the combination of female-<br />

female competition and mutual mate choice.<br />

Altogether the presented results highlight a complex mating ‘game’<br />

allowing for several inferences about mating patterns and the expression<br />

of sex role reversal that should motivate further work.<br />


Résumé<br />

La famille Syngnathidae, avec son unique forme de soin parental<br />

et la présence de réversion des rôles sexuels chez certaines espèces,<br />

constitue un modèle exceptionnel pour l’étude de sujets en rapport avec la<br />

sélection sexuelle, le choix de partenaires et le rôle du sex-ratio<br />

opérationnel dans l’évolution de la réversion des rôles des sexes.<br />

La recherche sur les syngnathides manque encore d’information<br />

de base permettant une pleine compréhension des stratégies<br />

reproductrices, notamment celles en rapport avec l’évolution des différents<br />

systèmes d’accouplements et la réversion des rôles sexuels.<br />

Simultanément, information d’histoire de vie est cruciale pour le<br />

développement de mesures de conservation effectives étant donné que<br />

plusieures espèces de syngnathides sont présentement en voie de<br />

disparition.<br />

Le but principal de la présente thèse est une caractérisation<br />

détaillée et approfondie de l’écologie reproductive d’une population<br />

Sud-Européenne de <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> suivant des méthodes distinctes<br />

mais clairement interconnectées.<br />

Bien que les syngnathides soient parfois décris comme des<br />

espèces difficiles à maintenir et à élever en aquarium, il fut possible<br />

d’observer de nombreux épisodes d’élevage des jeunes une fois que la<br />

température identifiée comme le facteur principal déclenchant la<br />

reproduction. Les développements embryonnaire et larvaire de S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

furent ainsi décris et par la suite complétés avec l’étude du développement<br />

larvaire de S. acus. Une fois mises en parallèle, les informations obtenues<br />

mirent en évidence une corrélation positive entre, d’une part, la<br />

spécialisation de la poche d’incubation des mâles (marsupium) et le<br />

développement larvaire et, d’autre part, des stratégies d’histoire de vie<br />

distinctes (espèces avec marsupium à larves benthiques; espèces sans<br />

marsupium à larves pélagiques).<br />


De même, le rituel de cour et d’accouplement de S. <strong>abaster</strong> fut<br />

décrit et comparé avec ceux décrits pour d’autres syngnathides de façon à<br />

mettre en évidence différences et similarités chez les différences<br />

morphologiques et comportementales entre les sexes.<br />

Une fois la réversion des sexes caractérisée, des expériences en<br />

aquarium ont été réalisées de façon à tester les effets de trois<br />

températures distinctes (reproduisant les périodes immédiatement avant,<br />

pendant les premiers et les derniers moments de la saison reproductrice)<br />

dans la reconnaissance sexuelle, les préférences d’accouplements et les<br />

interactions entre femelles. À part avoir mis en évidence le fait que les<br />

sont capables de reconnaître visuellement de potentiels partenaires<br />

sexuels et d’être sélectifs (préférant les plus grands membres du sexe<br />

opposé), les résultats montrèrent comment un facteur physique peut,<br />

directement et de façon différentielle, moduler les réponses<br />

comportementales des deux sexes. Alors que les male montrèrent de<br />

l’intérêt pour le sexe opposé des qu’ils furent soumis à des températures<br />

permettant l’occurrence de reproduction, les femelles firent part d’un<br />

comportement plus compétitif, montrant un net intérêt pour de potentiels<br />

partenaires uniquement à des températures représentant la fin de la<br />

période reproductrice. Par ailleurs, les femelles adoptèrent des<br />

comportements en réponse à la température dépendants de leur taille<br />

possiblement parce-que les grandes femelles, qui s’engagent dans la<br />

compétition en début de saison, contraignent la reproduction des petites<br />

femelles qui semblent ne s’engager dans la compétition que vers la fin de<br />

la période de reproduction.<br />

Aussi les sex-ratios se révélèrent une variable importante dans<br />

l’expression des comportements reproductifs en affectant la mesure dont<br />

les deux sexes investissent en choix et en compétition. Un excès de males<br />

a même inverti la réversion des rôles sexuels observée sous un sex-ratio<br />

équilibré. De façon intéressante, un excès de femelles n’a pas conduit à<br />

une poussée globale de la compétition entre femelles, étant donnée, que<br />

là encore, des femelles de différentes tailles se comportèrent<br />

différemment, en accord avec leurs perspectives d’accouplements à venir.<br />

Alors que les grandes femelles optèrent éviter les hypothétiques couts<br />


advenant d’une compétition intensifiée, contant sur leurs ‘sex-appeal’ pour<br />

se trouver de partenaires, les petites et moins attirantes femelles,<br />

intensifièrent leurs exhibitions compétitives.<br />

L’analyse des patterns d’allocation des œufs chez des grandes et<br />

petites femelles présentées soumises à de différents contextes de<br />

reproduction (contrôlant pour le nombre et la taille de potentiels<br />

partenaires) a révélé que la taille, outre affecter les réponses<br />

comportementales des femelles est aussi associée a de distinctes<br />

stratégies d’investissement. Contrairement aux petites femelles, qui<br />

montrèrent un constant investissement (soit dans le nombre soit dans la<br />

taille des œufs transférés) sous toutes situations testées, les grandes<br />

femelles ont investi différemment, en accord avec le nombre et la taille des<br />

partenaires disponibles. D’une façon intéressant, les femelles (grandes et<br />

petites) ne produisirent pas un nombre d’œufs suffisant pour remplir la<br />

poche marsupiale des males pendant la période de gestation.<br />

Le suivi d’une population de S. <strong>abaster</strong> dans son milieu naturel a<br />

montré un pattern similaire, avec les males étant rarement remplis jusqu'à<br />

leurs limites. Simultanément, les observations de terrain ont fortement<br />

suggéré l’occurrence d’accouplements taille-assortis, advenant<br />

probablement de la combinaison de compétition chez les femelles et choix<br />

chez les deux sexes. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats ici présentés mettent<br />

en évidence un complexe ‘jeux de reproduction’ permettant plusieures<br />

inférences concernant les patterns d’accouplements et l’expression de la<br />

réversion des rôles sexuels qui devrait motiver de la recherche future.<br />


Contents<br />

1 General Introduction 1<br />

1.1 Theoretical framework 1<br />

1.2 The family Syngnathidae 4<br />

1.3 The black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> 7<br />

1.4 Objectives 9<br />

1.5 List of publications integrating the thesis 11<br />

2 Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour 13<br />

2.1 Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> 13<br />

2.1.1 Abstract 13<br />

2.1.2 Introduction 14<br />

2.1.3 Methods 15<br />

2.1.4 Results 16<br />

2.1.5 Discussion 22<br />

2.1.6 Acknowledgements 24<br />

2.1.7 References 24<br />


2.2 Development and early life history behaviour of<br />

aquarium-reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

2.2.1 Abstract 28<br />

2.2.2 Introduction 29<br />

2.2.3 Methods 30<br />

2.2.4 Results 31<br />

2.2.5 Discussion 33<br />

2.2.6 Acknowledgements 35<br />

2.2.7 References 35<br />

2.3 Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish,<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

2.3.1 Abstract 38<br />

2.3.2 Introduction 39<br />

2.3.3 Methods 40<br />

2.3.4 Results 41<br />

2.3.5 Discussion 46<br />

2.3.6 Acknowledgements 50<br />

2.3.7 References 51<br />

3 Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ) 56<br />

3.1 The effect of temperature on mate preferences and<br />

female-female interactions in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

3.1.1 Abstract 56<br />

3.1.2 Introduction 57<br />

3.1.3 Methods 58<br />

3.1.4 Results 64<br />

3.1.5 Discussion 70<br />

3.1.6 Acknowledgements 74<br />

3.1.7 References 75<br />

xiv<br />

28<br />

38<br />


3.2 Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you<br />

must<br />

3.2.1 Abstract 80<br />

3.2.2 Introduction 81<br />

3.2.3 Methods 83<br />

3.2.4 Results 88<br />

3.2.5 Discussion 98<br />

3.2.6 Acknowledgements 102<br />

3.2.7 References 103<br />

3.3 Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role reversed<br />

pipefish: screening for quality and number<br />

xv<br />

80<br />

107<br />

3.3.1 Abstract 107<br />

3.3.2 Introduction 108<br />

3.3.3 Methods 110<br />

3.3.4 Results 114<br />

3.3.5 Discussion 122<br />

3.3.6 Acknowledgements 125<br />

3.3.7 References 126<br />

4 Reproductive Dynamics (in situ) 130<br />

Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> females? Insights from a population<br />

with size assortative mating<br />

130<br />

4.1 Abstract 130<br />

4.2 Introduction 131<br />

4.3 Methods 133<br />

4.4 Results 135<br />

4.5 Discussion 137<br />

4.6 Acknowledgements 139<br />

4.7 References 140

5 Final Discussion 144<br />

5.1 Towards a new approach on sex-roles 144<br />

5.1.1 Water temperature and the expression of reproductive<br />

behaviours<br />

xvi<br />

145<br />

5.1.2 <strong>Sex</strong>-ratios and mating competition 148<br />

5.1.3 Mate preferences versus mate choice: the importance<br />

of the social context<br />

149<br />

5.1.4 Assortative-mating and syngnathid evolution 150<br />

5.1.5 Female reproductive investment 151<br />

5.1.6 Multiple mating strategies 153<br />

5.1.7 What causes sex-role reversal? 155<br />

5.1.8 Further research: an endocrine approach to sex-role<br />

reversal<br />

157<br />

5.1.9 A ‘mild’ sex-role reversion 158<br />

5.2 Conservation note 159<br />

6 References 162

List of Figures<br />

1.1 Specimen of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. 7<br />

1.2 Geographical distribution of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. 8<br />

2.1.1 Ontogenetic events occurring during the embryonic and larval<br />

development of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> in order of first<br />

appearance. 18<br />

2.1.2 Different developmental stages in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. 19<br />

2.1.3 Vertical distribution in the water column displayed by juvenile<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> during the first 3 weeks after abandoning<br />

the marsupium and juvenile total length during the first 4<br />

weeks. 21<br />

2.2.1 <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus newborns, comparison of meristic characters<br />

of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> newborns,<br />

juvenile growth rate during the first eight weeks and vertical<br />

distribution in the water column displayed by juveniles during<br />

the first five weeks after abandoning the marsupium. 32<br />


2.3.1 Relationship between male total length and the number of<br />

eggs carried. 42<br />

2.3.2 Female ‘amplifiable ornament’ in isolation and interacting with<br />

another female. 43<br />

2.3.3 Overview of the main behavioural stages of courtship and<br />

mating. 45<br />

2.3.4 Male and female total length relationships in successful and<br />

unsuccessful <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> mating pairs. 50<br />

3.1.1 Experimental set-ups. 61<br />

3.1.2 ‘Relative interest’ of males and females of different size<br />

classes towards consexuals and non-consexuals, at three<br />

different temperatures (15ºC; 18ºC; 24ºC). 66<br />

3.1.3 ‘Relative interest’ towards stimulus fish of different sizes at<br />

three different temperatures (15ºC, 18ºC and 24ºC). 68<br />

3.1.4 Relative interest’ of females of different size classes towards<br />

stimuli females at three different temperatures (15ºC, 18ºC<br />

and 24ºC), ‘relative interest’ aroused by females of different<br />

size classes at three different temperatures (15ºC, 18ºC and<br />

24ºC) and ‘relative interest’ of different size females towards<br />

large and small consexuals. 69<br />

3.2.1 Cluster analyses based on a similarity matrix constructed on<br />

the mean frequencies of four selected behaviours according to<br />

the type of interaction, the sex of the fish and the sex-ratio<br />

treatment. 89<br />

3.2.2 Mean frequencies of four selected behaviours for male and<br />

female inter- and intra-sexual interactions in different sex ratio<br />

treatments. 94<br />

3.2.3 Observed number of male and female successful mating<br />

disruptions in three selected treatments (equal, male and<br />

female biased sex-ratio). 96<br />


3.2.4 Number of mating pairs observed in three selected treatments<br />

(equal, male and female biased sex-ratio), described<br />

according to the four possible size class combinations of<br />

males and females (large and small). 97<br />

3.2.5 Mean time elapsed until the first spawn in the three selected<br />

treatments (equal, male and female biased sex-ratio). 98<br />

3.3.1 Mean number of mating partners for large and small females in<br />

different ‘mating settings’. 115<br />

3.3.2 Mean number of large and small mating partners for large and<br />

small females within an heterogeneous mating setting. 115<br />

3.3.3 Day of first copulation in different ‘mating settings’. 116<br />

3.3.4 Mean time between copulations (in days) for large and small<br />

females in different ‘mating settings’. 116<br />

3.3.5 Mean number of eggs laid by large and small females in<br />

different ‘mating settings’, mean number of eggs laid in<br />

different ‘mating settings’ and mean number of eggs laid by<br />

large and small females. 118<br />

3.3.6 Mean number of eggs laid by large and small females in<br />

different-size males (large and small). 119<br />

3.3.7 Mean size of the eggs laid by large and small females in<br />

different ‘mating settings’. 119<br />

3.3.8 Mean size of the eggs from first and second batches. 120<br />

4.1 Relationship between male size and male marsupium height;<br />

and male size and male marsupium width. 136<br />

4.2 Relationship between male size and egg size; female size and<br />

egg size; number of eggs carried in large and small males;<br />

number of missing eggs estimated for large and small males. 136<br />


List of tables<br />

2.1.1 ANOVA results on the vertical distribution of <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong> juveniles during the first three weeks after abandoning<br />

the marsupium.<br />

2.2.1 Non-parametric analysis of variance results on the vertical<br />

distribution of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

during the first three weeks after abandoning the marsupium.<br />

3.1.1 ANOVA results on the ‘relative interest’ of males and females<br />

of different size classes towards consexuals and non-<br />

consexuals, at three different temperatures (15ºC, 18ºC and<br />

24ºC).<br />

3.1.2 ANOVA results on the ‘relative interest’ of males and females<br />

of different size classes towards large and small potential<br />

mates, at three different temperatures (15ºC, 18ºC and 24ºC).<br />

3.1.3 ANOVA results on the ‘relative interest’ of females of different<br />

size classes towards large and small consexuals, at three<br />

different temperatures (15ºC, 18ºC and 24ºC).<br />

xx<br />

20<br />

34<br />

65<br />

67<br />


3.2.1 Recorded mating behaviours and corresponding descriptions 87<br />

3.2.2 MANOVAs results on male and female interactions in the form<br />

of approach, parallel-swimming, flickering and lateral display.<br />

Dependent variables included intra and inter-sexual<br />

interactions.<br />

3.2.3 ANOVA results on the time elapsed until the first mating event,<br />

considering sex-ratio treatment and male size.<br />

3.3.1 ANOVA results on (A) the number of mating partners, (B) the<br />

number of mating partners within the heterogeneous ‘mating<br />

setting’ (T2+2), (C) the elapsed time before the first spawn,<br />

(D) the time elapsed between copulations, (E) the number of<br />

spawned eggs, (F) the number of eggs in the heterogeneous<br />

‘mating setting’ (T2+2) and (G) the size of the eggs.<br />

5.1 Abundance of syngnathids in the Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon. 161<br />

xxi<br />

91<br />

97<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

Chapter 1<br />

General Introduction<br />

1.1 <strong>Sex</strong>ual selection: theoretical framework<br />

In evolutionary terms, the success of individuals depends not only on their<br />

survival, but also on their ability to reproduce and produce successful<br />

offspring. In most animals, mating systems are characterized by<br />

competitive males exhibiting conspicuous morphological or behavioural<br />

characters used to court females and compete over them, and by a<br />

preference in females to mate with those males (Darwin, 1871; Reynolds,<br />

1996). Part of the explanation for this pattern of sex roles lies in the<br />

gamete dimorphism that defines the sexes: males produce numerically<br />

abundant, small, ‘cheap’ sperm whereas females invest in far less, but<br />

large, nutritious, costly oocytes (Parker et al., 1972). Such discrepancy<br />

between the sexes in gametic investment is often maintained or<br />

exaggerated by subsequent female parental care (Clutton-Brock, 1991;<br />

Queller, 1997). As a result, the availability of females limits male<br />

reproductive success and males must compete for access to mates.<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

Females, in turn, can benefit from being choosy (without loosing mating<br />

opportunities) as they constantly encounter males eager to mate<br />

(Bateman, 1948). According to Darwin (1871) these two behaviours (male<br />

competitiveness and female choosiness) give rise to a process of sexual<br />

selection 1 promoting the evolution of secondary sexual traits in males:<br />

menacing ‘weapons’ or conspicuous ornaments that either improve<br />

intra-sexual competitiveness or increase attractiveness to potential mates.<br />

In some classes of animals, however, a few exceptional cases<br />

occur, in which conventional sex roles are reversed: females compete<br />

more intensely for mates and have “well pronounced sexually secondary<br />

characters such as brighter colours, greater size strength or pugnacity”<br />

(Darwin, 1871).<br />

Understanding the evolution of sex roles and what causes reversals<br />

has developed into one of the most productive and controversial themes of<br />

evolutionary biology. Trivers (1972) decoupled sex roles from anisogamy<br />

and associated them instead to parental investment 2 . According to him, the<br />

higher investing sex would become a limiting resource causing the<br />

members of the lower investing sex to compete for mating opportunities.<br />

The relative investment of the sexes would also affect the criteria of mate<br />

choice: the higher investing sex should be more selective (Trivers, 1972).<br />

According to this theory, it could be expected that in species where<br />

substantial paternal care occurs together with reduced or non-existent<br />

maternal care, females would be under strong sexual selection.<br />

The extent of male care greatly varies among the taxa. Although rare<br />

in mammals, reptiles and invertebrates (Tallamy, 2000), it is a common<br />

1 <strong>Sex</strong>ual selection “depends not on a struggle for existence but on a struggle<br />

between the males for possession of the females; the result is not death to the<br />

unsuccessful competitor, but few or no offspring” (Darwin, 1871).<br />

2 “Any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that increases the<br />

offspring chance of survival (and hence reproductive success) at the cost of the<br />

parent’s ability to invest in other offspring” (Trivers, 1972).<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

phenomenon in birds (e.g. Moller & Cuervo, 2000), amphibians (e.g.<br />

Summers, 1990) and specially fish 3 , where males are the primary or<br />

exclusive custodians in nearly 70% of the families with parental care<br />

(Gross & Shine, 1981; Gross & Sargent, 1985; Smith & Wootton, 1995).<br />

Although sex role reversal has been increasingly documented in a large<br />

number of birds (e.g. Colwell & Oring, 1988; Oring et al., 1983) and<br />

amphibians (e.g. Verrell & Brown, 1993), such examples are surprisingly<br />

rare in fish (Eens & Pinxten, 2000). In fact, in most fish species with<br />

paternal care, males are still the predominant competitors for mates and<br />

evidence for sex role reversal is scarce (Breder & Rosen, 1966; Thresher,<br />

1984).<br />

Trivers’s theory was thus revised by many workers who suggested<br />

that the operational sex ratio (ratio of sexually active males to sexually<br />

active females at a given time) could predict the occurrence of sex role<br />

reversal much more accurately than relative parental investment does<br />

(Emlen & Oring, 1977). When males have a higher potential mating rate 4<br />

than females the operational sex rate will be male biased and, therefore,<br />

3 The reasons for the prevailing male care in fish are probably twofold. Fish, in<br />

contrast to birds and mammals, have indeterminate growth. Females, may,<br />

therefore have a lot to gain from not caring for young but instead allocate resources<br />

to growth and in turn produce more eggs in the future, as body size correlates<br />

positively with egg production. There should thus be selection pressure on females<br />

to allocate resources to growth instead of care. As sperm is cheaper to produce<br />

than eggs, males are not energetically constrained in gamete production like<br />

females. Furthermore, males often do not reduce their attractiveness to females<br />

when taking the parental burden. Actually, to a female, a male who is already<br />

guarding eggs may be even more attractive than a male without eggs, as her own<br />

eggs experience lower risk of predation in a nest containing other eggs, e.g.<br />

through the dilution effect (see Clutton-Brock & Godfray, 1991; Sargent, 1997).<br />

Thus male care should be a sexually selected trait in fish.<br />

4 The highest possible reproduction rate for an individual given the constraints of<br />

speed of gamete production and parental care and assuming unlimited access to<br />

opposite sex mates (Clutton-Brock, 1991).<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

males will be the more competitive sex whilst females may afford to be<br />

selective (conventional sex roles). Conversely, when females have a<br />

higher potential reproductive rate than males, the operational sex ratio will<br />

be female biased, therefore, females will be the more active sex in<br />

competition whilst males will be the more active sex in mate choice<br />

(Clutton-Brock & Vincent, 1991; Vincent et al., 1992). In the three-spined<br />

stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with exclusive paternal care, for<br />

example, males can simultaneously guard ten or more egg clutches for<br />

about two weeks, whereas females can lay out one clutch every 3-5 days.<br />

Consequently the potential reproductive rate of males is higher than that of<br />

females, the operational sex ratio is male-biased and males compete<br />

intensely for mates.<br />

Although relative parental investment may be the prime determinant<br />

of reproductive rates, other behavioral, ecological, physical and<br />

phylogenetic factors may act as constraints (see Vincent et al., 1992).<br />

Fluctuating ecological and physical factors may differentially affect the<br />

reproductive rates of males and females, shifting biases in the operational<br />

sex ratio in space and time (Clutton-Brock, 1991). As such, fish, as<br />

ectothermic organisms, are a particularly sensitive group as their<br />

reproductive rates are expected to be more susceptible to fluctuations in<br />

environmental conditions such as temperature or food. In sand gobies<br />

(Pomatoschistus minutus), for example, temperature influences sexual<br />

differences in the potential reproductive rates causing variation in the<br />

intensity of mating competition (Kvarnemo, 1994).<br />

1.2 The family Syngnathidae<br />

Although relatively rare in fish, a wide variation in the degree of paternal<br />

care together with the occurrence of sex role reversal can be observed<br />

within the family Syngnathidae 5 . Comprising unique morphotypes such as<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

seahorses, pipefishes and seadragons, this group offers unique<br />

opportunities to explore hypotheses concerning the relationship between<br />

parental investment, sex roles and sexual selection.<br />

Syngnathids are characterized by remarkable adaptations for<br />

paternal care, with females depositing unfertilized 6 eggs into a male’<br />

specialized incubating area that varies in complexity in five steps: i) a<br />

simple unprotected ventral area for egg ‘gluing’, ii) individual membranous<br />

egg compartments, iii) protection of eggs in a pouch with pouch plates, iv)<br />

bilateral pouch folds that contact midline into a closed pouch and v) the<br />

most complex and completely enclosed brooding pouch of seahorses<br />

(Herald, 1959).<br />

Phylogenetic relationships within this family have been studied both<br />

by Herald (1959), based on morphological observations, namely the<br />

position or closure method of the incubating area, and Wilson et al. (2001;<br />

2003), who proposed a new mitochondrial DNA-based phylogeny. Both<br />

approaches agree that the evolutionary radiation of this family was<br />

accompanied by a diversification of structures involved in parental care,<br />

from an ancestral pipefish, that probably presented a rather simple brood<br />

structure.<br />

Regardless of the degree of complexity, all syngnathid brooding<br />

structures were once assumed to provide developing embryos with<br />

protection, osmoregulation and nutrients (Vincent et al., 1992). However, a<br />

recent anatomical study, describing the morphology and ultra-structure of<br />

three distinct incubating structures, refuted this uniform functionality<br />

suggesting that the epithelium has different functions in each type of<br />

enclosure. Specifically, more enclosed pouches were observed to contain<br />

5 The term is derived from Greek, meaning "fused jaw": syn meaning fused or<br />

together, and gnathus meaning jaws.<br />

6 Internal fertilization in males assures paternity and is believed to be one of the<br />

selective pressures behind the evolution of the male brooding structure (Jones &<br />

Avise, 1997; Jones et al., 1998; Jones et al., 1999).<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

greater anatomical complexity and secretory function (Carcupino et al.,<br />

2002).<br />

Aside from male pregnancy, some syngnathid species show sex-role<br />

reversal, with females competing for access to mates and sometimes<br />

presenting conspicuous secondary sexual characters (e.g. Monteiro et al.,<br />

2002; Silva et al. 2006). Energy investment, brooding-space constraints<br />

and pregnancy length, operating alone or in combination, may limit female<br />

reproductive success thus providing an explanation of such sexual<br />

differences (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003). Nevertheless, despite many<br />

attempts to clearly identify the mechanisms behind the evolution of sex-<br />

role reversal in syngnathids, no direct relationship between sex roles and<br />

any of these factors has yet been accurately demonstrated (Wilson et al.,<br />

2003). The multiple occurrence of sex role reversal within different clades,<br />

exhibiting distinct parental adaptations, suggests, instead, a much more<br />

dynamic process underlying the behavioral and morphological<br />

particularities of these fish.<br />

Mating patterns, in turn, seem to be strongly associated with the<br />

direction of sexual selection: sex role reversed syngnathids are<br />

polygamous whereas species with non-reversed patterns of mating<br />

competition are generally monogamous (Vincent et al., 1992; Avise et al.,<br />

2002). Only one exception to this association has been detected so far.<br />

The pipefish Corythoichthys haematopterus is monogamous but<br />

behavioural observations in a wild population suggest sex role reversal<br />

(Matsumoto & Yanagisawa, 2001).<br />

Even though a prominent area, “syngnathid research” still lacks<br />

access to basic life history data that would certainly allow for a better<br />

understanding of the ultimate factors shaping mating patterns and sex role<br />

reversal within this family. Simultaneously, basic life history information is<br />

crucial for the establishment of effective protection plans since syngnathid<br />

populations are currently in an overt process of decline mainly due to<br />

habitat destruction.<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

1.3 The black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong><br />

Figure 1.1: Specimen of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (Risso, 1827) is a small, euryhaline pipefish with a<br />

restricted distribution area that includes the Mediterranean and Black<br />

Seas, northward to southern Bay of Biscay (northern Spain). It can be<br />

found either in coastal areas or in brackish and fresh waters (Cakic et al.,<br />

2002), mainly among sand, mud or eelgrass meadows, between depths of<br />

0.5 to 5 meters, within a temperature range of 8ºC to 24ºC (Dawson, 1986;<br />

Froese & Pauly, 2004). Males can easily be distinguished from females by<br />

the presence of the brood pouch (marsupium) located on the tail, formed<br />

by two skin-folds that contact medially with their free edges.<br />

Studies on S. <strong>abaster</strong> are scarce and the characteristics of its life<br />

cycle are still superficially known. Campolmi et al. 1996, Tomasini et al.<br />

(1991) and Riccato et al. (2003) presented basic data on this pipefish<br />

reproduction and population structure in three Mediterranean lagoons. All<br />

three studies suggested a short life span, with only one or few reproductive<br />

seasons. Females are batch spawners and males can incubate several<br />

broods during one breeding season. Further references to S. <strong>abaster</strong> are<br />

restricted to Carcupino et al., (1997) that described the ultra-structural<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

organization of the male brood pouch epithelium, Cakic et al. (2002), who<br />

presented a biometric analysis of S. <strong>abaster</strong> populations of the River,<br />

sections within Dawson (1985) and Kuiter (2000) and generalised<br />

comments on syngnathids by various authors with particular incidence in<br />

field guides.<br />

Figure 1.2: Geographical distribution of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (as presented<br />

by Dawson, 1986).<br />

The present thesis presents the first comprehensive study on the<br />

reproductive ecology and behaviour of the black-striped pipefish providing<br />

extensive data on distinct but clearly interrelated and complementary<br />

reproductive parameters. The geographical location of the sampled<br />

population (Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon 7 ) is of particular interest as it is<br />

7 The Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon, situated on the northern coast of Portugal is<br />

the only typical estuarine lagoon in the country. It is influenced by a maritime,<br />

temperate climate with a marked seasonal variation in rainfall and air temperature.<br />

The depth at low tide is only 1 m over most of the lagoon reaching 10 m in the<br />

navigation channels and near the mouth where tidal action mixes fresh with<br />

seawater. Currents are almost insignificant with exception of the mouth, the central<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

near the northern limit of distribution of this species and thus allows for<br />

future comparisons between populations, perhaps revealing physiological<br />

and behavioral trends along the distribution of this species. Moreover,<br />

when integrated with available information on syngnathid reproduction, the<br />

obtained data on the studied population will certainly allow for a better<br />

understanding of the dynamics underlying the behavioural patterns<br />

observed in this family.<br />

1.4 Objectives<br />

Three main sections were created according to the distinct established<br />

goals of the present thesis:<br />

1. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour - Chapter 2<br />

a. Early Life History - Chapters 2.1 and 2.2<br />

The analysis of variation in early life history parameters across<br />

syngnathids is highly important for a better understanding of the<br />

mechanisms and strategies involved in syngnathids evolution and<br />

extraordinary level of diversity. As such, in order to capitalize the<br />

obtained mating events in aquaria, the embryonic and larval<br />

development of S. <strong>abaster</strong> was monitored and compared with<br />

available data on the early life cycles of other syngnathids, namely<br />

part of the main channels and a few other restricted areas. The Ria is composed of<br />

a wide range of biotopes (e.g. wetlands, salt marshes and mudflats) used as<br />

nursery areas for many valuable species including birds, bivalves, crustaceans and<br />

fish. The abiotic attributes, shallowness, high turbidity, nature of the substratum,<br />

temperature, salinity and oxygen, together with high biotic productivity, offer (or<br />

offered) excellent conditions to temporary or permanent habitat for many fish<br />

species, including syngnathids (for further information on the Ria de Aveiro see, for<br />

example Rebelo, 1992).<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

the closely related species S. acus. Pregnant males of S. acus were<br />

captured and information on the development and early life history<br />

behaviour of juveniles was gathered in order to assess the<br />

importance and implications of the marsupium of the genus<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> on juvenile development and exhibited dispersal<br />

strategies (benthic or pelagic). Implications in population dynamics<br />

and connectivity were further discussed.<br />

b. Reproductive behaviour - Chapter 2.3<br />

Objective descriptions of syngnathid reproductive behaviours are<br />

crucial for the understanding of the evolution of sex role reversal in<br />

this family. As such, the courtship and mating ritual of S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

was described to determine whether and to what extent this species<br />

is sex role reversed. Comparisons with other syngnathids were then<br />

established highlighting differences and similarities in both<br />

behavioral and morphological sexual differences.<br />

2. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ) - Chapter 3<br />

Several recent studies have shown that conventional sex roles may be<br />

somewhat modified, being less straightforward than predicted in theory. In<br />

sex role reversed species, such modifications are still virtually<br />

undocumented and it is yet not known how individuals with reversed sex<br />

roles respond to variable environmental and social conditions. In this<br />

extent, aquaria experiments were conducted as to test for the effects of<br />

distinct water temperatures (Chapter 3.1) and sex ratios (Chapter 3.2) on<br />

male and female reproductive behaviours. Moreover, since in sex role<br />

reversed species, several factors may constrain female reproduction, egg<br />

allocation patterns were analysed under different contexts of mate<br />

availability and quality (Chapter 3.3).<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

3. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ) - Chapter 4<br />

Even though a lot of work has been done on sexual selection in<br />

syngnathids, basic data from the field (where the behavioral repertoire of<br />

the fish is modulated by far more variables than in aquaria) is still lacking<br />

for most taxa. This final section presents a continuous monitoring of a wild<br />

population of S. <strong>abaster</strong> allowing for several inferences about mating<br />

patterns and sexual selection that should motivate additional work from the<br />

hypotheses generated. For example, this species appears to mate<br />

size-assortatively, probably as a consequence of mutual mate choice. This<br />

type of assortative mating likely has important implications for sexual<br />

selection and possibly speciation in syngnathid fishes. In addition, males<br />

were rarely filled to capacity in this species, a surprising observation that<br />

leads to several testable hypotheses.<br />

1.5 List of publications integrating the thesis<br />

I. Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Almada, V. C. & Vieira, M. N. 2006. Early life<br />

history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Journal of Fish Biology, 68, 80-86.<br />

II. Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Almada, V. C. & Vieira, M. N. 2006.<br />

Development and early life history behaviour of aquarium reared<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae). Journal of the Marine Biological<br />

Association of the United Kingdom, 86, 1469-1472.<br />

III. Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. 2006.<br />

Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 69, 1860-1869.<br />

IV. Silva, K., Almada, V. C., Vieira, M. N. & Monteiro, N. M. 2007. The<br />

effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Animal Behaviour, 74, 1525-1533.<br />


Chapter 1. General Introduction<br />

V. Silva, K., Vieira, M. N., Almada, V. C. & Monteiro, N. M. Reversing<br />

sex-role reversal: compete only when you must. Submitted for publication.<br />

VI. Silva, K., Almada, V. C., Vieira, M. N & Monteiro, N. M. Female<br />

reproductive tactics in a sex-role reversed pipefish: screening for quality<br />

and number. Submitted for publication.<br />

VII. Silva, K., Vieira, M. N., Almada, V. C. & Monteiro, N. M. In Press. Can<br />

the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating. Journal<br />

of Animal Ecology.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Chapter 2.1<br />

Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong><br />

2.1.1 Abstract<br />

The embryonic and larval development of the pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

is described, based on ex situ observations. The full development<br />

sequence lasted 24-32 days (at 18-19ºC), which was shortened to 21 days<br />

at higher temperatures (21-22ºC). Newborn juveniles, with a uniform dark<br />

brown colouration, immediately assumed a benthic spatial distribution.<br />

This vertical distribution pattern remained unchanged at least during the<br />

first 4 weeks, after the release from the marsupium. The apparent absence<br />

of a pelagic life phase might have important repercussions in terms of<br />

population connectivity given increasing fragmentation and degradation of<br />

the eelgrass habitat in the species’ range.<br />


2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

2.1.2 Introduction<br />

The Syngnathidae (pipefishes, pipehorses, seadragons and seahorses)<br />

exhibits one of the most specialized forms of parental care, with females<br />

depositing eggs in a specialized incubating area, located either on the<br />

abdomen (Gastrophori) or tail (Urophori) of the males (Herald, 1959). Even<br />

though male pregnancy is a widespread characteristic in all syngnathids,<br />

the anatomical complexity of the brooding structures varies among<br />

species, from the simplest incubating ventral surface of the Nerophinae,<br />

where eggs are glued without any protective plates or membranes, to the<br />

Hippocampinae sealed brood pouch. This gradient in conspicuous male<br />

parental care structures was used by Herald (1959) in order to propose a<br />

phylogeny of the family, and the main results were later confirmed by<br />

Wilson et al. (2001, 2003), using mitochondrial DNA.<br />

A comparative study on three anatomically distinct brooding<br />

structures highlighted different ultrastructures, suggesting distinct functions<br />

related to different reproductive strategies (Carcupino et al., 2002). The<br />

underlying anatomical variations visible among the various pouch types<br />

may also signal distinct early life histories since the interactions between<br />

the male body and the developing embryos are inversely proportional to<br />

the degree of egg exposure to the external environment. The relative<br />

degree of development exhibited by newborns after release from the<br />

parent may be crucial to immediate survival and larval dispersal.<br />

The main aim of this work was to extend understanding on<br />

syngnathid biology by describing, for the first time, the developmental<br />

sequence, from egg to newborn, of captive black-striped pipefish<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> Risso, a data deficient species (Baillie et al., 2004).<br />

Simultaneously, the vertical distribution of newborns was analysed, as a<br />

means to evaluate the benthic or pelagic nature of the juveniles, a variable<br />

that has profound implications in the population dynamics of pipefishes<br />

that inhabit increasingly fragmented habitats, such as eelgrass meadows.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

2.1.3 Methods<br />

S. <strong>abaster</strong> is a euryhaline species with a restricted distribution area that<br />

includes the Mediterranean and Black Seas, northward to the southern<br />

Bay of Biscay (northern Spain). The fish can be found either in coastal<br />

areas or in brackish and fresh waters (Cakic et al., 2002), mainly among<br />

sand, mud or eelgrass meadows, between depths of 0.5 and 5 m, within a<br />

temperature range of 8–24ºC (Dawson, 1986; Froese & Pauly, 2005).<br />

Males can easily be distinguished from females by the presence of the<br />

brood pouch (marsupium) located on the tail, formed by two skin-folds that<br />

contact medially with their free edges.<br />

Eggs and larvae were obtained (August 2003 to March 2004) from<br />

wild specimens collected in a salt pond reservoir, at the Ria de Aveiro<br />

estuarine lagoon (40º45’ N; 8º40’ W), in Portugal, that successfully<br />

copulated in aquaria (15 male pregnancies were followed). Captive fish<br />

were fed daily with fresh Artemia franciscana nauplii and maintained in 80 l<br />

aquaria, illuminated with natural light, supplemented with 18 W fluorescent<br />

lamps. Due to the ‘gas bubble disease’, common in pipefishes (A.<br />

Berglund, pers. comm.), aeration was performed outside the fish tanks.<br />

Continuously running sea water was physically and biologically filtered and<br />

temperature was maintained within two different ranges, 18-19ºC and<br />

21-22ºC. Substrata consisted mainly of sand and plastic seagrass laid in<br />

order to mimic the original habitat from where the fish were caught. Once<br />

copulation occurred, pregnant males were isolated and eggs were<br />

removed daily from the marsupium (except during the first day, when egg<br />

extraction occurred several times) and immediately preserved in 4%<br />

formalin. Both eggs and larvae were observed and photographed with a<br />

Leica stereomicroscope attached to a digital video camera.<br />

In order to further extend knowledge on syngnathid early life<br />

history, newborn juveniles were maintained in the same conditions as<br />

adults, since they were already capable of eating A. franciscana nauplii.<br />

Juvenile total length (LT) was recorded using a ruler (25 juveniles were<br />

continuously measured during the first 4 weeks). Since this was a simple<br />


2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

and quick handling procedure, no mortality was observed due to fish<br />

manipulation. The vertical distribution of juveniles was also studied by<br />

separately placing individuals inside small 4 l aquaria (40 x 10 x 10 cm),<br />

distinct from those used for pregnant adults and with no water circulation,<br />

divided in three sections: surface (10 cm), middle section (20 cm) and<br />

bottom (10 cm). After an initial ‘resting’ period (c. 45 min), during which<br />

black striped pipefish were allowed to familiarize with the new<br />

surroundings, 10 min observation periods were conducted on the time<br />

juveniles spent in the ‘surface’ and ‘bottom’ sections. In order to assure<br />

data independence, each observation was conducted using different<br />

individuals, from different broods, that were only used once (10 trials<br />

measuring time spent near surface and another 10 trials aimed at<br />

measuring time spent in the bottom section). This experimental design was<br />

repeated during 3 consecutive weeks, always using different individuals.<br />

An orthogonal ANOVA with two factors [time (three levels = 3 weeks) and<br />

vertical position (two levels = surface and bottom)] was conducted. Data<br />

were transformed [ln (x + 0.5)] in order to obtain homogeneity of variances<br />

(Cochran’s test; P > 0.05). All statistical analyses were performed using<br />

Statistica 6.1 (Statsoft).<br />

2.1.4 Results<br />

The bright orange eggs of S. <strong>abaster</strong> were almost spherical when<br />

spawned, measuring c. 1.6 mm (n= 45; mean ± S.D.= 1.58 ± 0.24 mm;<br />

range: 1.09-2.06 mm), but became quite variable in shape due to different<br />

degrees of compression caused by adjacent eggs. Males carried embryos<br />

for c. 24-32 days (18-19ºC; n= 24, mean ± S.D. number of eggs per males<br />

= 40.67 ± 10.10; range: 18-64) and gave birth, during a 2-3 day period, to<br />

completely independent young measuring c. 18mm (n= 64; mean ± S.D<br />

= 17.67 ± 0.22 mm; range: 14-23 mm). At higher temperatures (21-22ºC)<br />

embryonic and larval development was concluded within 21 days (four<br />

male pregnancies were observed). The main ontogenetic stages are<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

summarized in Figure 2.1.1 and representative pictures of the<br />

developmental process (18-19ºC) are given in Figure 2.1.2.<br />

Cleavage in S. <strong>abaster</strong>, as in all bony fishes, is meroblastic<br />

(incomplete), leading to a formation of a mass of cells sitting atop of the<br />

yolk. Embryos entered the blastula stage c. 24 h after fertilization with the<br />

blastodisc presenting a regular hemispheric shape. Gastrulation began 72<br />

h after fertilization and was characterized by the flattening of the blastodisc<br />

(epiboly) and the formation of the embryonic shield as a thickening of the<br />

germ ring [Figure 2.1.2 (A)]. By this time, the two edges of the marsupium<br />

folds strongly adhered to each other. The neural tube and the dorsal corda<br />

were apparent in the anterior region of the embryo body from the half<br />

epiboly stage (7 days after fertilization) [Figure 2.1.2 (B)]. During this<br />

period the embryo presented a well developed head, body and tail. The<br />

cephalic region was already discernable and the optic vesicles were<br />

visible. The anlagen of the crystalline lens and the ocular pigmentation<br />

were visible by day 9. Somite formation started c. 8 days after fertilization<br />

and, as development continued, the rudiments of the organs became<br />

visible, with the tail region now free from the yolk as the embryo elongated<br />

and fins became visible. Melanogenesis started on the head region after 8<br />

days of development and, by day 10, some pigmented cells were visible<br />

along the antero-posterior embryonic axis [Figure 2.1.2 (C)]. After 14 days<br />

of development the heart beat and blood vessels were visible and embryos<br />

exhibited some motility, responding to touch. During the subsequent days<br />

fin rays began to differentiate [Figure 2.1.2 (D)] and the embryos started<br />

hatching from the egg envelopes, but remaining within the marsupium<br />

whose edges increased in volume and were now easily separable. As<br />

development proceeded, the yolk was gradually absorbed, with the<br />

elements of the dermal plates visibly developing and the mouth apparatus<br />

becoming elongated, acquiring the typical adult form [Figure 2.1.2 (E), (F)].<br />

Finally, 24-32 days after fertilization, the embryonic development of S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> was completed and fully formed dark brown juveniles, resembling<br />

adult individuals [Figure 2.1.2 (G),(H)], Were released from the marsupium<br />

by sharp bending movements of the male’s body.<br />


18<br />

Figure 2.1.1: Ontogenetic events occurring during the embryonic and larval development of <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong> in order of first appearance (a, blastula stage; b, epiboly; c, embryonic shield recognizable; d, cephalic<br />

and caudal dilatation; e, optic vesicles; f, notochord and neural tube differentiation; g, beginning of somite<br />

formation; h, crystalline lens; i, ocular pigmentation; j, tail region free from yolk; k, beginning of melanogenesis; l,<br />

fin differentiation; m, heart beats and visible blood vessels; n, embryo motility; o, development of mouth<br />

apparatus; p, development of fin rays; q, dermal plates; r, brownish colouration; s, hatch from egg envelope; t,<br />

release from marsupium).<br />

2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>

19<br />

Figure 2.1.2: Different developmental stages in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>: (A) 3 days, (B) 7 days, (C) 13 days, (D) 17<br />

days, (E) 19 days, (F) 21 days, (G) newborn head detail and (H) newborn juveniles. Scale bars: 1 mm.<br />

Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour

2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

A significant difference was found between time spent near the<br />

surface or bottom of the aquaria (Table 2.1.1). Newborn juveniles spent<br />

most of the time near the bottom with only some sporadic movements<br />

towards the surface, followed by a return to the bottom section of the<br />

aquaria. The observed vertical distribution did not significantly change<br />

during the following weeks, but a slight reduction in time spent near the<br />

surface was observed (Figure 2.1.3). Juveniles used for the calculation of<br />

the growth (n = 25) doubled in LT within the first 4 weeks after abandoning<br />

the parental marsupium (mean ± S.D. initial size = 15.60 ± 0.22 mm;<br />

4 weeks old = 3.14 ± 0.28 cm).<br />

No evidence of schooling behaviour was ever observed when<br />

juveniles were maintained together. In fact, corroborating the results of the<br />

vertical distribution experiment, the juveniles, with a cryptic colouration,<br />

were usually observed in close contact with the substratum laid in the<br />

bottom of the aquarium.<br />

Table 2.1.1: ANOVA results on the vertical distribution of <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong> juveniles during the first three weeks after abandoning the<br />

marsupium.<br />

Source DF MS F P<br />

Time 2 5.727 1.45 0.243<br />

Vertical distribution 1 487.569 123.80 < 0.001<br />

Time x V. distribution 2 3.445 0.87 0.423<br />

Residuals 54 3.939<br />

Total 59<br />


21<br />

Figure 2.1.3: (A) Vertical distribution in the water column (mean ± S.D. per cent time spent at the<br />

surface and bottom) displayed by juvenile <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> during the first 3 weeks after abandoning<br />

the marsupium and (B) mean ± S.D. juvenile total length during the first 4 weeks.<br />

Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour

2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

2.1.5 Discussion<br />

The observation of the embryonic and larval development of S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

reinforces the notion that the presence of a marsupium contributes to a<br />

higher degree of newborn development, when compared to a<br />

marsupium-lacking pipefish such as Nerophis lumbriciformis (Jenyus)<br />

(Monteiro et al., 2003) or Nerophis ophidion (L.) (Russell, 1976). As also<br />

observed in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acusimilis Gunther (Drozdov et al., 1997), S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> larvae hatch from the egg envelope before complete formation of<br />

the mouth apparatus, still exhibiting the final remains of the yolk sack. The<br />

final stages of development occur inside the marsupium, without the<br />

physical constraints of the limited egg space. As a result, marsupium<br />

presenting pipefishes of the genus <strong>Syngnathus</strong> give birth to fully<br />

developed juveniles while marsupium-lacking pipefishes of the genera<br />

Nerophis and Entelurus produce less developed larvae (Russell, 1976;<br />

Monteiro et al., 2003), whose morphology is still some way from the adult<br />

form. The observed differences in the final degree of development might<br />

have an important role in larvae early life history behaviour. Contrary to N.<br />

lumbriciformis newborn larvae, that immediately showed vertical swim-up<br />

and drift behaviour, using the pectoral fins to rotate along the body axis<br />

(Monteiro et al., 2003), S. <strong>abaster</strong> juveniles occupy the bottom of the<br />

aquaria shortly after birth, rapidly growing, thus suggesting a benthic<br />

strategy (Figure 2.1.3). During regular monthly samples conducted for >1<br />

year, aimed at collecting fish larvae in the water column of a Portuguese<br />

river estuary (Lima River, northern Portugal), only two juveniles were<br />

captured, even though S. <strong>abaster</strong> is a common inhabitant of the estuary<br />

(S. Silva, unpubl. data).<br />

Early life history behaviour is of great importance for the species<br />

ecology as it might determine population demography and ‘connectivity’<br />

(Cowen et al., 2000). Since, mainly due to habitat reduction and<br />

environmental degradation (Nagelkerken et al., 2000), the total area<br />

occupied by eelgrass meadows is currently receding in southern Europe<br />

(Duarte, 2002), black striped pipefish populations face new and<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

challenging problems. The observed behaviour of newborn juveniles,<br />

unlike that registered for N. lumbriciformis or N. ophidion, whose larvae<br />

display a clear pelagic life phase (Russell, 1976; Monteiro et al., 2003),<br />

may imply a limited dispersion capability, thus contributing to the ongoing<br />

isolation of geographically distant populations (S. <strong>abaster</strong> populations<br />

seem to be confined to estuaries and salt pond reservoirs within mainland<br />

Portugal; N.M. Monteiro, pers. obs.). An increasing number of factors (the<br />

destruction and reduction of the habitat, the increasing geographical<br />

distance among populations and the apparent benthic behaviour of the<br />

juveniles) interact and contribute to a decrease in connectivity between<br />

populations.<br />

The role of connectivity patterns via larval dispersal in structuring<br />

marine populations has been a central issue in marine ecology (Palumbi,<br />

1999; Cowen et al., 2000; Armsworth, 2002) and increasing knowledge of<br />

syngnathid early life history would increase the understanding of how<br />

developmental and behavioural processes may affect population<br />

persistence and evolution. Within pipefishes, species without a marsupium<br />

seem to produce smaller and less developed larvae, having a primordial<br />

fin and transparent colouration, that display pelagic early life history<br />

behaviour, e.g. N. lumbriciformis, N. ophidion and Entelurus aequoreus<br />

(L.) (Russell, 1976; Monteiro et al., 2003). <strong>Pipefish</strong> species with a<br />

marsupium, with the exception of the small juveniles (13-14 mm) produced<br />

by <strong>Syngnathus</strong> rostellatus Nilsson (Froese & Pauly, 2005), seem to<br />

produce more developed juveniles that immediately take a bottom life on<br />

release from the parent (<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus L., <strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle L. and S.<br />

acusimilis) (Russell, 1976; Drozdov et al., 1997). In the specific case of the<br />

genus Hippocampus, even though some authors state that seahorses<br />

avoid a planktonic larval phase (Schmid & Senn, 2002), as might be the<br />

case of Hippocampus fuscus Ruppell (Golani & Fine, 2002), several<br />

species are recurrently observed in open sea, (e.g. Hippocampus<br />

mohnikei Bleeker, Hippocampus comes Cantor, Hippocampus<br />

spinosissimus Weber and Hippocampus abdominalis Lesson (Kanou &<br />

Kohno, 2001; Foster & Vincent, 2004).<br />


2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

An interesting observation that, as far as is known, has not yet<br />

been described, deals with filial cannibalism. Even though juveniles were<br />

already able to feed on A. franciscana nauplii (supplied on a daily basis),<br />

the density of newborn was initially observed to dramatically decrease.<br />

The direct observation of adults feeding on juveniles (sometimes their<br />

own) confirmed the hypothesis that filial cannibalism does occur, since<br />

newborn are sufficiently slender to pass through an adult’s mouth opening<br />

(K. Silva, pers. obs.). Even though potentially negligible in the wild, this<br />

phenomenon might be a serious concern in aquarium-reared individuals<br />

whose larvae are smaller than an adult’s mouth. Thus, the type of<br />

substratum used (with plants and crevices) might play an important role in<br />

the rate of juvenile survival during the first development stages.<br />

2.1.6 Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank everybody that helped during the laboratorial work,<br />

especially P. Correia. N. Monteiro’s participation was funded by Fundação<br />

para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BD/2747/2000). K. Silva’s<br />

participation was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia<br />

(FCT-SFRH/BD/13171/2003). V. Almada’s participation was partially<br />

funded by Programa Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de Investigação.<br />

2.1.7 References<br />

Armsworth, P. R. (2002). Recruitment limitation, population regulation, and<br />

larval connectivity in reef fish metapopulations. Ecology 83, 1092–1104.<br />

Baillie, J. E. M., Hilton-Taylor, C. & Stuart, S. N. (2004). 2004 IUCN Red<br />

List of Threatened Species. A Global Species Assessment. IUCN, Gland,<br />

Switzerland and Cambridge, United Kingdom.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Cakic, P., Lenhardt, M., Mickovic, D., Sekulic, N. & Budakov, L. J. (2002).<br />

Biometric analysis of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> populations. Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 60, 1562–1569.<br />

Carcupino, M., Baldacci, A., Mazzini, M. & Franzoi, P. (2002). Functional<br />

significance of the male brood pouch in the reproductive strategies of<br />

pipefishes and seahorses, a morphological and ultrastructural comparative<br />

study on three anatomically different pouches. Journal of Fish Biology 61,<br />

1465–1480.<br />

Cowen, R. K., Lwiza, K. M., Sponaugle, S., Paris, C. B. & Olson, D. B.<br />

(2000). Connectivity of marine populations, open or closed? Science 287,<br />

857–859.<br />

Dawson, C. E. (1986). Syngnathidae. In: Fishes of the North-eastern<br />

Atlantic and the Mediterranean (Whitehead, P. J. P., Bauchot, M. L.,<br />

Hureau, J. C., Nielsen, J. & Tortonese, E., eds), pp. 628–639. Paris:<br />

Unesco.<br />

Drozdov, A. L., Kornienko, E. S. & Krasnolutsky, A. V. (1997).<br />

Reproduction and development of the pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acusimilis.<br />

Biologiya Morya 23, 304–308.<br />

Duarte, C. M. (2002). The future of seagrass meadows. Environmental<br />

Conservation 29, 192–206.<br />

Foster, S. J. & Vincent, A. C. J. (2004). Life history and ecology of<br />

seahorses, implications for conservation and management. Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 65, 1–61.<br />

Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (2005) FishBase. World Wide Web electronic<br />

publication.<br />


2.1. Early life history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Golani, D. & Fine, M. (2002). On the occurrence of Hippocampus fuscus in<br />

the eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Fish Biology 60, 764–766.<br />

Herald, E. S. (1959). From pipefish to seahorse – a study of phylogenetic<br />

relationships. Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences 29,<br />

465–473.<br />

Kanou, K. & Kohno, H. (2001). Early life history of a seahorse,<br />

Hippocampus mohnikei in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Ichthyological Research 48,<br />

361–369.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Almada, V. C. & Vieira, M. N. (2003). Early life history of<br />

the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis (Pisces, Syngnathidae). Journal of the<br />

Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83, 1179–1182.<br />

Nagelkerken, I., Van Der Velde, G., Gorissen, M. W., Meijer, G. J., Van’t<br />

Hof, T. & Den Hartog, C. (2000). Importance of mangroves, seagrass beds<br />

and the shallow coral reefs as a nursery for important coral reef fishes,<br />

using a visual census technique. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51,<br />

31–44.<br />

Palumbi, S. R. (1999). The prodigal fish. Nature 402, 733–735.<br />

Russell, F. S. (1976). The Eggs and Planktonic Stages of British Marine<br />

Fishes. London: Academic Press.<br />

Schmid, M. S. & Senn, D. G. (2002). Seahorses–masters of adaptation.<br />

Vie et Milieu 52, 201–207.<br />

Wilson, A. B., Vincent, A., Ahnesjo, I. & Meyer, A. (2001). Male pregnancy<br />

in seahorses and pipefishes (Family Syngnathidae): Rapid diversification<br />

of paternal brood pouch morphology inferred from a molecular phylogeny.<br />

The Journal of Heredity 92, 159–166.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Wilson, A. B., Ahnesjo, I., Vincent, A. C. J. & Meyer, A. (2003). The<br />

dynamics of male brooding, mating patterns, and sex roles in pipefishes<br />

and seahorses (Family Syngnathidae). Evolution 57, 1374–1386.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Chapter 2.2<br />

Development and early life history<br />

behaviour of aquarium reared<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus<br />

(Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

2.2.1 Abstract<br />

Some notes on development and early life history behaviour of aquarium-<br />

-reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus are presented and compared with other<br />

syngnathid species, namely S. <strong>abaster</strong>. Implications in population<br />

dynamics and connectivity are discussed.<br />


2.2. Development and early life history behaviour of aquarium reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

2.2.2 Introduction<br />

The family Syngnathidae is remarkable for its adaptations for parental<br />

care, with females depositing eggs in a male’s specialized incubating area<br />

where embryos are protected, nourished and osmoregulated (Vincent et<br />

al., 1992). Despite the ubiquitous male brooding of the eggs, the<br />

anatomical organization of the brooding structures varies in complexity,<br />

from a simple ventral surface where eggs are brooded openly without any<br />

protective plates or covering membranes, to a brood pouch (marsupium)<br />

with different degrees of closure culminating in the sealed sack like pouch<br />

of seahorses (Herald, 1959). This gradient in conspicuous male paternal<br />

care structures was used to construct a phylogeny (Herald, 1959) that was<br />

later largely conformed by Wilson et al. (2003) using mitochondrial DNA.<br />

A comparative study of three different brood structures [Nerophis<br />

ophidion, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> and Hippocampus hippocampus; pouch<br />

types B1, A4i and A5, respectively, (Herald, 1959)] showed that each<br />

structure had a skin with a different ultrastructure, suggesting different<br />

functions that may be related to different reproductive strategies of each<br />

species (Carcupino et al., 2002). Recent work suggested that the<br />

anatomical variations among brooding structures could also signal distinct<br />

early life histories with different degrees of newborn development being<br />

associated with contrasting dispersal potentials (Silva et al., 2006). As a<br />

fact, within pipefish, marsupium lacking species, such as Nerophis<br />

lumbriciformis, seem to produce smaller and less developed planktonic<br />

larvae, with a morphology still distant from the adult (Monteiro et al., 2003),<br />

while species with a marsupium, such as S. <strong>abaster</strong>, give birth to fully<br />

formed juveniles that immediately assume a benthic distribution on release<br />

from the parent’s pouch (Silva et al., 2006). The ultrastructural changes<br />

related to the increased elaboration of pipefish brooding structures seem,<br />

thus, to be accompanied by an increase in the extent of newborn<br />

development along with a transition from a two-phase life history<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

(planktonic larvae and benthic adults) to an apparently single benthic<br />

strategy (Silva et al., 2006).<br />

Larvae biology and behaviour of most syngnathid species remain,<br />

however, undocumented and variation in early life history parameters<br />

across genera requires thorough analysis in order to correctly assess the<br />

mechanisms and strategies involved in syngnathid evolution. Furthermore,<br />

increasing knowledge on early life history related parameters could provide<br />

powerful insights into the relative vulnerability of different species or<br />

populations to the actual increasing pressures presented through<br />

overexploitation and habitat fragmentation.<br />

In this paper, some notes on the development of aquarium- reared<br />

juveniles of the greater pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus Linnaeus, a data<br />

deficient species (Baillie et al., 2004), are presented. Simultaneously, the<br />

vertical distribution of newborns was analysed as an indication of the<br />

benthic or pelagic nature of the juveniles, a variable with profound<br />

implications in the population dynamics of pipefish that inhabit increasingly<br />

fragmented habitats, such as eelgrass meadows. Comparisons are also<br />

presented, highlighting similarities and differences between S. acus and<br />

other western European pipefish species, particularly S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

2.2.3 Methods<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus juveniles were obtained from four pregnant males<br />

captured by net in the Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon (40º45’ N; 8º40’ W),<br />

in Portugal. Captive males were fed daily with fresh Artemia franciscana<br />

nauplii and maintained in 250-l aquaria, illuminated with natural light,<br />

supplemented with 18 W fluorescent lamps. Due to the ‘gas bubble<br />

disease’ aeration was performed outside the fish tanks. Continuously<br />

running seawater was physically and biologically filtered and temperature<br />

maintained at 18-19ºC. Due to the direct observation of cannibalism,<br />

newborns were separated from males and maintained in 80-l aquaria, in<br />

the same conditions as adults.<br />


2.2. Development and early life history behaviour of aquarium reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

Total length (LT) of ten juveniles haphazardly collected from the<br />

tank was measured every week up to two months after birth.<br />

The vertical distribution of juveniles was analysed as in Silva et al.<br />

(2006) by separately placing individuals inside small 4-l aquaria<br />

(40x10x10 cm) with no water circulation, divided in three sections: surface<br />

(10 cm), middle section (20 cm) and bottom (10 cm). After an initial<br />

accommodation period (≈45 min), 10 min observation periods were<br />

conducted on the time juveniles spent in the ‘surface’ and ‘bottom’<br />

sections. In order to assure data independence, each observation was<br />

conducted using different individuals that were only used once (ten trials<br />

measuring time spent near the surface and another ten trials aimed at<br />

measuring time spent in the bottom section). This experimental design was<br />

consecutively repeated during five weeks, always using different<br />

individuals. Results were analysed and further compared with data for S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> (Silva et al., 2006) through a three factor non-parametric analysis<br />

of variance [species (2 levels=S. acus and S. <strong>abaster</strong>) time (3 levels=3<br />

weeks after birth) and vertical position (2 levels=surface and bottom)].<br />

Comparison between S. acus and S. <strong>abaster</strong> juvenile birth lengths were<br />

assessed through a 2-tailed independent-samples t-test. All statistical<br />

analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social<br />

Sciences 13.0 (SPSS Inc.).<br />

2.2.4 Results<br />

Pregnant males gave birth, during a 2-3 day period, to fully formed<br />

juveniles (Figure 2.2.1.A) measuring approximately 26 mm (LT; N=110,<br />

average=25.94 mm, range:17-30 mm, SD=2.52) already capable of<br />

feeding on Artemia nauplii. Meristic data are presented in Figure 2.2.1.B.<br />

Comparative data for S. <strong>abaster</strong> is also presented (Froese & Pauly, 2005;<br />

K. Silva, personal observation).<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Figure 2.2.1: (A) <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus newborns. (B) Comparison of meristic<br />

characters of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> newborns. (C)<br />

