Proverbs - John Cunyus

Proverbs - John Cunyus

Proverbs - John Cunyus


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<strong>Proverbs</strong>, 34<br />

delectare iugiter<br />

A precious deer<br />

and a gracious fawn,<br />

her breasts inebriate you<br />

all the time.<br />

In her love delight continually.<br />

5:20 quare seduceris fili mi ab aliena et foveris sinu alterius<br />

Why be seduced<br />

by a stranger,<br />

my son,<br />

and be cherished<br />

in another’s embrace?<br />

God Pays Attention to Human Actions<br />

5:21 respicit Dominus vias hominis et omnes gressus illius considerat<br />

The Lord pays attention<br />

to the ways of men,<br />

and considers all their steps.<br />

5:22 iniquitates suae capiunt impium et funibus peccatorum suorum constringitur<br />

His treacheries<br />

capture the lawless,<br />

and the ropes of his sin<br />

bind him.<br />

5:23 ipse morietur quia non habuit disciplinam et multitudine stultitiae suae decipietur<br />

He will die because<br />

he did not have discipline,<br />

and will be deceived by<br />

his own multitude of idiocies.<br />

Beginning of Chapter

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