Proverbs - John Cunyus

Proverbs - John Cunyus

Proverbs - John Cunyus


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<strong>Proverbs</strong>, 14<br />

‘let them eat, therefore,<br />

the fruit of their ways themselves,<br />

and let them be satisfied<br />

19<br />

by their own counsel .<br />

1:32 aversio parvulorum interficiet eos et prosperitas stultorum perdet illos<br />

‘The turning away<br />

of the children<br />

kills them,<br />

and the prosperity<br />

of fools<br />

destroys them.<br />

1:33 qui autem me audierit absque terrore requiescet et abundantia perfruetur malorum timore<br />

sublato<br />

‘But one who hears me<br />

rests far away from terror,<br />

and enjoys abundance,<br />

fear of evil removed.’<br />

Beginning of Chapter<br />

19<br />

Compare to Romans 1:24-25 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies<br />

among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is<br />

blessed for ever! Amen.

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