Juvenile growth rate during the first eight weeks. Error bars represent<br />

standard deviations. (D) Vertical distribution in the water column displayed<br />

by juveniles during the first five weeks after abandoning the marsupium.<br />

Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />


2.2. Development and early life history behaviour of aquarium reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

The two congeneric species resemble each other in general morphology,<br />

with, however, some significant differences concerning birth length [S.<br />

acus: N=110, average=25.94 mm, S.D.=2.52; S. <strong>abaster</strong>: N=64<br />

average=17.67 mm, S.D.=2.22; independent-samples 2-tailed t-test:<br />

N=174, P

Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Table 2.2.1: Non-parametric analysis of variance results on the vertical<br />

distribution of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> during the first<br />

three weeks after abandoning the marsupium.<br />

Source of variation<br />

Deegres of<br />

freedom<br />

34<br />

Sum of<br />

squares<br />

Hstatistic<br />

P value<br />

Species 1 143.01 0.134 0.714<br />

Time 2 421.91 0.395 0.821<br />

Vertical distribution 1 99498.70 92.251

2.2. Development and early life history behaviour of aquarium reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

way as it has been documented in S. <strong>abaster</strong> (Silva et al., 2006). Along the<br />

coasts of the Portuguese mainland, these two species seem mainly<br />

confined to estuaries (Monteiro, personal observation). Habitat<br />

fragmentation and/or long distance colonization, as well as restricted<br />

dispersal with isolation by distance have already been pointed out as<br />

important forces able to determine the actual geographical distribution of<br />

certain seahorse species (Lourie et al., 2005).<br />

A final interesting note on S. acus deals with filial cannibalism.<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus newborns were actively preyed upon by adults, including<br />

their own parents. Cannibalism in pipefish has also been reported in S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> (Silva et al., 2006), S. scovelli, S. floridae and S. fuscus (Teixeira<br />

& Musick, 1995), and may be a widespread phenomenon in the genus<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong>.<br />

2.2.6 Acknowledgments<br />

We thank everyone who helped during the fieldwork, especially Alberto<br />

Silva, Armando Jorge, Mario Ramalho and Pedro Correia. Vítor Almada<br />

and Natividade Vieira’s participation were partially funded by Programa<br />

Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de Investigação. Nuno Monteiro’s<br />

participation was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia<br />

(FCT-SFRH/BPD/ 14992/2004). Karine Silva’s participation was funded by<br />

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BD/13171/2003).<br />

2.2.7 References<br />

Armsworth, P. R., 2002. Recruitment limitation, population regulation, and<br />

larval connectivity in reef fish metapopulations. Ecology, 83, 1092-1104.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Baillie, J. E. M., Hilton-Taylor, C. & Stuart, S. N. (2004). 2004 IUCN Red<br />

List of Threatened Species. A Global Species Assessment. IUCN, Gland,<br />

Switzerland and Cambridge, United Kingdom.<br />

Carcupino, M., Baldacci, A., Mazzini, M. & Franzoi, P., 2002. Functional<br />

significance of the male brood pouch in the reproductive strategies of<br />

pipefishes and seahorses: a morphological and ultrastructural comparative<br />

study on three anatomically different pouches. Journal of Fish Biology, 61,<br />

1465-1480.<br />

Cowen, R.K., Lwiza, K.M., Sponaugle, S., Paris, C.B. & Olson, D.B., 2000.<br />

Connectivity of marine populations: open or closed? Science, NewYork,<br />

287, 857-859.<br />

Dawson, C.E., 1986. Syngnathidae. In: Fishes of the North-eastern<br />

Atlantic and the Mediterranean (ed. P.J.P. Whitehead et al.), pp. 628-639.<br />

Paris: Unesco.<br />

Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (2005). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic<br />

publication.<br />

Herald, E. S., 1959. From pipefish to seahorse - a study of phylogenetic<br />

relationships. Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences 29,<br />

465-473.<br />

Lourie, S.A., Green, D.M. & Vincent, A.C.J., 2005. Dispersal, habitat<br />

differences, and comparative phylogeography of Southeast Asian<br />

seahorses (Syngnathidae: Hippocampus). Molecular Ecology, 14,<br />

1073-1094.<br />

Monteiro, N.M., Almada,V.C. & Vieira, M.N., 2003. Early life history of the<br />

pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis (Pisces: Syngnathidae). Journal of the<br />

Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 83, 1179-1182.<br />


2.2. Development and early life history behaviour of aquarium reared <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

acus (Pisces: Syngnathidae)<br />

Monteiro, N.M., Almada, V.C. & Vieira, M.N., 2005. Implications of different<br />

brood pouch structures in syngnathid reproduction. Journal of the Marine<br />

Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85, 1235-1241.<br />

Russell, F. S., 1976. The eggs and planktonic stages of British marine<br />

fishes. London: Academic Press.<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N.M., Almada,V.C. & Vieira, M.N., 2006. Early life<br />

history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (Pisces: Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish<br />

Biology, 68, 80-86.<br />

Teixeira, R.L. & Musick, J.A., 1995. Trophic ecology of two congeneric<br />

pipefishes (Syngnathidae) of the lower York River, Virginia. Environmental<br />

Biology of Fishes, 43, 295-309.<br />

Vincent, A., Ahnesjo, I., Berglund, A. & Roseqvist, G., 1992. <strong>Pipefish</strong>es<br />

and seahorses: are they all sex role reversed? Trends in Ecology and<br />

Evolution, 7, 237-241.<br />

Wilson, A.B., Ahnesjo, I., Vincent, A.C.J. & Meyer, A., 2003. The dynamics<br />

of male brooding, mating patterns, and sex roles in pipefishes and<br />

seahorses (Family Syngnathidae). Evolution, 57, 1374-1386.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Chapter 2.3<br />

Reproductive behaviour of the<br />

black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong> (Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

2.3.1 Abstract<br />

The reproductive behaviour of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> is described and<br />

compared with those of other syngnathids. The need for standardized<br />

behavioural data is discussed in light of the actual theories of evolution of<br />

mating patterns and sex-role reversal within this family.<br />

2.3.2 Introduction<br />

The Syngnathidae (comprising pipefishes, seahorses and seadragons) is<br />

well known for its unique form of parental care, where females deposit<br />


2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

unfertilized eggs into the male’s specialized ventral incubating surface<br />

(Herald, 1959). Together with male pregnancy, some syngnathid species<br />

also exhibit varying degrees of sex-role reversal (Monteiro et al., 2002;<br />

Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003), with females competing for access to<br />

mates and sometimes presenting conspicuous secondary sexual<br />

characters. These specializations have promoted the use of syngnathids<br />

as models in which to study not only the evolution of parental care (Trivers,<br />

1972; Ridley, 1978), but also to test theoretical assumptions of sexual<br />

selection (Johnstone, 1995).<br />

The phylogenetic relationships among syngnathids have been<br />

studied both by Herald (1959), based on the morphological organization of<br />

the male’s incubating area, and Wilson et al. (2003), using mitochondrial<br />

DNA, producing similar results. Attempts to determine the evolution of<br />

mating patterns or the degree of sex-role reversal, superimposing<br />

information from behavioural and ecological data are, nevertheless, still far<br />

from producing definitive results. Despite the ubiquity of male pregnancy in<br />

syngnathids, mating patterns and sexual dimorphism differ greatly among<br />

species. Thus, comparative studies must be preceded and supported by<br />

objective and reasonably standardized behavioural observations, able to<br />

highlight not only differences between species but also variation among<br />

populations.<br />

In order to further extend knowledge of syngnathid reproduction, a<br />

study area where information on the most basic life-history parameters is<br />

scarce, data were collected on the reproductive biology of the black-striped<br />

pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> Risso, based on aquarium observations of<br />

individuals captured in the wild. The reproductive behaviour of this species<br />

is poorly understood and information on its reproductive biology is still<br />

insufficient. Tomasini et al. (1991) described factors that influence the<br />

reproductive success of a population of S. <strong>abaster</strong> in a Mediterranean<br />

lagoon (Mauguio, France), Carcupino et al. (1997) described the<br />

ultrastructural organization of the male brood pouch epithelium and Silva<br />

et al. (2006) presented a description of the embryonic development and<br />

juvenile behaviour. Furthermore, comparisons are presented and<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

discussed, highlighting similarities and differences in the reproductive<br />

biology of the black-striped pipefish when compared to other Western<br />

European pipefish species.<br />

2.3.3 Methods<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>, a euryhaline species with a restricted distribution that<br />

includes the Mediterranean and Black Sea northward to southern Biscay<br />

(Dawson, 1986), occurs either in coastal areas or in brackish and fresh<br />

waters (Cakic et al., 2002). The black-striped pipefish is a small<br />

brown-green pipefish, with dark or pale spots on the trunk and tail. It can<br />

be found mainly among sand, mud or eelgrass meadows, between depths<br />

of 0.5 and 5 m, within a temperature range of 8 and 24°C. Males of the<br />

Urophori have a brood pouch located ventrally on the tail, which consists<br />

of two skin folds that contact medially with their free edges.<br />

Fish were collected with a hand-net, in a salt pond reservoir, at the<br />

Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon (40°45’ N; 8°40’ W), Portugal. One<br />

hundred and seventy-six mature individuals, including males and females,<br />

were captured during a 2-year period (March 2003 to June 2005),<br />

measured for total length (LT) and the number of eggs (visible through the<br />

marsupium folds) was counted in each pregnant male. These individuals<br />

were transported to the laboratory and maintained in several 80 l aquaria,<br />

illuminated with natural light and supplemented with 18 W fluorescent<br />

lamps. The tank substrata consisted mainly of sand and plastic seagrass<br />

laid in order to mimic the original habitat where the fish were caught. Due<br />

to the ‘gas bubble disease’, common in pipefishes, aeration was performed<br />

outside the fish tanks (Monteiro et al., 2002). The continuously running<br />

seawater was physically and biologically filtered and its temperature and<br />

salinity (33‰) maintained constant. Fish were fed daily with fresh Artemia<br />

franciscana nauplii. Adult males and females were initially kept separate in<br />

order to synchronize the ‘disposition to mate’ and simultaneously to allow<br />

the fish to be accustomed to the presence of an observer. An equal<br />

number of females and non-brooding males (not exceeding six individuals)<br />


2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

were then placed together to mate. Since no successful mating rituals<br />

were observed in the first courtship trials, with the water temperature<br />

ranging from 14 to 15°C, and considering that tempe rature is one of the<br />

strongest factors in the control of marine fish reproduction (Monteiro et al.,<br />

2001), water temperature was gradually increased to 18-19°C. This is in<br />

agreement with in situ observations (during 2005, adult S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

migrated to salt ponds, in order to reproduce, when temperature reached<br />

values >18°C; K. Silva, pers. obs.). This adjustmen t in water temperature<br />

resulted in the observation of several successful matings. More than 230 h<br />

of ad libitum observations were conducted (Martin & Bateson, 1993), at<br />

random intervals, and the main stages of the courtship rituals were<br />

defined, measured and described. More than 15 h of video-tape recordings<br />

were also used in order to further describe the behavioural patterns of<br />

courtship and mating.<br />

2.3.4 Results<br />

Differences between male and female initiative, flickering movements and<br />

leads were determined using ADERSIML (Almada & Oliveira, 1997). This<br />

computer programme implements a procedure to access the significance<br />

of goodness of fit tests that would usually be addressed using the χ 2<br />

distribution. This procedure was chosen because it allows the analysis of<br />

data where expected frequencies are very low (

Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

marsupium (n=58, r=0.554, P

2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

(Figure 2.3.2). Males presented swollen pouch folds, particularly in the<br />

vicinity of the genital area.<br />

Figure 2.3.2: Female ‘amplifiable ornament’ (A) in isolation and (B)<br />

interacting with another female (increasing contrast in the striped pattern).<br />

The reproductive ritual of S. <strong>abaster</strong> consisted of three distinct phases,<br />

marked by prominent behavioural changes that can be summarized as<br />

follows. Initial courtship [Figure 2.3.3 (A), (B), (C)]: the first stage of the<br />

courtship ritual was characterized by mutual flickering movements that<br />

affected the entire body rather than just the anterior section of the fish, as<br />

observed in Nerophis lumbriciformis (Jenyns) (Monteiro et al., 2002). It<br />

consisted mainly of rapid and vigorous bends moving along the main axis<br />

of the body. Both females and males approached the opposite sex, without<br />

either of the sexes showing greater initiative (n=17 courtship trials, male:<br />

nine initiatives, female: eight initiatives, P>0.05). Females tended to flicker<br />

first (χ 2 , n=17 courtship trials, male: 3, female: 14, P0.05). After the first flicker, if the opposite sex<br />

flickered in response, both individuals performed rapid side-by-side<br />

vibrations while swimming through the aquarium in a more or less parallel<br />

position (73% of trials). Females tended to lead these short movements<br />

(χ 2 , n=34 leads in 17 courtship trials; male: nine leads, female: 25 leads;<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />


45<br />

Figure 2.3.3: Overview of the main behavioural stages of courtship and mating: (A) vertical swimming, (B)<br />

crossing, (C) parallel swimming and (D) spawning<br />

2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)

Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

this phase (n=17, mean±S.D.=26.0±3.0 s, range:21-31 s), the male slowly<br />

descended to the substratum where it stayed motionless (mean±S.D.<br />

= 95.0±85.4 s), sometimes assuming an S-like position (seven in 17<br />

matings), as also observed in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus L. and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle<br />

L. (Vincent et al., 1995). After a variable latency period<br />

(mean±S.D.= 15.0±6.4 min), a new courtship ritual might occur. In aquaria,<br />

some pairs (three in eight) were observed to spawn up to three<br />

consecutive times and, interestingly, one female was observed spawning<br />

with three different males within

2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

reduction of courtship displays in the water column was also documented<br />

by Almada & Santos (1995) for blenniids that spawn in habitats subjected<br />

to strong wave action.<br />

Another widespread phenomenon seems to be the occurrence of<br />

disruptions during the first phase of the courtship ritual. During the<br />

aquarium observations, females were observed approaching the courting<br />

pair and beginning to actively flicker or merely following the pair in a<br />

parallel motion, a behaviour that might be viewed as a form of competition<br />

(Matsumoto & Yanagisawa, 2001). Curiously, the intruding female was<br />

usually unable to mate with the courting male. Only in one occasion was<br />

the opposite observed. Nevertheless, these disrupting females were far<br />

more successful in redirecting the other female’s attention, causing the<br />

apparent end of the ongoing courtship display. Similar observations have<br />

been described for Corythoichthys haematopterus (Bleeker) (Matsumoto &<br />

Yanagisawa, 2001), <strong>Syngnathus</strong> schlegeli Kaup (Watanabe et al., 2000)<br />

and N. lumbriciformis (Monteiro et al., 2002), suggesting that the still<br />

poorly understood female-female interactions, that greatly vary among<br />

syngnathid genera, play an important role in the competition for access to<br />

mates (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003). As in N. ophidion and S. typhle<br />

(Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003), the apparent absence of overtly<br />

aggressive interactions among S. <strong>abaster</strong> females suggests that female<br />

dominance occurs mainly through sexual signalling, namely a more<br />

contrasted colouration in the trunk (see Figure 2.3.2). This ornamentation<br />

seems to be an amplification of the normal colouration, similar to what has<br />

been described both for S. typhle (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003) and N.<br />

lumbriciformis (Monteiro et al., 2002), a phenomenon that might be directly<br />

involved not only in male attraction but also in female-female interactions.<br />

The observed sexual dimorphism in size (females being larger than<br />

males) and behaviour suggest sex-role reversion in the sampled<br />

population of S. <strong>abaster</strong> (at least under an even sex ratio), a phenomena<br />

already documented for several other syngnathids (Kornienko, 2001;<br />

Monteiro et al., 2002; Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003) as well as other fish<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

families [Kuwamura, 1985 (Apogonidae); Balshine-Earn & McAndrew,<br />

1995 (Cichlidae); Swenson, 1997 (Gobiidae)].<br />

Recently, several hypotheses have been presented on the evolution<br />

of sex-role reversal in syngnathids, superimposing behavioural information<br />

on phylogenetic data (Wilson et al., 2003). Still far from a definitive result,<br />

genetic evidence suggests a pattern still difficult to analyse within<br />

syngnathids, with sex-role reversal appearing to be largely independent of<br />

pouch complexity (Wilson et al., 2003). These difficulties may well arise<br />

from two distinct factors: 1) observations do not take into account the<br />

natural variation in the degree of sex-role reversal that might exist in<br />

geographically distinct populations within a species. Factors such as the<br />

operational sex ratio (Vincent et al., 1994), mate quality (Berglund &<br />

Rosenqvist, 2003), differences between sexes in the relative ‘time in’<br />

(availability to mate) v. ‘time out’ period (Masonjones & Lewis, 2000), as<br />

well as predation, breeding resources and mate rate encounters are<br />

thought to locally modulate the final expression of the sex-role reversal,<br />

not only in syngnathids (Almada et al., 1995; Forsgren et al., 2004). For<br />

example, S. schlegeli, from Vostok and Amurskii bays, is described as<br />

presenting conventional sex roles by Kornienko (2001), while Watanabe et<br />

al. (2000) present data suggesting that the same species, from Otsuchi<br />

and Funakoshi Bays, is a sexually reversed syngnathid; 2) observations<br />

largely depend on a binary definition of sex-role reversal (reversed v.<br />

conventional). Although S. <strong>abaster</strong> proved to be sex-role reversed, there is<br />

a considerable difference in the magnitude of some measured variables,<br />

such as the role of the male during courtship ritual, when compared with<br />

other Western European syngnathids, also reported as sex-role reversed<br />

species (Kornienko, 2001; Monteiro et al., 2002; Berglund & Rosenqvist,<br />

2003). S. <strong>abaster</strong> males have a more active role in courtship, flickering and<br />

sometimes approaching females, when compared to N. lumbriciformis<br />

(Monteiro et al., 2002), a species where males are much more passive.<br />

Moreover, sexual dimorphism is more pronounced in N. lumbriciformis<br />

(Monteiro et al., 2002) and N. ophidion (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003),<br />

with differences in colouration among the sexes being observed not only in<br />

the middle region of the body (amplifiable ornament display) but also in the<br />


2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

head of the females. Nerophis ophidion females present bright blue colour<br />

markings along the sides of the head while N. lumbriciformis females<br />

exhibit an intricate pattern of bright facial spots (Monteiro et al., 2005a). A<br />

moderate sex-role reversion has also been reported for the tidewater goby,<br />

Eucyclogobius newberryi (Girard), where females display a secondary<br />

sexual trait and compete for mates more intensely than do males.<br />

Nevertheless, males also engage in intrasexual competition for territories<br />

and sometimes also initiate courtship (Swenson, 1997).<br />

More detailed information on syngnathid courtship and mating<br />

patterns, encompassing population heterogeneity and what seems to be<br />

the clinal nature of reproductive behaviours, would certainly allow for a<br />

more conclusive phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of the reproduction<br />

within the Syngnathidae family.<br />

Although genetic data are lacking and observations reported in this<br />

paper are from captive fish, available evidence suggests that this pipefish<br />

is polygynandrous since females were observed mating with different<br />

males, sometimes within a very short time period, and males were also<br />

observed receiving eggs from distinct females. In general, more<br />

polyandrous species show greater degrees of sexual dimorphism, as a<br />

result of an increased intensity in sexual selection (Avise et al., 2002).<br />

Polygynandrous mating systems, however, have been reported for two<br />

sex-role reversed species with intermediate degrees of sexual dimorphism<br />

[S. typhle and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> floridae (Jordan & Gilbert) Jones & Avise,<br />

2001], as well as for the strongly sexual dimorphic sex-role reversed N.<br />

lumbriciformis (Monteiro et al., 2006), possibly suggesting a more<br />

elaborated pattern than the generally accepted continuum sexual<br />

selection-mating system (Avise et al., 2002).<br />

Clutch size of pregnant S. <strong>abaster</strong> males (10–64 eggs) are at the<br />

lower end of the range reported for other syngnathids, with Hippocampus<br />

reidi Ginsburg and Hippocampus erectus Perry presenting the largest<br />

reported clutch size (Monteiro et al., 2005b).<br />

The observed significant correlation between male size and egg<br />

number may reflect a LT-dependent reproductive fitness (Figure 2.3.1),<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

with larger males accommodating more offspring, as also reported for S.<br />

typhle (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003) and S. schlegeli (Watanabe &<br />

Watanabe, 2002). Accordingly, LT seems also to affect mate choice, as<br />

suggested by the observed significant correlation between male and<br />

female size (n=17 successful mating pairs, r=0.920, P0.05).<br />

Figure 2.3.4 Male and female total length relationships in successful<br />

(black squares: y=0.7774x+2.16) and unsuccessful (white squares)<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> mating pairs.<br />

2.3.6 Acknowledgments<br />

We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their criticism and<br />

suggestions as well as everyone who helped during the fieldwork,<br />

especially A. Silva, A. Jorge and P. Correia. V. Almada’s participation was<br />

partially funded by Programa Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de<br />

Investigação. N. Monteiro’s participation was funded by Fundação para a<br />


2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

Ciência e a Tecnologia. K. Silva’s participation was funded by Fundação<br />

para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT SFRH/BD/13171/2003).<br />

2.3.7 References<br />

Almada, V. C. & Oliveira, R. F. (1997). Sobre o uso de estatística de<br />

simulação em estudos de comportamento. Análise Psicológica 1, 97–109.<br />

Almada, V. C. & Santos, A. J. (1995). Parental care in the rocky intertidal:<br />

a case study of adaptation and exaptation in Mediterranean and Atlantic<br />

blennies. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 5, 23–37.<br />

Almada, V. C., Gonçalves, E. J., Oliveira, R. F. & Santos, A. J. (1995).<br />

Courting females: ecological constraints affect sex roles in a natural<br />

population of the blenniid fish Salaria pavo. Animal Behaviour 49,<br />

1125-1127.<br />

Avise, J. C., Jones, A. G., Walker, D. & DeWoody, J. A. (2002). Genetic<br />

mating systems and reproductive natural histories of fishes: lessons for<br />

ecology and evolution. Annual Review of Genetics 36, 19–45.<br />

Balshine-Earn, S. & McAndrew, B. J. (1995). <strong>Sex</strong>-role reversal in the<br />

black-chinned tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron (Rupel) (Cichlidae).<br />

Behaviour 132, 861–874.<br />

Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist, G. (2003). <strong>Sex</strong> role reversal in pipefish.<br />

Advances in the Study of Behaviour 32, 131–167.<br />

Cakic, P., Lenhardt, M., Mickovic, D., Sekulic, N. & Budakov, L. J. (2002).<br />

Biometric analysis of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> populations. Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 60, 1562–1569.<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Carcupino, M., Baldacci, A., Mazzini, M. & Franzoi, P. (1997).<br />

Morphological organization of the male brood pouch epithelium of<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> Risso (Teleostea, Syngnathidae) before, during, and<br />

after egg incubation. Tissue Cell 29, 21–30.<br />

Dawson, C. E. (1986). Syngnathidae. In: Fishes of the North-eastern<br />

Atlantic and the Mediterranean (Whitehead, P. J. P., Bauchot, M. L.,<br />

Hureau, J. C., Nielsen, J. & Tortonese, E., eds), pp. 628–639. Paris:<br />

Unesco.<br />

Fiedler, K. (1954). Vergleichende verhaltensstudien an seenadeln,<br />

schlangennadeln undseepferdchen (Syngnathidae). Zeitschrift<br />

Tierpsychologie 11, 358–416.<br />

Forsgren, E., Amundsen, T., Borg, A. A. & Bjelvenmark, J. (2004).<br />

Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish. Nature 429, 551–554.<br />

Herald, E. S. (1959). From pipefish to seahorse – a study of phylogenetic<br />

relationships. Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences 29,<br />

465–473.<br />

Jones, A. G. & Avise, J. C. (2001). Mating systems and sexual selection in<br />

male-pregnant pipefishes and seahorses: insights from<br />

microsatellite-based studies of maternity. The Journal of Heredity 92,<br />

150-158.<br />

Johnstone, R. A. (1995). <strong>Sex</strong>ual selection, honest advertisement and the<br />

handicap principle: reviewing the evidence. Biological Reviews 70, 1–65.<br />

Kornienko, E. S. (2001). The spawning behaviour of the pipefish<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acusimilis. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 27, 54–57.<br />


2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

Kuwamura, T. (1985). Social and reproductive behavior of three<br />

mouthbrooding cardinalfishes, Apogon doederleini, A. niger and A.<br />

notatus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 13, 17–24.<br />

Kvarnemo, C. & Simmons, L. W. (2004). Testes investment and spawning<br />

mode in pipefishes and seahorses (Syngnathidae). Biological Journal of<br />

the Linnean Society 83, 369–376.<br />

Martin, P. & Bateson, P. (1993). Measuring Behaviour: an Introductory<br />

Guide, 20th edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Masonjones, H. D. & Lewis, S. M. (1996). Courtship behavior in the dwarf<br />

seahorse, Hippocampus zosterae. Copeia 3, 634–640.<br />

Masonjones, H. D. & Lewis, S. M. (2000). Differences in potential<br />

reproductive rates of male and female seahorses related to courtship<br />

roles. Animal Behaviour 59, 11–20.<br />

Matsumoto, K. & Yanagisawa, Y. (2001). Monogamy and sex role reversal<br />

in the pipefish Corythoichthys haematopterus. Animal Behaviour 61,<br />

163-170.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2001). The breeding<br />

ecology of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis and its relation to latitude<br />

and water temperature. Acta Ethologica 81, 1031–1033.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2002). The courtship<br />

behaviour of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis: reflections of and<br />

adaptation to intertidal life. Acta Ethologica 4, 109–111.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2005a). Homing behaviour<br />

and individual identification of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis (Pisces:<br />


Chapter 2. Early Life History and Reproductive Behaviour<br />

Syngnathidae): a true intertidal resident? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf<br />

Science 63, 93–99.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Almada, V. C. & Vieira, N. M. (2005b). Implications of<br />

different brood pouch structures in syngnathid reproduction. Journal of the<br />

Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85, 1235–1241.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Berglund, A., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2006).<br />

Reproductive migrations of the sex role reversed pipefish Nerophis<br />

lumbriciformis (Pisces: Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology 69, 66–74.<br />

Ridley, M. (1978). Parental care. Animal Behaviour 26, 904–932.<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. (2006). Early life<br />

history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (Pisces: Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 68, 80–86.<br />

Swenson, R. O. (1997). <strong>Sex</strong>-role reversal in the tidewater goby,<br />

Eucyclogobius newberryi. Environmental Biology of Fishes 50, 27–40.<br />

Tomasini, J. A., Quignard, J. P., Capapé , C. & Bouchereau, J. L. (1991).<br />

Facteurs du succés reproductif de <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> Risso, 1826<br />

(Pisces, Teleostei, Syngnathidae) en milieu lagunaire mediterranéen<br />

(lagune de Mauguio, France). Acta Oecologica 12, 331–355.<br />

Trivers, R. L. (1972). Parental investment and sexual selection. In: <strong>Sex</strong>ual<br />

Selection and the Descent of Man (Campbell, B., ed.), pp. 136–179.<br />

Chicago, IL: Aldine-Atherton.<br />

Vincent, A., Ahnesjo, I. & Berglund, A. (1994). Operational sex rations and<br />

behavioural sex differences in a pipefish population. Behavioral Ecology<br />

and Sociobiology 34, 435–442.<br />


2.3. Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae)<br />

Vincent, A., Berglund, A. & Ahnesjo, I. (1995). Reproductive ecology of five<br />

pipefish species in one eelgrass meadow. Environmental Biology of Fishes<br />

44, 347–361.<br />

Watanabe, S. & Watanabe, Y. (2002). Relationship between male size and<br />

newborn size in the seaweed pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> schlegeli.<br />

Environmental Biology of Fishes 65, 319–325.<br />

Watanabe, S., Hara, M. & Watanabe, Y. (2000). Male internal fertilization<br />

and introsperm-like sperm of the seaweed pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> schlegeli.<br />

Zoological Science 17, 759–767.<br />

Wilson, A. B., Ahnesjo, I., Vincent, A. C. J. & Meyer, A. (2003). The<br />

dynamics of male brooding, mating patterns, and sex roles in pipefishes<br />

and seahorses (Family Syngnathidae). Evolution 57, 1374–1386.<br />

Zar, J. H. (1984). Biostatistical Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ:<br />

Prentice-Hall.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Chapter 3.1<br />

The effect of temperature on mate<br />

preferences and female-female<br />

interactions in <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong><br />

3.1.1 Abstract<br />

Despite much effort to ascertain the consequences of temperature<br />

variation for a wide range of animal performance traits, the effect of<br />

temperature on interactions among organisms is still poorly understood.<br />

The present work tests for a direct influence of water temperature on<br />

sexual recognition, mate preferences and female-female interactions in the<br />

pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Three experiments were conducted by<br />

monitoring time spent in the vicinity of conspecifics at three water<br />

temperatures intended to reflect seawater temperatures before the onset<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

of reproduction (15ºC) and during the early (18ºC) and late breeding<br />

season (24ºC). Four major results emerged: (1) S. <strong>abaster</strong> can visually<br />

discriminate potential mates from fish of the same sex; (2) males and<br />

females responded differently with the former diverting their attention<br />

towards the opposite sex at intermediate (18ºC) and high temperatures<br />

(24ºC), while the latter only showed a significant interest in potential mates<br />

at 24ºC, devoting an equal amount of interest towards both males and<br />

females at 18ºC; (3) at breeding season water temperatures, both sexes<br />

discriminated against smaller partners, preferring larger ones; (4)<br />

different-sized females adopted distinct temperature-modulated<br />

behavioural responses, possibly because large dominant females, which<br />

engage in competition at 18ºC, constrained the reproduction of smaller<br />

ones, which seem to compete only at 24ºC. These results highlight the<br />

importance of temperature as an effective agent in the modulation of S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> reproductive behaviour. Considerations on the ecological<br />

significance of the observed behavioural patterns are also discussed.<br />

3.1.2 Introduction<br />

The decision-making processes involved in mating behaviour can have<br />

profound implications on the dynamics of sexual selection, the mechanism<br />

of evolution and speciation (Andersson 1994). Although traditional<br />

theoretical models have generally ignored the consequences of individual<br />

variation in mate choice, it is known that there are both genetic and<br />

environmental conditions capable of inducing polymorphism in mating<br />

decisions (Jennions & Petrie 1997). In fact, mate choice behaviour is a<br />

contextual phenomenon molded by a variety of factors, such as the<br />

genotype of the choosing individual and/or that of the potential mate or<br />

mates (Puurtinen et al. 2005), time and energy costs of sampling (Milinski<br />

& Bakker 1992), social environment (Galef Jr. & White 2000) and<br />

predation risk (Berglund 1993). Studies in a variety of fish species have<br />

shown that environmental abiotic features, such as oxygen concentrations<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

(e.g. Pomatoschistus microps: Reynolds & Jones 1999), light (e.g.<br />

Gasterosteus aculeatus: Rick et al. 2006) water turbidity (e.g.<br />

Pomatoschistus minutus: Jarvenpaa & Lindstrom 2004) and temperature,<br />

can be effective agents in the modulation of mating behaviour. In sand<br />

gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus), a trend towards a higher frequency of<br />

female-female interactions was observed in the cold water treatment,<br />

suggesting that females were more liable to compete when the water was<br />

cold. When the water was warm, by contrast, females interacted less and<br />

appeared to concentrate on carefully choosing a partner (Kvarnemo 1996).<br />

Despite much effort to determine the functional consequences of<br />

temperature variation for a wide range of animal performance traits, there<br />

is still little understanding of the influence of thermal variation on<br />

behavioural interactions among organisms (Wilson 2005), a topic of<br />

increasing importance in light of the implications of increasing seawater<br />

temperatures as an expected consequence of global warming (Walther et<br />

al. 2002). The present work tries to determine the influence of water<br />

temperature in the ability of S. <strong>abaster</strong> to recognize and select mating<br />

partners. Additionally, an alteration in female-female interaction patterns<br />

concurrent with increasing water temperatures was also investigated.<br />

Experiments were conducted using three distinct temperatures, intended<br />

to reflect seawater temperatures before the onset of reproduction and<br />

during the early and late breeding season of a Southern European S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> population. Furthermore, considerations on the ecological<br />

significance of the observed behavioural responses are presented.<br />

3.1.3 Methods<br />

S. <strong>abaster</strong> is a euryhaline species with a restricted distribution that<br />

includes the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the Atlantic coast of South<br />

West Europe up to southern Biscay (Dawson 1986). This black-striped<br />

pipefish occurs either in coastal areas or in brackish and fresh waters<br />

(Cakic et al. 2002), and can be found mainly among sand, mud or eelgrass<br />

meadows, at depths between 0.5 and 5 m, within a temperature range of<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

8ºC to 24ºC. Males have a brood pouch located ventrally on the tail<br />

(Urophori) which consists of two skin folds that contact medially with their<br />

free edges. <strong>Sex</strong> roles seem to be reversed, as females are larger and<br />

apparently more competitive than males, at least under even sex ratio<br />

conditions (Silva et al. 2006).<br />

Fishes were collected with a hand net, in a salt pond reservoir, at<br />

the Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon (40º45’N, 8º40’W), in Portugal, and<br />

transported to the laboratory, where they were maintained in 250 litre<br />

aquaria illuminated by natural light supplemented with 18 W fluorescent<br />

lamps. Tank substrata consisted mainly of sand and plastic seagrass laid<br />

in order to mimic the original habitat where the fishes were caught. The<br />

continuously running seawater was physically and biologically filtered and<br />

aeration was performed outside the fish tanks to prevent the ‘gas bubble<br />

disease’, common in pipefishes (Monteiro et al. 2002). Fishes were fed<br />

daily with fresh Artemia franciscana nauplii. <strong>Sex</strong>ually mature males and<br />

females were kept in separate tanks.<br />

Three aquarium experiments were conducted using three distinct<br />

water temperatures intended to mimic the periods immediately before the<br />

onset of reproduction (15ºC), the beginning of the breeding period (18ºC)<br />

and the final stage near the end of the reproductive season (24ºC). These<br />

values were obtained and validated in the field. At 15ºC no pregnant males<br />

were found, with eggs appearing in the marsupium only when<br />

temperatures reached ≈17ºC. Reproduction ceases shortly after<br />

temperature reaches its highest values (≈25ºC). In the stock tanks the<br />

fishes were kept at 18ºC, a temperature at which they breed continuously.<br />

Before the experiments at 15ºC or 24ºC, the fishes were first placed in new<br />

aquaria at 18ºC, after which the temperature was gradually increased or<br />

decreased during a period of 10 to 15 days. After the tanks reached the<br />

desired temperature, the fishes were left to acclimate for a period of one<br />

month before the experiments were conducted. It is important to note that<br />

at 24ºC the fishes continue to breed regularly while at 15ºC reproduction<br />

ceases.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Size cut-offs for ‘large’ and ‘small’ individuals were defined as ½<br />

standard deviation below and above the mean size (total length) for each<br />

sex (♀: mean=9.4 cm, sd=1.38 cm; ♂: mean=8.5 cm, sd=1.26 cm). Large<br />

males and females were longer than 9.1 cm and 10.1 cm respectively.<br />

Small males and females were shorter than 7.9 cm and 8.7 cm<br />

respectively. Since the smallest observed pregnant male was 5.2 cm, it<br />

seems likely that the smallest individual used (6.5 cm) was also mature.<br />

Due to the large number of individuals needed to complete all<br />

three experiments, some of the focal fish were reused in posterior<br />

experiments as stimulus fish. Since stimulus fish were kept inside two<br />

smaller aquaria (ruling out the possibility of chemical communication) and<br />

were also unable to see the focal fish, it can be assumed that this<br />

procedure could not have altered the observed response patterns.<br />

Experiment 1<br />

The first experiment consisted on a tendency evaluation of different-sized<br />

males and females to approach consexual and non-consexual individuals<br />

at three pre-selected water temperatures. Experimental set-up is shown in<br />

Figure 3.1.1.A: a one way mirror between aquarium 1 and the other two<br />

smaller aquaria (2 and 3) allowed the focal fish in aquarium 1 to see the<br />

stimuli fishes without being seen, ruling out the possibility of a response<br />

based on chemical communication. An opaque wall located between the<br />

two smaller aquaria blocked visual contact between the two stimuli<br />

individuals. Two distinct areas were considered in aquarium 1, with Area A<br />

located closer to the one-way mirror (see Figure 3.1.1.A) as opposed to<br />

Area B (‘neutral’ area). The time spent in Area A, directly in front of one of<br />

the two smaller aquaria (aquarium 2 or 3, randomly containing a male or a<br />

female; see Figure 3.1.1) was monitored during 30 min, after an initial<br />

acclimatization period (≈45 min). Tests started only when the observer,<br />

located at 50 cm from aquarium 1, was confident that the focal fish showed<br />

no stress signs and had had the opportunity to see the stimuli fishes,<br />

which were matched for size. Stimuli fishes were randomly allocated to<br />

aquaria 2 and 3 in order to rule out possible effects of other variables on<br />

focal fish behaviour.<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Figure 3.1.1: A. Experimental set-up used in experiments 1 and 2; B.<br />

Experimental set-up used in experiment 3.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

The ‘relative interest’ (time spent in Area A in front of aquarium 2 or<br />

3 / 1800 sec) was measured for 20 males and 20 females (10 large and 10<br />

small individuals) for each temperature. Different focal individuals were<br />

used in each trial in order to avoid data dependency. Each set of stimulus<br />

fish (one male and one female) was presented to a pair of focal fish<br />

alternatives (once for a male and once for a female), after which they were<br />

not further re-used. See also the Statistical analysis section.<br />

Experiment 2<br />

Mate preferences for body size were analysed through a protocol similar to<br />

that of experiment 1. Males and females were simultaneously presented<br />

with two potential mates of different sizes (one large and one small), and<br />

‘relative interest’ displayed by focal fishes was recorded for each<br />

temperature. Twenty focal males and 20 focal females (10 large and 10<br />

small individuals) were used. As in experiment 1 the stimuli fishes were<br />

randomly allocated to aquaria 2 and 3. Different focal individuals were<br />

used in each trial in order to avoid data dependency. Each set of stimulus<br />

fish (one large and one small) was presented to a pair of focal fish<br />

alternatives (once for a large and once for a small individual), after which<br />

they were not further re-used. See also the Statistical analysis section.<br />

Experiment 3<br />

From the analysis of data collected in experiments 1 and 2, experiment 3<br />

was planned in order to study the ‘relative interest’ of focal females on<br />

other females with different body sizes (small and large). Experimental set-<br />

up was composed of two aquaria (Figure 3.1.1.B) with one focal female<br />

(Aquarium 1) separated by a one way mirror from a stimulus female<br />

(Aquarium 2). Aquarium 1 was also divided in two areas, one adjacent to<br />

the mirror (area A) and one ‘neutral zone’ (area B). Large and small focal<br />

females (20 large females and 20 small females, for each temperature)<br />

were presented with stimuli females of two size classes (large and small)<br />

and ‘relative interest’ was measured (suggesting female-female<br />

competition). In this experiment, each focal female was exposed only to a<br />

single stimulus female, either a large or a small one. Different focal<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females were used in each trial in order to avoid data dependency. Each<br />

stimulus female was presented to a pair of focal fish alternatives (once for<br />

a large and once for a small individual), after which they were not further<br />

re-used. See also the Statistical analysis section.<br />

Statistical analysis<br />

All statistical analyses were performed using STATISTICA 7.0 (Statsoft).<br />

Data from the three experiments were tested for deviance from normality<br />

and for the homogeneity of variance. Assumptions were met in experiment<br />

2 but no homogeneity of variance was found in experiment 1 and 3<br />

(Levene test; P0.05; experiment 2:<br />

R=0.0140, P>0.05), parametric statistics were used throughout the entire<br />

study.<br />

Experiment 1: orthogonal ANOVA with four factors; temperature<br />

(three levels=15ºC, 18ºC and 24ºC), sex of focal fish (two levels=male and<br />

female), size of focal fish (two levels=large and small) and sex of stimulus<br />

fish (two levels=male and female).<br />

Experiment 2: orthogonal ANOVA with four factors; temperature<br />

(three levels=15ºC, 18ºC and 24ºC), sex of focal fish (two levels=male and<br />

female), size of focal fish (two levels=large and small) and size of stimulus<br />

fish (two levels= large and small).<br />

Experiment 3: orthogonal ANOVA with three factors: temperature<br />

(three levels=15ºC, 18ºC and 24ºC), size of focal female (two levels=large<br />

and small) and size of stimulus female (two levels=large and small).<br />

Post-hoc comparisons were conducted using Newman-Keuls test.<br />

All probabilities are two-tailed and a significance level of 0.05 was used.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Ethical note<br />

All the focal and stimuli fishes were returned to stock tanks after the<br />

experiments and no signs of disturbance or stress could be detected. No<br />

fish died or became sick and no manipulations were used in the study<br />

apart from that needed to transfer the fish from one tank to another with a<br />

small hand net. The study was conducted in agreement with the pertinent<br />

European and Portuguese legislation on animal welfare.<br />

3.1.4 Results<br />

Experiment 1<br />

A significant interaction was found between temperature, sex of the focal<br />

fish and sex of the stimulus fish (See Table 3.1.1). At higher temperatures<br />

(24ºC), both males and females spent more time in front of the opposite<br />

sex (Figure 3.1.2.C,D), while at 15ºC no significant differences were<br />

observed (Figure 3.1.2.A,D). At 18ºC, a distinctive pattern was observed,<br />

with males spending more time in the vicinity of the opposite sex and<br />

females spending an approximately equal amount of time in the vicinity of<br />

both consexuals and non-consexuals (Figure 3.1.2.B,D). In males, ‘relative<br />

interest’ in females increased as soon as water temperature was raised to<br />

18ºC (temperature that mimics the onset of the breeding season) while in<br />

females a clear interest on males was only visible at 24ºC.<br />

Since, at least at higher temperatures, both males and females<br />

seemed to effectively discriminate among sexes (Figure 3.1.2), experiment<br />

2 and 3 were conducted.<br />

Experiment 2<br />

A significant interaction was found between temperature and size of the<br />

stimulus fish (See Table 3.1.2). At lower temperatures (15ºC), no<br />

significant differences were found between the ‘relative interest’ aroused<br />

by either size class. However, as temperatures increased, larger stimuli<br />

fishes obtained more attention from focal individuals. No differences<br />

between temperatures were found for small fishes (see Figure 3.1.3.A,B).<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Furthermore, independently of temperature, males spent more time near<br />

the stimuli fishes than females (see Table 3.1.2).<br />

Table 3.1.1: ANOVA results on the ‘relative interest’ of males and females<br />

of different size classes towards consexuals and non-consexuals, at three<br />

different temperatures (15, 18 and 24ºC) (experiment 1)<br />

Source Df MS F P<br />

Temperature (Temp) 2 0.48 5.33 0.006<br />

<strong>Sex</strong> of the focal fish (<strong>Sex</strong>_F) 1 0.16 1.77 0.187<br />

Size of the focal fish (Size_F) 1 0.01 0.06 0.811<br />

<strong>Sex</strong> of the stimulus fish (<strong>Sex</strong>_St) 1 0.44 4.84 0.030<br />

Temp * <strong>Sex</strong>_F 2 0.19 2.12 0.125<br />

Temp * Size_F 2 0.04 0.48 0.621<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>_F * Size_F 1 0.12 1.39 0.242<br />

Temp * <strong>Sex</strong>_St 2 0.63 7.00 0.001<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>_F * <strong>Sex</strong>_St 1 3.94 43.75 0.000<br />

Size_F* <strong>Sex</strong>_St 1 0.02 0.20 0.660<br />

Temp * <strong>Sex</strong>_F * Size_F 2 0.20 2.20 0.116<br />

Temp * <strong>Sex</strong>_F * <strong>Sex</strong>_St 2 0.63 6.70 0.001<br />

Temp * Size_F* <strong>Sex</strong>_St 2 0.01 0.07 0.928<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>_F * Size_F* <strong>Sex</strong>_St 1 0.01 0.16 0.692<br />

Temp * <strong>Sex</strong>_F * Size_F* <strong>Sex</strong>_St 2 0.16 1.82 0.167<br />

Error 96 0.09<br />

Experiment 3<br />

Three significant interactions were found (see Table 3.1.3):<br />

(1) Temperature and size of the focal females: at 15ºC, no<br />

significant differences were found between different-sized focal females’<br />

responsiveness to stimuli females. On the other hand, at 18ºC, large<br />

females spent significantly more time in Area A than small females. At high<br />

temperatures (24ºC) an inverted pattern was observed, with small females<br />

spending significantly more time in Area A than large females (Figure<br />

3.1.4.A,B).<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

(2) Temperature and size of the stimuli females: at low<br />

temperatures (15ºC) large females attracted significantly more attention<br />

than small females. No significant differences were found either at 18ºC or<br />

at 24ºC (Figure 3.1.4.C,D).<br />

(3) Size of the focal females and size of the stimulus females:<br />

large females concentrated their attention on females of equivalent size<br />

while small females show no distinct preference (Figure 3.1.4.E,F).<br />

Figure 3.1.2: ‘Relative interest’ of males and females of different size<br />

classes towards consexuals and non-consexuals, at three different<br />

temperatures (A-15ºC; B-18ºC; C-24ºC) and Newman-Keuls test results<br />

(D), with gray squares representing significant differences. The numbers<br />

15, 18, 24 represent the tested temperatures and the two initials (with F for<br />

females and M for males) represent the focal and the stimulus fish,<br />

respectively. Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Table 3.1.2: ANOVA results on the ‘relative interest’ of males and females<br />

of different size classes towards large and small potential mates, at three<br />

different temperatures (15, 18 and 24ºC) (experiment 2).<br />

Source Df MS F P<br />

Temperature (Temp) 2 0.52 5.98 0.004<br />

<strong>Sex</strong> of the focal fish (<strong>Sex</strong>_F) 1 0.54 6.16 0.015<br />

Size of the focal fish (Size_F) 1 0.05 0.58 0.450<br />

Size of the stimulus fish (<strong>Sex</strong>_St) 1 2.91 33.27

Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.1.3: ‘Relative interest’ towards stimulus fish of different sizes (A)<br />

at three different temperatures (15, 18 and 24ºC) and Newman-Keuls test<br />

results, with gray squares representing significant differences (B). The<br />

numbers 15, 18, 24 represent the tested temperatures and the two initials<br />

(with L for large and S for small) represent the size of the stimulus fish,<br />

respectively. Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Figure 3.1.4<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.1.4 (previous page): ‘Relative interest’ of females of different<br />

size classes towards stimuli females (A), at three different temperatures<br />

(15, 18 and 24ºC). ‘Relative interest’ aroused by females of different size<br />

classes (C) at three different temperatures (15, 18 and 24ºC). ‘Relative<br />

interest’ of different size females towards large and small consexuals (E).<br />

B, D and F represent Newman-Keuls test results, with gray squares<br />

showing significant differences (for A, C and E, respectively). The numbers<br />

15, 18, 24 represent the tested temperatures and the two initials (with L for<br />

large and S for small) represent the size of the focal and the stimulus<br />

female (for B and D respectively). In F, the two initials represent the size of<br />

the focal and the stimulus female. Error bars represent standard<br />

deviations.<br />

3.1.5 Discussion<br />

Mating discrimination is the ability of individuals of one sex to identify,<br />

assess and selectively mate with conspecific members of the opposite sex<br />

(Andersson 1994; Pfenning 1998). Attempts to quantify mating<br />

preferences and/or intra-sexual interactions often rely on restrained access<br />

experiments where individuals are presented with different stimuli (Wagner<br />

1998). However, objective interpretations of such experiments cannot be<br />

obtained without confirmation of mate discrimination. Furthermore, the<br />

outcome of such experiments may be modified by environmental factors,<br />

such as temperature (e.g. Kvarnemo 1996).<br />

Besides showing that S. <strong>abaster</strong> can discriminate potential mates<br />

from fish of the same sex using only visual information (observed fish were<br />

kept inside a transparent sealed tank), the results of experiment 1 also<br />

provide evidence on how a physical factor, water temperature, can directly<br />

and differentially modulate the behavioural responses of S. <strong>abaster</strong> males<br />

and females when exposed to conspecifics (see Figure 3.1.2).<br />

Even though some exceptions can occur (see Kidd et al. 2006),<br />

physical proximity has previously been validated as a reliable indicator of<br />

mate choice (Forsgren, 1992; Kodric-Brown 1993; Berglund 1994;<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Gonçalves & Oliveira 2003; Wong 2004). Curiously, S. <strong>abaster</strong> males and<br />

females exhibited different response patterns, especially at water<br />

temperatures that mimic the onset of the breeding season. While male<br />

interest in females was expressed at 18ºC, female interest at this<br />

temperature was distributed among both males and females, while at 24ºC<br />

interest towards males was significantly greater than that towards<br />

consexuals. One possible hypothesis to explain theses results would<br />

involve a difference between sexes in the way sexual behaviour and the<br />

underlying motivational mechanisms vary with temperature. It is known<br />

that syngnathid females ready to mate spend a considerable amount of<br />

time interacting with other females (Berglund & Rosenqvist 2003). It is<br />

possible that at 18ºC the mechanisms favouring approaching males and<br />

those involved in female-female interactions compete, so that sexual<br />

motivation is partly masked in females. At 24ºC the motivation to approach<br />

males would become dominant, with females spending less time with<br />

consexuals. In males, which in sex-role reversed syngnathids often have<br />

no need to compete with other males (Berglund & Rosenqvist 2003), the<br />

mechanism could be simpler, basically translated into an increased focus<br />

on females. This difference between male and female response to<br />

temperature makes sense in the environmental conditions where S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> lives. In fact, this species breeds during summer, with<br />

temperatures increasing rapidly to a peak late in the season and dropping<br />

visibly in the beginning of autumn, when reproduction no longer takes<br />

place (K. Silva personal observation). In this context, females that still<br />

have eggs to spawn by the end of the breeding season would likely gain<br />

by minimising time spent in interactions with other females and<br />

concentrating their efforts in courting males. Alternatively, it is possible that<br />

a mating hierarchy is enforced, especially during an initial phase of the<br />

breeding season, thus explaining the later decrease in interest towards<br />

other females.<br />

As in other pipefish species (Berglund & Rosenqvist 2003), body<br />

size proved to be an important trait in S. <strong>abaster</strong>. According to the results<br />

of experiment 2, at 18ºC and 24ºC (temperatures at which reproduction<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

occurs) both males and females spent more time near larger potential<br />

partners, as opposed to what happened at 15ºC, where no preferences<br />

were observed. Furthermore, as temperature increased, larger individuals<br />

tended to obtain more attention from the focal fish, independently of the<br />

size and sex of the latter. By discriminating against smaller partners,<br />

individuals could benefit in several ways. In S. typhle, larger size means<br />

higher quality in terms of reproductive return for both males and females,<br />

since both sexes accrue direct advantages from mating with larger<br />

individuals (Jones et al. 2000; Berglund et al. 2005).<br />

Results of experiment 2 also showed that males spent significantly<br />

more time in the vicinity of females than females in the vicinity of males<br />

(see Table 3.1.2). Intuitively, in a sex role reversed species, as seems to<br />

be the case of S. <strong>abaster</strong> (Silva et al. 2006), one would expect females to<br />

be more active than males in approaching the opposite sex. However, it is<br />

important to distinguish between situations in which females have difficulty<br />

finding a male ready to receive eggs and those in which the males have<br />

their brood pouch empty like in experiment 2. In this case males may<br />

express a courting motivation that would be masked in experimental<br />

designs aimed to emphasize female competition. In fact, Silva et al. (2006)<br />

showed that S. <strong>abaster</strong> males have an active role in mating, approaching<br />

and courting females.<br />

Exhibiting a preference and actually succeeding in pursuing the<br />

mate choice can be two very different things. Individual behaviours may be<br />

governed by factors beyond the individual’s control, such as competition<br />

from others (Berglund et al. 2005). In sex role reversed syngnathids,<br />

where males are generally viewed as a limiting factor and no conspicuous<br />

agonistic interactions occur, females should assess their attractiveness<br />

relative to other females in order to establish a hypothetical status that<br />

reliably translate their intrinsic quality. If this is the case, then the still<br />

poorly understood female-female interactions, that vary considerably<br />

among syngnathid genera, may play an important role in the competition<br />

for access to mates. In N. ophidion and S. typhle, female’s competition for<br />

males is mainly indirect, through dominance hierarchies, with larger<br />

females dominating smaller ones by sexual signalling, namely a more<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

contrasted coloration in the trunk (an amplifier of a previous quality signal<br />

such as body size, which is also correlated with fecundity; Berglund &<br />

Rosenqvist, 2003). Moreover, as predicted in a model of mutual mate<br />

choice as a dynamic game, proposed by Johnstone (1997), which yielded<br />

predictions about mating behaviour under the influence of time constraints,<br />

choice costs and competition for mates, when all individuals are present<br />

from the start of the breeding season, the correlation between the qualities<br />

of individuals pairing at a given time declines throughout the season, so<br />

that mates are more closely matched among individuals who pair early<br />

than among those who pair late. The mean quality of unmated males and<br />

females declines over time, because more attractive individuals tend to<br />

mate sooner. If this is so, then it is possible that in S. <strong>abaster</strong> the chance<br />

for small females to reproduce appears only near the end of the<br />

reproductive season, when high quality (larger) females have already<br />

mated. A reproductive opportunity for smaller females may also arise from<br />

the fact that at higher temperatures sex roles may be more equal,<br />

decreasing competition between females. For example, in S. typhle, higher<br />

temperatures tend to decrease differences in the potential reproductive<br />

rates of males and females (Ahnesjo, 1995).<br />

Different-sized females may thus adopt distinct reproductive<br />

tactics during the reproductive season, with large dominant females<br />

probably imposing reproduction constraints on small females. An indication<br />

of the disruption of the ‘normal pattern’ (larger females showing more<br />

interest and spending more time near stimulus fish) can be viewed at 24ºC<br />

(end of the breeding season), where smaller females showed a<br />

significantly greater ‘interest’ than larger females. At high latitudes, where<br />

the breeding season tends to be shortened to a few months per year, less<br />

attractive females of a sexual reversed syngnathid species, S. typhle,<br />

reallocate their resources from present to future reproduction (Berglund<br />

1991). Nevertheless, in warmer waters where the breeding season is<br />

considerably longer, such as that of S. <strong>abaster</strong> in Portugal (K. Silva<br />

unpublished data), inferior quality (smaller) females may be able to avoid<br />

postponing reproduction to the next breeding season since males might<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

still be able to receive eggs near the end of the breeding season (see also<br />

Jones et al. 1999) In N. lumbriciformis, the number of eggs per breeding<br />

male was found to be significantly higher during the last months of the<br />

breeding period when compared to the onset and middle of the<br />

reproductive season. Monteiro et al. (2006) interpreted this result as an<br />

alteration of the egg laying strategy, suggesting that in this cryptic pipefish<br />

there also seems to be a modification of some reproductive parameters<br />

occurring at the end of the breeding season.<br />

There are, however, alternative hypothesis that would explain<br />

the same pattern. Regardless of sex role reversal, in fishes, female<br />

fecundity tends to increase with size (e.g. Berglund et al. 1986; Kraak &<br />

Bakker 1998; Herdman et al. 2004). If the breeding season is also the<br />

main time window when fish can feed and grow, small females may be<br />

forced to allocate a fraction of the reproductive season to growth, limiting<br />

spawning to a shorter period before breeding ceases. It is important to<br />

note, however, that the two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive: it might<br />

well be that competition by larger females and the need to devote part of<br />

the breeding season to growth both favours the alteration of the breeding<br />

interval in smaller individuals.<br />

Besides contributing to a better understanding of potential sources<br />

of variability in mating behaviour, studying the effect of temperature on<br />

syngnathid behaviour and reproduction might be of great importance in a<br />

time when the prospect of global warming is of increasing concern<br />

(Walther et al. 2002).<br />

3.1.6 Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank everybody that helped during the laboratorial work,<br />

especially Pedro Correia and Armando Jorge, as well as Jorge Salgueiro<br />

for the review of the manuscript. We also thank Prof Anders Berglund and<br />

one anonymous referee for their suggestions and criticism that greatly<br />

improved the manuscript. Professor Vitor Almada’s participation was<br />

partially funded by Programa Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Investigação. Nuno Monteiro's participation was funded by Fundação para<br />

a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BPD/14992/2004) and Programa<br />

Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de Investigação. Karine Silva's<br />

participation was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia<br />

(FCT-SFRH/BD/13171/2003). This work was partially funded by FCT<br />

(POCI/MAR/60895/2004).<br />

3.1.7 References<br />

Andersson, M. (1994). <strong>Sex</strong>ual Selection. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton<br />

University Press.<br />

Ahnesjo, I. (1995). Temperature affects male and female potential<br />

reproductive rates differently in the sex-role reversed pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

typhle. Behavioral Ecology 6, 229-233.<br />

Berglund, A. (1991). Egg competition in a sex-role reversed pipefish:<br />

subdominant females trade reproduction for growth. Evolution 45,<br />

770-774.<br />

Berglund, A. (1993). Risky sex: male pipefishes mate at random in the<br />

presence of a predator. Animal Behaviour 46, 169-175.<br />

Berglund, A. (1994). The operational sex ratio influences choosiness in a<br />

pipefish. Behavioral Ecology 5, 254-258.<br />

Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist, G. (2003). <strong>Sex</strong> role reversal in pipefish.<br />

Advances in the Study of Behaviour 32, 131-167.<br />

Berglund A., Rosenqvist G. & Svensson I. (1986). Mate choice, fecundity<br />

and sexual dimorphism in two pipefish species (Syngnathidae).<br />

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 19, 301-307.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Berglund, A., Widemo, M. S. & Rosenqvist, G. (2005). <strong>Sex</strong>-role reversal<br />

revisited: choosy females and ornamented, competitive males in a<br />

pipefish. Behavioral Ecology 16, 649-655.<br />

Cakic, P., Lenhardt, M., Mickovic, D., Sekulic, N. & Budakov, L. J. (2002).<br />

Biometric analysis of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> populations. Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 60, 1562-1569.<br />

Dawson, C. E. 1986. Syngnathidae. In: Fishes of the North-eastern<br />

Atlantic and the Mediterranean (Ed. P. J. P. Whitehead, M. L. Bauchot, J.<br />

C. Hureau, J. Nielsen, & E. Tortonese), pp. 628–639. Paris: Unesco.<br />

Forsgren, E. (1992). Predation risk affects mate choice in a gobiid fish.<br />

American Naturalist 140, 1041–1049.<br />

Galef Jr., B. G. & White, D. J. (2000). Evidence of social effects on male<br />

choice in vertebrates. Behavioural Processes 51, 167-175.<br />

Gonçalves, D. & Oliveira, R. F. (2003). Time spent close to a sexual<br />

partner as a measure of female mate preference in the sex-role reversed<br />

blenny Salaria pavo (Risso). Acta Ethologica 6, 1-5.<br />

Herdman, E. J. E., Kelly C. D. & Godin J. G. J. (2004). Male mate choice<br />

in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata): do males prefer larger females as<br />

mates? Ethology 110, 97–111.<br />

Jarvenpaa, M. & Lindstrom, K. (2004). Water turbidity by algal blooms<br />

causes mating system breakdown in a shallow-water fish, the sand goby<br />

Pomatoschistus minutus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,<br />

Series B 271, 2361- 2365.<br />

Jennions, M. D. & Petrie, M. (1997). Variation in mate choice and mating<br />

preferences : a review of causes and consequences. Biological Reviews of<br />

the Cambridge Philosophical Society 72, 283-327.<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Johnstone, R. A. (1997). The tactics of mutual mate choice and<br />

competitive search. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40, 51-59.<br />

Jones, A. G., Rosenqvist, G., Berglund, A. & Avise, J. C. (1999). The<br />

genetic mating system of a sex-role-reversed pipefish (<strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle):<br />

a molecular inquiry. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46, 357-365.<br />

Jones, A. G, Rosenqvist, G., Berglund, A. & Avise, J. C. (2000). Mate<br />

quality influences multiple maternity in the sex-role-reversed pipefish<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle. Oikos, 90, 321-326.<br />

Kidd, M. R., Danley, P. D. & Kocher, T. D. (2006). A direct assay of female<br />

choice in cichlids: all the eggs in one basket. Journal of Fish Biology, 68,<br />

373-384<br />

Kodric-Brown A. (1993). Female choice of multiple male criteria in guppies:<br />

interacting effects of dominance, coloration and courtship. Behavioral<br />

Ecology and Sociobiology, 32, 415–420.<br />

Kraak, S. B. M. & Bakker, T. C. M. (1998). Mutual mate choice in<br />

sticklebacks: attractive males choose big females, which lay big eggs.<br />

Animal Behaviour, 56, 859-866.<br />

Kvarnemo C. (1996). Temperature affects operational sex ratio and<br />

intensity of male-male competition - an experimental study on sand gobies.<br />

Behavioral Ecology, 7, 208-212.<br />

Lindman H. R. (1974). Analysis of Variance in Complex Experimental<br />

Designs. W. H. Freeman & Co, San Francisco, CA.<br />

Milinski, M. & Bakker, T. C. M. (1992). Costs influence sequential mate<br />

choice in sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Proceedings of the Royal<br />

Society of London, Series B, 250, 229-233.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2002). The courtship<br />

behaviour of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis: reflections of and<br />

adaptation to intertidal life. Acta ethologica, 4, 109-111.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Berglund, A., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. (2006).<br />

Reproductive migrations of the sex role reversed pipefish Nerophis<br />

lumbriciformis (Pisces; Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 69, 66-74.<br />

Pfennig, K. S. (1998). The evolution of mate choice and the potential for<br />

conflict between species and mate-quality recognition. Proceedings of the<br />

Royal Society of London B, 265,1743–1748.<br />

Puurtinen, M., Ketola, T. & Kotiaho, J. S. (2005). Genetic compatibility and<br />

sexual selection. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 20, 157-158.<br />

Reynolds, J. D. & Jones, J. C. (1999). Female preference for preferred<br />

males is reversed under low oxygen conditions in the common goby<br />

(Pomatoschistus microps). Behavioral Ecology, 10, 149-154.<br />

Rick, I. P., Modarressie, R. & Bakker, T. C. (2006). M. UV-wavelengths<br />

affect female mate choice in three-spined sticklebacks. Animal Behaviour,<br />

71, 307-313.<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. (2006).<br />

Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 69, 1860-1869.<br />

Wagner, W. E. (1998). Measuring female mating preferences. Animal<br />

Behaviour, 55, 1029-1042.<br />

Walther, G. R., Post, E., Convey, P., Menzel, A., Parmesan, C., Beebee,<br />

T. J. C., Fromentin, J. M., Hoegh-Guilberg, O. & Bairlein, F. (2002).<br />

Ecological responses to recent climate change. Nature, 416, 389–395.<br />


3.1. The effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

Wilson, R. S. (2005). Temperature influences the coercive mating and<br />

swimming performance of male eastern mosquitofish. Animal Behaviour,<br />

70, 1387-1394.<br />

Wong, B. B. M. (2004). Superior fighters make mediocre fathers in the<br />

Pacific blue-eyed fish. Animal Behaviour, 67, 583–590.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Chapter 3.2<br />

Reversing sex-role reversal:<br />

compete only when you must<br />

3.2.1 Abstract<br />

The operational sex-ratio (OSR: ratio of females producing fertilizable eggs<br />

to sexually active males, at a given time) is thought to be a major factor<br />

influencing the intensity of mating competition and sexual selection.<br />

Generally, as females become a limiting resource, the surplus of “ready to<br />

mate” males intensifies male-male competition. Contrastingly, a surplus of<br />

receptive females usually promotes female-female competition, sometimes<br />

resulting in a reversion of sex roles.<br />

The present work tested for a direct influence of tertiary sex-ratios<br />

(as a direct estimation of the OSR) on the reproductive behaviour and<br />

reproductive success of a sex role reversed species, the black-striped<br />

pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Interestingly, males and females exhibited<br />

different response patterns to the three tested sex-ratios (even sex-ratio,<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

male biased sex-ratio and female biased sex-ratio). While, a surplus of<br />

males ‘un-reversed’ the sex role reversal observed when both sexes<br />

coexist in similar numbers, an excess of females did not boost<br />

female-female competition. Additionally, different-sized females were<br />

observed to adopt distinct competitive responses. As the proportion of<br />

males decreased, large dominant females, invested less in competitive<br />

interactions than could be expected given the low number of available<br />

mates. Small females on the other hand, were more prone to compete.<br />

Also choosiness related to sex-ratios as the sex in shortage was<br />

more choosy. Nevertheless, results evidenced a size-assortative mating<br />

pattern in all tested sex-ratios, suggesting that only large individual could<br />

afford to be choosy.<br />

3.2.2 Introduction<br />

The operational sex-ratio (OSR: ratio of females producing fertilizable eggs<br />

to sexually active males, at a given time and place) is thought to be of<br />

fundamental importance in predicting the direction of sexual selection<br />

(Emlen & Oring, 1977; Clutton-Brock & Parker, 1992; Kokko & Monaghan,<br />

2001). Theoretical models assume that whenever the OSR deviates from<br />

equality, the sex occurring in “excess” will likely compete more intensely<br />

for access to mates while the sex occurring in “shortage” will be choosier<br />

with respect to potential mates (Emlen & Oring, 1977). Although factors,<br />

such as variation in mate quality and sex differences in mortality patterns<br />

(Kokko & Monaghan, 2001), may considerably complicate this process,<br />

many studies using the overall adult sex-ratio as a direct estimation of the<br />

OSR, have confirmed that, in many taxa, as females become a limiting<br />

resource, the surplus of “ready to mate” males intensifies male-male<br />

competition [e.g. spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, Enders (1993);<br />

Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes (Grant, 1995); field cricket, Gryllus<br />

pennsylvanicus, (Souroukis & Cade, 1993)]. Conversely, a surplus of<br />

reproductively active females has been proved to promote female-female<br />

competition for access to males, occasionally even resulting in reversed<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

sex roles (sensu Vincent et al., 1992). In the sand goby, Pomatoschistus<br />

minutus, for example, females increased their competitive interactions<br />

under a female biased sex-ratio even though males remained the<br />

predominant competitors (Kvarnemo et al., 1995). In the two-spotted goby,<br />

Gobiusculus flavescens, however, a skew in the sex-ratio towards females<br />

resulted in sex role reversal, with male-male competition and intensive<br />

male courtship behaviour being superseded by female-female competition<br />

and actively courting females (Forsgren et al., 2004).<br />

It could be predicted that sex role reversed species, where<br />

females are the predominant competitors for mates, would exhibit a<br />

mirror-like response pattern to variations in the OSR. A surplus of “ready to<br />

mate” males would promote male-male competition, reversing sex role<br />

reversal, while an excess of receptive females would increase female-<br />

female competition for access to males, thus intensifying sex role reversal.<br />

The family Syngnathidae (comprising pipefishes, seahorses and<br />

seadragons) with its varying degrees of sex-role reversal (Monteiro et al.,<br />

2002; Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003; Silva et al., 2006) where females<br />

compete for access to mates and sometimes present conspicuous<br />

secondary sexual characters, provides an unique opportunity to test the<br />

accuracy of OSR-based estimates of mating competition and sexual<br />

selection. Such potential remains yet to be fully explored, with very few<br />

studies focusing on the modulation of syngnathid reproductive behaviour<br />

by OSR (e.g. Berglund, 1994; Vincent, 1994; Vincent et al, 1994).<br />

The present work tests for a direct influence of tertiary sex-ratios<br />

(ratio of mature individuals) on the mating behaviour of <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong> (Risso, 1826), a sex role reversed pipefish according to Silva et al.<br />

(2006). Intra and inter-sexual interactions were investigated under an even<br />

(4♀:4♂) and two biased sex-ratios (6♀:2♂; 2♀:6♂). Additionally, mating<br />

competition was directly assessed through the frequency of disruptions<br />

causing the end of ongoing courtship rituals. Four major questions were<br />

addressed: i) Can sex-ratios per se affect courtship and mating<br />

competition in S. <strong>abaster</strong>? ii) Do males and females exhibit similar<br />

response patterns to the tested sex-ratios? iii) Does body size, a trait that<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

is implicated in mate choice in this species (Silva et al., 2007), influence<br />

behavioural strategies? iv) How does choosiness relate to OSR?<br />

3.2.3 Methods<br />

S. <strong>abaster</strong> is a euryhaline species with a restricted distribution that<br />

includes the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the Atlantic coast of<br />

Southwest Europe up to southern Biscay (Dawson 1986). This pipefish<br />

occurs either in coastal areas or in brackish and fresh waters (Cakic et al.,<br />

2002), and can be found mainly among sand, mud or eelgrass meadows,<br />

at depths between 0.5 and 5 m, within a temperature range of 8ºC to 24ºC.<br />

<strong>Pipefish</strong>es were collected with a hand net, in a salt pond reservoir,<br />

at the Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon (40º45’N, 8º40’W), in Portugal. Fish<br />

were transported to the laboratory, where they were maintained in 250 litre<br />

aquaria, illuminated by natural light supplemented with 18 W fluorescent<br />

lamps. Tank substrata consisted mainly of sand and plastic seagrass laid<br />

in order to mimic the original habitat. The continuously running seawater<br />

was physically and biologically filtered and its temperature kept constant at<br />

18-19ºC, a temperature at which S. <strong>abaster</strong> breeds continuously (Silva et<br />

al., 2007). Fish were fed daily with fresh Artemia franciscana nauplii. In<br />

order to maximize the chance of observing matings in aquaria, mature,<br />

non pregnant, males and females were kept in separate tanks for 3 weeks<br />

prior to the beginning of the experiment.<br />

The experiment involved an even (4♀:4♂) and two biased sex-<br />

ratios (6♀:2♂; 2♀:6♂) where an equal number of large and small<br />

individuals was used. Since only reproductively mature individuals were<br />

used, manipulation of the sex-ratio resulted in a direct change in the<br />

operational sex-ratio.<br />

Size cut-offs for ‘large’ and ‘small’ individuals were defined<br />

according to Silva et al. (2007), as ½ standard deviation below and above<br />

the mean size (total length) for each sex (♀:mean=9.4 cm, sd=1.38 cm;<br />

♂:mean=8.5 cm, sd=1.26 cm, values obtained from prior measurements in<br />

the same population). Large males and females were longer than 9.1 cm<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

and 10.1 cm, respectively. Small males and females were shorter than<br />

7.9 cm and 8.7 cm respectively.<br />

Individuals were randomly assigned to either one of the three sets<br />

of experimental tanks and were left to acclimatize for one day before the<br />

beginning of the observation period. Ten groups of each sex-ratio<br />

treatment were conducted and, thus, a total of 120 males and 120 females<br />

were needed. Due to the large number of individuals required to complete<br />

all three treatments, and given the inability to capture additional pipefish,<br />

some fish were used twice (35 non-pregnant males and 21 females) but<br />

care was taken in order to allow for a “resting period” of at least one<br />

month. In the case of females, this period allows for the production of new<br />

eggs ready to be spawned (K. Silva, unpublished data). In the case of<br />

males, care was taken so as to re-use only non-pregnant males even<br />

though aquarium kept S. <strong>abaster</strong> males were observed receiving new egg<br />

clutches only one hour after the release of juveniles. Some of the re-used<br />

males received eggs, which indicates that they were not physiologically<br />

unable to reproduce.<br />

Four easily distinguishable behaviours, occurring during the<br />

courtship and mating rituals of many syngnathid species (Berglund et al.,<br />

1986; Watanabe et al., 2000; Matsumoto & Yanagisawa, 2001; Monteiro et<br />

al., 2002), were selected: Approach, Parallel-swimming, Flickering and<br />

Lateral display (see Table 3.2.1 for additional descriptions). These<br />

behaviours were then assigned to four different interaction categories<br />

[male to male (M→M), female to female (F→F), male to female (M→F),<br />

and female to male (F→M)]. To avoid pseudo-replication, data from each<br />

individual were only used once per category. As an example, in the ten<br />

conducted male biased sex-ratio replicates (with three large and three<br />

small males), a total of fifteen observations were recorded for large males<br />

interacting with males and another fifteen observations for interactions with<br />

females.<br />

Each fish was observed continuously during 10 min periods over 5<br />

consecutive days (50 min overall observation per fish) and the frequency<br />

of each behaviour was recorded. The extension of the observation period<br />

over a few days seemed particularly important in the case of the female<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

biased treatment where males could be expected to be more choosy, thus<br />

requiring more time to copulate (see Berglund, 1994). Also, the selected<br />

extent of the observation period would maximize the probability of<br />

observing all the selected behaviours, simultaneously diluting any possible<br />

dependence in their expression (e.g. if a particular behaviour tends to<br />

occur first and/or is more frequent, a short observation period might not<br />

allow for the detection of other less frequent or late occurring behaviours).<br />

Notwithstanding, exaggerated observation periods were avoided in order<br />

to prevent a full occupation of the male’s pouch, a situation that would<br />

modify the number of active males and thus the operational sex-ratio<br />

within a tank.<br />

Given the different numbers of males and females present in the<br />

tested sex-ratios, which imply distinct probabilities of the observed<br />

interactions to occur, the observed frequencies were corrected<br />

accordingly. The observed behaviour frequencies per individual were<br />

divided by the proportion off all individuals of the relevant sex that could be<br />

encountered. For example, 782 male-male interactions in the male biased<br />

treatment were corrected to 1095 [782/(5/7)].<br />

Additionally, the number of successful disruptions of ongoing<br />

courtship rituals [interpreted as a form of intra-sexual competition,<br />

according to Silva et al. (2006)] was estimated for both large and small<br />

males and females. During the observation period, each mating event was<br />

recorded along with the size class of the involved individuals.<br />

Statistical analysis<br />

The mean frequencies of all selected behaviours for all possible interaction<br />

categories were used to create a similarity matrix (fourth root<br />

transformation, similarity measure: Euclidian distance). A Cluster analysis,<br />

using the computer software package PRIMER 5 (Plymouth Routines in<br />

Multivariate Ecological Research), was then conducted (Cluster mode:<br />

Group average) in order to observe a possible relationship between the<br />

tested sex-ratios and the types of interactions (intra and inter-sexual)<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

performed by each sex. If some of the tested sex-ratios intensified or<br />

depressed the amount of interactions, visible clusters would be formed<br />

helping to understand the underlying dynamics of the observed process. It<br />

could be predicted that female to female interactions would reach the<br />

highest values in the female biased sex-ratios. It could also be predicted<br />

that male to male interactions, in the male biased sex-ratio, would attain<br />

also high values, thus forming a cluster. Furthermore, this approach will<br />

allow for a ‘global ordination’ of the intra- and inter-sexual interactions, for<br />

all tested sex-ratios (e.g. in the female biased sex-ratio, will the amount of<br />

interactions performed by a female be greater toward males or females?<br />

And how do these values relate to male performed interactions in the male<br />

biased sex-ratio?).<br />

Four Multiple Analyses of Variance (MANOVAs), one for each<br />

selected behaviour (approach, parallel swimming, flicker and lateral<br />

display), were conducted to test for possible effects of sex-ratio, sex and<br />

body size on the frequencies of intra and inter-sexual interactions. In order<br />

to obtain homogeneity of variances data were log transformed in the case<br />

of parallel swimming and flickering (intra-sexual interactions) and flickering<br />

(inter-sexual interactions). Lateral display data (inter-sexual interactions)<br />

were square-root transformed. Even though the homogeneity of variances<br />

assumption was not met for approach and lateral display, solely for<br />

intra-sexual interactions, it was decided to continue with the analysis given<br />

the robustness of the F statistic (Lindman, 1974).<br />

Successful disruptions caused by males or females were analysed<br />

with ACTUS (Analysis of Contingency Tables Using Simulation; Estabrook<br />

& Estabrook, 1989). For each sex, a potential association of body size and<br />

sex-ratio treatments was assessed. Simultaneously, using an observed vs.<br />

expected χ 2 analysis (with Bonferroni adjustments), the differences<br />

between disruptions among large and small individuals were also<br />

assessed within each sex-ratio treatment.<br />

A possible association between sex-ratios and mating preferences<br />

was also assessed with ACTUS. The observed number of size-assortative<br />

and non size-assortative couples was scored for each treatment.<br />

Additionally, within the observed non size-assortative mating couples<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

formed during the experiment (large males with small females or small<br />

males with large females), a possible association between the sex-ratio<br />

treatment and the size combination between males and females was<br />

assessed.<br />

Finally an orthogonal ANOVA was conducted to determine<br />

whether sex-ratio and male size affected the time elapsed until male’s first<br />

pregnancy [here interpreted as an indirect measurement of male<br />

choosiness, as observed by Berglund (1994)].<br />

Post-hoc comparisons for both ANOVA and MANOVA were<br />

conducted using Newman-Keuls test. All probabilities are two-tailed and a<br />

significance level of 0.05 was used. Apart from otherwise stated, statistical<br />

analyses were performed using Statistica 6.1 (Statsoft).<br />

Table 3.2.1: Recorded behaviours and corresponding descriptions<br />

(according to Silva et al., 2006).<br />

Behaviour Description<br />

Approach Moving towards another fish.<br />

Parallelswimming<br />

Flickering<br />

Lateral display<br />

Two fish swimming through the aquarium in a more or<br />

less parallel position.<br />

Rapid and vigorous bends moving along the main axis of<br />

the body displayed towards another fish.<br />

Temporary colour ornament displayed in a motionless<br />

and parallel position towards another fish.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

3.2.4 Results<br />

Cluster analysis<br />

The dendrogram resulting from the cluster analysis identified two major<br />

clusters, A and B (Figure 3.2.1). Cluster A, grouped the lowest observed<br />

frequencies, consisting of intra-sexual interactions of males in the equal<br />

and female biased sex-ratios (IME and IMF), together with the female<br />

intra-sexual interactions in the male biased sex-ratio (IFM). Cluster B was<br />

subdivided into group C, including inter-sexual interactions of males in the<br />

female biased sex-ratio (XMF) and inter-sexual interactions of females in<br />

the male biased sex-ratio (XFM), and group D. Within group D, the highest<br />

observed frequencies were gathered in cluster E, comprising intra-sexual<br />

interactions of females in the equal and female-biased sex-ratios (IFE and<br />

IFF) together with intra-sexual interactions of males in the male biased<br />

sex-ratios (IMM). Intermediate values were grouped in cluster F. Even<br />

though the selected behaviours are usually interpreted as part of the<br />

courtship ritual, it seems important to highlight that the highest frequencies<br />

were observed in intra-sexual interactions.<br />

MANOVAs<br />

The MANOVA analyses showed a significant interaction between the<br />

tested sex-ratios, sex and focal fish size (Table 3.2.2) for all considered<br />

behaviours.<br />

Intra-sexual interactions<br />

In the equal sex-ratio treatment, female-female interactions were more<br />

common than male-male interactions (Figure 3.2.2). While females<br />

displayed all behaviour categories towards other females, males were only<br />

seen approaching other males. In female-female interactions, large<br />

females interacted more with other females than smaller ones.<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

Figure 3.2.1: Cluster analyses based on a similarity matrix constructed on<br />

the mean frequencies of all selected behaviours (side table; AP=approach,<br />

PS=parallel swimming, FL=flickering, LD=lateral display) according to the<br />

type of interaction (I=intra- and X=inter-sexual interaction) and sex of the<br />

fish (M=male and F=female) and sex-ratio treatment (E=equal,<br />

M=male-biased and F=female-biased). A detailed description of the<br />

signalled sub-clusters can be obtained in the results section.<br />

Contrastingly, no differences were observed between large and small<br />

males.<br />

Biased sex-ratios induced different response patterns on male and<br />

female intra-sexual displays. A male biased sex-ratio resulted in a<br />

pronounced increase in the number of male-male interactions, when<br />

compared to the equal sex-ratio treatment, with males displaying all<br />

selected behaviours. In contrast with the equal sex-ratio treatment, large<br />

and small males significantly differed in activity levels. Large individuals<br />

were more interactive than small ones when considering all behaviours<br />

except lateral display (where no differences were observed). It seems<br />

important to highlight the fact that males exhibited the contrasted stripes<br />

ornament (Figure 3.2.2, Lateral display), typically described only for<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

females or for males interacting with females (Berglund & Rosenqvist,<br />

2003). Within females, the excess of males resulted in a decrease in<br />

intra-sexual interactions when compared to the equal treatment. No female<br />

was observed swimming parallely or flickering towards other females.<br />

Additionally, small females never displayed the ornament. The behaviours<br />

exhibited by females (approach and ornament display) were significantly<br />

affected by size, with large females being more active than small ones.<br />

Interestingly, an excess of females towards males did not intensify<br />

female-female interactions. Large females displayed less than in the even<br />

treatment (significant differences for approach, parallel swimming and<br />

lateral display). Small females, on the other hand, showed no decrease in<br />

activity, flickering even more often. Still, large females remained more<br />

active than smaller ones (except in approach, where no differences were<br />

observed). Within males, interactions were reduced to approach as in the<br />

equal treatment, and no differences in the level of activity were found<br />

between large and small individuals.<br />

Inter-sexual interactions<br />

The extremely low level of parallel swimming interactions (Figure 3.2.2), in<br />

both sexes and sizes, indicates that this behaviour is primarily expressed<br />

towards the same sex.<br />

In the equal sex-ratio treatment, contrarily to the same-sex<br />

interactions that were almost exclusive to females, both sexes displayed<br />

all selected behaviours towards the opposite sex with the exception of<br />

ornament display in males. Body size affected the level of flickering and<br />

lateral display interactions in females with larger individuals interacting<br />

more than small ones.<br />

The male biased sex-ratio had distinct effects on the way different<br />

sized males interacted with females (Figure 3.2.2). While small individuals<br />

maintained the same level of interactions observed in the equal sex-ratio<br />

treatment, large males increased the frequency of approach and lateral<br />

display interactions. Within females, the more pronounced behavioural<br />

modification when compared to the equal sex-ratio treatment was the<br />

absence of flickering towards males. Additionally, ornament display was<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

significantly reduced. Female size only affected the frequency of<br />

approaches, with large females approaching males more often than small<br />

ones.<br />

The female biased sex-ratio had a more subtle effect on<br />

inter-sexual interactions leading only to a decrease in the frequency of<br />

approaches and flickering displayed by large males and the frequency of<br />

approaches by small males. No further differences were detected when<br />

compared to the equal sex-ratio treatment. Within females, size affected<br />

the frequency of approaches and ornament display. Within males, small<br />

males approached females less often than large ones.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Table 3.2.2: MANOVAs results on male and female interactions in the<br />

form of approach, parallel-swimming, flickering and lateral display. (A)<br />

Multivariate Tests of Significance and (B) Univariate results are presented.<br />

Dependent variables included intra and inter-sexual interactions. Analyses<br />

were performed independently for each of the selected behaviours.<br />

A Multivariate Tests of Significance<br />

Effect Wilks λ F Effect DF Error DF P<br />

Approach<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>-ratio 0.60 15482.00 4 214

3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

B Univariate results for each dependent variable<br />

Intra-sexual interactions Inter-sexual interactions<br />

Effect DF MS F P MS F P<br />

Approach<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>-ratio 2 229374 29.047

Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.2.2<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

Figure 3.2.2 (previous page): Mean frequencies of all four selected<br />

behaviours for male and female inter- and intra-sexual interactions in each<br />

sex ratio treatment (E=equal, M=male-biased and F=female-biased).<br />

Newman-Keuls test results are presented with gray squares indicating<br />

significant differences. Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />

Courtship disruptions<br />

The ACTUS analysis on male successful pair disruptions did not<br />

significantly differ from what would be expected if there was no<br />

dependence among the variables male size and sex-ratio treatment<br />

(χ 2 =1.098, DF=5, P=0.471; Figure 3.2.3). Nevertheless, under a<br />

male-biased sex-ratio, large males were more successful in disrupting<br />

courting pairs (χ 2 =27.962, DF=1, P

Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.2.3: Observed number of male and female successful mating<br />

disruptions in the three selected treatments (equal, male and female<br />

biased sex-ratio).<br />

Mating pairs<br />

Size-assortative mating pairs were always more frequent than pairs<br />

formed by individuals of contrasting size classes (Figure 3.2.4),<br />

independently of sex-ratio treatment (ACTUS; χ 2 = 1.551, DF= 5, P= 0.481;<br />

Equal sex-ratio= 33 to 10 pairs; Female biased sex-ratio= 16 to 4 pairs;<br />

Male biased sex-ratio= 17 to 9 pairs). When considering only the less<br />

common non size-assortative pairs, a significant association was observed<br />

between sex-ratio treatment and the relative size combination of males<br />

and females (ACTUS; χ 2 = 13.081, DF= 5, P < 0.001). In the female biased<br />

sex-ratio, where males are scarce and females more abundant, large<br />

males did not mate with small females. Likewise, in the male biased<br />

sex-ratio, where males are now in excess, large females did not mate with<br />

small males. Interestingly, while small males mated more often with large<br />

females in the female biased sex-ratio, the opposite (small females mating<br />

with large males in the male biased sex-ratio) did not occur more<br />

frequently than expected by chance alone.<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

Figure 3.2.4: Number of mating pairs observed in the three selected<br />

treatments (equal, male and female biased sex-ratio), described according<br />

to the four possible size class combinations of males and females (L=large<br />

and S=small).<br />

Latency until male’s first pregnancy<br />

Finally, the ANOVA results on the time taken to the first mating,<br />

considering the sex-ratio treatment and male size, revealed a significant<br />

effect of sex-ratio (Table 3.2.3, Figure 3.2.5). No significant interaction with<br />

male size was observed. The time taken until the first spawning event was<br />

significantly higher in the female biased sex-ratio.<br />

Table 3.2.3: ANOVA results on the mean time elapsed until the first<br />

mating event, considering sex-ratio treatment and male size.<br />

Effect DF MS F P<br />

Size 1 0.05 0.04 0.84<br />

<strong>Sex</strong> ratio 2 11.50 8.65

Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.2.5: Mean time elapsed until the first spawn in the three selected<br />

treatments (equal, male and female biased sex-ratio). Significant<br />

differences are indicated by an asterisk (*). Error bars represent standard<br />

deviations.<br />

3.2.5 Discussion<br />

There is increasing evidence that mating patterns are, in general, more<br />

plastic than previously thought (e.g. Kvarnemo et al., 1995). The present<br />

study evidenced some of the effects of sex-ratio variations on the<br />

reproductive behaviour of S. <strong>abaster</strong> males and females. The already<br />

described sex role reversal of this species (Silva et al., 2006) can be easily<br />

observed in the even sex-ratio, where females were clearly more<br />

competitive than males [Figure 3.2.1 and Figure 3.2.2 (Intra-sexual<br />

interactions)], investing intensely in intra-sexual displays probably as a<br />

means to establish a dominance hierarchy based on body size (see also<br />

Silva et al., 2007). In fact, besides engaging more in intra-sexual<br />

interactions, large dominant females were also far more successful than<br />

small ones in disrupting ongoing courtships (Figure 3.2.3). Males, on the<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

other hand, seemed almost solely interested in females, courting<br />

dynamically [Figure 3.2.1 and Figure 3.2.2 (Inter-sexual interactions)]. As<br />

referred in Silva et al. (2006), this active role in courtship contrasted with<br />

other sex-role reversed pipefishes where males are much more passive<br />

[e.g. Nerophis lumbriciformis (Monteiro et al., 2002)].<br />

Even taking into consideration the sex-role reversal of S. <strong>abaster</strong>,<br />

at least under an even sex-ratio, it could be expected that a surplus of<br />

males would boost male-male interactions, probably even reversing<br />

sex-role reversal, since females would become the limiting sex. The<br />

presented results seem to corroborate this prediction since the levels of<br />

male intra-sexual interactions significantly rose above female-female<br />

interactions, under a male biased sex-ratio (see Figure 3.2.1).<br />

Interestingly, males were observed displaying the ornament towards other<br />

males, a phenomenon that, at least to the author’s knowledge, has never<br />

been described for syngnathids. Berglund & Rosenqvist (2001) state that<br />

the male’s ornament might have evolved as a correlated response to<br />

selection for ornamentation in females, as males prefer ornamented<br />

females. Nevertheless, male ornament has already been described as a<br />

signalling tool towards females in the sex role reversed pipefish S. typhle<br />

(Berglund et al, 2005). Surprisingly, S. <strong>abaster</strong> males seem capable of<br />

using the ornament in both contexts, courtship and competition. Since<br />

ornament display was only observed in the male biased sex-ratio<br />

treatment, where males actively compete for female access, it could be<br />

argued that its function is similar to that of female ornament display:<br />

signalling quality towards the opposite sex and potential rivals. As well as<br />

in females (Silva et al., 2007), male size seems also to play a major role in<br />

the outcome of intra-sexual interactions, mainly in the male biased sex-<br />

ratio, where male competition occurs. Larger males interacted more than<br />

small ones (significant differences observed in all considered behaviours<br />

except lateral display) and were also more successful in disrupting mating<br />

pairs. Thus, the male dominance hierarchy seems similar to that of<br />

females, based on size and advertised with the same ornament.<br />

Surprisingly, a shift towards a female biased sex-ratio didn’t<br />

globally intensify female-female competition. Contrarily to what could be<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

expected, large females, usually dominant and prone to intra-sexual<br />

competitive behaviours, interacted even less with other females (with the<br />

exception of flickering where no differences were observed, Figure 3.2.2).<br />

Small females, on the other hand, showed no reduction in the number of<br />

interactions, and flickered more in the female-biased treatment. Since,<br />

when many females were available, males seemed to be “more choosy”<br />

(Figure 3.2.5), preferring larger partners and avoiding mating with smaller<br />

ones (Figure 3.2.4), it could be hypothesised that large (preferred) females<br />

might not need to maintain or increase competitive behaviours, as small<br />

ones do, in order to obtain a mating partner since male choosiness<br />

translates into a higher reproductive confidence. Contrastingly, small<br />

females need to continue taking higher risks in order to obtain a mating<br />

partner (e.g. flickering is a conspicuous behaviour and it’s the only<br />

behaviour that actually significantly rose from the even to the female<br />

biased sex-ratio). The more active behaviour exhibited by small females in<br />

this treatment was also translated into an increased courtship activity.<br />

Game theoretical models predict that the value of winning should<br />

affect how much an individual invests in a contest (Leimar et al., 1991).<br />

Accordingly, Parker (1983) suggested that individuals might vary their<br />

mating tactics according to their relative attractiveness. In S. typhle, small<br />

males, which have a lower competitive ability, courted more and took<br />

greater risks in order to get a partner, than larger, preferred males (Billing<br />

et al. 2007). Also, in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), attractive<br />

males showed lower levels of courtship as they gained higher reproductive<br />

benefits when compared to less attractive individuals (Reynolds, 1993).<br />

Thus, when exposed to a scarce number of potential mates, S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

large females might opt to decrease competition since temporarily<br />

postponing reproduction and waiting for additional mating opportunities<br />

might not be a high risk strategy given male preference for large partners.<br />

Interestingly, in a parallel experiment, it was observed that large females<br />

laid more eggs when surrounded by a large number of males (K. Silva,<br />

unpublished data). Thus, it seems that the number of available males is an<br />

important variable in the expression of female mating behaviour.<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

It could be expected that a skewed sex-ratio towards one sex,<br />

besides increasing intra-sexual competition, would also intensify courtship.<br />

Nevertheless, the most drastic alterations were observed in intra-sexual<br />

interactions. This is especially surprising when considering the fact that the<br />

monitored behaviours are usually described as part of the courtship ritual.<br />

Similar findings were obtained in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus,<br />

where behavioural patterns connected to courtship did not change with the<br />

sex-ratio, while competitive interactions were drastically affected<br />

(Kvarnemo, 1996). One possible explanation to this observation might lie<br />

in the fact that intra-sexual interactions may also serve as a cue for mate<br />

choice. Animals obtain information and guide their choice between<br />

potential partners from observing competitive interactions and displays<br />

between them, just as well as from displays directed towards the choosing<br />

individual (Kvarnemo et al., 1995; Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2001). In S.<br />

typhle, for example, males preferred dominant over attractive females,<br />

remembering information from competitive displays and using it, rather<br />

than immediate information from displays (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2001).<br />

Field observations revealed a size-assortative mating pattern in S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> (Silva et al, 2007), which was also visible in the present aquarium<br />

experiments. Independently of sex-ratio treatment, individuals mated more<br />

often with similar size partners. When only analysing pairs formed by<br />

individuals of contrasting sizes, it became apparent that large individuals<br />

were especially choosier when there was an excess of mating partners.<br />

Small individuals, on the other hand, might not have the opportunity of<br />

being as choosy as large ones do since both sexes have similar<br />

preferences for large partners (Silva et al., 2006). Small females might be<br />

especially limited since large females appear to monopolize male access.<br />

As an example, small males mated significantly more often than could be<br />

expected with large females, in the female biased sex-ratio. In the male<br />

biased sex-ratio, small females did not mate with large males more often<br />

than expected.<br />

Male choosiness was also evidenced in the female biased<br />

sex-ratio where time required until the first egg transfer was significantly<br />

higher. A hypothetical delay in egg transfer could also be expected in the<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

male biased sex-ratio, where females are choosier. Since this delay was<br />

not observed, it seems justifiable to assume that males, more than<br />

females, ultimately control the egg transfer event.<br />

<strong>Sex</strong>-ratio proved to be an effective variable in the expression of<br />

sex-roles, with a surplus of males being able to ‘un-reverse’ the sex role<br />

reversal observed when both sexes coexist in similar numbers. Indeed,<br />

obtained results showed that S. <strong>abaster</strong>, males and females, seem able to<br />

actively detect imbalances in the ‘population’ sex-ratio, becoming either<br />

choosier and less competitive towards conspecifics when the opposite sex<br />

is in excess, or more prone to adopt a competitive strategy. Interestingly,<br />

in specific scenarios where hypothetical costs derived from intra-sexual<br />

competition might outweigh the benefits of immediately achieving a<br />

partner, large females seem to count on their ‘sex appeal’, becoming less<br />

competitive towards conspecifics, probably saving resources for future<br />

breeding events.<br />

Altogether, the present results show a highly dynamic system, far<br />

from what could be expected under a binary sex-role definition where<br />

individuals are also usually assumed to be solely competitive or choosy.<br />

The apparently discordant definition on the occurrence of sex-role reversal<br />

in S. schlegeli, reversed according to Watanabe et al. (2000) under a<br />

female biased sex-ratio, and conventional according to Kornienko (2001)<br />

under an even sex-ratio, might just reflect a behavioural plasticity, similar<br />

to that described for S. <strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

3.2.6 Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank everybody that helped during the laboratorial work,<br />

especially Pedro Correia. Professor Vitor Almada’s participation was<br />

partially funded by Programa Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de<br />

Investigação. Nuno Monteiro's participation was funded by Fundação para<br />

a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BPD/14992/2004) and Programa<br />

Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de Investigação. Karine Silva's<br />

participation was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

(FCT-SFRH/BD/13171/2003). This work was partially funded by FCT<br />

(POCI/MAR/60895/2004).<br />

3.2.7 References<br />

Berglund, A. (1994). The operational sex-ratio influences choosiness in a<br />

pipefish. Behavioural Ecology 5, 254-258.<br />

Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist G. (2001). Male pipefish prefer dominant over<br />

attractive females. Behavioral Ecology 12, 402-406.<br />

Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist, G. (2003). <strong>Sex</strong> role reversal in pipefish.<br />

Advances in the Study of Behavior 32, 131-167.<br />

Berglund, A., Rosenqvist, G. & Svensson, I. (1986). <strong>Reversed</strong> sex roles<br />

and parental energy investment in zygotes of two pipefish (Syngnathidae)<br />

species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 29, 209-215.<br />

Berglund, A., Sandvik, W. M. & Rosenqvist, G. (2005). <strong>Sex</strong>-role reversal<br />

revisted:choosy females and ornamented, competetive males in a pipefish.<br />

Behavioral Ecology 200, 649-655.<br />

Billing, A. M., Rosenqvist, G. & Berglund, A. (2007). No terminal<br />

investment in pipefish males: only young males exhibit risk-prone courtship<br />

behavior. Behavioral Ecology 18, 535–540.<br />

Cakic, P., Lenhardt, M., Mickovic, D., Sekulic, N. & Budakov, L. J. (2002).<br />

Biometric analysis of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> populations. Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 60, 1562–1569.<br />

Clutton-Brock, T. H. & Parker, G.A. (1992). Potential reproductive rates<br />

and the operation of sexual selection. Quaterly Review of Biology 67,<br />

437-456.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Dawson, C. E. (1986). Syngnathidae. In: Fishes of the North-eastern<br />

Atlantic and the Mediterranean (Ed. P. J. P. Whitehead, M. L. Bauchot, J.<br />

C. Hureau, J. Nielsen, & E. Tortonese), pp. 628–639. Paris: Unesco.<br />

Emlen, S.T. & Oring, L.W. (1977). Ecology, sexual selection, and the<br />

evolution of mating systems. Science 197, 215-223.<br />

Endlers, M. M. (1993). The effect of male size and operational sex-ratio on<br />

male mating success in the common spider mite, Tetranychus urticae<br />

Kock (Acari: Tetranychidae). Animal Behaviour 46, 835-846.<br />

Estabrook, C. B. & G. F. Estabrook (1989). ACTUS: a solution to the<br />

problem of small samples in the analysis of two-way contingency tables.<br />

Historical Methods 22: 5–8.<br />

Forsgren, E., Amundsen, T., Borg, A. A. & Bjelvenmark, J. (2004).<br />

Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish. Nature 429, 551-554.<br />

Grant, J. W. A (1995). Operational sex-ratio, mediated by synchrony of<br />

female arrival, alters the variance of male mating success in Japanese<br />

medaka. Animal behaviour 49, 367-375.<br />

Kokko H. & Monaghan P. (2001). Predicting the direction of sexual<br />

selection. Ecology Letters 4, 159–165.<br />

Kornienko, E. S. (2001). The spawning behaviour of the pipefish<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acusimilis. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 27, 54–57<br />

Kvarnemo, C. & Ahnesjo, I. (1996). The dynamics of operational sex-ratios<br />

and competition for mates. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11, 404–408.<br />

Kvarnemo, C., Forsgren, E. & Magnhagen, C. (1995). Effects of sex-ratio<br />

on intra- and intersexual behaviour in sand gobies. Animal Behaviour 50,<br />

1455–1461.<br />


3.2. Reversing sex-role reversal: compete only when you must<br />

Leimar, O., Austad, S. & Enquist, M. (1991). A test of the sequential<br />

assessment game: fighting in the bowl and doily spider Frontinella<br />

pyramitela. Evolution 45, 862–874.<br />

Lindman H. R. (1974). Analysis of Variance in Complex Experimental<br />

Designs. W. H. Freeman & Co, San Francisco, CA.<br />

Matsumoto, K. & Yanagisawa, Y. (2001) Monogamy and sex role reversal<br />

in the pipefish Corythoichthys haematopterus. Animal Behaviour 61,<br />

163-170.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2002). The courtship<br />

behaviour of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis: reflections of and<br />

adaptation to intertidal life. Acta ethologica 4, 109-111.<br />

Parker, G. A. (1983). Mate quality and mating decisions. In: Mate Choice<br />

(Ed. P. Bateson ), pp. 141-166. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.<br />

Reynolds, J. D. (1993). Should attractive individuals court more? Theory<br />

and a test. American Naturalist 141, 914–927.<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. (2006).<br />

Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology 69, 1860-1869.<br />

Silva, K., Vieira, M. N., Almada, V. C. & Monteiro, N. M. (2007). The effect<br />

of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions in<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Animal Behaviour 74, 1525-1533.<br />

Souroukis K. & Cade W. H. (1993). Reproductive competition and<br />

selection on male traits at varying sex-ratios in the field cricket, Gryllus<br />

pennsylvanicus. Behaviour 126, 45-62.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Vincent , A. C. J. (1994). Operational sex-ratios in seahorses. Behaviour<br />

128, 153–167.<br />

Vincent, A. C. J., Ahnesjo, I., Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist, G. (1992).<br />

<strong>Pipefish</strong>es and seahorses: are they all sex role reversed? Trends in<br />

Ecology and Evolution 7, 237–241.<br />

Vincent, A. C. J., Ahnesjo, I. & Berglund, A. (1994). Operational sex-ratios<br />

and behavioural sex differences in a pipefish population. Behavioral<br />

Ecology and Sociobiology 34, 435–442.<br />

Watanabe, S., Hara, M. & Watanabe, Y. (2000). Male internal fertilization<br />

and introsperm-like sperm of the seaweed pipefish (<strong>Syngnathus</strong> schlegeli).<br />

Zoological Science 17, 759–767.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Chapter 3.3<br />

Female reproductive tactics in a<br />

sex-role-reversed pipefish:<br />

screening for quality and number<br />

3.3.1 Abstract<br />

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts that individuals should invest<br />

in current reproduction according to both the expected pay-offs from<br />

mating with different-quality mates and their future mating prospects.<br />

Accordingly, many studies over the past decade have shown that females<br />

in many species invest more resources when paired with more attractive<br />

males. Within fish, the family Syngnathidae is a particularly interesting<br />

model group. Large and small pregnant males are likely to vary in their<br />

investment in offspring and thus females, who are often constrained in<br />

their mate choice, should benefit from differentially allocate their eggs in<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

large and small partners. The present work tests for the influence of male<br />

quality (large and small body sizes) and number on the egg allocation<br />

pattern of different sized females of the pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

Three major results emerged: i) both large and small females distribute<br />

their eggs among several males, ii) neither large nor small females<br />

produce enough eggs to fully occupy a male’s marsupium during the<br />

extent of a male pregnancy and iii) different sized females exhibit different<br />

allocation strategies, reflecting their distinct mating prospects. Contrarily to<br />

small, less attractive females who show no significant differences both in<br />

the number and the size of the eggs laid in the different experimental<br />

contexts, large, preferred females respond according to both mate quality<br />

and number through a process of serial matings resulting in the deposition<br />

of eggs varying in number and size.<br />

3.3.2 Introduction<br />

Reproductive effort is a central topic in life-history theory (Roff, 1992). In<br />

iteroparous species, a high investment in current reproduction might<br />

reduce the capacity to invest in future reproductive events (Williams, 1966;<br />

Trivers, 1972). According to the differential allocation hypothesis,<br />

individuals facing trade-offs between investment in current and future<br />

reproduction should strategically modulate their reproductive effort<br />

depending on the attractiveness of their mate and the likelihood of finding<br />

a better one in the future (Burley 1986, 1988; Sheldon, 2000). As proxies<br />

for differential allocation, many studies have examined variation in clutch<br />

characteristics (e.g. egg number and size) or parental behaviour, revealing<br />

that females across a vast range of taxa invested more resources when<br />

paired with attractive rather than with non-attractive males [e.g. insects<br />

(Simmons, 1987), amphibians (Reyer et al., 1999), birds (Gorman et al.,<br />

2005) or mammals (Drickamer et al., 2000)]. Surprisingly, given the<br />

diversity and amount of work conducted on parental care in fishes, female<br />

differential allocation has not been reported until very recently. Females of<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

the Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni), for instance, were found<br />

to produce heavier eggs when paired with larger, preferred males (Kolm,<br />

2001). Also, females of the Mediterranean blenniid (Aidablennius sphinx)<br />

were observed spawning more eggs per time unit when paired with large,<br />

preferred males (Locatello & Neat, 2005). A similar pattern has been<br />

described by Skinner & Watt (2007) for the Zebra fish (Danio rerio).<br />

The family Syngnathidae, comprising pipefishes, seahorses and<br />

seadragons, is a particularly interesting group to study reproductive<br />

investment and differential allocation patterns in fish. In this family, females<br />

lay eggs in a specialised incubating structure of the males, who then<br />

undergo a more or less prolonged ‘pregnancy’ providing protection,<br />

aeration, osmoregulation (Carcupino et al., 2002) and nutrients to the<br />

developing brood (Haresign & Shumway, 1981).<br />

Berglund et al. (1986) argued that, in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle, larger<br />

males carried more eggs and provided more energy per offspring than<br />

smaller individuals. If males do vary in their investment in offspring,<br />

females would benefit from differentially allocating their eggs towards large<br />

or small mating partners. Nevertheless, due to several factors, such as<br />

male choosiness, marsupium limitations or female-female competition,<br />

females might not always be able to of laying eggs in the preferred partner.<br />

In this scenario, only preferred, dominant females would gain from an<br />

increased opportunity to access high quality males. Thus, it seems<br />

plausible that differential egg allocation according to the expected pay-offs<br />

from mating with different-quality males together with the likelihood of<br />

finding a better partner (or any other partner at all) might have evolved, in<br />

females, as an adaptive strategy.<br />

Despite the growing interest in syngnathid reproductive biology,<br />

particularly on sex-role reversed species usually seen as mirror-like<br />

models specially useful to highlight factors affecting the intensity of sexual<br />

selection, there is still no experimental data supporting the hypothesis of<br />

female differential egg allocation. To this extent, the present study<br />

addresses five major questions: i) Do females spawn more eggs than a<br />

male can care for over the extent of a pregnancy? ii) Do females<br />

differentially allocate their reproductive effort (here quantified as the total<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

number of spawned eggs and its mean size) according to mate quality? iii)<br />

Does mate availability (one versus several potential partners) influence<br />

female egg allocation? iv) Do females scatter the eggs over multiple<br />

partners when given the opportunity or, instead, do they concentrate their<br />

eggs into one preferred male? v) Do different quality females exhibit<br />

distinct responses to the questions raised above?<br />

3.3.3 Methods<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> is a euryhaline species that inhabits the<br />

Mediterranean, Black Sea, and the Atlantic coast of Southwest Europe up<br />

to southern Biscay (Dawson 1986). This black-striped pipefish occurs<br />

either in coastal areas or in brackish and fresh waters (Cakic et al. 2002),<br />

and can be found mainly among sand, mud or eelgrass meadows, at<br />

depths between 0.5 and 5 m, within a temperature range of 8ºC to 24ºC.<br />

Males have a brood pouch located ventrally on the tail (Urophori) which<br />

consists of two skin folds that contact medially along their free edges.<br />

Females are larger and more competitive than males under even sex ratio<br />

conditions (Silva et al. 2006a).<br />

Fish were collected with a hand net, in a salt pond storage tank at<br />

the Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon (40º45’N, 8º40’W), in Portugal, and<br />

transported to the laboratory where they were maintained in 250 litre<br />

aquaria illuminated by natural light supplemented with 18 W fluorescent<br />

lamps. Tank substrata consisted mainly of sand and plastic seagrass laid<br />

in order to mimic the original habitat where the fish were caught. The<br />

continuously running seawater was physically and biologically filtered and<br />

aeration was performed outside the fish tanks to prevent the ‘gas bubble<br />

disease’, common in pipefishes (Monteiro et al., 2002). Fishes were fed<br />

daily with fresh Artemia franciscana nauplii. <strong>Sex</strong>ually mature males and<br />

females were kept in separate tanks.<br />

The experiment was designed to assess the number of<br />

reproductive partners and the characteristics of the transferred clutches<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

within the time span of a male pregnancy [30 days, according to Silva et al.<br />

(2006b)]. Apart from the estimation of the time required until the first<br />

copulation event, all the other variables were measured during 30 days<br />

after the first mating event. Both large and small females were individually<br />

presented to distinct ‘mating settings’: i) one male, large (T1L) or small<br />

(T1S); ii) four identically sized males, large (T4L) or small (T4S) and iii) four<br />

males, comprising two large and two small individuals (T2+2) in order to<br />

allow females to simultaneously assess males of different sizes. Since the<br />

results were to be interpreted mainly according to male size, and in order<br />

to avoid data dependency, two independent trials were performed in the<br />

heterogeneous group (T2+2L and T2+2S). The number of eggs laid by a<br />

particular female in the two large males could not be assessed and<br />

contrasted to those counted in the two small males that were present in<br />

the same trial. Accordingly, on the T2+2L trial, results were recorded for<br />

large males and on the separate T2+2S trial, values were obtained from<br />

small males. Nevertheless, variables such as the number of pregnant<br />

males within the T2+2 treatment were registered regardless of male size.<br />

Five replicates of each of the 12 experimental units were<br />

conducted [(T1L , T1S , T4L , T4S , T2+2L and T2+2S) x 2 female size<br />

classes]. A total of 240 pipefish were used (30 large and 30 small females;<br />

90 large and 90 small males). No fish was used more than once.<br />

All males presented well-developed brood pouches and carried no<br />

offspring at the beginning of the experiment. Size cut-offs for ‘large’ and<br />

‘small’ individuals were defined according to Silva et al. (2007), as ½<br />

standard deviation below and above the mean size (LT) of each sex<br />

(♀: mean=9.4 cm, sd=1.38 cm; ♂: mean=8.5 cm, sd=1.26 cm). Large<br />

males and females were longer than 9.1 cm and 10.1 cm respectively.<br />

Small males and females were shorter than 7.9 cm and 8.7 cm<br />

respectively.<br />

Males were inspected for eggs three times per day (early morning,<br />

noon and late afternoon). Both time required for the first spawn as well as<br />

time elapsed between mating events was recorded. In each inspection,<br />

newly spawned eggs, corresponding to additional copulation events, were<br />

counted and photographed alongside an external ruler for size reference.<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

Good quality photos were imported into UTHSCA© Image Tool and only<br />

perfectly visible eggs were measured in order to calculate the average egg<br />

diameter per clutch. Due to marsupium opacity, good photographs of the<br />

eggs were not possible for all pregnant males.<br />

Statistical analysis<br />

As to answer the first question addressed in this study, an estimation of<br />

the female’s potential reproductive rate (the number of males that each<br />

tested female could fill up to capacity) was calculated for each ‘mating<br />

setting’ (T4L, T4S, T2+2L, T2+2S, T1L and T1S). To this purpose, the area of<br />

the total eggs laid by each female (AE) [total number of eggs x π (egg<br />

diameter/2) 2 ] was divided by the approximately rectangular marsupium<br />

area (AM) of an average large or small male according to the<br />

corresponding ‘mating settings’ (e.g. in the T4L the area of the eggs laid<br />

was divided by the marsupium area of an average large male). A value<br />

smaller than 1 indicates that the total number of eggs deposited during one<br />

month was unable to fully occupy a male’s brood pouch whilst, as an<br />

example, a value of 2 would indicate that the number of eggs was enough<br />

to occupy two males. Marsupium area was estimated according to the<br />

formula AM = marsupium height (HM) x marsupium width (WM) where HM<br />

and WM were inferred from two regressions:<br />

1) HM=83.606 x log (LT) – 134.36, r=0.938, P

Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Additionally, in order to verify if in the heterogeneous ‘mating<br />

setting’ (T2+2), females mated more often with large or small males, an<br />

orthogonal ANOVA (A2) was conducted with two factors: female and male<br />

size (two levels=large and small). In this analysis, values from the T2+2L<br />

and T2+2S were used, rather than the total number of pregnant males.<br />

Two orthogonal ANOVAs were also conducted to determine the<br />

possible effects of ‘mate settings’, male and female size on the time<br />

elapsed until the first spawn (A3) as well as between copulations (A4).<br />

ANOVAS were conducted considering two factors: treatment (six<br />

levels=T1L, T1S, T4L, T4S, T2+2L and T2+2S) and female size (two<br />

levels=large and small).<br />

Differential female allocation of the total number of spawned eggs<br />

was tested through an orthogonal ANOVA (A5) with two factors: female<br />

size (two levels = large and small) and ‘mate settings’ (five levels=T1L,<br />

T1S, T4L, T4S and T2+2). Female egg allocation was then analysed within<br />

the T2+2 through an additional orthogonal ANOVA (A6) with two factors:<br />

male and female size (two levels=large and small).<br />

Differential allocation on egg size was also analysed. To this<br />

purpose an orthogonal ANOVA (A7) with two factors, female size (two<br />

levels=large and small) and ‘mate settings’ (six levels=T1L, T1S, T4L, T4S<br />

and T2+2L and T2+2S), was conducted.<br />

In order to evaluate hypothetical differences in size of the eggs laid<br />

in two consecutive spawnings by large females, a t-test for dependent<br />

samples was also performed. Due to the difficulty in measuring all the<br />

eggs in the male marsupium, due to transparency differences, a total value<br />

of 12 consecutive spawnings was used.<br />

All statistical analyses were performed using STATISTICA 7.0<br />

(Statsoft). Data were tested for deviance from normality and for the<br />

homogeneity of variance. Assumptions were not met regarding the size of<br />

the eggs (Cochran’s test; P0.05), parametric statistics were used. Post-hoc<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

comparisons were conducted using Newman-Keuls test in all analyses.<br />

Probabilities were two-tailed and a significance level of 0.05 was used.<br />

3.3.4 Results<br />

The estimated mean value of the potential reproductive rate for both large<br />

and small females was smaller than 1 in every ‘mating setting’, indicating<br />

that the total number of eggs laid during the extent of a male pregnancy<br />

could not fill a male pouch up to full capacity (Large females: T4L=0,67;<br />

T4S=0,90; T2+2L=0,74; T2+2S=0,10; T1L=0,27; T1S=0,63; Small females:<br />

T4L=0,27; T4S=0,38; T2+2L=0,32; T2+2S=0,44; T1L=0,30; T1S=0,54).<br />

When considering female choice on concentrating or dispersing<br />

their eggs (A1), it was found that both large and small females distributed<br />

the eggs among several males, when given the opportunity (Figure 3.3.1).<br />

Additionally, the number of mating partners was neither affected by female<br />

size nor by ‘mating settings’ (Table 3.3.1.A). Within the heterogeneous<br />

mating setting (T2+2), combining two large and two small males, the<br />

number of pregnant males was neither affected by male nor female size<br />

(A2; Figure 3.3.2; Table 3.3.1.B).<br />

When analysing the effects of ‘mate settings’ and female size on<br />

the day of first copulation (A3), only a significant effect of ‘mating settings’<br />

was found (Table 3.3.1.C). Females started depositing eggs since the first<br />

day in all tested treatments, with the exception of the heterogeneous<br />

treatment T2+2S, where it took on average more than 4 days for small<br />

males to receive an egg batch (Figure 3.3.3). It is important to stress that<br />

the increased amount of time taken by females to lay eggs on small males<br />

was probably dependent on the fact that the two large males present in the<br />

T2+2S treatment were the first to receive eggs. Contrastingly, the mean<br />

time elapsed between copulations (A4) was neither affected by male or<br />

female size nor by ‘mating settings’ (Figure 3.3.4; Table 3.3.1.D).<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.3.1: Mean number of mating partners for large and small females<br />

in each ‘mating setting’. Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />

Figure 3.3.2: Mean number of large and small mating partners for large<br />

and small females within the heterogeneous mating setting. Error bars<br />

represent standard deviations.<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

Figure 3.3.3: Day of first copulation in each ‘mating setting’ and Newman-<br />

Keuls test results, with gray squares showing significant differences. Error<br />

bars represent standard deviations.<br />

Figure 3.3.4: Mean time between copulations (in days) for large and small<br />

females in each ‘mating setting’. Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

When considering the total number of spawned eggs (A5), a<br />

significant monotonic interaction between female size and ‘mating settings’<br />

was found (Figure 3.3.5; Table 3.3.1.E). As such, the main effects were<br />

also analysed (see Figures 3.3.5.B, and C). Globally, it could be seen that<br />

small females laid a similar number of eggs in all selected treatments even<br />

though a non-significant increase could be observed in the T2+2 (Figure<br />

3.3.5.A). When considering the number of eggs laid by large females, a<br />

trend towards more eggs in treatments with more males could be<br />

observed. This increase in the number of laid eggs is particularly evident in<br />

the T2+2 and T4L, groups where more than one large male was available<br />

(Figure 3.3.5.A). A similar pattern of results can be observed in the ‘mating<br />

settings’ main effects, where the trend towards more eggs in the T2+2 and<br />

T4L is also visible (Figure 3.3.5.B). This egg number increase seems to be<br />

the result of the large females’ ability to lay more eggs, when compared to<br />

the small females (Figure 3.3.5.C), especially in groups where more than<br />

one large male was present.<br />

When interpreting the results within the heterogeneous groups<br />

T2+2 (A6), considering the number of eggs laid in small (T2+2S) and large<br />

males (T2+2L), a significant interaction between female and male size was<br />

found (Figure 3.3.6; Table 3.3.1.F). Small females laid the same number of<br />

eggs independently of male size. Contrastingly, large females deposited<br />

bigger clutches in large males while laying fewer eggs in small mating<br />

partners (Figure 3.3.6).<br />

Finally, a significant interaction between ‘mating settings’ and<br />

female size (A7) was found for the mean size of the eggs (Figure 3.3.7;<br />

Table 3.3.1.G). While small females laid eggs of similar dimensions in all<br />

mating contexts, differences were observed among egg sizes laid by large<br />

females in distinct ‘mating settings’. Even though no egg size differences<br />

were observed between T4L and T4S nor T1L and T1S (neither among<br />

these groups), when simultaneously presented with both large and small<br />

males (T2+2), larger females laid larger eggs in larger partners. In fact, the<br />

size of the eggs laid in the T2+2L treatment was larger than in all other<br />

groups. Contrastingly, small males received smaller eggs in the T2+2S<br />

when compared to T4S and T1S (Figure 3.3.7).<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

Figure 3.3.5: A. Mean number of eggs laid by large and small females in<br />

each ‘mating setting’ and Newman-Keuls test results, with gray squares<br />

showing significant differences. The initial L or S represents the size of the<br />

female (large or small, respectively). B. Number of eggs laid in each<br />

‘mating setting’ and Newman-Keuls test results, with gray squares showing<br />

significant differences. C. Number of eggs laid by large and small females.<br />

Error bars represent standard deviations.<br />

Data collected from 13 large females that transferred two egg<br />

batches within 7 days showed that the egg size significantly varied over<br />

spawnings, with the eggs from the first batch being larger than the second<br />

(T-test for dependent samples, 1 st =1.483 mm, 2 nd =1.399 mm, DF=11,<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Figure 3.3.6: Mean number of eggs laid by large and small females in<br />

large and small males and Newman-Keuls test results, with gray squares<br />

showing significant differences. The two initials, L (large) and S (small)<br />

represent the size of the female and the male, respectively. Error bars<br />

represent standard deviations.<br />

Figure 3.3.7: Mean size of the eggs laid by large and small females in<br />

each ‘mating setting’. Newman-Keuls test results are presented with gray<br />

squares indicating significant differences. The initial L or S represents the<br />

size of the female (large or small, respectively). Error bars represent<br />

standard deviations.<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

Figure 3.3.8: Mean size of the eggs from first and second batches. Error<br />

bars represent standard deviations.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Table 3.3.1: ANOVA results on (A) the number of mating partners, (B) the<br />

number of mating partners within the heterogeneous ‘mating setting’<br />

(T2+2), (C) the elapsed time before the first spawn, (D) the mean time<br />

elapsed between copulations, (E) the total number of spawned eggs, (F)<br />

the total number of eggs in the heterogeneous ‘mating setting’ (T2+2) and<br />

(G) Mean size of the eggs.<br />

Source DF MS F P<br />

A. Number of mating partners<br />

‘Mating settings’ 2 22.125 25.328 0.0943<br />

Female Size 1 0.0100 0.0114 0.9154<br />

‘Mating settings’ x Female<br />

Size 2 10.125 11.591 0.3259<br />

Error 34 0.8735<br />

B. Number of mating partners within the heterogeneous ‘mating setting’ (T2+2)<br />

Male size 1 0.2000 0.5000 0.4897<br />

Female Size 1

3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

E. Number of spawned eggs<br />

Female size 1 1123.38 85.650 0.0056<br />

‘Mating settings’ 4 747.53 56.994 0.0010<br />

Female size x ‘Mating<br />

settings’ 4 349.23 26.626 0.0463<br />

Error 40 131.16<br />

F. Total number of eggs in the heterogeneous ‘mating setting’ (T2+2)<br />

Female size 1 4.05 0.03283 0.8585<br />

Male size 1 2268.45 183.904

Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Together with the decision of dividing their egg clutches through<br />

multiple partners, S. <strong>abaster</strong> females revealed a particularly interesting<br />

egg allocation pattern, with different-size females showing distinct<br />

investment tactics. Despite the previously described preference for large<br />

males, measured as the time spent by large and small females near a<br />

particular male (Silva et al., 2007), females did not avoid mating with small<br />

individuals. Instead, the preference for large partners, assessed in the<br />

heterogeneous ‘mating setting’ (containing large and small males), was<br />

translated into different mating timings. Females, large and small, opted to<br />

mate sooner with large partners, only then depositing eggs in smaller<br />

males. A non exclusive hypothesis, helping to explain the observed mating<br />

timings, deals with male-male competition in a skewed sex-ratio setting<br />

(4♂:1♀), where large males may have access to females not only due to<br />

female preference but also because of a hypothetically higher hierarchical<br />

status.<br />

Within large females, the preference for larger individuals was<br />

reinforced through differential egg allocation according to male size, with<br />

larger males receiving more and larger eggs. Interestingly, this differential<br />

egg allocation was only visible when large females were allowed to<br />

simultaneously evaluate both large and small males (T2+2). These results<br />

are in accordance with theoretical studies addressing female mate choice<br />

behaviour, which argue that, in the absence of some internal standard,<br />

females may assess male quality through a comparison process (Halliday,<br />

1983; Wiegmann et al., 1999). The differential egg allocation strategy<br />

seems to be restricted to large females since smaller ones showed no<br />

significant differences, both in egg number and size, regardless of the<br />

tested ‘mating settings’.<br />

According to Kolm & Olsson (2003), differential allocation in egg<br />

size according to male quality can be facilitated either through an extended<br />

pair bond or by an ability to rapidly adjust egg size prior to mating. Thus,<br />

decreasing an already defined high egg investment seems highly<br />

improbable. Females of the Banggai cardinalfish, for example, are capable<br />

of rapidly increasing their egg size investment in response to a new, more<br />

attractive, male even after the onset of egg maturation. Contrastingly, they<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

are unable to adjust egg size in response to a decrease in mate<br />

attractiveness (Kolm & Olsson, 2003).<br />

In S. <strong>abaster</strong>, when males of different sizes were available, larger<br />

females deposited smaller eggs in smaller partners while transferring<br />

larger eggs into high quality males. These results might suggest that large<br />

females are adjusting egg size according to male quality. Nevertheless,<br />

the observation that egg size diminished over two sequential spawnings<br />

indicates that the observed egg allocation pattern might result mainly from<br />

a process of serial matings: larger males first, smaller males later. This<br />

hypothesis would help justify not only the wide difference in egg size<br />

measured in the T2+2L (large eggs) vs the T2+2S (small eggs) but also<br />

why the other ‘homogeneous’ groups revealed similar values, slightly<br />

smaller than the T2+2L (in these groups, the measured egg size was the<br />

result of the averaging of all laid eggs, large and small).<br />

Interestingly, besides being differentially allocated according to<br />

size, eggs of larger females were also laid in greater number in mating<br />

settings involving more than one available large male (T4L and,<br />

particularly, T2+2). The reduced egg number in ‘mating settings’ involving<br />

only one male could be thought to result from marsupium space<br />

constrains. Nevertheless, the estimations of females’ potential<br />

reproductive rate clearly revealed that, during the extent of a male<br />

pregnancy, females did not spawn enough eggs to fully occupy a male’s<br />

pouch, thus corroborating the in situ observations of Silva et al. (in press).<br />

Furthermore, the fact that the number of eggs laid by large females in T1L<br />

and T1S did not differ from those observed in T4S but were significantly<br />

smaller than those recorded for T2+2 and T4L, strongly suggests that large<br />

females can have a fine-tuned control over their reproductive investment,<br />

being able to ‘deliberately’ save a share of their resources for future, high<br />

quality males.<br />

It is unclear why investing more and larger eggs in larger males is<br />

not a common strategy to both large and small females of S. <strong>abaster</strong> when<br />

considering the direct benefits they could accrue from mating with high<br />

quality partners (e.g. Berglund et al., 1986). Even considering that smaller<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

females, due to physiological constraints, might not be able to produce as<br />

much nor as large eggs as those laid by large females, a similar pattern of<br />

egg allocation could be expected. The constant reproductive effort through<br />

all ‘mating settings’ strongly suggests that, contrarily to large females,<br />

small females seem to invest heavily in each breeding attempt. Maximizing<br />

investment in current reproduction might well be an adaptive tactic for<br />

smaller females to compensate their lower attractiveness (see Silva et al.,<br />

2007). Contrarily to large preferred females who have increased<br />

opportunities to mate with high quality males, small females might not<br />

have access to a better partner, or any other partner in the future. This<br />

adaptive tactic might be especially relevant in populations located in areas<br />

where the extent of the breeding season raises the opportunity of small<br />

females to reproduce. In areas where the extent of breeding season is<br />

reduced to a few months, small females could opt to allocate resources<br />

into growth rather than reproduction. Large, preferred females, on the<br />

other hand, seem able to simultaneously monitor the number of available<br />

mates and their intrinsic quality, responding accordingly through the<br />

deposition of eggs that vary in number and size. Assuming that the size of<br />

the fish reflects age (Billing et al., 2007) this strongly suggests the<br />

existence of a ‘switch point’ in females’ reproductive tactics through<br />

lifetime.<br />

3.3.6 Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank everybody that helped during the laboratorial work,<br />

especially Pedro Correia. Professor Vitor Almada’s participation was<br />

partially funded by Programa Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de<br />

Investigação. Nuno Monteiro's participation was funded by Fundação para<br />

a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BPD/14992/2004) and Programa<br />

Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de Investigação. Karine Silva's<br />

participation was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia<br />

(FCT-SFRH/BD/13171/2003). This work was partially funded by FCT<br />

(POCI/MAR/60895/2004).<br />


3.3. Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role-reversed pipefish: screening for<br />

quality and number<br />

3.3.7 References<br />

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Berglund, A., Rosenqvist, G. & Svensson, I. (1988). Multiple matings and<br />

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Billing, A. M., Rosenqvist, G. & Berglund, A. (2007). No terminal<br />

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C. Hureau, J. Nielsen, & E. Tortonese), pp. 628–639. Paris: Unesco.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

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quality and number<br />

Kolm, N. & Olsson, J. (2003). Differential investment in the Banggai<br />

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Reyer, H.U., Frei, G. & Som, C. (1999). Cryptic female choice: frogs<br />

reduce their clutches when amplexed by undesired male. Proceedings of<br />

the Royal Society of London B 266, 2101–2107.<br />

Roff, D. A. (1992). The Evolution of Life Histories. London: Chapman &<br />

Hall.<br />

Sheldon, B. C. (2000). Differential allocation: tests, mechanisms and<br />

implications. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 15, 397–402.<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. (2006a).<br />

Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology 69, 1860-1869.<br />


Chapter 3. Understanding <strong>Sex</strong>-<strong>Role</strong> Reversal (ex situ)<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Almada, V. C. & Vieira, M. N. (2006b). Early life<br />

history of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (Pisces: Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish<br />

Biology 68, 80-86.<br />

Silva, K., Vieira, M. N., Almada, V. C. & Monteiro, N. M. (2007). The effect<br />

of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions in<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Animal Behaviour 74, 1525-1533.<br />

Silva, K., Vieira, M. N., Almada, V. C. & Monteiro, N. M. (In press). Can the<br />

limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females: Insights from a population with size assortative mating. Animal<br />

Ecology.<br />

Simmons, L. W. (1987). Female choice contributes to offspring fitness in<br />

the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer). Behavioral Ecology and<br />

Sociobiology 21, 313–321.<br />

Skinner, A. J, Watt, P. J. (2007). Strategic egg allocation in the zebra fish,<br />

Danio rerio. Behavioural Ecology 18, 905-909.<br />

Trivers R. L. (1972). Parental investment and sexual selection. In:<br />

Campbell B (ed) <strong>Sex</strong>ual selection and the descent of man. Aldine Press,<br />

Chicago, Ill. pp 136–179.<br />

Wiegmann, D. D., Mukhopadhyay, K. & Real, L. A. (1999). Sequential<br />

search and the influence of male quality on female mating decisions.<br />

Journal of Mathematical Biology 39, 193–216.<br />

Williams, G. C. (1966). Natural selection, the costs of reproduction, and a<br />

refinement of Lack’s principle. American Naturalist 100, 687-690.<br />


Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

Can the limited marsupium space<br />

be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong> females?<br />

Insights from a population with<br />

size assortative mating.<br />

4.1 Abstract<br />

Some syngnathid species, aside from male pregnancy, show varying<br />

degrees of sex-role reversal, with females competing for access to mates<br />

and sometimes presenting conspicuous secondary sexual characters.<br />

Among other variables, brooding-space constraints are usually considered<br />

as a key element in female reproductive success, strongly contributing to<br />

the observed morphological and behavioural sexual differences.<br />

Nevertheless, a close relationship between sex role reversal and male<br />


4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

brooding space limitation has not yet been accurately demonstrated in field<br />

studies.<br />

The present work, conducted over two consecutive breeding<br />

seasons in a wild population of the sex-role reversed pipefish <strong>Syngnathus</strong><br />

<strong>abaster</strong>, simultaneously analyzed the egg number and occupied space, as<br />

well as the free area in the male’s marsupium. The number of eggs that<br />

would fit in the observed unoccupied space was estimated.<br />

Contrarily to what could be expected given the marked sexual<br />

dimorphism observed in the studied population, where females are larger<br />

and more colourful, male brooding space didn’t appear to limit female<br />

reproduction since neither large nor small individuals presented a fully<br />

occupied pouch. Interestingly, the largest marsupium unoccupied areas<br />

were found in the larger individuals, even though they received more and<br />

larger eggs. Laboratory data also showed that bigger females lay larger<br />

eggs.<br />

Altogether these results suggest the existence of assortative<br />

mating which may result either from: i) the reluctance of larger males<br />

(which tend not to receive small eggs usually laid by small females) to<br />

mate with less quality females, even at the expense of a smaller number of<br />

offspring or, ii) female-female competition which might strongly reduce the<br />

hypothesis of a small female mating with a large male.<br />

The potential impact of temperature on reproduction and<br />

population dynamics is also discussed under the light of the ongoing<br />

climatic changes.<br />

4.2 Introduction<br />

In many sexually reproducing animals one sex clearly competes more<br />

intensely for mates than the other. Differences in the relative intensity of<br />

mating competition are usually attributed to sex differences in potential<br />

reproductive rates that determine which sex limits the reproductive<br />

success of the other (Andersson 1994; Clutton-Brock & Parker 1992;<br />


Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

Ahnesjo, Kvarnemo & Merilaita 2001). <strong>Sex</strong> roles are termed ‘conventional’<br />

when males compete among themselves for female access. Contrarily,<br />

when females compete over mates, sex roles are usually described as<br />

reversed (Vincent et al. 1992).<br />

Although uncommon in nature (Balshine-Earn & McAndrew 1995;<br />

Gwynne & Simmons 1990: Colwell & Oring 1988), sex-role reversal can<br />

nevertheless be observed in some species of the Syngnathidae family, a<br />

fish group characterised by a highly specialised male pregnancy whose<br />

costs are believed to exceed those of most vertebrates (Clutton-Brock &<br />

Vincent 1991). Syngnathid females deposit unfertilized eggs into a male’s<br />

specialized ventral incubating surface whose anatomical complexity varies<br />

among species, from a simple incubating ventral surface to a sealed pouch<br />

(Herald 1959). In some pipefish species, females compete for male<br />

access, sometimes presenting conspicuous secondary sexual characters<br />

(Monteiro, Vieira & Almada 2002; Silva et al. 2006). Energy investment,<br />

brooding-space constraints and pregnancy length, operating alone or in<br />

combination, may limit female reproductive success thus providing an<br />

explanation of such sexual differences (Berglund & Rosenqvist 2003).<br />

Despite many attempts to clearly identify the mechanisms behind the<br />

evolution of sex-role reversal in syngnathids, such as whether the male’s<br />

limited brooding space can effectively contribute to sex-role reversal, the<br />

causes are yet to be fully demonstrated, especially in wild populations<br />

where a species behavioural repertoire is modulated by far more variables<br />

than in aquaria.<br />

Laboratory studies showed that brooding-space constraints and<br />

pregnancy length, rather than energy investment, might limit female<br />

reproduction in two Northern-European populations of sex-role reversed<br />

pipefish, Nerophis ophidion and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle (Berglund, Rosenqvist<br />

& Svensson 1989). In both species, females were found to produce more<br />

eggs than a male can brood during a pregnancy episode (Berglund et al.<br />

1989). The need to contextualize these findings with field observations has<br />

encouraged the present study on a wild population of the sex-role reversed<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> (Risso, 1827), morphologically similar to S. typhle.<br />

Both the space occupied by eggs and the remaining free area in the<br />


4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

male’s pouch was analysed as a means to test whether the male’s limited<br />

brooding space could indeed constrain female reproductive success.<br />

Furthermore, the importance of male and female size was also considered<br />

in order to investigate potential differences in egg allocation and its<br />

consequences in mating patterns.<br />

4.3 Methods<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> is a euryhaline species that inhabits the<br />

Mediterranean, Black Sea, and the Atlantic coast of Southwest Europe up<br />

to southern Biscay (Dawson 1986). The black-striped pipefish occurs<br />

either in coastal areas or in brackish and fresh waters (Cakic et al. 2002),<br />

and can be found mainly among sand, mud or eelgrass meadows, at<br />

depths between 0.5 and 5 m, within a temperature range of 8ºC to 24ºC.<br />

Males have a brood pouch located ventrally on the tail (Urophori) which<br />

consists of two skin folds that contact medially with their free edges. <strong>Sex</strong><br />

roles seem to be reversed, as females are larger and apparently more<br />

competitive than males, at least under even sex ratio conditions (Silva et<br />

al. 2006).<br />

Bimonthly samples were conducted over two consecutive breeding<br />

seasons in the Ria de Aveiro estuarine lagoon (40º45’N, 8º40’W), in<br />

northern Portugal. Two hundred and ninety five pregnant males were<br />

captured and measured for total length (LT). For each pregnant male, eggs<br />

were counted and macro photographs, including an external ruler for size<br />

reference, were taken in the most transparent area of the marsupium. A<br />

sub- sample of ninety-five individuals (≈32%) was brought to the laboratory<br />

for additional marsupium width and height measurements. All other<br />

captured males were immediately released in the same area where initially<br />

collected. Good quality photographs, available for 121 individuals, were<br />

imported into UTHSCA© Image Tool and perfectly visible eggs were<br />

measured in order to calculate the average egg diameter per male (ED).<br />

The total number of captured fish, including non-pregnant males and<br />


Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

females was also recorded in each sampling event for sex-ratio<br />

calculation.<br />

The approximately rectangular marsupium area (AM) was<br />

calculated according to the formula: AM=marsupium height (HM) x<br />

marsupium width (WM). HM and WM (measured in the 95 individuals that<br />

were transported to the laboratory specifically for this goal) were inferred<br />

for all males according to the regressions presented in the Results section.<br />

The number of missing eggs, ME [i.e. the number of eggs, with the average<br />

diameter observed for each male, that would fill the unoccupied<br />

marsupium space (UM)], was calculated for each individual according to<br />

the following formula: ME=UM / π (egg diameter/2) 2 , where UM = AM – egg<br />

number x π (egg diameter/2) 2 .<br />

Other approaches for the calculation of the number of eggs that<br />

could fit the available marsupium area could have been selected, namely<br />

those that would consider space between the theoretically spherical eggs<br />

as unusable. Alternatively, the degree of compression sometimes alters<br />

egg sphericity into a cube like form. It could be expected that the most<br />

accurate of these two approaches [UM=AM – egg number x π (egg<br />

diameter/2) 2 or UM=AM – egg number x egg diameter 2 ], when subtracted to<br />

the direct measurement of the actual area occupied by eggs (as<br />

determined using photographs of the marsupium of aquarium kept males,<br />

using UTHSCA© Image Tool), would tend to zero. A t-test of means<br />

against a reference constant (0) showed that the selected approach was<br />

indeed accurate (N=4, DF=3, p=0.64) when compared to the hypothesis<br />

that eggs have a cube-like form or that the space between spherical eggs<br />

cannot be accounted as free space (N=4, DF=3, P=0.03).<br />

Regressions were conducted in order to test for possible<br />

relationships between male and egg size. Additionally, data gathered in<br />

aquarium, using female size and the diameter of the laid eggs, was used<br />

to test for a possible correlation between these two variables.<br />

Taking into consideration that mate size is an important variable in<br />

syngnathid mate choice (Silva et al. in press; Berglund & Rosenqvist<br />

2003), two male groups were considered with the size cut-offs for ‘large’<br />

and ‘small’ pregnant males defined according to Silva et al. (in press), as<br />


4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

½ standard deviation below and above the mean male size (LT)<br />

(mean=8.5 cm, SD=1.26 cm, values obtained from prior measurements in<br />

the same population, N=214 males). Large males were longer than 9.1 cm<br />

whilst small individuals were shorter than 7.9 cm. Accordingly, two one-<br />

way ANOVAS were conducted in order to test for differences between<br />

male size classes (large and small; untransformed data) in the number of<br />

carried eggs and number of ‘missing’ eggs [transformed data: square root<br />

(x+constant)]. The homogeneity of variances assumption was met for all<br />

analyses. All probabilities are two-tailed and a significance level of 0.05<br />

was used.<br />

4.4 Results<br />

The number of captured males and females was not significantly different<br />

during the 29 sampling visits (t-test for dependent samples, ♀=13.24,<br />

♂=15.03, DF=28, P=0.239).<br />

The regression equations used to estimate the marsupium height<br />

and width were: a) Marsupium height: HM=83.606 x log(LT) – 134.36,<br />

r=0.938, P

Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

male, was found to be significantly higher in large than in small individuals<br />

[ANOVA: DF (1,88) F=19.79; P

4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

4.5 Discussion<br />

It is not always clear how to demonstrate that one sex actually limits the<br />

reproductive success of the other. For example, even if a male makes a<br />

substantial investment in time and energy in offspring, either this may not<br />

exceed female investment or time and energy may not be limiting factors<br />

during the breeding period (Berglund et al. 1989).<br />

The present study showed that neither large nor small S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

males presented fully occupied pouches over the breeding season, at least<br />

in the studied population where the number of males and females was<br />

similar. Thus, it seems that the limited marsupium space may not to be a<br />

limiting factor for S. <strong>abaster</strong> females. The fact that only brooding males<br />

were considered in this work reinforces the obtained results since<br />

otherwise the available areas for females to lay their eggs upon would be<br />

even greater. Also, it could be argued that, even though space is available,<br />

males could refrain from accepting eggs due to physiological or allocation<br />

trade-off reasons. Nevertheless, it is important to stress that several fully<br />

occupied pouches were observed during the two-year sampling period,<br />

showing that males can be filled up to maximum capacity.<br />

Berglund et al. (1989) showed that, in aquaria, S. typhle females,<br />

captured from a population under an even sex ratio, produced far more<br />

eggs than a male could bear during the extent of a pregnancy event. If<br />

these results could be transposed to the field, than a marsupium space<br />

limitation would be expected. These differences between S. <strong>abaster</strong> and S.<br />

typhle could be interpreted from distinct viewpoints: i) even considering<br />

that S. typhle is a larger species, with males presenting a bigger<br />

marsupium, the far greater number of eggs produced by S. typhle females<br />

(105, as indicated in Monteiro, Almada & Vieira 2005) may still fully occupy<br />

the increased brooding area. Alternatively, ii) the results obtained in<br />

aquaria, during a male pregnancy, and those observed in the wild, during<br />

the full extent of a breeding season, might not be fully comparable. For<br />

instance, in preliminary aquaria observations, a S. <strong>abaster</strong> female was<br />


Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

able to lay 78 eggs during the extent of a male’s pregnancy. No male<br />

captured in the wild showed more than 62 eggs.<br />

The observed differences in egg number and size among S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> male length classes, with larger individuals receiving more and<br />

larger eggs, seem to be the result of mating with larger females, as<br />

inferred from laboratory data on female size and its laid eggs. Since large<br />

body sizes proved to be a sexually selected trait (Silva et al. in press) it<br />

could be expected that large males would have more mating opportunities<br />

and thus, more occupied pouches than smaller individuals. Interestingly,<br />

the largest unoccupied marsupium areas were found in the larger<br />

individuals group. Apparently discordant, this observation might be the<br />

result of male choosiness since larger males were observed to also prefer<br />

large partners (Silva et al. in press). It should be stressed that the<br />

difference in marsupium occupation observed in large and small males<br />

could also be the result of different trade-offs between egg size and egg<br />

numbers, with a larger empty space in the brood pouch being more<br />

beneficial for large males. Furthermore, it seems that larger males may<br />

also be reluctant in mating with less quality females, even at the expense<br />

of a smaller number of offspring. By mating with large females, which<br />

produce larger eggs, males could gain in offspring quality. Offspring<br />

hatching from larger eggs have been reported to have higher survival,<br />

higher resistance to starvation and increased swimming performance<br />

(Kolm & Ahnesjo 2005). A non-exclusive hypothesis, explaining the<br />

apparent absence of small female eggs in large male’s marsupium, deals<br />

with female-female competition. Large dominant females may strongly<br />

reduce the opportunity of small females to mate with large males, as<br />

suggested in Silva et al. (in press). Small females of S. typhle were also<br />

found to be reproductively constrained by large dominant females<br />

(Berglund & Rosenqvist 2003).<br />

Male mate choice for larger females was not only observed in<br />

sex-role reversed syngnathids [e.g. S. <strong>abaster</strong> (Silva et al. in press) and S.<br />

typhle (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003)] but also in ‘conventional’ sex-role<br />

species outside this family, such as Gasterosteus aculeatus (Kraak &<br />

Bakker 1998), Poecilia reticulata (Herdman, Kelly & Godin 2004) and<br />


4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

Pseudomugil signifer (Wong, Jennions & Keogh 2004). Thus, it could be<br />

expected that small males, that also prefer large mates, might be able to<br />

carry eggs laid by large females. Nevertheless, the significant correlation<br />

obtained between male and female size suggests that larger females may<br />

avoid reproducing with small males.<br />

Together, these results suggest the occurrence of assortative<br />

mating, as already proposed in Silva et al. (2006), where S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

courting pairs with more asymmetrical body sizes were less successful in<br />

achieving mating. Size-assortative mating has been observed in many fish<br />

species [e.g. Sarotherodon galilaeus (Ros, Zeilstra & Oliveira 2003),<br />

Gasterosteus aculeatus (Olafsdottir, Ritchie & Snorrason 2006) and<br />

Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (Beeching & Hopp 1999)]. Assortative mating<br />

is believed to have played a significant role in seahorse speciation process<br />

(Jones et al. 2003). Size assortative mating might also contribute to a<br />

female reproductive limitation since the number of preferred males (that<br />

are also choosy), tend to be smaller, reinforcing sex-role reversal.<br />

It would be interesting to see if a similar pattern of results could be<br />

viewed in other S. <strong>abaster</strong> populations, especially those inhabiting different<br />

latitudes where the extent of the breeding season markedly differs. It could<br />

be predicted that the limited marsupium space could indeed be a limiting<br />

factor for females, particularly those of small size, in areas where the<br />

extent of the breeding period would not allow for time-scattered<br />

spawnings. Moreover, given the current climatic changes, the local<br />

expression of a species mating system will surely vary with consequences<br />

that cannot yet be foreseen given the small amount of available<br />

information on estuarine and coastal fish population dynamics.<br />

4.6 Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank everybody that helped during the laboratorial and<br />

fieldwork, especially Alberto Silva, Armando Jorge and Pedro Correia. We<br />

would also like to thank Anders Berglund and an anonymous referee for<br />


Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

suggestions and criticism. Vitor Almada’s participation was partially funded<br />

by Programa Plurianual de Apoio às Unidades de Investigação. Nuno<br />

Monteiro's participation was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a<br />

Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BPD/14992/2004) and Programa Plurianual de<br />

Apoio às Unidades de Investigação. Karine Silva's participation was<br />

funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia<br />

(FCT-SFRH/BD/13171/2003). This work was partially funded by FCT<br />

(POCI/MAR/60895/2004).<br />

4.7 References<br />

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qualified to mate. Behavioral Ecology, 12, 397-401.<br />

Andersson, M. (1994) <strong>Sex</strong>ual Selection. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton<br />

University Press.<br />

Balshine-Earn, S. & McAndrew, B. J. (1995) <strong>Sex</strong>-role reversal in the<br />

black-chinned tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppel) (Cichlidae).<br />

Behaviour, 132, 861-874.<br />

Beeching, S. C. & Hopp, A. B. (1999) Male mate preference and<br />

size-assortative pairing in the convict cichlid. Journal of Fish Biology, 55,<br />

1001–1008.<br />

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of females limited by males in two pipefish species. The American<br />

Naturalist, 133, 506-516.<br />

Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist, G. (2003) <strong>Sex</strong> role reversal in pipefish.<br />

Advances in the Study of Behaviour, 32, 131-167.<br />


4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

Cakic, P., Lenhardt, M., Mickovic, D., Sekulic, N. & Budakov, L. J. (2002)<br />

Biometric analysis of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> populations. Journal of Fish<br />

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437-456.<br />

Colwell M. A. & Oring, L. W. (1988) <strong>Sex</strong> ratios and intrasexual competition<br />

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(Phalaropus tricolor). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 22, 165–173.<br />

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Gwynne, T. D. & Simmons, L. W. (1990) Experimental reversal of<br />

courtship roles in an insect. Nature, 346, 172-174.<br />

Herald, E. S. (1959) From pipefish to seahorse - a study of phylogenetic<br />

relationships. Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences, 29,<br />

465–473.<br />

Herdman, E. J. E., Kelly, C. D. & Godin, J. G. J. (2004) Male Mate Choice<br />

in the Guppy (Poecilia reticulata): Do Males Prefer Larger Females as<br />

Mates? Ethology, 110, 97-111.<br />

Jones, A. G., Moore, G. I., Kvarnemo, C., Walker, D. E. & Avise, J. C.<br />

(2003) Sympatric speciation as a consequence of male pregnancy in<br />


Chapter 4. Reproductive Dynamics (in situ)<br />

seahorses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 100,<br />

6598-6603.<br />

Kolm, N. & Ahnesjo, I. (2005) Do egg size and parental care coevolve in<br />

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Kraak, S. B. M. & Bakker, T. C. M. (1998) Mutual mate choice in<br />

sticklebacks: attractive males choose big females, which lay big eggs.<br />

Animal Behaviour, 56, 859-866.<br />

Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, N. M. & Almada, V. C. (2002) The courtship<br />

behaviour of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis: reflections of and<br />

adaptation to intertidal life. Acta ethologica, 4, 109-111.<br />

Monteiro, N.M., Almada, V.C. & Vieira, M.N. (2005) Implications of<br />

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Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85, 1235-1241.<br />

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Ros, A. F. H, Zeilstra, I. & Oliveira, R. F. (2003) Mate choice in the Galilee<br />

St. Peter’s fish, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Behaviour, 140, 1173-1188.<br />

Silva, K., Monteiro, N. M., Vieira, M. N. & Almada, V. C. (2006)<br />

Reproductive behaviour of the black-striped pipefish, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

(Pisces; Syngnathidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 69, 1860-1869.<br />

Silva, K., Vieira, M. N., Almada, V. C. & Monteiro, N. M. in press. The<br />

effect of temperature on mate preferences and female-female interactions<br />

in <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong>. Animal Behaviour.<br />


4.1. Can the limited marsupium space be a limiting factor for <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong><br />

females? Insights from a population with size assortative mating.<br />

Vincent, A., Ahnesjo, I., Berglund, A. & Rosenqvist, G. (1992) <strong>Pipefish</strong>es<br />

and seahorses: are they all sex role reversed? Trends in Ecology and<br />

Evolution, 7, 237–241.<br />

Wong, B. B. M., Jennions, M. D. & Keogh, J. S. (2004) Sequential male<br />

mate choice in a fish, the Pacific blue-eye Pseudomugil signifer.<br />

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 56, 253–256.<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

Chapter 5<br />

Final Discussion<br />

5.1 Towards a new approach on sex-roles<br />

The observed patterns of <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> reproduction clearly<br />

challenge the oversimplistic binary notion of sex-roles (conventional versus<br />

reversed), highlighting, instead, the flexible nature of the reproductive<br />

behaviours within the family Syngnathidae. Although evidence for intense<br />

female-female competition, and thus sex-role reversal (sensu Vincent et<br />

al., 1992), is repeatedly reported in this thesis (Chapter 2.3, Chapter 3.1<br />

and Chapter 3.2), the behavioural and morphological sexual differences<br />

observed in S. <strong>abaster</strong> are clearly moderate when compared to other<br />

pipefish also reported as sex-role reversed. For instance, the role of the<br />

male during courtship is much more pronounced than in Nerophis<br />

lumbriciformis where males are more passive (Monteiro et al., 2002). Also<br />

sexual dimorphism is less evident than in other pipefish species where<br />

females are highly modified by sexual selection. The dimorphic banding<br />

coloration of S. fuscus (Roelke & Sogard, 1993), for example, clearly<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

contrasts with the temporary ornament displayed by both males and<br />

females in S. <strong>abaster</strong>.<br />

5.1.1 Water temperature and the expression of<br />

reproductive behaviours<br />

Seasonal variations in temperature are likely to affect the intensity of<br />

sexual selection in many ectotherms (Kvarnemo & Ahnesjo, 1996).<br />

Through its impact on physiological processes, which operate within the<br />

bounds of temperature extremes, higher temperatures characteristically<br />

increase the potential reproductive rates of males more than that of<br />

females, thus affecting the operational sex-ratio and, consequently, the<br />

intensity of mating competition (see Chapter 1).<br />

In the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, for example, the time<br />

males spend guarding eggs decreases significantly more with increasing<br />

temperatures than does the time females need to produce a new clutch of<br />

eggs (Kvarnemo, 1994), resulting in a highly male-biased operational<br />

sex-ratio and thus intense male competition in warmer waters (Kvarnemo,<br />

1996). In a similar way, temperature is known to differentially affect the<br />

reproductive rates of males and females in S. typhle (Ahnesjo, 1995). In<br />

this sex-role reversed pipefish, the male brooding time is much longer in<br />

colder than in warmer waters. In females, however, the number of eggs laid<br />

per day (given an unlimited access to mates) is not significantly influenced<br />

by temperature (Ahnesjo, 1995). Even though reduced female-female<br />

competition in warmer waters has already been predicted, the study<br />

presented in Chapter 3.1 is the first to directly explore the potential<br />

influence of temperature on syngnathid reproductive behaviour dynamics.<br />

Through the observation of behavioural interactions at three<br />

distinct water temperatures (mimicking the periods before the onset of the<br />

breeding season, during its beginning and near its end) it was possible to<br />

highlight some of the possible consequences of fluctuating temperatures<br />

on the expression of reproductive behaviours of S. <strong>abaster</strong> males and<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

females. It is important to stress out that the referred experiments were<br />

performed within the extent of the breeding season of a Southern<br />

European S. <strong>abaster</strong> population, which occurs mainly during summer, with<br />

temperatures increasing rapidly to a peak late in the season and dropping<br />

visibly in the beginning of autumn, when reproduction no longer takes<br />

place (K. Silva, unpublished data collected during a three-year monitoring<br />

period of a wild population occurring in the Ria de Aveiro estuarine<br />

lagoon). Data on the reproduction of S. <strong>abaster</strong> in the field shows a high<br />

correlation with water temperature and no correlation with other tested<br />

variables such as air temperature or salinity. Furthermore, when<br />

temperature is kept above 18ºC, there is continuous reproduction in<br />

aquaria. As such water temperature appears to be a key factor in S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> reproduction and the ultimate cause for the behavioural pattern<br />

obtained in the mentioned study.<br />

Two main results were expected: i) both sexes would show a<br />

particular interest towards possible mates as soon as temperature rises<br />

above the threshold allowing for reproduction to occur, and ii) females,<br />

would compete less intensely at higher temperatures since male<br />

pregnancy is shortened in warmer waters (Chapter 2.1) and thus a less<br />

pronounced sexual difference in potential rates could be predicted.<br />

Temperatures mimicking the beginning of the breeding season<br />

indeed triggered sexual interest in males. In females however, a clear<br />

interest on the opposite sex was only visible at higher temperatures,<br />

reflecting the end of the reproductive period. Such a pattern of results<br />

would make sense in species such as N. lumbriciformis, where males<br />

arrive earlier than females at the intertidal mating grounds (Monteiro et al.,<br />

2006) and thus the interest in the opposite sex might be possibly triggered,<br />

in males and females, at distinct moments of the reproductive period. A<br />

three-year monitoring of a wild population of S. <strong>abaster</strong> shows however no<br />

evidence for this hypothesis, with males and females arriving<br />

synchronously at the mating pools (K. Silva unpublished data)<br />

A more plausible explanation for the obtained pattern of results<br />

could lie instead in the reversed patterns of competition observed in S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong> and what seems to be an intrinsic female disposition to interact<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

with other females. As mentioned in Chapter 3.1, at temperatures<br />

reflecting the beginning of the breeding period, the mechanisms favouring<br />

male approach and those involved in female-female interactions would<br />

compete, so that sexual motivation would be partly masked in females. In<br />

contrast, as temperature increases, and the reproductive season<br />

approaches its end, females, who still have eggs to spawn would likely<br />

benefit from re-direction their attention. In males, which in sex-role<br />

reversed syngnathids often have little need to compete with other males,<br />

the mechanism appears simpler, basically translated into an increased<br />

focus on females concurrent with warmer waters.<br />

Although this pattern of results suggest an overall reduction in the<br />

intensity of female competition at higher temperatures, the focusing on<br />

female-female interactions shows, however, that only large (and preferred)<br />

females responded according to predictions based on the mentioned<br />

temperature-dependent effects on potential reproductive rates: they<br />

engage intensely in competition at the beginning of the breeding season<br />

(colder waters), and reduce competition as the mate acquisition period<br />

draws to a close (warmer waters). Small females, in opposition, appeared<br />

more liable to compete at temperatures reflecting the late period of the<br />

breeding season. By presenting this behaviour, these less attractive and<br />

less competitive females probably make the most efficient use of an<br />

extending breeding season. Small females probably decrease hypothetical<br />

energetic costs of competition and maximize their body size prior to<br />

reproduction, thus gaining in reproductive success, both in terms of<br />

increased fecundity and increased attractiveness and competitiveness.<br />

Another, non-exclusive, explanation for this higher activity of smaller<br />

females at temperatures mimicking the end of the breeding period could<br />

derive from a low winter survival for these individuals. A young female with<br />

a low chance of surviving would be expected to invest heavily in the<br />

current reproductive season and not to save resources to next year (Billing<br />

et al., 2007).<br />

It could be argued that small females might just mature later. Field<br />

observations on S. <strong>abaster</strong> reproductive season do not, however,<br />

corroborate this possibility. In fact, it seems that individuals that were born<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

in the preceding breeding season are able to reproduce at the beginning of<br />

the next reproductive period while young of the year are also able to<br />

reproduce at the end of the reproductive period, if given enough time to<br />

grow. Thus, small mature females seem to always be present during the<br />

reproductive season (K. Silva unpublished data).<br />

5.1.2 <strong>Sex</strong>-ratios and mating competition<br />

The study presented in Chapter 3.2 clearly illustrates how temporally or<br />

spatially variable sex-ratios can affect the expression of sex-roles in S.<br />

<strong>abaster</strong>. Such behavioural plasticity has already been reported for species<br />

with conventional sex-roles (e.g. Forsgren et al., 2004) but a reversal in<br />

sex-role reversal remained to be experimentally demonstrated.<br />

Surprisingly, the relationship between sex-ratios and the intensity of<br />

mating competition was not as linear in females as in males where both<br />

large and small individuals assume a prone competitive behaviour when<br />

exposed to a scarce number of potential mates. Indeed, unbalanced<br />

sex-ratios towards a surplus of females differentially modulated the<br />

intensity of competition in different-size females in much the same way as<br />

temperature did: large females were found to decrease competition while<br />

small ones interacted intensely with other females. The balance between<br />

the costs and benefits of competitive behaviour, rather than just the<br />

potential reproductive rates or the relative abundance of the sexes, seem<br />

to ultimately determine the intensity of sexual selection in the primary<br />

competitor sex, constraining the behavioral responses of individuals<br />

according to their own intrinsic quality. Avoiding the hypothetical costs<br />

derived from competitive displays under female-biased mating contexts,<br />

and temporarily postponing reproduction waiting for additional mating<br />

opportunities might only be a high risk strategy for small females with more<br />

uncertain mating prospects. Large females, on the contrary, can possibly<br />

count on their ‘sex appeal’, which boosts the probability to acquire new<br />

matings.<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

5.1.3 Mate preferences versus mate choice: the<br />

importance of the social context<br />

Preferences for mates with particular phenotypic traits are common in<br />

animals (Andersson, 1994). Exhibiting a preference in ‘two-choice’ tests<br />

where individuals are simultaneously presented with a pair of potential<br />

mates differing in ‘quality’ (as in Chapter 3.1), and actually pursuing the<br />

mate choice when inserted in a social context allowing for individuals to<br />

interact [as in Chapter 3.2, (in-situ) and Chapter 4.1 (ex-situ)], may,<br />

however, be two very different situations. By being choosy individuals<br />

increase the chances of mating with a more desirable partner, but this<br />

strategy also faces costs. Generally, the balance between these costs and<br />

benefits differ between individuals according to their condition, generating<br />

variation in the optimal cost-benefit trade-off (Hoglund & Alatalo, 1995) and<br />

thereby leading to differences in choosiness between different quality<br />

individuals (Jennions & Petrie, 1997; Brooks & Endler, 2001). In species<br />

(or populations) in which there is strong competition for attractive mates<br />

and individuals vary in their ability to access mating partners, the poorest<br />

competitors, which are unlikely to succeed matings without being<br />

disrupted, might minimize the costs of not mating at all by avoiding the<br />

highest-quality partners and instead focus on low-quality ones. In species<br />

with bi-directional mate choice (i.e. both sexes of a species typically<br />

participate in mate choice), things may become even more complex as an<br />

individual’s attractiveness to members of the opposite sex limits might also<br />

limit its ability to acquire mates. As a consequence, individuals may<br />

dynamically adjust their mate selectivity based on their own current mating<br />

quality to avoid searches for unwilling mates. In most cases, competition<br />

and choice combine to make mating strongly assortative with respect to<br />

quality (Johnstone, 1997; Fawcett & Johnstone, 2003).<br />

The hypothesis that individuals vary their selectivity in response to<br />

their perceived mate-getting ability has received little attention, perhaps<br />

because the idea that, in any given species, members of a single sex<br />

choose mates, has dominated the literature on sexual selection for years.<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

In some cases, the assumption that only one sex actively selects among<br />

mates is reasonable. For example, in the mite species Tetranychus<br />

urticae, males guard duetonymph females and prefer those females that<br />

are closest to eclosion (Everson & Addicott, 1982). The females obviously<br />

have no potential role in choice here, since they are still in their quiescent<br />

form. Few systems however are as simple as the one observed in these<br />

mites. Instead, a number of studies have been leading to the growing<br />

realization that sex-role generally involve both competition and choice in<br />

both sexes, with the overall classification as conventional or sex-role<br />

reversed dependent on the relative strength of these behaviours (e.g.<br />

Amundsen, 2000; Berglund et al., 2005).<br />

In S. <strong>abaster</strong>, a larger body size generally translates into a higher<br />

quality in terms of both attractiveness and competitiveness in males and<br />

females. True to predictions, the data in this thesis highlights important<br />

differences in the strength of preferences between different-size<br />

individuals who generally end up mating size assortatively, both in aquaria<br />

(Chapter 2.3 and Chapter 3.2) and in the field (Chapter 4). Interestingly,<br />

not even unbalanced sex-ratios, which should, theoretically, relate to<br />

choosiness as the sex in shortage may afford to be selective (see Chapter<br />

1), were able to completely disrupt this pattern. Indeed, contrarily to large<br />

individuals who become particularly choosy when exposed to a larger<br />

number of potential mates, small males and females continued to mate<br />

with similar size partners as the opposite sex, although in surplus, also<br />

exercised mate choice, preferring larger mates.<br />

5.1.4 Assortative-mating and syngnathid evolution<br />

Identifying factors associated with speciation can help to understand why<br />

groups vary in diversity. Recent studies have put forward the hypothesis<br />

that size assortative mating may play a role in the speciation process of<br />

many different fish species, by initiating and maintaining reproductive<br />

isolation [e.g. in the stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Nagel & Schluter<br />

1998; McKinnon et al. 2004), the sockeye salmon, Oncorhyncus nerka<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

(Foote & Larkin, 1988), the charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Sigurjonsdottir &<br />

Gunnarsson 1989) and the mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki (McPeek,<br />

1992)]. Within syngnathids, Jones et al. (2003) investigated the possibility<br />

that such a situation may have been important in the diversification of the<br />

genus Hippocampus. In seahorses, monogamy forces both males and<br />

females to place a high premium on finding a partner with a similar<br />

reproductive capacity, otherwise eggs or brood pouch space would be<br />

wasted. Reproductive output is positively correlated with size for both<br />

sexes, and selection therefore favours size assortative mating (Vincent &<br />

Sadler, 1995). According to Jones et al., (2003) this mating pattern<br />

coupled with modest disruptive selection on body size can effectively<br />

produce sympatric speciation over quite short time scales.<br />

By demonstrating that social constraints (bi-directional mate<br />

choice and female-female competition) might also lead to size assortative<br />

mating in a non-monogamous syngnathid, the results presented in this<br />

thesis warrant broader attention to the role of size assortative mating in the<br />

speciation process of the whole family Syngnathidae, which is, by far, the<br />

most diverse group in the order Gasterosteiformes, with approximately 230<br />

species described (Dawson, 1985).<br />

5.1.5 Female reproductive investment<br />

Theoretical studies predict that females facing constraints in mate choice<br />

(e.g. due to competition and/or mutual mate choice) should differentially<br />

allocate their reproductive effort according to the attractiveness of their<br />

mates and the likelihood of finding a better one in the future (Burley, 1986,<br />

1988; Sheldon, 2000). Accordingly, the study presented in Chapter 3.3<br />

revealed a complex egg allocation pattern, with different-size females<br />

adopting different investment tactics that reflect their distinct mating<br />

prospects. Large, dominant and preferred females, who have increased<br />

opportunities to mate with high quality partners, seem able to monitor the<br />

number and quality (body size) of available mates, laying more eggs when<br />

in the presence of more than one large male, or ‘deliberately’ saving their<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

reproductive efforts for future high quality males when presented with<br />

either one (large or small) or four small males. In contrast, the constant<br />

reproductive effort of small females through all mating contexts strongly<br />

suggests that they compensate their lower chances of laying eggs in a<br />

higher quality male, by maximizing the number of eggs laid in each mating<br />

event.<br />

Another important finding presented in Chapter 3.3 deals with the<br />

apparent ability of large females to adjust egg size according to male<br />

quality. When simultaneously presented with both large and small potential<br />

partners, these females laid larger eggs in larger males while depositing<br />

smaller eggs in lower quality individuals. Interestingly, this allocation<br />

appears to be the result of a combination of two processes rather than an<br />

ability to adjust egg size according to male quality: i) serial mating (larger<br />

males first) and ii) reduction in egg size over mating events. Since this<br />

reduction was observed in all mating contexts, it is probably not ‘deliberate’<br />

but rather a result of egg production constraints (e.g. Bagenal 1969;<br />

Kinnison et al., 2001).<br />

Changes in egg size according to the attractiveness of the male<br />

are especially important because they are likely to confound estimates of<br />

paternal effects on offspring fitness (Petrie & Williams, 1993). Larger eggs<br />

containing high absolute amount of egg components might improve<br />

offspring fitness (Kolm & Ahnesjo, 2005), thus generating a correlation<br />

between the phenotype of the male and the performance of the offspring.<br />

A similar association can also arise since female possible gather “good<br />

genes” for their progeny when they mate with high quality males.<br />

It has recently been suggested that mating order effects, such as<br />

those reported for S. <strong>abaster</strong>, might result in strong directional selection on<br />

male traits (both behavioural and physiological) (e.g. Wedell & Cook, 1998;<br />

Birkhead et al., 1999; Evans & Magurran, 2001). If this is the case then the<br />

male’s active role in courtship observed in S. <strong>abaster</strong> is likely to be a<br />

selected trait aimed at securing the highest quality portion of a female’s<br />

investment through mating precedence.<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

5.1.6 Multiple mating strategies<br />

Even though no molecular studies have been conducted and observations<br />

reported in this thesis are from captive fish, the available evidence strongly<br />

suggests that S. <strong>abaster</strong> mating system is polygynandrous since both<br />

males (Chapter 2.3) and females (Chapter 2.3 and Chapter 3.3) have<br />

multiple mates in the course of a single male pregnancy. Similar<br />

observations have been reported for other <strong>Syngnathus</strong> species where<br />

males can carry eggs from different females and a female can distribute<br />

ripe eggs among many partners (Berglund et al., 1988; Vincent et al.,<br />

1992, 1995; Jones & Avise 2001). Two types of explanations to this egg<br />

allocation pattern have been postulated in Berglund et al. (1988).<br />

i) It might be a consequence of the time required for the maturation<br />

of the entire egg clutch. In S. <strong>abaster</strong>, however, some females allocated<br />

their eggs within 24 hours (Chapter 2.3 and Chapter 3.3), within which time<br />

span eggs probably have not time to mature (Wallace & Selman, 1981).<br />

ii) It is an adaptative tactic of the male and/or the female,<br />

increasing own or offspring survival.<br />

According to Berglund et al. (1988) the only acceptable<br />

explanation for a male to strive for multiple matings is to prevent receiving<br />

an entire brood from a female of low genetic quality. Accordingly, Ahnesjo<br />

(1996) referred that partial filling may be a means for males to optimize the<br />

trade-off between the costs of searching for large attractive females and<br />

mating with smaller ones. This however implies that males, rather than<br />

females, control for the number of eggs transferred during copulation. If<br />

this is the case, males may tend to accept fewer eggs from small females<br />

given the possibility that the next mate may be larger. Thus, the male is<br />

assured of some progeny while reserving additional brood space for a<br />

larger female that might appear later (see Jones et al., 2000). Even<br />

considering that the study presented in the Chapter 3.3 of this thesis was<br />

not aimed at answering this question, the current results do not show<br />

significant differences in the number of eggs carried by males S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

when joined with large or small females. Instead, the results suggest that<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

females of this species (at least large ones) can have a fine-tuned control<br />

over the number of transferred eggs.<br />

If males fall victim of predation, a female faces the risk of loosing<br />

all her offspring if she has allocated all her eggs into a single partner<br />

(Berglund et al., 1988; Tomasini et al., 1991). Also, if minimizing the<br />

variance in the number of produced offspring (“bet-hedging”) is important,<br />

egg allocation among several males would be the predicted strategy<br />

(Berglund et al., 1988). In S. typhle, for example, females seem genetically<br />

predisposed to seek a “bet-hedging” strategy wherein they typically lay<br />

eggs in the pouches of multiple males, particularly when males are<br />

common and the quality of those males is difficult to assess (Jones et al.,<br />

2000). Interestingly, S. <strong>abaster</strong> females presented with several males did<br />

not have more partners in such contexts (homogenous mating settings<br />

comprising only large or small males, see Chapter 3.3). Instead, large<br />

females adopted a differential allocation strategy according to the quality of<br />

the male.<br />

Finally, spreading the eggs may reduce competition among<br />

siblings in the male’s marsupium in a density dependent fashion (Berlgund<br />

et al., 1988; Ahnesjo, 1996).<br />

Promiscuous mating systems as that here reported for S. <strong>abaster</strong><br />

are likely to reduce the penalty for males for having less quality mates,<br />

thus reducing the intensity of sexual selection among females and hence<br />

explaining why <strong>Syngnathus</strong> species are generally less dimorphic than<br />

marsupium-lacking pipefish (Berglund & Rosenqvist, 2003). In these later,<br />

males receive an entire brood from a single female and thus should be<br />

more pressured to select a more fecund partner, which may result in more<br />

intense sexual selection on females. The large body size and vivid<br />

coloration in females of N. ophidion and N. lumbriciformis, for example, are<br />

probably a good example of this kind of increased sexual selection<br />

pressure.<br />

Variation in sexual dimorphism within a single genus also occurs<br />

and may be far more difficult to explain. Recently, Ripley & Foran (2006)<br />

suggested that differential parental nutrient allocation could explain<br />

differences in sexual traits and behaviours between S. floridae and S.<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

fuscus. According to these authors, pouch closure is not indicative of the<br />

degree of physiological allocation of nutrients by brooding males to<br />

embryos. Instead, brood pouch physiology varies between related species<br />

with similar brood pouch appearance. In <strong>Syngnathus</strong> species, where<br />

males contribute to a greater proportion of parental care, Ripley & Foran<br />

(2006) predict a divergence in sexual dimorphism and sex-roles. In<br />

contrast, more balanced investment in progeny between the sexes<br />

predicts comparable reproductive rates for males and females with the<br />

sexes not evolving strongly dimorphic traits and behaviours.<br />

5.1.7 What causes sex-role reversal?<br />

The standard explanation for reversed sex-roles is that males constitute a<br />

bottleneck for female reproduction. Within syngnathids this has been<br />

demonstrated experimentally in a number of species where marsupium<br />

space limitations and pregnancy length proved to constrain female<br />

reproductive success. In other words, females were found to lay more<br />

eggs than a male could accommodate in its marsupium during the extent<br />

of a breeding period [e.g. S. typhle and Nerophis ophidion, Berglund et al.<br />

(1989)]. Interestingly, marsupium space does not seem to physically limit<br />

females in S. <strong>abaster</strong>, in aquaria (Chapter 3.3) or in the field (Chapter 3.4).<br />

As a fact, neither did females spawn enough eggs to fully occupy a male’s<br />

pouch during the extent of a pregnancy (Chapter 3.3), nor did males<br />

presented, on average, fully occupy pouches over the breeding season<br />

(Chapter 3.4). These observations pose an interesting question: what then<br />

causes the sex-role reversal in S. <strong>abaster</strong>?<br />

Even though marsupium space, per se, might not be a limiting<br />

factor in (at least in the studied population) other variables might be<br />

limiting females. For instance, males could refrain from accepting eggs<br />

due to physiological reasons. In S. typhle, for example, the folds of the<br />

marsupium merge after 3-4 days subsequent to the first mating event, a<br />

placenta-like tissue is formed and males are no longer receptive (Berglund<br />

et al., 1986). Preliminary observations suggest that also in S. <strong>abaster</strong>,<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

males no longer accept new eggs once a few days have elapsed since<br />

they first reproduce. Caring a developmentally homogenous brood is likely<br />

to be beneficial to males as it will enable them to give birth to all young<br />

simultaneously, thus reducing pregnancy length and hence increasing<br />

potential reproductive rates. The synchronous development of the brood<br />

might also present advantages to the larvae since hypothetical changes in<br />

paternal investment during pregnancy will affect the young in a similar<br />

way. Also, the opening of the skin folds that would allow fully developed<br />

juveniles to leave the marsupium could affect developing larvae.<br />

Allocation trade-off reasons could also make males not accept as<br />

many eggs as they can physically accommodate. If resources provided by<br />

the males are limited, half filled males are likely to have the potential to<br />

provide all offspring with an ample resource supply. An indication that<br />

resources could actually be limiting is the lack of correlation between male<br />

and offspring size in half-filled S. typhle males, whereas in filled males<br />

larger individuals produced larger offspring (Berglund et al., 1988). The<br />

difference in marsupium occupations observed in large and small males in<br />

S. <strong>abaster</strong> could indeed be the result of different trade-offs between egg<br />

size and egg numbers, with a larger empty space in the brood pouch being<br />

more beneficial for large males carrying larger eggs which probably<br />

demand more resources (Berglund et al., 1986). A field study such as the<br />

one presented cannot, however, give insights on larval survival or size at<br />

birth and, as such, trade-offs mechanisms cannot be accurately assessed<br />

with the presented data.<br />

The fact that reproduction in S. <strong>abaster</strong> appears strongly<br />

size-assortative could also contribute to a reduction on available mates<br />

helping to explain the moderate sex-role reversal of this species. If larger<br />

males are preferred both by large and small females, then available mating<br />

partners tend to be scarce. Since males are also choosy, a bottleneck for<br />

females can be easily predicted. Other factors such as the number of<br />

produced gametes (and the rate at which they are produced) over the<br />

entire breeding season could also show additional female conditioning.<br />

To fully understand sexual selection in a species, it is essential to<br />

explore the range of spatial or temporal variation in selection regimes. As<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

such, it would be particularly interesting to analyse the behavioural and<br />

morphological sexual differences in other S. <strong>abaster</strong> populations. All else<br />

being equal, differences in the length of the brood pouch as those reported<br />

by Cakic et al. (2002) for S. <strong>abaster</strong> populations of Ukraine are likely to<br />

affect the extent to which males constrain female reproduction.<br />

A different pattern of results is also likely to occur in latitudes<br />

where the extent of the breeding season markedly differs from that of the<br />

studied population. As mentioned in Chapter 4.1, it could be predicted that<br />

the limited marsupium space could indeed be a limiting factor for females,<br />

particularly those of small size, in areas where the extent of the breeding<br />

period would not allow for time-scattered spawnings.<br />

5.1.8 Further research: an endocrine approach to<br />

sex-role reversal<br />

In most teleosts, 11-ketotestosterone (OT) is the dominant circulating<br />

androgen in breeding males (see Fostier et al., 1987), being high in males<br />

and low in females. In contrast, the estrogen 17β-estradiol (E2) is generally<br />

higher in females than in males. The levels of testosterone (T) and 17α-<br />

hydroxy-20β-dihydroprogesterone (17,20-P), in turn, may be high in both<br />

sexes (Fostier et al., 1983).<br />

In species where the sex-roles are reversed, it could be expected<br />

deviations in this characteristic pattern. To date, however, only one study<br />

has explored this hypothesis. Mayer et al. (1993) measured plasma levels<br />

of androgens 1 by means of radioimmunoassay (RIA) during the breeding<br />

season in three species of pipefish (Nerophis ophidion, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle,<br />

and <strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus). Three main results were obtained: i) the levels of<br />

most measured hormones were not consistently different between the<br />

sexes; ii) in the case of the OT pipefish showed the “typical” teleosts<br />

1 T, OT, 11β-hydroxytestosterone (OHT), 11-ketoandrostenedione (OA),<br />

11β-hydroxyandrostenedione (OHA), together with (17,20-P) and E2.<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

pattern, in that levels of this androgen were higher in pre-breeding than in<br />

post-breeding males (individuals sampled during the earlier period of the<br />

reproductive cycle, including both courtship and mating phases, and<br />

individuals sampled during the subsequent period of parental care,<br />

respectively) and iii) the observed relatively high levels of E2 in breeding<br />

males indicated a partial reversal of the normal teleosts steroid pattern<br />

between the sexes, although this is somewhat contentious, as the single<br />

highest E2 level was measured in a female.<br />

Overall, the data from this study did not suggest that steroid levels<br />

in pipefishes were markedly different from the “typical” teleosts pattern and<br />

thus that sex-role reversion might not be accompanied by an endocrine<br />

reversal. Further work is however needed in this area. In this extent, the<br />

study of the varying degrees of sex-role reversal occurring in syngnathids<br />

offers unique opportunities to enhance the current understanding of the<br />

neuroendocrine mechanisms mediating behavioural sex differences.<br />

5.1.9 A ‘mild’ sex-role reversion<br />

As data was being collected, it seemed more and more evident that mating<br />

patterns and sex-roles are far more complex than it could be thought<br />

initially. When taken together, the studies presented in this thesis reveal a<br />

striking flexibility in the expression of sex-role reversal, with several<br />

variables (e.g. temperature and sex-ratios) being able to influence the<br />

strength of intra-sexual competition and mate choice in both males and<br />

females of S. <strong>abaster</strong>. Clearly, in this species, females are the primary<br />

competitor sex but both sexes can end up at different degrees of<br />

choosiness and competition and both are morphologically adapted to<br />

‘advertise’ one’s condition and quality to potential mates and/or rivals, a<br />

pattern fitting more closely into the proposed designation of a “mild”<br />

sex-role reversal than into the binary classification of sex-role reversal.<br />

According to the available evidence, the extent to which individuals<br />

engage in competition and/or choosiness seems not merely a question of<br />

sex, but rather of the relative costs and benefits associated to certain<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

behaviours under particular contexts. Females, in particular, seem to be<br />

able to continuously update information regarding their relative “sexiness”<br />

and mating prospects under the surrounding conditions (both physical and<br />

social) of the environment in which they are inserted.<br />

Are S. <strong>abaster</strong> reproductive patterns unique among syngnathids?<br />

Probably not. A recent study on the pot-bellied seahorse, Hippocampus<br />

abdominalis, indicates that, also in this species, sex-roles are plastic,<br />

being strongly affected by local conditions including sex-ratio and<br />

population density (Wilson & Martin-Smith, 2007). The opportunity to look<br />

for more cases and further explore the potential of syngnathids as<br />

premiers models for the study of sexual selection may however be running<br />

out of time and important research allowing for a fully comprehension of<br />

the complex mating game between males and females may be seriously<br />

compromised.<br />

5.2 Conservation note<br />

<strong>Pipefish</strong> populations, just as much as seahorses’, are currently in an overt<br />

process of decline as they are directly affected by most of the threatening<br />

processes occurring in the oceans, including overexploitation, incidental<br />

by-catch and habitat degradation or fragmentation (Baillie et al., 2004).<br />

Among other important syngnathid habitats, the vanishing of<br />

marine angiosperm populations, which assume a crucial multifunctional<br />

role in marine ecosystems (see Bell & Harmelin-Vivien, 1983; Almeida,<br />

1994; Nagelkerken et al., 2000), is currently happening at an alarming<br />

rate. Only small, especially distant foci still persist, whose future will be<br />

uncertain, as cumulative human impacts are increasingly felt on estuarine<br />

and coastal areas (Powles et al., 1999). In the Ria de Aveiro estuarine<br />

lagoon, where the fish used for this thesis where caught, large areas of the<br />

lagoon bed were covered by seagrasses (Zostera, Ruppia, Potamogeton)<br />

until 1980. Ever since, seagrass species experienced a marked reduction<br />

such that they are now completely absent from sub-tidal areas and are<br />

found only in restricted inter-tidal zones (Figueiredo et al., 2004).<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

The apparent benthic behaviour of newborn S. <strong>abaster</strong> and S.<br />

acus presented in Chapter 2.1 and 2.2, respectively, unlike that reported<br />

for syngnathid species with pelagic larval phases [e.g. Nerophis<br />

lumbriciformis, Monteiro et al., (2003)], probably implies a limited<br />

dispersion capability, thus contributing to the ongoing isolation of<br />

geographically distant populations. Habitat fragmentation and/or long<br />

distance colonization together with a restrictive dispersal have already<br />

been pointed out as determinant forces on the current geographical<br />

distribution of certain seahorse species (Lourie et al., 2005).<br />

Within mainland Portugal, S. <strong>abaster</strong> populations seem to be<br />

already confined to estuaries and salt ponds, as in the Ria de Aveiro<br />

(Monteiro, personal observation). In this particular lagoon, the massive<br />

degradation, mainly due do changes in land use patterns, pollution from<br />

industry and fishing ports, paper factories, urban sewerage and cattle<br />

raising, has been leading to a loss of biodiversity. Only 38 of the 55 fish<br />

species reported from the Ria at the in 1992 (Rebelo, 1992) were<br />

observed in more recent samples (Pombo et al., 2002). Within<br />

syngnathids, <strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> seems to be a particularly vulnerable<br />

species (see Table 5.1).<br />

Further studies of syngnathids early life strategies are crucial for<br />

understanding the consequences of fragmented habitats on populations.<br />

Basic data on reproduction related-parameters would allow for the<br />

differentiating between anthropogenic effects and natural population<br />

dynamics. As an example, regular population monitoring providing<br />

estimates of abundance, sex-ratio and size structure has documented<br />

significant declines in populations of big-bellied seahorses over different<br />

sites in the Derwent estuary that could be caused by some form of<br />

reproductive limitation related to the death of males in the population<br />

(Martin-Smith & Vincent, 2005).<br />

Another particularly important point in conservation is to be able to<br />

predict what will happen to populations as a result of current or future<br />

environment changes. An advantage of studies aiming at understanding<br />

the behavioural decisions made by individuals at different environmental<br />

conditions, such as those presented in Chapter 3.1 is that it enables to<br />


Chapter 5. Final Discussion<br />

prediction of the species behaviour when exposed to novel conditions. To<br />

this extent, the demonstrated importance of water temperature on<br />

syngnathid reproduction means that a climate-induced increase in sea<br />

surface temperature (Walther et al. 2002) may already be affecting<br />

reproduction, a pattern recently documented in two pipefish species,<br />

Entelurus aequaoreus (Kirby et al., 2006) and N. lumbriciformis (Monteiro<br />

et al., 2002). Studying natural variation in reproductive dynamics may thus<br />

provide valuable insights into the expected impacts of long-term climate<br />

warming on reproductive biology of syngnathids and fish in general.<br />

Table 5.1: Abundance of syngnathids in the Ria de Aveiro estuarine<br />

lagoon<br />

2 Rebelo (1992).<br />

Species 1992 2 2002 3<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> acus Linnaeus, 1758 704 662<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> typhle Linnaeus, 1758 16 38<br />

<strong>Syngnathus</strong> <strong>abaster</strong> Risso, 1826 188 16<br />

Hippocampus hippocampus Linnaeus, 1758 1 0<br />

3 Pombo et al. (2002).<br />


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